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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 700x1050, SpendWithPennies-The-Best-Chili-Recipe-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14912169 No.14912169 [Reply] [Original]

Alright we're settling this.
Should chili have beans in it?

>> No.14912173

It depends on your personal preferences. :)
Have a blessed day, ya'll!

>> No.14912192

Ok chud

>> No.14912205


might as well do it the old fashioned way

>> No.14912228

They are the perfect filler for chili they belong

>> No.14912229

personally, i don't think beans belong in chili. if you want to put beans in your chili, be my guest...i'm not gonna sperg out over it. have a day.

>> No.14912264
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> Should chili have beans in it?


Chili is an ancient Mesoamerican tomato, chili pepper and BEAN stew that in fact can have meat or not (though it almost always did) but it _always absolutely without question_ has beans.

>> No.14912332

There's no reason not to have beans unless you don't like beans in which case you're a faggot

>> No.14912363


>> No.14912388

i am poor af so yes.

>> No.14912415

No, chili with beans should though.

>> No.14912433
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fuck yea

>> No.14912436

>green bell peppers
why include them in chili?
also, that beef broth will make it too soupy imo

>> No.14912480

If you want. A traditional Texas Red will not have beans in it, but beyond that it is your choice.

>> No.14912493

looks like bean soup

>> No.14912494


>> No.14912572
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>> No.14912578

i;m thinking about thos beans

>> No.14912584
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Everything should have beans in it.

>> No.14913068
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I had some spicy chili last night

>> No.14913078

Stop making this thread you fucking /b/ reject

>> No.14913087

Chili without beans is bolognese

>> No.14913091

I like it with beans because that’s how mom made it

>> No.14913147

Beans in chili is the Skub of a hundred cooking boards.

>> No.14913154

>why include them in chili?
Because they're tasty.

Also, one secret to good chili is long slow simmering, which allows you to remove water by boiling it off.

I simmer chili in a covered pan in the oven at 250-275 F. Hot enough to keep it at a good simmer, but not hot enough to scorch the tomatoes. I also use this technique with great success for tomato sauces like marinara or bolognese.

>> No.14913215

damn nigga

>> No.14913218

what kind of turbo tubby needs a bowl full of minced beef?

put some veggies in your diet, fatty

>> No.14913292

jo mama lmao git rekt noob

>> No.14914126

Chilis should have beans, onions, and a variety of other vegetables topped with cilantro :^)

(For real)

>> No.14914134

Yes, the real question is what type of bean. I say black bean.

>> No.14914149

I like red kidney beans for the texture, but when I have made chili at home it's usually been pinto beans, mainly because I've usually got some on the shelves.

A store in the next county until last year had ground venison available. It wasn't cheap, but I bought it on special occasions to make venison chili. Since the COVID thing their supplier shut down. Press F to pay respects.

I know it's cheating, but I tried a few of the prepackaged chili seasoning things. With venison I had the best luck with the Carroll Shelby brand stuff, to which I would add an entire sauteed minced onion and a couple of cored seeded chopped bell peppers, because I liked the flavor they imparted, and maybe just a pinch of additional cayenne pepper.

>> No.14914186

This is peak cringe.

>> No.14914204

Worse than canned chili?

>> No.14914624

i put pulse in almost any stew i make, its extra cheap protein
beans in chili
lentils in bolognese
chickpeas in chicken curry
no reason not to bulk up a meal for cheap

>> No.14914627
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>he doesn't put corn in his chili

>> No.14914629

i do sometimes, but id rather put it in a sidedish of somekind

>> No.14914633

I say yes to beans. You can put many kinds and it's very filling. If i want meat stew ill make that.

>> No.14914647

Nice in a white chicken chili but gets kinda lost in a red.

>> No.14914663

A bolognese purist would be horrified by that, but I just wonder how they taste.

>> No.14914668
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i just made chili with chuck, lentils, beans, onions, garlic jalapenos and tomato sauce.

>> No.14914669

This is a great opportunity, I'm going to make chili this weekend, what is a good recipe for it? With moderate heat, my stomach is not 100%, so I don't want to end up vomiting during the night.

>> No.14914704

I think of chili less as a recipe and more a heuristic, more a series of ideas and rules that move in one direction.

What ingredients are available, and how much effort do you want to put into it? Washing and sorting dried beans--now and then a bit of pea gravel gets into the packaging with them, and biting down on it can ruin your whole day--and soaking them overnight and then cooking them is a lot of work that you may or may not find rewarding, or you can start with canned beans that are already cooked.

Do you want to do this with beef? Pork? Chicken? Ground meat or meat cut up as for stew?

Anyway, once you work that out, I would start by browning the meat and a big yellow onion that's been minced finely in a little oil on the bottom of the kettle you intend to cook it in. Salt, pepper, and chili powder or cayenne pepper flakes to taste, maybe a little garlic powder--and it sounds like you want to keep it mild, so maybe just a pinch of the spicy stuff. Add canned beans and canned tomatoes--I like to use the canned diced tomatoes that come with minced peppers already in the can, but they can be spicy.

Stir it all up and simmer it a while. Like maybe for hours. To prevent it scorching, put it in a covered pot in the oven at 250 to 275 F. In such an environment it'd probably be best to use a pot with no plastic handles, and a metal lid, no plastic or glass. Let it simmer at least four hours. Check it every hour or so, stir it with a wooden spoon, maybe add a little water if it's losing moisture and the level of liquid in it is going down.

While it's cooking go to the supermarket and get some oyster crackers, or maybe some yellow cornmeal and eggs and buttermilk and make a batch of cornbread batter to bake after the chili is done. Some people like to put sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese on top of a bowl of chili.

You can do an awful lot worse than hot chili on a cool autumn evening, especially with cornbread. Or even oyster crackers.

>> No.14914972

they taste okay, but i only do it to bulk up the meal a bit, spend less on meat

>> No.14914982

i prefer it in a pico di gallo. char the corn in a pan, let it cool, add it to the salsa. stick the salsa on top of the sour cream on top of the cheese on top of the chilli.

>> No.14915007

irrevocably based

>> No.14915239

Very based and wholesome. You're like the full fat milk at the shops.

>> No.14916539

Another bean apologist

>> No.14916641

Don't be rude to him. He's a human bean just like us.

>> No.14916664

Speaking of beans and meat extenders, there are plant-based protein powders that can be added to ground meat. I use them sometimes in meatloaf. They're made from that type of bean that's wordfiltered here. I generally rehydrate the stuff with milk and beaten eggs before adding the ground meat and try to mix them thoroughly with a potato masher and try to get the mixture uniform. Sometimes it comes out better than other times. I think I may not always be putting enough moisture in it.

>> No.14916673
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So I made 5 liters (1.32086026 US gallons) chili. Anything else than rice to eat chili with?

>> No.14916685

Southern style savory cornbread made with buttermilk and bacon grease.

Oyster crackers, if you just want to go out and get something.

A dry red wine goes well with rich chili.

>> No.14916696

Baked potato and sour cream

>> No.14916700

Tortillas, Hot dog, Mashed potatoes, etc...

>> No.14916713

Put it in between lasagne sheets for a spicy kick

>> No.14916721

I'm pretty sure you can't get those in Finland.
I'll usually use just plain minced meat with these
>Hot dog
Not sure if this works with hot dogs
>Mashed potatoes
Tomato based sauces aren't good with potatoes. You need brown sauces with them.

>> No.14916729

oh god my sides
please never change, 4chins

>> No.14916736

mannnnn, this is some wendy's chili bullshit
10% beef
90% beans
god damn jewish mother fuckers

lmfao THIS

>> No.14916745

Oyster crackers? They're just little tiny saltine crackers, made to stir into soups and stews.

Cornbread is savory, crumbly soda leavened bread made from coarse yellow maize flour, baking soda, buttermilk, beaten eggs, and either bacon grease or melted butter.

>> No.14916754

>They're just little tiny saltine crackers, made to stir into soups and stews.
they're god damn bullshit is what they are

>> No.14916757


Yeah never seen anything like this.

>> No.14916765

But thanks for this I think I'll get some croutons.

We use croutons here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crouton

>> No.14916767

There's always Amazon.


>> No.14916782


I live in Finland

>> No.14916803

That little bag would probably cost 200 Euro to get delivered to you, yes.

>> No.14916845
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When I make chili I always bake some cornbread in a cast iron skillet.

>> No.14916868

Southern style or Southwest style to accompany chili?

>> No.14916901

I always make southern style myself, but either way is fine by me as long as it isn't overly sweet. If you want it sweet just make corn muffins or corncakes IMO. I like to put a big piece of the bread in the bowl then put the chili on top.

>> No.14916909

That sounds really good.

I haven't made cornbread in years. This thread is making me want to go to a thrift store and look for an old cast iron skillet.

>> No.14916964
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You could also get regular saltine or club crackers. Tortilla chips or corn chips with chili and cheese is great. Also french fries are good with chili and cheese.

>Not sure if this works with hot dogs
Chili dogs are a classic, man.

>> No.14916997

Skylinefags BTFO

>> No.14917464

I've been impressed with my chili. Please tell me /ck/, what else can be added to below? It's simple but comes out delicious

80/20 ground beef
kidney beans
diced tomatoes
green chiles
garlic, squeezed
chili powder
beef broth

>> No.14917510
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Do we always have to have these silly arguments over beans in chilli? If you like beans, have it with beans. Jeez Louise, you're acting like a bunch of democrat voting pedophile enablers.

I'm sure it's lovely with or without the beans. Vote for TRUMP.

>> No.14917678

I bet you're a bean lover

>> No.14917705

Looks good. Maybe some cayenne pepper flakes.

>> No.14917755


>> No.14917756

Chili as the texans like to make it is extremely acidic, and more than a little bitter. I find that adding beans helps blunt some of this, and also adds a nice earthy taste.

>> No.14917887

See a doctor. That ain't from spicy food.

>> No.14917893

good idea, forgot about this one. already in the spice cabinet

>> No.14917897

Yo, based?

>> No.14918045

We're not settling this.

This is the closest thing to a right answer I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.14918057

I've always leavened my cornbread with yeast. Am I a terrible person?

>> No.14918104
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No beans for me please

>> No.14918166

Nah. I'm wondering how the texture would be. Without wheat gluten to form an elastic doughy mass to trap the CO2 from fermentation--hmm.

>> No.14918188

Beef Curry?

>> No.14918464

i'd personally lose the sugar and add some dried chiles.

>> No.14918563

You still use flour with your cornflour/meal, just yeast instead of baking powder. Cornbread with straight corn-flour is an oddly textured, crumbly mess - basically baked grits.

>> No.14918584

ah, thanks.

>> No.14918596

>80/20 ground beef
Substitute that for stew meat or cut up chuck roast, it makes a huge difference.

>> No.14918615

Still 80/20 to 70/30 fat to lean if you can. If your chuck's too lean you can usually grab some fat from the butcher/butcher counter at the grocery. If it's too fat, a bit of brisket should even it right out.

>> No.14918792

yes retard

>> No.14918822

I put white beans in my chili

>> No.14918860

Do you make chili with chicken?

>> No.14919095

Nah with beef

>> No.14919133

ah. I haven't ever had as much luck with chicken chili, but I like to make it with white beans, for the color combination.

>> No.14919221

well yeah, i thought everyone put them in chili.

>> No.14919225

that's a valuable rec. I think last time, I ditched the sugar, and stuck with the natural flavors. I think green chiles add a bit sweetness. Any specific type of dried chiles I should find?
will need to try one day. Been sticking to ground because quicker cook times and just never adventured past having anything but ground beef in chili

>> No.14919351


>> No.14919360

Yes bean. Yes to a lot of ingredients. Drinking a puree of pure ground meat is just something the obese insist on doing.

>> No.14919376
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>> No.14919382


Reddit has debunked beans in chili last week.

>> No.14919538

No beans.

>> No.14919569

Guajillo, Ancho, New Mexico, Chipotle, de Arbol, Puya are all good choices.
I always use guajillo in chile. Its not really very hot at all, but has a nice earthy sweetness. They're really tough though, so if you're buying whole dried peppers, make sure to soak them a little longer.

>> No.14920253

3lbs of meat 2 cans of beans

>> No.14920376

I’d prefer it without but I’ll eat either. I feel like the beans don’t add much in the way of flavor and I’m not a fan of the tactile feel of mushy beans.

If I have to add a cheap filler I’d rather add elbow noodles.

>> No.14920403

good for you dude, that looks delicious

>> No.14920415

Yep needs beans, but Ima go a step further and put Chopped & blanched potatoes In & then put that shit over white rice to just to piss people off with hit of sour cream on top to boot.

>> No.14920423

So spiced Pasta meat sauce?

>> No.14920431

The after school wendys classic, good times

>> No.14920734

How long would you simmer a pot for in the oven? I've always done it on the burner on low medium for 3 or so hours, I wonder if it's more efficient in the oven.

>> No.14920740

Post cornbread recipe?

>> No.14920749

There's enough sugar in every thing you listed. Add water and let it simmer down.

>> No.14920770

You don't simmer a pot in the oven. That guy is retarded.

>> No.14920774

Why not?

>> No.14920777

You make a good point. By the way, I have an Air Fryer to sell you.

>> No.14920782

I already have one, don't fall for the whole Turkey posters, it's the goat for fries/wings.

>> No.14920793

I think the real question ck needs to answer is does chilli belong in beans.

>> No.14920841

It should have beans, ideally several kinds.
It should have some cinnamon and cocoa powder, and it should be on the spicier side.
It is best served on rice with freshly shredded sharp yellow cheddar cheese and slightly sweet cornbread on the side.

>> No.14920851

chilli without beans is spaghetti sauce

>> No.14920892

>we’re settling this
Sure... and then another stupid baiting fuck will make another thread to ‘settle it’ tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.14920900

>thread about cooking bad
>threads about fast food good

>> No.14920915

>insufferable le beans or no le beans Reddit bait post
Pick one you gigantic cunt

>> No.14920933

Here, let me redirect you to an actually worthless thread where your autistic rage would be a better fit - >>14920189. It probably suits your tastes better, too.

>> No.14920943

Both threads are shit faggot, and if you can’t see that then you’re the problem with this board. Neck yourself.

>> No.14921077

This has already been debunked. Beans belong in chili. Chili is made with beans. Debunked complete.

>> No.14921290

What are onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and beans

>> No.14921662

thank you for the suggestions, going to look for these

>> No.14921745

About four hours, approximately, pulling out to check and stir every hour or so.

>> No.14921752

Chili with beans is spaghetti sauce but only in Cincinnati.

>> No.14921773

they make it more chunky so yeah

>> No.14922389


This is a pretty solid recipe, main thing I do differently is lightly coat the skillet with shortening before tossing it in the oven to heat up.

>> No.14922411

The real question is is ground beef acceptable in chili unless you're poor?

>> No.14922431

You can make perfectly good chili with ground beef, if you cook with care and have a good recipe. Will it be better with stew beef? Usually, yes. But if ground beef is what you have then you can make very good chili with it.

>> No.14922627

Chili is a poor man's recipe, faggot, and it tastes better when approached that way.

>> No.14922737

Dank. Thanks Bud.

>> No.14922740

Before WWII, beef was the poor man's meat, at least in the US. Chicken was very expensive, especially in urban areas, because the birds were resource-intensive to raise, and the meat was difficult to transport and prone to spoilage, before techniques developed during WWII made chicken the poorfag meat of choice. And the price of beef has gone way, way up in the US just in the last ten years.

If you want to get into the Texian origins of chili con carne, it was a byproduct of Mexican-style beef jerky that was salted, sun-dried hard as a rock, and coated with cayenne pepper to keep away flies. It was a lot easier to eat when boiled over a campfire until it softened. Texian chili con carne is just soup made from boiled extra-spicy beef jerky. Beans and tomatoes and all the other ingredients are 20th Century additions. In this specific instance, I ask "is it good food" before "is it authentic?" Modern chili con carne is basically beef stew with tomatoes, onions, beans, and peppers and can be excellent when prepared well. That it is, perhaps, not an authentic recipe that a cattle drive trail cook from 1850 would recognize is not something I lose sleep over.

>> No.14922770

Anon I'd hate to be that guy but if there's blood in your poo it's probably too late

no memes here, you might want to write up a will

>> No.14922776


>> No.14922869

I don't know if he's trolling, but blood like that is indicative of an injury to the anus or rectum, and yes, that's the sort of thing where you need to go to a doctor right the fuck now.

Strange medical fact: bleeding further up in the intestines results in black poo, not red, because the intestines absorb and chemically alter the hemoglobin. Black poo is also a sign that something's very very wrong and you need to see a doctor today, of course.

>> No.14923318

No beans for me. Rather just put in a shitload of different peppers.

>> No.14923392

>started snowing last night for the first time this season
>wake up at noon
>prep some chili
>drinking some cider and munching on a spare bell pepper while it simmers
God I love chili. To make it relevant to this thread, I just used chorizo, no beef no beans. Normally I would add beans but I like chorizo more than beef.

>> No.14925350


>> No.14925386

Purists who say no beans are old fools lacking vision. Do you know places in Chicago will kick you out for asking for ketchup for your hot dog?

Chili is about the spices. The filler you use doesn't matter. Make it just one cultural appropriation away from curry if you want.

Do you know what horrible things went into my chili pot just last Friday in addition to the more standard ingredients?
>two kinds of beans
>chocolate powder
>demerara sugar substituting brown sugar
>Jamaican rum
>allspice dram for extra spice and funk
>miso broth to help reduce acidity
>butternut squash
And it tasted fucking amazing and the flavors gave the habanero new life.

And peasants argue over beans. Over beans! Fools the lot of them.

>> No.14925395

Depends on the kind of chili. If you make a chili that relies on sweetness then you want the cornbread to be opposite.

>> No.14925460
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>> No.14926681
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They are filler. And a good one at that. If you are poor, just add more beans.

Corn is another issue, it changes the taste a lot. It genuinely turns it into another kind of dish in my opinion.

>> No.14926693

Luv me some kidney beans

>> No.14926701

Any kind of white bread with crust so you can scoop it up with the bread.

It's the true way to eat chilli.

>> No.14926756
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Beans for some... Miniature American flags for others.

>> No.14927826

haha this convo is gay af, just suck his dick already

>> No.14927841


Now i'm from TEXAS, alright? Chili has either beans or no beans. You get what you like. This shit is ridiculous.

I like chop chuck chili with no beans. I like chili with black beans. I like chili with pinto beans.

I like Chili.

You heard it from a Texan, so stop fuckin' arguing about it.

>> No.14927856

OK boomer

>> No.14927906

What kind of a faggot delivers chili to another man then texts about how it was after?

>> No.14927916

>U r my favorite

>> No.14927925

That's a chowder. It ceases to be chili once you've added corn. But I'm not autistic enough to give a shit like that faggot from texas.

>> No.14927936

>soy filtered on /ck/
back to /tv/ faggot

>> No.14927938

I love you anon

>> No.14927939

Holy fucking shit that's disgusting.

Do you see why we put our foot down about beans? You let beans in, then why not corn? Why not carrots? Why not macaroni and god damned cheese? Eventually you're going to end up with a fucking vegan tofu and lentil "chili" with turmeric replacing paprika so it's "not so hot" dumped over spaghetti noodles and spread over avocado toast.

You people need to be stopped.

>> No.14928012


>> No.14928024


Is this a good recipe?
Why the cocoa powder?
Would Worcestshire be good added to this?

>> No.14928168

You forgot to say that the "spaghetti noodles" would be those sliced zucchini things instead of actual pasta.

>> No.14928315

>has beans
>low sodium broth
>lean beef
>not enough peppers/onions
>not enough spices
>no soupbone
>no beer
>using tomato sauce

0/10 shit recipe

>> No.14928318
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>> No.14928359
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My chili is made with
>80/20 ground beef
>kidney beens
>tomato sauce or paste
>beef stock which must be made using roasted veal bones, no buying that shit beef broth at the store or using bouillon
>chili powder
>1 fresh chili
>tapatio hot sauce
Sweet onions and garlic, add meat, once browned add the rest and let it simmer for several hours to get the flavors to blend thoroughly. Garnish with some shredded cheddar, and serve with cornbread. I prefer a ration of 60% beef 40% beans. If it doesn't have beans it's pasta sauce, not chili.

>> No.14928364

Black beans ONLY, no others. You can serve refried beans next to chili, but it can't touch

>> No.14928368

sounds good desu. I'll try it this weekend

>> No.14928387

That sounds good.

I have occasionally put sliced fresh jalapenos in chili. I know it's not authentic but I like the flavor.

>> No.14928399

I prefer it with shin

>> No.14928419

Sometimes I will buy the cans of diced tomato and chilis from kroger if I want a little more vegetable content in it. It has green chili peppers in it and adds quite a lot of flavor to the mix. I've tried jalapenos and other peppers before but it honestly dilutes the flavors I expect from chili. I like a nice simple bowl of spicy meat and beans in some tomato/beef stock.

>> No.14928435

So use normal broth, 70/30 beef, double onion and pepper, add more chili powder cayenne/white pepper, add a beer, and use tomato paste.

Am I looking at something decent after that now?
(I don't have any bone atm and i'ma add beans)

>> No.14928479

There’s a saying in Texas: “If you know beans about chili, you know chili ain’t got no beans.” In Texas, “chili” is shorthand for chile con carne, which translates to “chile peppers with meat.” No beans in sight.

>> No.14928487

Texans have words for the things that aren’t chili. Goulash is one of them, as Moskin rightly notes. (I grew up on goulash: a guisado cooked with paprika and pintos, served over al dente macaroni.) Another one is frijoles borrachos, a winter staple in my household: dried beans simmered long and low with a ham hock or salt pork and half a six-pack. There are other things that aren’t chili, too: Chicago-style deep-dish pizza, Montreal-style bagels, New England clam chowder, and dozens and dozens of delicious spicy bean stews. Words mean something, and for the richest words, it’s worth protecting that meaning. When we do, we safeguard and pass on the regional peculiarities that made this nation interesting in the first place. Even New York can boast a few dishes of its own, I’m told.

So chili: no beans. Chili is beef plus hot and smoky. No macaroni, no cinnamon (c’mon), and certainly no tofu. Chili is good over Fritos, but just remember, then it’s called Frito pie. Nobody cares what you put on top of chili. Cilantro, cheese, sour cream—have a party. Frankly, Texans are all too happy to share for the Super Bowl the party we’ve been enjoying for a couple hundred years.

>> No.14928489

There's also a saying in texas about steers and queers, post a picture of your horns timestamped anon so we can verify which one you are.

>> No.14928825

Probably. You want to cook down the onions and peppers and then deglaze the pan with the beer. Small amount. Make sure it stews for a long time too.

>> No.14928940

It should have more meat than beans

>> No.14928948

Looks like you just had beets desu

>> No.14928975

>white pepper
why? It's not a white sauce so there's no cosmetic reason to use it. Black pepper has a way better flavor profile to it as well that works better in spicy food.

>> No.14929019

A traditional chili is made without tomatoes, beans, corn, beef, garlic or onions. Instead it is made from shredded tobacco leaves. And instead of cooking it, it is rolled up and smoked.

>> No.14929022
File: 37 KB, 600x485, D1FC92C5-9010-456B-B6CD-6F98590CA69B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14929081

Alright, appreciate the help.

I admit, I use shit pepper that's not freshly ground or anything, maybe that's why my white pepper tastes better to me.

>> No.14929641

The difference between black pepper and white pepper is more than just cosmetic. They have different flavor profiles and can complement one another nicely.

Rumor has it that the secret spice mixture for Kentucky Fried Chicken contains both.

>> No.14929881

Your bloodline is weak
Just like I bet your chili is

>> No.14929938

You're going to die. I call dibs on your stuff.

>> No.14930032
File: 72 KB, 700x319, fuck normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beaner food
>should we put beans in it
Gee I don't know anon, btw do you think niggers do nigg?