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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 341 KB, 1240x1100, carbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14921998 No.14921998 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still eat carbs nowadays? It depletes you of energy, makes you miserable, makes you more fat and less muscular, probably gives your cancer. Just eat meat man, just bake chicken breast with some black pepper, everything else is going to make you feel worse.

>> No.14922040

Go away faggot. Shit post.

>> No.14922042

>demonizing an entire macronutrient
fatty with no self control detected

>> No.14922048

Spotted grain eater. How is your energy level today, still low like yesterday?

>> No.14922059

Disagree, I feel like shit when cut all carbs. Low-ish carb diet with total suppression of everything that has gluten in it is based tho, but I can't stick to it because pizzas and kebabs are too delicious

>> No.14922062

is this the anal masturbation thread?

>> No.14922072

No mommy, i don't want to eat my vegetables and fruits!

>> No.14922075

>I feel like shit when cut all carbs
Because no-carbs diet must go with other things, like total nofap, drink only water, go to sleep at 9pm, hike/bike on weekends.

>> No.14922077

Intermitant fasting solve the energy problem, you just eat at night and because of it the insulin rush at lowers energy is irrelevant and actually helps you to sleep better

>> No.14922084

You might be into something right there, actually did a month where I did all that and I indeed felt exceptionally good. Still carbs are just so good and comfy

>> No.14922085

Obviously carnivore diet must be combined with intermittent fasting and eating once a day only. That's basics

>> No.14922177

Keto = bald

>> No.14922212

I have yet to find a single instance of a male who lost his hair due to keto diet and not genetics. Carbs eaters on the other hand lose hair all the time

>> No.14922227

Nobody knows, anon. Maybe one serving a day is OK, but some people seem to take in most of their caloric intake from carbs.

>> No.14922242

You faggots are the new vegans, maybe even more annoying, For fucks sake eat a bullet already and stop trying to control what people eat.

>> No.14922259


>> No.14922268

Imagine thinking that bullying people on the internet into more healthy lifes is somehow "controlling what people eat". By all means eat the carbs, masturbate, consoom product, but don't complain about miserable afterwards, you brought it on yourself.

>> No.14922280

You sound like someone who used to be fat but instead of implementing long term changes in your eating habits you resorted to some meme diet and now you have to shitpost about how much better you are than everyone else to keep you from caving in.

>> No.14922285

Is this copypasta

>> No.14922292

Eating at night only helps you sleep better due to carbs. If you eat a steak at night you stay up all night.

>> No.14922293

>drains your energy
>farmers working 14 hours a day in premodern times ate 99% carbs and peas
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.14922302

You’re on big time dunning Kruger
How do I know?
Because I used to push keto too
Enjoy your crashed metabolism, elevated FFA’s promoting all kinds of degenerative diseases, and constantly increased stress hormones after the initial norepinephrine high wears off anywhere between 8-16 months from now

>> No.14922307

Farming is recent in human history, humans are adapted to the hunter gatherer diet, they can function with carbs but badly so

>> No.14922310

Just stop talking
You’re doing other ppl a disservice by pushing something you have a surface level knowledge of
Watching Bart Kay videos doesn’t make you an expert. He’s a bald neurotic mess

>> No.14922314

>i-it recent
>people lived and worked like this for 10000 years until anon decided to return to monke
An-prim LARPers belong in the furnace.

>> No.14922322

>but badly so
Do you know a single person who feels bad while being on paleo/carnivore diet? sv3rige eats raw meat, butter and eggs, and feels just fine, top notch even.

>> No.14922335

Get a load of those agriculturists defending their slave food. LARP IT'S JUST A LARP EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS A LARP. If you read any article on transition from hunter-gatherer to agroculture society you'd know that it degraded human body in different ways rather than make us better. Smaller jaws, worse tooth, smaller bodies in general.

>> No.14922338
File: 29 KB, 437x301, paleofags btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the H-Gs didn't eat carbs meme

>> No.14922346

Read my post again

>> No.14922348

Animal carbs are different. also you're supposed to eat meat raw rather than cook it

>> No.14922349
File: 120 KB, 772x720, out of my way fucking nobleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-slave food

>> No.14922353


>> No.14922355
File: 47 KB, 247x292, 1602945003973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: arguing about subsisting entirely on carbs or near zero-carb
why can't people understand how to practice moderation? I drastically reduced my carb intake because I realized almost everything I'd eat was extremely carb heavy. Pastas, noodles/noodle-soups, rice-based dishes, or involving some form of bread/wrap carb. Snack-wise even it was mostly carbs, a fiber bar or rice cake is basically just carbs. I started consciously trying to make meals that are low-carb (not exclusively, but regularly - and I'll still eat carb-y meals sometimes) and I feel and look better.

>> No.14922356

>20th centuries
>hunter gatherers

>> No.14922362

Fire is an ancient invention in hominid history, we're evolved to eat cooked meat

>> No.14922365

>didn't even read the image
I accept your concession of defeat with grace.

>> No.14922366

Fire was invented by jewish tribe to bring down effeminate and domesticate hunter-gatherers through cooked meat.

>> No.14922367

Low carb is good, that's the kind of diet I'm aspiring to because I'm too tired and frustrated on 0 carbs

>> No.14922370

>what are coprolites
Imagine not even understanding paleobiology whilst shilling something supposedly based on paleobiology.

>> No.14922376

Again, I recognize exactly what youre doing because I’ve been there. I did the aajonus raw primal etc . It doesn’t matter what I say to you because someone who is less awake (you) cannot recognize someone is more awake (me)

>> No.14922378

>Imagine thinking that bullying people on the internet into more healthy lifes is somehow "controlling what people eat". By all means eat the meat, don't masturbate, contribute to the destruction of the environment, but don't complain about miserable afterwards, you brought it on yourself.

Hey at least you aren't calling other murderess for not agreeing with you.... yet.

>> No.14922383

I know you're meming but it's actually thought that fire cooking made us smarter by using saving energy from digestion to use them in the brain, while animals tend to have small brains and very sophisticated guts

>> No.14922385

ESLs like you don't belong on 4chan. Go back to your native language shithole *chans and leave the Anglosphere.

>> No.14922386

Imagine not being able to eat a banana without getting fat

>> No.14922388

Well tell me, what are coprolites?

>> No.14922394

You're already familiar with them, for they rattle inside your head as I type.

>> No.14922395

this is bro science

certain functions of your body require carbs to operate.

>> No.14922396

the biggest struggle for me has been that before that I was cutting out a lot of meat. I think that may have been how i gravitated toward more carb-based dishes in the first place, to pad the veggies and such. So, in cutting carbs i've been buying more meat and cheese now, and I prefer to buy like non-cowschwitz tier meat so my monthly grocery cost is up a bit.

>> No.14922417

>>certain functions of your body require carbs to operate.
You get those carbs from meat btw, no need to panic buy veggies.

>> No.14922429

I don't get it

>> No.14922450

Yeah, same for me I switched to a low carb diet and feel great, reached my goal weight and don't get any cravings. I don't know exactly how many grams of carbs I eat every day, using a scale and calculator every time I want to eat is where I draw the line. It would decrease my quality of life, not worth it the way I see it.

>> No.14922476

What do you eat on your low-carb diet?

>> No.14922515

Salad, tomatoes, onions, smoked fish, beef, chicken, mushrooms (with garlic and butter), and dry rice galettes.
I don't count carbs but I think that I must be under 100 grams of carbs a day, maybe 50, it depends.
When I want to be real serious I cut the rice galettes

>> No.14922534
File: 174 KB, 518x412, 1598810933231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just as dumb as he is
you both think you're right
neither of you knows what the fuck you're talking about
so both of you shut the fuck up

>> No.14922564

No, this is just projections
I’m more right than him but you may be more right than him but still less right than me
I simply reject your notion
Pls don’t reply to my post again until you understand the levels of wakening
You can’t even recognize me because someone who is less awake can’t see the more awake
Represented by your pic related, being in bed for sleep

>> No.14922577

NIgga I just had 45g of sugar in my coffee
I just had as much carbs as you’ll have all day in my morning cuppa joe
I’ll probably have 300-400g carbs today
I’m actually losing fat
Ponder on that

>> No.14922594

People ate honey, grains, and fruit even before agriculture began. The only reason people blame carbs now is because they can't make the distinction between processed and unprocessed carbs. If you think beans and fruit are just like soda then you're serious misinformed.

>> No.14922596

What is there to ponder? You can lose fat on a high carb diet, especially if you're already fat, but doing a soft low carb diet combined with intermittent fasting is both easier and healthier

>> No.14922602

>easier and healthier

>> No.14922612

They ate honey on rare occasions and fruits were very different than modern fruits that have been genetically engineered to be way more sugary.

>> No.14922614

Imagine being so fucking decadent and genetically unfit that you destroy your sensitivity to glucose.
Imagine turning around and blaming your predicament not upon your dysgenic ass, but on an entire macronutrient.

In individuals who have not destroyed their insulin sensitivity through a lifetime of sloth and self indulgence carbohydrates are integral to energy levels and are necessary for maintaining glycogen levels.

>> No.14922636


>> No.14922713

>fat mutt is ass-blasted he can't even eat carbs because his diabetes doesn't let him so he make shit up in order to make others are miserable as he is.

>> No.14922716

I don’t know about healthier but yes keto /low carb drops scale weight quickly . It’s all fruitless anyways compared to just supporting metabolic health. If it takes 2 years to fix ur metabolism and get to healthy weight slowly after that’s wayyy healthier than dieting off tons of weight at once . Healthy ppl will just have a healthy set weight.

>> No.14922724

Also reminder it’s been proven slightly fat people survive more than skinny ppl
Being slightly fat is unironically based . Having excess nutrients and fat storage to survive any illness is the chad way

>> No.14922732

Another ketocuck thread I see

>> No.14922744

There are hunter-gatherers still around eating about 50g of sugar from honey every day. It wasn't as rare as you might think.

>> No.14922780
File: 226 KB, 500x312, 062451ed9b7eb412f1c9a4e57d22d8cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP must be lonely, being the only fifty-year-old white woman on this board. carbs are an essential micronutrient & to avoid them entirely for one's health is some pretty pseudosciencey mutt shit

>> No.14922786

macros, anon

>> No.14922791

typo mb :'(

>> No.14922799

Yeah I've gotten a few bad cases of food poisoning or the flu where I lost ten pounds or so before I started feeling better. A little extra bodyfat might be a good thing for those kinds of situations. Makes sense when you think of what some bodybuilders do to get to really low bodyfat percentages and how they're actually at risk of medical issues because of it.

>> No.14922801

ITs ok fren

>> No.14922926

lmao holy fuck you dumb dumb what other bullshit you lap up

>> No.14922932

Zero will power cumbrain's opinions are automatically discarded. Go jerk off to porn/hentai and stay miserable

>> No.14923018

I don't believe you

>> No.14923071

>increase the amount of exercise, take out empty carbs of your diet, stop engaging in addictive behaviors you will feel better.
>also start eating meat only, it's not the other shit that is making you fell better it's the meat. what do you mean separate the variable and see if you are not just getting healthier because of the rest}? my magic diets only works if you do the rest as well moron.

You faggots are just like those shitty infomercial "shake that take your weight off" that comes with a exercise plan and and accompanying diet and lifestyle plans that you need to follow as well, but it's totally the magical shake making you better, you need then to be healthy.

>> No.14923075

>Honey represents a substantial portion of the Hadza diet (~10-20% of calories) and is an important food for many hunter-gatherer societies living in the tropics. The increased consumption of bee products contributed to an improvement in the energy density of the human diet during evolution.

>> No.14923095

Reminder that Keto is actually extremely fucking bad for you.

>> No.14923127

I personally eat lots of chicken in low carb wraps. Pizzadillas (no sauce) aren’t bad either but it’s a lot more carbs than I really need.

Sometimes I’ll throw in almonds but still gotta watch carbs with that too.

Probably the best thing about being on a low carb diet is that it takes all fast food off the table as options so you’re more likely to eat more of lower calorie foods, like meat, to feel more satiated. I don’t even consider going out to eat/ordering delivery anymore.

>> No.14923141

In the short to mid term it's a good way to improve insulin sensitivity for prediabetics, and it's pretty good for epileptics.
DNP would also work for the prediabetics, but that has some risk factors associated with it.

A little extra bodyfat is being somewhere between 12-15% bodyfat, a range where you still have visible abs.

>> No.14923191

Modern tribe doesn't prove ancient humans are honey every day

>> No.14923215

Seeing what modern hunter-gatherers do is still a decent clue. There are also apes that eat honey in lesser amounts. It's better proof of honey not being that uncommon compared to a random claim with no supporting evidence.

>> No.14923221

>traditional people subsisting on a exclusively ona traditional hunter gatherer diet.
Mate for fucks sake. You either provide some actual evidence of how hunter gatherer diets existed or you assume you are just larping because you are diabetic and don't want to eat veggies.

>> No.14924399

>It depletes you of energy
Literally give you energy
>makes you miserable
Literally used to make people happy. See celebratory cakes.
>makes you more fat
Not a negative
>and less muscular
A straight up lie
>probably gives your cancer
It probably doesn't

Your broscience is trash.

>> No.14924860

All you idiots arguing about carbs without factoring lifestyle are dumb. If you exercise regularly like you should carbs are fine e.g. look at how Michael Phelps and Mike Tyson ate. If you live a sedentary lifestyle like 90% of you do, they're going to make you looks worse than you already do.

>> No.14926332

I know this is most likely trolling but people say this at my work with 100% conviction all the time and it annoys the piss outta me

>> No.14926376

This is the worst thread i've ever seen.

>> No.14926382


>> No.14926566

Fermenting grains and eating some kind of fermented food to keep the gut healthy and inflammation low is the key. 20th century european rural towns who made a point to ferment their grains before consumption had healthy teeth and bodies

>> No.14926982

All I'm reading from your post is that your body is weak and can't process carbs. So therefore you are an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.14927091

Carb-centric diets are shit. I am so much healthier now after doing keto for several years. Lost 25-30 pounds of fat, BP went from 140/90 to 110/65, triglycerides went down, total cholesterol went down, liver and kidney function perfect. As a side note to the propagandists, I actually regrew some hair and get much stronger erections now. I am over 40. Probably because of the weight loss and BP, but that's 100% due to eating fewer carbs. I still eat a very small amount of carbs, but nothing like I used to. Carbs really are shit. If you are male, you should not be eating as many.

>> No.14929419

kek, and you call other people "pseudosciencey"? Ironic.