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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 536x536, spicy-chicken-sandwich[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14906783 No.14906783 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat that made you have to shit? Did you make it to the bathroom or did you shit yourself? Was it worth it?

The Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich did it to me. I was barely in time, I didn't shit my pants but I almost did. It was not worth it, I'm straight up never eating Wendy's again in my life.

>> No.14906789

Heavily """buttered""" popcorn from the theater. I was woken up by myself shitting the bed.

>> No.14906817

“””””Chinese””””” chicken and rice place at the food court of the mall where I used to work.

Had to close the doors to my store to take a shit.

>> No.14907214

What's wrong with you people? You can't eat food without shitting your pants? Were you toilet trained in your mid 20s? You all should wear diapers.

>> No.14908501

The fuck you mean Wendy's made you shit? Like right away? Because you're gonna shit it out eventually.

>> No.14908510
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Imagine the smell..

>> No.14908518
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>> No.14908520


I'm always confused by people who food does this to (immediately).

>> No.14908521

I once had “””””white””””” bread dipped in milk, that stuff was once way to much for me man. Don't tell anyone, but the toilet took the brunt of my anal anger.

>> No.14908528

Bacon cheeseburgers. My body keeps telling me to keep kosher, but I keep reminding it that it isn't circumcised by feeding it pork, beef with cheese, shellfish and liquor. For whatever reason the mixture of pork, beef and dairy gives me labour-like stomach cramps, followed by explosive diarrhea in the mid-dozen kiloton range.

>> No.14908533

i exclusively sweat out triple baconators from my pores over the course of several weeks.

>> No.14908536 [DELETED] 

These. I ate the whole bag over about an hour and took like 3 subsequent shits immediately afterwards and felt amazing.

This was after 24 hours of not eating anything.

>> No.14908537

>Ma! Look! I posted it again!

>> No.14908541
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These. I ate the whole bag over about an hour and took like 3 subsequent shits immediately afterwards and felt amazing.
This was after 24 hours of not eating anything.

>> No.14908542

You're so desensitized to the pasta, you cant see the fresh posts from the dead trees.

>> No.14908546

>be 12
>mom takes me and my brothers to Wendy's
>get a spicy chicken sandwich
>have the worst stomach cramps
>go to shit
>no shit
>just a small amount of mucus looking goo
>tell my brothers and mom about it
>they make fun of me and the mysterious goo I secreted
>almost 20 years later and the Wendy's spicy chicken is referred to as a "mysterious goo" in my family
>hey I'm going to Wendy's, what do you want
>get me a mysterious goo

>> No.14908552
File: 194 KB, 1200x899, spiedino di mare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally pride myself on having an iron stomach, so there isn't much food that gives me the Alabama Nightmare Shits (not even Taco Bell or Chipotle). Even so, there are occasional exceptions to this rule.

One particular nightmare shit I had years ago was caused by the spiedino di mare at Carrabba's. I don't know if scallops just don't agree with me, or if something was wrong with them, but a little bit after eating them (still in the restaurant), it felt like someone was literally trying to punch their way out of my asshole.

Thankfully, I made it home in time before committing a brown crime on my porcelain throne. I'm hesitant to try scallops again.

>> No.14908568

>M-me? I-I've never p-posted about DA JOOOS and d-dairy on beef!!

>> No.14908638

I probably have. Cheeseburgers give me rancid farts, and bacon cheeseburgers make me destroy porcelain. It's like god's trying to tell me something, and I'm laughing in his face while I covet my neighbour's wife and eat all of the animals that do/don't chew cud and have/don't have cloven hooves in the wrong order.

>> No.14908737

I had a pure protein bar. Only when i was literally peeing shit from my butt did I realize it was full of sugar alcohols. Mistake I won't make twice.

>> No.14908757

I chewed on two packs of gum and things got a little runny.

>> No.14908763

I used to shit myself cos of the bottle of whiskey I’d drink everyday.
Once I was so close to the toilet. Like a few steps away, but I was literally paralyzed as I felt if I moved even a step I’d shit myself.
Then the poo started coming out anyway while I was stood there so I had to poo into my hand whilst shuffling to the toilet. Actually made it out of that one without making a mess everywhere.
Bad times.
You’ll all be happy to know I’m past that phase of alcoholism now, and don’t shit myself anymore.
Once also During the bad times after a curry I was on my scooter and shat myself because I tried to Fart and then when I went to the convenience store toilet to clean up I puked up onto my shit stained shorts as I was shitting on the toilet and it was just bad times all round.
Have you ever tried to clean poo out of your clothes? It just does not come out.

>> No.14908801
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Stuff I've had that made me come close to shit my pants
>Freddy's steakburgers + fries
>Local japanese habachi restaraunt, ate all the fried rice and almost everything on my main course plate
This was when I was a little chubster in highschool. I exercise daily, avoid fast food/soda, and watch micros/macros now.

>> No.14908807

""""""""""thai""""""""""" food in montana (believe me I protested, i was with parents), severe diarrhea and throwing up on the toilet, often swapping from one to the other for like 2 whole days

>> No.14908914

Those people have to be memeing because hurr durr fast food/taco bell/Indian food bad. No fucking way food makes you shit so fast that you can't make it in time. You could probably eat literal horse laxatives and you would still feel it coming.

>> No.14908942

nah they are just dumb amerifats

>> No.14908951

american digestive systems are used to handling the greasiest buckets of slop daily. it's probably a razor thin european "person".

>> No.14909023

I find that all food makes me shit. I think I have a food allergy.

>> No.14909042

You’d be shocked. The soiboi meme isn’t just a meme. There’s really 90 pound men out there who eat half a salad a day and can’t handle processing an ounce of meat.

>> No.14909045

A grapefruit

>> No.14909491
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It's a shame how fall that sandwich has fallen. Used to be my favorite item on the menu, now it's mushy dog shit. I miss the old fries too.

>> No.14909518

Sonic fish sandwich, onion rings and vanilla shake. I eat relatively healthy so when I get a craving for that grease bomb look tf out a couple hours later. Worth it.
>Waiting on the day I go to Wendy's and get a tray, take the top off a spicy chicken sandwich, dump a cup of chili on it, recap and go to fucking town

>> No.14909622

Gotta be some nasty ass pasta I had one day in the food court; almost shit my pants

>> No.14909666

Dood wendy's spicy chicken have a kick to them bro. I ate one of them on a Sunday at 10 pm went home slept woke up to enjoy my day off completely forgetting what I had eaten the previous night until eventually I got around to sitting on the toilet and my asshole felt like it was melting.

>> No.14909681

I remeber the last 2 vividly.

First one I ate at Sonny's BBQ. A chain in the south. All I had was a burger and fries. Next morning my stomach was rumbling, but I thought it was just indigestion. I went to gym with friends. It started to get worse. I realized I couldn't hold it much longer. Told them I was sick and drove home. Almost shit myself the entire way. Hit the toilet and was there for what felt like an eternity. Was sick for the next 2 days. Was worse food poisioning I ever had. Never ate there again.

2nd time was Subway which I always loved. Got a footlong with nothing crazy. I think it was just chicken and vegetables. I remember looking at the lettuce thinking this shit looks old as hell. I dont know if that's what caused it though. Few hours later got sick feeling. Never got diarrhea but oh my stomach hurt and felt queasy for a day and a half. Never went back to Subway.

>> No.14909730

too much raw sauerkraut, and booze

if I drink more than two nights in a row my shits turn into a chocolate waterfall, especially red wine

>> No.14909855

>Did you make it to the bathroom or did you shit yourself? Was it worth it?
Man I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.14909859

Kefir but in a good way

>> No.14909993

>often swapping from one to the other
The vomit hits different when you just ended shitting, feels like you are an empty toothpaste and is being squeeze out of everything that's left

>> No.14909997

your post

>> No.14910008

I had my gall bladder taken out a few years ago so now my tolerance for greasy foods has gone down.
For instance, I had a chicken and fish platter at Long John Silver's. Not 20 minutes later and my asshole can barely hold it ass I run to the nearest bathroom.
Then comes out pure fucking liquid

>> No.14910304

Anything with vinegar gives me watery shits

>> No.14910316

Whenever I eat something involving heavy cream I always regret it later. Alfredo, cream based soups, etc. Goes right through me. Ice cream doesn't bother me at all, not sure why.

>> No.14910330

My wife farted on my balls one time while I was pounding her. We were in the middle of it and she just started laughing. I thought it was an expression of supreme happiness and then she just let loose and farted out an enormous fucking blast onto my bag. I kept going.

>> No.14910338

Everything I eat makes me shit. I'm fed up with it. Thinking about giving up food altogether.

>> No.14910343

Have you tried photosynthesis?

>> No.14910354

Ah yes farting while having sex nothing is more funnier if both laugh I think is a signal of trust and connection

>> No.14910358

No, is it good?

>> No.14910371

Any fast food and coffee

>> No.14910434

The first few times I tried making homemade broth it didn't agree with me and I didn't feel safe farting unless I was on the toilet. Bad times. but eventually I got the hang of broth.

>> No.14910454

a KFC bucket + 2 Desperados for dinner.
do NOT do that.

>> No.14910459

I'm going to do it tomorrow night just to defy you.

>> No.14910688
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I tried a new Mexican place in TX where my uncle knew the owners and the food was great but later that night I suddenly had to get up and and sprint to the toilet and I shat all over the toilet seat once I pulled my pants down

>> No.14910708

have fun anon!

>> No.14911506

This, but unironically. The wendy's chicken sandwiches give me runs every time.

>> No.14911687

>Drunk af
>Fried BLOCK OF CHEESE with durum meat and spicy sauce.
>Lol what could go wrong
>Take a shower when at home so i dont sleep so utterly drunk
>Start puking and shitting myself at the same time.
A real low on my life. I was drunk, ok, but that kebab meat was cursed af after furrher inspection one day

>> No.14911721

>Traveling with gf and other couple in Lisbon
>Angolan "top tier" restaurant offers half price if you take an instagram pic of the food
>Go there, food is ok, spicy sauce is awesome.
>Next day: my innards were crawling out of my ass to the point of having my anus dry like an old man's face.
>Had to leave hotel, still shitting myself WILDLY
>they disregard my serious condition and we hop on a cab to do some sightseeing.
>I jump out of the cab, order a drink on a shitty bar and proceed to dump liquid innards for an hour straight. The wc has no door and a child stares at me while playing gameboy throughout the process.
>Walk for an hour to meet my group after leaving that place cursed for ever. I feel dizzy and super weak, an old lady stops me on the street thinking that im drugged or sth.
>Have an argument with gf cause i dont wanna do sightseeing, i just wanna die in a park and rest.
After that we took the 6h bus back home and the bus driver almost punches me but that is another story

>> No.14911727
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Zaxby's grilled chicken sandwich. I love it and still eat it occasionally but 100% I either have to poo or throw up. No other chicken sandwich does it to me, I know it's not the honey mustard so it has to be some kinda very weird seasoning or ingredient in the fancy bun its on that fucks me up

>> No.14911745

wendys spicy chicken patties give me vinegary shits every time

>> No.14911826

>raw sourkraut
is there literally anything else? im not joking, how and why would you pasteurize that stuff?

>> No.14912054

Raw spinach I put in a sandwich. Apparently my body has decided to reject it from now on.

>> No.14912422

Is it really worth it then? Why doing that to yourself again?

>> No.14912873

Get over it. Why are heebs so thin skinned?

>> No.14912885

Not him, but canned vs never-canned.

>> No.14912994

New Orleans bro here. Jesus, all the winey little bitches in this thread complaining about slightly spicy food (Wendy's "spicy" chicken filets) should just go kill yourselves now. I can drink Tabasco hot sauce straight up with no ill effects.

Unfortunately what gets me is erstahs (oysters), which is almost a staple food here. The one time I had erstahs without emptying my guts later on was after drinking an oyster shooter at an Acme Oyster House (local seafood restaurant chain).

I'm also convinced that hummus is a natural laxative. It doesn't give me the shits, but it does turn my flow into "soft-serve".

>> No.14913013
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this lifestyle will give you the most thermonuclear shits/farts known to man. I cleared out an entire floor of the economics building after a hard night out. The air had an oily quality for like an hour afterwards.

>> No.14913916


>> No.14913936

Imagine the smell.

>> No.14913942

I made oven fries with coconut oil. Few hours later, that shit hit the eject button.

>> No.14913944

A copious amount of rum and cokes

>> No.14913950

After I eat something in the morning I immediately have to shit. It happens whether or not I drink coffee. Is this normal or what?

>> No.14913951
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For some reason my body cannot fathom fig newtons entering my system. As soon as they start digesting my stomach immediately switches into overdrive - I have to remove all of my clothes before my sweat ruins them as I struggle to breathe while on the toilet

afterwords I'll go back for more

>> No.14913952

I think you're lactose intolerant, bro.

>> No.14913966

Quinoa is so fucking tasty, it almost feels like cheating being healthy food

>> No.14913974

Totally fake bullshit story. Why do people like you make up shit like this?

>> No.14915253

I dont know if it is fake, but why do you care so much? The story is not even that good to begin with

>> No.14915268

did you just lie there and let it happen?

>> No.14915276

for some reason i want to experience this at least once in my life

>> No.14915418

Trust me you dont. I was clinging to life at that moment. My stupid indian roomate never spoke to me again, so thats the only plus i could find. Btw, fuck you Rakesh, wherever you are.

>> No.14915801

All food makes me shit.

>> No.14916890

some people cook it as well, which is a terrible idea unless making bigos

>> No.14917874

Last summer I completely shit my pants while undoing my belt. I ate some old ham, thinking that if I fried it in a pan then all the icky worms and bugs would die. I went on a hike and immediately had the feeling of "Hmm, I'm definitely going to have to shit later." Only this feeling grew more and more violent with each step. By the time I was getting close to home I was trotting through red lights and cutting between people letting their dogs smell each other. I managed to barrel inside and into the bathroom but couldn't undo my belt in time. The whole shit came out at once and it was more than plenty. I hosed off my clothes in the shower and lied to my girlfriend about my day when she got home from work.