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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14905728 No.14905728 [Reply] [Original]

Cooking is so fucking easy, you just do your research and stick to the fucking recipe. Why is it so fucking hard for some people? I've been to two restaurants in the last week before they shut it all down and both times I was fucking dissapointed awfuly. On purpose I was getting a meal that you aren't supposed to fuck up, yet they did. I don't even care about the money because the servers were nice, but getting a meal I know I can make hundred times better at home knowing it's not anything difficult rustled my jimmies.

Why can't people just cook, you just fucking follow methods that are brought to perfection over the years. Why can't you cook anon?

>> No.14905745

Why bother cooking when food scientists have already perfected the culinary art in the form of fast food?

>> No.14905752

That's just the start. Once you get a hang of certain recipes and understanding each function of the ingredients is when you can experiment and make it your own.

>> No.14905823

Recipes are for faggots. Throw your shit in and fucking make something. Do you think the best chef of all time (Gordon Ramsay) follows some faggy recipe? No. He puts the olive oil - in, and he cooks some shit

>> No.14905827

Legit a good point
Fast, cheap, perfect

>> No.14905831

Ever since I learned to cook I don't even enjoy eating out anymore, unless it's genuinely better than what I can make. Lately if I'm eating out it's either at the local Thai place or the local Indian place, both of which are run by literal FOB immigrants.

>> No.14905841

I'm 31 and haven't looked at recipes since I was a teenager. I just look at the ingredients list and picture of the meal and I know what I have to do and don't need directions or anything. Everything I cook is delicious. I think I'm gifted or just really talented.

>> No.14905847

Sorry not OP, forgot to remove my namefag.

>> No.14905865

I can't cook because I'm not very good at the basics. Add on top of that that my lack of practice means I'm slow at certain processes or do them wrong without being able to look up how, and it turns into a big mess.

Like, off the top I don't remember what it is to reduce a sauce. I'm looking at a recipe right now and I don't know why you "dice" an onion, but "mince" the garlic. Are those different techniques? I don't know how to sauté.

This recipe asks for a whisk, I don't own a whisk. Can I just stir?

And I mean, these are just questions for a creamy tomato and spinach pasta, something I'm sure a good cook could whip up in a heartbeat. It'd take me two hours and come out all kinds of temperatures.

>> No.14905884
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You are still a faggot op.

>> No.14906095
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fuck you're brain dead.

>> No.14906119
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>I cannot simmer watery sauce to REDUCE IT by removing water.
I agree with this guy, you might just be special.

>> No.14906139

See that cunt attempting a cheese toastie over lockdown?

>> No.14906150
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Sauté means jump, it means you jump up and down and clap while cooking. Dice means roll dice and cook for that number of minutes. You don't need a whisk, just use your hands

>> No.14906151

I just don't remember what that shit is. I've done that before, but frankly I don't know when I've done it well. Again, no one has ever taught me this shit. My parents didn't cook. It's one of those things I have to look up during the recipe and I can't exactly watch a YouTube video to know when something is properly reduced without potentially overcooking it.

OP asked why I'm a bad cook. Here are many of the reasons why. There's a lot of other things in life I'm very good at. Cooking isn't one, and doesn't come naturally to me.

>> No.14906161

I assume sauté is to fry in butter, if I remember correctly, but I don't know how long or in what heat. I know what dicing is, I don't know why I can't dice garlic vs. mincing it though. Those seem like two different words for the same thing.

Hands makes sense, thanks anon.

>> No.14906177

You're simmering out the water in a sauce to thicken it.
>Dice or mince
In descending order of size
Quickly cooking something in a pan with a little oil
>No whisk
You can usually use a fork, don't just stir it, you want some vigor in it when you whisk something.
Start searching for terms and writing them down, that way you can reference them while cooking until you remember what they are.
You won't get better at cooking unless you cook.
Good luck, anon.

>> No.14906179

It ain't cheap at all mate. If your time is more valuable than saving money than sure, go for it. Otherwise cook it yourself because it's cheaper

>> No.14906185


>did I reduce the sauce right????

Just look at it, is it thicker?

>> No.14906212

>My parents didn't cook

Did you survive on ready meals as a kid!? No wonder your retarded.

Just cook bucket food like Bolognese, curry or stews, just chunk everything and simmer for an hour or two while stirring regularly.

You can fill a freezer in a day while spending most of it masterbating and shitposting on /CK/

>> No.14906229

Just wing it and things will probably be fine. Dice means to cut in pieces about a centimeter and mince means cut it smaller. Once you've got your garlic peeled you'll see it's a lot smaller than onions, it wouldn't make sense to dice garlic because you'd basically just be cutting it in half. You can totally just smoosh a whole clove of garlic with the side of a knife and throw it into a recipe though.

Sauté means cook it in a pan with a little oil or butter and keep it moving. Use medium to high heat, onions will get translucent and soften and eventually brown if you want to go that far. Garlic has a lot of sugar and it can burn, so you should add it after the onions have started cooking.

>> No.14906251

>Did you survive on ready meals as a kid!?
Dad would "make" shit like steaks and boxed potatoes with a side of canned or frozen veggies. For the longest time, I thought scrambled eggs were made by cracking an egg into a mug, stirring it with a fork, and putting it in the microwave. Yes, the rest was like frozen or ready meals, or going out to pick something up.

At mom's house, she'd mostly give me frozen stuff, but occasionally "cook" to the same quality as my dad. White rice, chicken breasts, cream of mushroom soup, all in a pan, indiscriminately bake - wa la, Chicken Surprise. Same thing, otherwise frozen or pickup food.

>Just cook bucket food like Bolognese, curry or stews, just chunk everything and simmer for an hour or two while stirring regularly.
Nah, I don't want to eat the same slop every day and get sick of it. I mainly order in or eat out, which is just fine. If I'm on a property for work, they all have free employee dining rooms so I can eat there too, if I want.

>> No.14906263

Thanks for being nice, anon. I wish I had you around any time I looked at a recipe, haha. But you'd probably just get frustrated and do it for me.

>> No.14906339
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>I don't want to eat the same slop every then cook 5 different bucket foods and freeze them in portions so it feeds you for the next month, like a normal person.
>they all have free employee dining rooms
So frozen chips and papery sausages?

>> No.14906378
File: 141 KB, 1680x880, gettyimages-967773436-1680x880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to eat the same slop every day
>Then cook 5 different bucket foods and freeze them in portions so it feeds you for the next month, like a normal person.
>they all have free employee dining rooms
So frozen chips and papery sausages?


>> No.14906381


>> No.14906400

this is how you get fried rice with frankfurters and sourcream

>> No.14906414

saute literally means to jump
you want the food to move around at a high heat, like its jumping. its most often done with foods you can toss rather than using a spoon to move it

>> No.14906424

this is one of the best ways to make scrambled eggs, many restaurants do it

>> No.14906436

You need to add butter and stir every 30 seconds.

>> No.14906440

i prefer not using butter when i cook on high heat
also that just sounds like too much butter

>> No.14906446

fuck wrong reply, thought it was the saute guy

i know you gotta stir it but im pretty sure it works without butter too, ill try that next time though

>> No.14906463

i used to wonder the same thing anon, then some cunt on here made 'banana bread' that looked nothing like banana bread then when he explained what he made he'd changed literally every item in the recipe and was completely ass-blasted when everyone told him it wasnt banana bread. some people are much, much, much dumber than you'd ever imagine possible.

>> No.14906464

It's a fast way to make it, definitely not one of the best. Microwaved scrambled eggs has the consistency of styrofoam.

>> No.14906521

I could have been clearer, you add a corner of warm butter and mix it in, the. You nuke it and stir every 30 seconds.

Don't forget to whisk the eggs beforehand , try to get some air in there.