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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14916617 No.14916617 [Reply] [Original]

>going through the wendy's drive thru getting my normal #6 spicy chicken sandwich combo
>notice they have chili as a side option
>order it thinking chili might go well with the spicy chicken
>recieve food
>the chili has fucking beans in it
>throw it out in the parking lot and drive off

I get that fast food is supposed to be cheap and all but that is disgusting. Is there any fast food place that sells real chili?

>> No.14916627

go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.14916628

Amerishart general?

>> No.14916632

>a dish that needs to be simmered for hours
>fast food
Kill yourself

>> No.14916644

This has already been debunked by a team of independent fact checkers. Real chili does, in fact, have beans in it.

>inb4 rebunk
You can't rebunk my debunk because these are indisputable facts.

>> No.14916648

Go buy some bean filled mush from Wendy's and fuck off back to the bean thread. This thread is for real chili enjoyers

>> No.14916652

Wendy's make their chili out of old hamburgers, very clever and econimical

>> No.14916653

>store opens at 7
>prep chili by 8
>start serving at noon
Simmered for four hours. Literally dip your ladle in and pull some out. To be honest it's dumb that there aren't more soup joints.

>> No.14916666

Beans are filler food for poors. The finest beaned slop could never surpass even the worst chili sin frijoles

>> No.14916677


>> No.14917061

Wendy's got overpriced. I remember going to Wendy's like 5 years ago it was cheap as fuck. I went there last year and it was $15 for a fucking spicy chicken combo large with a Coke.

>> No.14917070

chili was literally made as a "put whatever the fuck you have in it" food

>> No.14917078
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, Richard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14917105

I used to dislike beans until I realized that they were a god tier food, especially black beans. I really need to make some black bean and turkey chili.

>> No.14917111

where the shit do you live? wendys is one of the cheaper fast food options

>> No.14917118

Huh? Why wouldn’t chili have beans in it?

>> No.14917294

California isn't america

>> No.14917322
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real tawk

>> No.14917379

Watch out for fingers

>> No.14917382

Props to you for finally picking up on the 'beans in chili' shitposting debate, Sassy Corporate Shill, but fuck you and fuck your brand.
I wish my adblocker was smart enough to pick up on this garbage.

>> No.14917388

lol w-what?

>> No.14917475

I got chili at a place up in Wisconsin and they put fucking macaroni in it. At least call it "chili mac" fucking assholes

>> No.14917535

They probably presimmer it at the chili factory

>> No.14917612

this nigga hatin beans!

>> No.14917622

Chili is not a rich person food and tastes best with beans in it.

>> No.14917696

Bean chili is great because you get to RIP ASS at mach 5 for the entire next day. I love smoking out my coworkers with a heinous bean blast.

>> No.14917747

Am I the only one who likes Wendy's chili?

>> No.14917837

The chili has beans in it.

>> No.14917919

I like it. my great grandmother loved it. she was still getting it into her 90s.

>> No.14918265

any burger place that uses something resembling fresh beef has chili as a side. it's an easy way to use the ground beef up before it expires.

>> No.14919266

I like it, I just don't go to Wendy's very often, perhaps 3-4 times a year max.

>> No.14919304

Fast food thread.....
Opinion discounted.

>> No.14919311

Why can't you meming faggots stay away

>> No.14919324

Who's this neck-beard?,
is it OP?

>> No.14919363

It's a funny thing, chili is the food of the poor, not unlike pizza was in Italy back in the day.
Except America has made pizza so that the poor can deliver it and stay poor while doing so.
This is the American Dream defined.
Stay poor America, the rest of the world is laughing at you.

>> No.14919369

They have to use thier shit cheese somehow....

>> No.14919370

You understand that "fast" refers to how quickly you receive the food after ordering and not necessarily how quickly it's made, yes?

>> No.14919374


There are places that serve soup everywhere. Just about every sandwich/coffee shop sells soup.

>> No.14919378

All this, while getting minimum wage
Good times....

>> No.14919379


This has been debunked, sweaty

>> No.14919637

This, I dunno who thought kidney beans were the default chili bean, but they are like the shittiest bean. Black beans are fucking awesome in chili, and I have the money to do prime ribeye as my meat, and still choose beans because they taste well. Texas is so flooded with retarded Califags now that are so desperate to seem "local" that the bean argument has gone crazy.

>> No.14919838

Did you get the packets of Chili sauce from Wendy's? Fantastic on the burgers

>> No.14920333

What do you think macaroni is?

>> No.14920337

the chili at wendys is made up of the bits they cut off the burgers when they make them square

>> No.14920340

I wish there were more fast food joints that served classic french cuisine

>> No.14920343

I love how everyone loses their shit when you add beans to chili, but macaroni is perfectly fine. pasta in chili!?

>> No.14921219


>> No.14921274

I have literally never seen such an unholy thing.

>> No.14921310

It was literally fucking not. You're thinking of gumbo

>> No.14921314

Beans don't go in chili

>> No.14921319

wendy's chili is just torn up beef patties from the last week of service.

>> No.14921322

Yankees have to be stopped

>> No.14921328

And you don't belong on this board.

>> No.14921332

Yeah so? It's still good retard.

>> No.14921337

Well they're not in the ALCS so that's good.

>> No.14921694

Do you think that when you order a grilled chicken sandwich at Wendy's, they spend the next twenty minutes grilling you a fresh chicken breast?

>> No.14921725

please dont vote

>> No.14922003

it's called chili mac and it's super common. I've had several roommates over the years who do it. they use velveeta mac an cheese too so it's not cheese

>> No.14922007

no, and that's the problem

>> No.14922017

>Make chili
>Put it in walk in
>Reheat next morning
Real mothafucking g's

>> No.14922026

chili tastes better the second day desu

>> No.14922240

Holy fucking shit that's disgusting.

Do you see why we put our foot down about beans? You let beans in, then why not corn? Why not carrots? Why not macaroni and god damned cheese? Eventually you're going to end up with a fucking vegan tofu and lentil "chili" with turmeric replacing paprika so it's "not so hot" dumped over spaghetti noodles and spread over avocado toast.

You people need to be stopped.

>> No.14922262 [DELETED] 

at that point you're only 2 spices removed from a basic curry

>> No.14922265

at that point you're only 2 spices removed from a basic curry

>> No.14922270
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>> No.14922800

sam my shit stinks...sam...

>> No.14923260

Chili without beans is just spicy bolognese.

>> No.14923320

Corn is good in chili. Broccoli florets too, if it's just the head and cut relatively small.

>> No.14923413

I want to eat her ass like it’s a big sloppa chili

>> No.14923943

no joke me too. I went looking for cincinatti chili and just had to stop

>> No.14923970

double dubs checked
based deboonker.

>> No.14923978

Eurocuck general?

>> No.14923980

>Wendy's make their chili out of old hamburgers, very clever and econimical
and there is nothing wrong with doing this despite this statement coming up every time Wendy's chili is mentioned by any human being thinking they are clever

>> No.14923997

rent free

>> No.14924009

>nothing wrong with doing this
Bacterial toxins resistant to boiling

>> No.14924099

>Bacterial toxins
Yea because Wendys is throwing 2 month old expired meat in there you retard