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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 700x978, Panera-Mac-and-Cheese-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14904946 No.14904946 [Reply] [Original]

Is this Mac and Cheese?

>> No.14904958

In the same way that Kraft is mac and cheese, sure.

>> No.14904964
File: 38 KB, 924x925, mac and cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Mac and Cheese though?

>> No.14904985

mac means macaroni
those are shells, not macaroni
that is spaghetti, not macaroni

>> No.14904993

what i was going to say
it's perfectly acceptable to call it mac and cheese, once you've established with your customers/family what you mean
but i would be upset to order mac and get shells, with absolutely zero indication that's what i was ordering

>> No.14904997

isn't the english language funny
i said those are shells, but that is spaghetti

>> No.14905000

i fucking loved sliced tomatoes with my mac and cheese

>> No.14905003

wdym anon?

>> No.14905005

why did the love end?

>> No.14905017

shells i put an s on the end of to indicate it's plural, and then used 'those' to agree with the plurality
but spaghetti is already implicitly plural, you don't say 'spaghettis'; i suppose you could but that would sound dumb
point being, both dishes contain multiple noodles

i stopped eating carbs :(

>> No.14905025

>those are shells
big oof, those are conchiglie

>> No.14905029
File: 240 KB, 500x500, velveeta-shells-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in america, we have a product known as "shells & cheese"
you're right that it's conchiglie, but he's also right

>> No.14905054

i'm sry anon
i hate shells anyway, one will get inside another and you will have a double shell, and then you bite it and it's hard and not cooked enough, macaroni is far superior

>> No.14905060

...that is what shells translate to....

>> No.14905062
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this?

>> No.14905085

guscio would be more generic for "shell"

Coming out of one's shell, the shell of an animal, etc.

conchiglie Is more sea-shell or conch shell.

>> No.14905087
File: 690 KB, 728x921, Gnocchi_Mac_And_Cheese_Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14905094

well that makes sense since those are the shapes you eat
I've never eaten a gastropod shaped shells and cheese

>> No.14905096

>one will get inside another and you will have a double shell
kek very relatable
or it's just chewier and weirder than the rest
macaroni will always be king

>> No.14905101

Yup, just saying in italian you wouldn't say you're coming out of your conchiglie. For the expression "you're coming out of your shell".

>> No.14905103

I like that.

>> No.14905113

i got filtered by gnocchi a long time ago
is it pronounced con-kee-lee? that's how i'm reading it

>> No.14905130

>is it pronounced con-kee-lee? that's how i'm reading it

>> No.14905136

grazie mico