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File: 281 KB, 2100x2730, craftbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14909811 No.14909811 [Reply] [Original]

how can anyone even enjoy beer? I dont get it?

its bitter and gross and makes my stomach feel uneasy.

Is beer a meme? is it what fratboy types chug to convince themselves they are manly?

>> No.14909813

You just have bad taste anon

>> No.14909844

beer is yummy lole

>> No.14910028

try stop sucking so much dick to clean your stomach, op

>> No.14910036

>lol drink the bitter liquid loser

>> No.14910043

I bet you add cream and sugar to your coffee, faggot.

>> No.14910065

Beer is a meme. Just smoke weed, it won't turn you into a fat-fuck football fucking loser-bro.

>> No.14910197

I can drink beer it doesn't taste too bad but I never do. alcohol in general is a meme you drink a lot of it and get drunk and being drunk is just retarded x2?

>> No.14910399

It's fun to be retarded

>> No.14910416

You'll get it when you're a man, underage pussy.

>> No.14910423

Bro drink barley pops like miller high life or coors banquet

>> No.14910426

It's pronounced cunny

>> No.14910431

Wrong. 17 year olds aren't cunnies.

>> No.14910458
File: 2.78 MB, 4608x2588, IMG-20201016-WA0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmm beer

Just got a few cases for tonight and tomorrow.

>> No.14910475

I fucking hate beer and its weird grassy wheaty taste but looove whiskey so go figure

>> No.14910481

Honestly its a meme just like coffee and alcohol in general, you just drink it and then it grows on you and you end up unironically liking it. The brain is funny

>> No.14910496

There are beers that don't taste wheaty or grassy.

>> No.14910579

how can anyone even enjoy tea? I don't get it?
It's bitter and gross and makes my stomach feel uneasy.
Is tea a meme? Is it what asian types chug to convince themselves they are immortal?

>> No.14910616

Those are gross

>> No.14910645

Yum. Beer.

What do you want to drink, anon? people say to me sometimes

Beer of course!

>> No.14910700

heineken is one of the worst. they shouldnt be allowed to call it beer

>> No.14910706

you dont have *anything* better than hennyken?

>> No.14910734

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.14910756
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beer is an acquired taste like, appreciating dog snot.

When I was in college I "acquired" a taste for it (sort of). tried all sorts of different brands. but the big turn off was always the hops. Being a super taster I never liked overly bitter foods, and the nauseating "fermented" taste was off putting.

Then I grew up and left college and did not drink again for 2 years. I tried beer again after that but it tasted worse than I remembered.

no let those who have no sense of smell or taste "enjoy" their rotten barley.

>> No.14910766

coffee is bitter too. So's dark chocolate. You dislike those?

>> No.14910773

Nice toddler-palated cope, loser.

>> No.14910779

why thank you I do have a better sense of taste and smell than most people.

>> No.14910797

cope mcseethe

>> No.14910806
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i like the taste of beer
i don't care if you don't believe me
i don't care if my particular tastes make you seethe
you can fuck off

>> No.14910820
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>dumbfuck american children associating sugar content with beverages tasting good again

>> No.14910927

It's not bitter. It's bready/malty and I like that taste

>> No.14910930

I changed my mind on Heineken. Used to hate, had some freshies at my friend's, not bad.

>> No.14910937

Its a basic ingredient of a blue collar life a liter or two a day on week days a bit more on weekends. Hard work and bloated livers. I don't give a fuck about dying when living is so bad.

>> No.14910947

Depends on the beer. Some are good some are nasty. Just like any other food

>> No.14910958

Serious question.

How old are you?

As we age we lose taste buds so young people have sensitive tongues, especially to bitter flavors found in beer, coffee, and dark chocolate. Biologically speaking, beer will taste bad until you grow up (I hated beer until about 22). You can make an effort to acquire a taste for it but the younger you are the harder it'll be.

>> No.14911102

So basically beer is literally for actual tastelets

>> No.14911119

Beer is an acquired taste. No one likes beer when their dad lets them try a sip for the first time.

>> No.14911143

No, you've missed the point entirely.

Young people find bitter tastes so strong that it prevents them from enjoying bitterness and the other flavors present in bitter foods. They're physically unable to enjoy those things. Its only once their taste buds calm down that they're able to fully taste everything.

>> No.14911245
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I like yellow fizzy beer but I’m not a fan of overly hoppy IPA and stuff

>> No.14911262

weed tastes even worse than beer, what the fuck is everyone's problem constantly consuming shit that tastes and smells like skunk piss and shit

>> No.14911272

i wonder the same thing when i see people eating out your mom

>> No.14911294

>virgin detected

>> No.14911355

I didn't start drinking beer before i was 35-36, before that it was bitter and gross :D

Maybe you loose some sensitivity in the taste buds when passing 30?

>> No.14911392


>> No.14911400

Drink a couple Steel Reserve tall cans then every other beer will taste great by comparison.

>> No.14911432

not even giving you a (You). Fuck off faggot.

>> No.14911648

found the tastelet.

I'm 54 and still waiting for my bitter taste buds to go away so I can attempt to enjoy beer.


no it's because they lose the ability to taste. you contradicted yourself in one sentence.

>> No.14911765

>how can anyone even enjoy beer? I dont get it?
As anything bitter you have to acquire a taste for it.

>its bitter and gross and makes my stomach feel uneasy
You sound like a faggot, but beer is a carbonated beverage and can upset your stomach if a) you not used to it; b) you're drinking the wrong way. You should pour it in the glass in a way to release some of the gas, creating the "head".c) you drinking with an empty stomach

>Is beer a meme? is it what fratboy types chug to convince themselves they are manly?
No, beer is really good when get used to it. It's cheap, have tons of variety, and goes well with any type of food.

>> No.14911824

weed will give you tits

>> No.14911828
File: 136 KB, 322x600, f40fb6cf-4c9f-4695-97c0-134f1b9d0d8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can anyone even enjoy beer? I dont get it?
Different people like different things

>> No.14911836

Hertog Jan is good shit. The best Dutch lager anyway

>> No.14912513

if you have to consume something in a special way or "do it right" then whatever it is must be crap.

One should not have to "acquire a taste" or do anything special to enjoy something. Also if someone does not enjoy the complicated nasty food you do, there is nothing wrong with that.

why do monkeys fell the need to berate other monkeys that don't like their rotten food or drink?

>> No.14912599

>rent free
we know.

>> No.14912614
File: 55 KB, 970x514, oreo-shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf the further away you get from my favorite drinky winky or starbucks, the more likely i am to say it's shit!!!! i drink sugarsloppa so much that it's all my tongue recognizes as "good" anymore!!!! extra whip frappe please starcucks!!!

>> No.14912910

Nobody says you have to force yourself to enjoy beer, retard. People's taste change when they grow up. They may have a sip of beer at 17 and not like it and then try it again at 20 and like it. It's not a matter of drinking it every day until you like it. Same reason why kids don't like vegetables at the same rate as adults.

by this logic, people who aren't photophobic are "sightlets"

>> No.14912947

I drink beer because I'm a drunk and despite memes is actually associated with brain development(too drunk to remember why lol) there's a reason booze and intelligence are linked, it's actually been an underrated driver in humans forming civilization throughout the years and even theorized as to starting it in the first place

>> No.14912968

this, sugarfatties are the worst

>> No.14913060
File: 258 KB, 300x700, PBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14913103

>OP is underaged V&
>Drinks Alcopop

>> No.14913109


>> No.14913177

these people are old, ugly, and fat. They should not be on video

>> No.14913245

>Mid 30s
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.14913268

if girl number 2 is in her 30s i'm now officially a pedophile

>> No.14913320

The group's from Victoria, BC, and has been doing internet comedy since ~2003.

>> No.14913328


>> No.14913344

Steel reserve is the worst beer I have ever tasted, Camo black ice tasted better then that swill.

>> No.14913851
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>> No.14914436

if beer tastes so good how come everyone makes fun of non-alcoholic beer drinkers

>> No.14914638
File: 123 KB, 303x501, Screenshot_20201017-002600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends are you drinking mass produced yellow piss beer or craft beers I live in eureka ca and I live right by the lost coast brewery all their beers taste fucking great, exept for one. I'll post a pic it's the devil's vomit in a bottle.

>> No.14914703

because they taste worse? not to mention non-alcoholic beers are mostly just generic macrolager brands

>> No.14914712

Maybe you need a lollipop little baby

>> No.14914931

In belgium you got whisky infused beer. That shit is nice.

>> No.14914968
File: 171 KB, 1500x1308, 81950K8x9KL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goo goo gaga babby boo boo doesn't wike the bad fiizzy dwinkies!
Just keep sucking your mother's tit, infant.

>> No.14915027

>One of the oldest beverages in history is a meme for fratboys
Here's a (you). Also, I doubt that most people who say that that they hate beer actually do so, there's so many different types of beer all which taste different, its like someone saying they don't like tea, coffee, juice or soda.

>> No.14915401
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>> No.14915410

Almost correct. It will just turn you into a loser.

>> No.14915436

Nice b8 m8

>> No.14915448

They were already ugly losers, now they're fat ugly losers.

>> No.14915467

>lusting after haha
11/12 years is prime breeding age.

>> No.14915468

Tested over 20 different non-alcoholic german beers with some friends and boy were many of them bad or even undrinkable. Some tasted like fruit loops or were just sweet af. I don't know what breweries are thinking when he release crap like that. Especially not when their regular beers have a clean and more dry taste. Some beers were dry so it should be possible to halfway recreate the originals.

>> No.14915477


>> No.14915481

How much do you want to bet that they have black boyfriends?

>> No.14916275
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get good beer

>> No.14916292
File: 44 KB, 741x568, 1602823263808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does beer with no alcohol taste the same as regular beer? I'm muslim so I don't drink alcohol but that thread made me curious

>> No.14916319

I prefer to drink beer before, get drunk enough and then smoke weed so the vasodilatation from the ethanol makes me higher when I smoke. Learn something faggot.

>> No.14916323
File: 2.53 MB, 270x360, 1602712305442.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least some things stay the same
Beer was drink of choice in ancient Egypt by slaves and regular workers. Clean water was a luxury, so beer was the only viable solution to not get sick. They drank it with straws too, because of the shit that was floating atop the beverage.
Beer is for slaves. Tastes accordingly too.

>> No.14916330

beer tastes fine, sorry you're a retarded zoomer who can only drink fraps and braps op

ive had it, it's not quite the same but isn't bad

>> No.14916333


>> No.14916366

I liked beer the first time I had a sip when I was 6. It's delicious.

>> No.14916367

this is what communists actually believe

>> No.14916375

I like beer, I fucking hate craft Beer though.

>> No.14916382

same. i never didn't like beer. same goes for coffee. people who think you "grow into" liking "adult drinks" are retarded shit taste losers who can't enjoy anything that isn't 90% hfcs

>> No.14916386

Me too, they’re not fucking refreshing at all. After a hot day of work I want a cold, fizzy American beer. Yuengling, Genesee, Rolling Rock even though it’s not as good anymore, PBR.

>> No.14916391

Craft beer is for plebs

>> No.14916397

this, craft beer is for people who don't actually like beer

>> No.14916405

You don't drink beer because it's tasty you drink it because you get drunk, after a couple beers in the buzz will remove any care about taste

>> No.14916571
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Beer is alright but I wouldn't drink it if it had no alcohol in it. If I'm to drink my calories I'd better get something in return.
Also if you get a bad feeling in your stomach from drinking beer it might have something to do with the carbonation, or do soft drinks not have this effect on you?

>> No.14916577

>You don't drink beer because it's tasty you drink it because you get drunk,
why are americans like this?

>> No.14917723
File: 193 KB, 750x563, moral choice system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink better beer and keep drinking it until you like it. Either that or keep your lack of taste to yourself and let others enjoy something that you don't care for.

>> No.14917746

pretty sad that you still have a little kid's tastebuds
bitter stuff can be delicious and beer is barely bitter

>> No.14917768

Agree 100%.

>> No.14917875
File: 208 KB, 770x998, LIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the cope by alckies ITT. Just admit beer tastes bad and you would drink it even if it tasted like shit mixed with piss to get a buzz.

>> No.14917929
File: 221 KB, 576x384, Bent-Paddle-14-degree-ESB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counterpoint: you need to be 18 to post here.

Pic: what I'm enjoying tonight.