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14903320 No.14903320 [Reply] [Original]

Why does a place called Burger King have the worst burgers ever made?

>> No.14903323

Burger King Nothing

>> No.14903331

They are literally the KING.
But nah from best to worst it goes:

1. McD's Double Cheeseburger
2. McD's Quarter Pounder Deluxe w/ Cheese
3. Whopper
4. Big Mac

>> No.14903347

I've never had a Big Mac that was worse than fine, but literally any beef I've ever ordered from Burger King has been fucking cardboard dry.

>> No.14903350

All fast food burgers are terrible. At lest BK is better than McDonald's, Wendy's, and JitB.

>> No.14903352
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Big Mac's are good just because of the sauce. Whopper's beef tastes better but overall the Mac is the better sandwich

>> No.14903389

I just think the Big Mac is really bland. The Quarter Pounder is clearly better.

>> No.14903397

Because monarchies are depressive states that can only enslave populations. It takes a democracy to instill adpiration.

>> No.14903398

its just a prank bro

>> No.14903399

wa la!

>> No.14903401
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>Big Mac's
ook ook, me no how apostrophe

>> No.14903404

They belong to Big Mac, you fuckwit.

>> No.14903405

He's Mac and he's big

>> No.14903411

The burgers have seared bites though

>> No.14903489

no one ever has ever had a hamburger and wished it had more bread. the big mac is a bad hamburger.

>> No.14903549

This. If someone gave me a Big Mac I'd take out the middle bread thing.

>> No.14903598
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Burger King pre 2010s was a pretty strong adversary for McDonald's but in the last two decades or so they've fallen off hard, around the time of the late 90s-early 00s I'd say their product tasted better than McDonalds on average

>> No.14903659

This, at least in the US. I remember when people used to mention McDs and BK in the same conversation, they were like Coke and Pepsi. Now BK is irrelevant and nobody really goes there.

>> No.14903661

It isnt the original burger king.

>> No.14903704
File: 66 KB, 500x346, 9k8o5h4dh2231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading through this shill thread.

BK blows McDonald's out of the water with taste.

BK burgers taste like they are actually grilled, with a little bit of Smokey char as a flavour enhancer. Quality sauces and ingredients and moist bread.

McDonald's is the bottom of the barrel. It is the cheapest cost-wise but also the cheapest tasting. Everything in McDonald's tastes microwaved, the only way to bring it to life is with nutritionally devoid sauces.

The whopper destroys the big Mac.

>> No.14903721

I love the whopper, fuck you. A double whopper provides me with enough food for the day.

>> No.14903724

mcd's is extreme trash tier. had a mcchicken a couple days ago, and i'm almost certain the "chicken" was shredded newspaper

>> No.14903746
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It's because they put way mayo on their burgers, and way too fucking much. If you hold the mayo, their burgers are decent. Burger King? More like Burger Cream. It's like the king himself is cumming buckets onto every fucking burger. Just disgusting.

>> No.14903769

>It's like the king himself is cumming buckets onto every fucking burger.
Oh he Is that's the royal treatment

>> No.14903840

Foot lettice LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14903851

The Whopper is the only thing worth it at BK, it does somehow manage to be tasty, I guess it's that salad combination with the mayo and ketchup

>> No.14903852

I'm gonna hit BK fairly hard once the PS5 promotion revs up next week.
Sure would be nice.

>> No.14903856
File: 24 KB, 405x289, 85E40870-40A8-4102-9E10-B3A17A1D9C44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mother fuck! Whopper juniors with cheese are ultimate god tier. I’ll fight you!

>> No.14903868

>whoppers junior

>> No.14903875

the customer merely rents them

>> No.14904864


>> No.14905565

They're actually the echo of a version of McDonald's from a hellish parallel universe; it just turned out all wrong. Little bit like Kmart.

>> No.14905580

Hard agree

>> No.14905626
File: 968 KB, 3024x4032, zdly4wqts8h31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Whopper is my favorite fast food sandwich. That's about all I get at BK. Fries are good when they're hot, too.

>> No.14905634

For some reason I love their mayo and ask for extra.

>> No.14905753
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My only issue with the whopper is that I have the hands of a little girl, so it actually is difficult to hold.
I didn't know it at the time but this commercial was about me.

>> No.14905821

I'm getting more of a seared bite

>> No.14905959
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>no mention of wendys

>> No.14905968

I was being sarcastic, dipshit

>> No.14905993
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>> No.14905998

this is why the whopper is the worst fast food sandwich

>> No.14906149

I seriously don't understand how many people think BK is shit. When those fast food tier lists were a meme I saw so many people put Burger King in C and below with McDonalds in B or above and I just didn't get it. I'd take a Whopper over a Big Mac every single time.

>> No.14906192

Too true. Mixed with the chup it turns into this pinkish dripping mess

>> No.14906347

Please don't say that no no no

>> No.14906349

my opinion is correct on the mcd vs bk debate. bk has lower lowers but higher highs. when it's good holy shit is it good. mcd tho? consistently ok. never impressed but never REALLY disappointed.

>> No.14906410

Burgers are for niggers who can't afford actual meat.

>> No.14906460

>the worst burgers ever made?
borguh kangz is pretty terrible....but you've obviously never had a borguh from sonic

>> No.14906506

Oh yeah my mistake. That was so easy to read into from your post.

>> No.14906565

What is better, chicken fries or long chicken?
Is the big fish any good?

>> No.14906651

both funny and absolutely correct

>> No.14906676

Fast food was always fast food; it was shit and everybody knew it was shit. But at some point in the 90s/early 00s, it became fashionable to live off the crap despite the fact that it's almost entirely empty calories - lots of fat and carbs and little to no actual nutritional value.
McDonald's became the poster boy for America's gluttony. And they deserved it. Used to be, as recent as the late 90s (roughly the last time I ate their "food"), I couldn't make it more than halfway through a single cheeseburger without running for the bathroom with explosive diarrhea. How did they do it? Laxatives don't even work that fast.
Anyways, at some point, somebody passed a law that they had to put ingredient and calorie information up for the public and people were pissed. 3,600 calories in one god damned meal? And it's 40% sawdust? (You do know what cellulose is, right?)
Documentaries like Super Size Me forced McDonald's to up their game. So they started selling salads which were 3 to 5x worse calorie-wise than the fucking burgers, but that did come with a modicum of actual nutrition. People caught on fast. So they changed the oil they fry everything in, started putting lettuce on burgers, started offering more sandwich options, etc.
As a result, other fast-food joints were also forced to up their games, offering wider varieties of items with moderately more nutritious offerings.
But not Burger King. They haven't changed a fucking thing. Everything there is just as it was 20-30 years ago.

>> No.14906686

>BK burgers taste like they are actually grilled

Fun fact, they are actually "grilled". You line the patties up and push them into a broiler that cooks with some open flame (Sometimes after a busy day the flames shoot out the top due to buildup). At the end the grill becomes a conveyor and spits them out into a pan.

The reason they taste so shit is because

1. They sit in holding trays filled with the drippings of at minimum 12 burgers at a time. They can be up there for 40 minutes

2. BK has this wild fucking obsession with microwaving their burgers before use even though the holding area keeps them hot

t. I was a Whopper special agent in high school

>> No.14906708

I miss the old $1 Spicy Chicken Sandwich from BK. I used to get 2 of those Plain (With a side of Buffalo Sauce) every day in college.

>> No.14906716

they still have it, numbnuttz. it's called a spicy chicken jr

>> No.14906730

Yeah. I used to like BK but the time I spent in the military made me absolutely hate this place. There are only two guarantees when you join the US military. The first is that, no matter how much work you get done, you will never be released on time. The second is that every base in the world that has a US Military presence will also have a BK. From the most populated and civilized bases in the states, all the way to the most bumfuck abandoned FOBs in Afghanistan. Burger King is the one constant. As a result, many wayward soldiers who are tired of eating at the chow hall or who are simply in a rush to get back to the motor pool on time after being given an impossible time-hack to get lunch fall victim to the King. I've been that soldier many times myself. Going to Burger King is like being in an abusive relationship. As much as you don't want it, you feel like you have no other choice. Pulling up to the drive-through or going up to the cashier you are always greeted by the same archetypal black woman who seems to exist in every civilian military position. She hates her life, but more than anything she hates you. She asks what you want in a very harsh and rushing manner regardless of how few people are in line. Your order doesn't mean anything though because you will always be given whatever they decide to make you. I have never gotten the correct order from those BKs. So yeah, Burger King's gay.

>> No.14906741

Its not the same chicken patty anymore. Spicy Chickens used to have their own specific patty

>> No.14906747

Based and redpilled

>> No.14906760

The just normal bacon double cheeseburger is miles better than anything in their normal menu

>> No.14907243

On the impossible whopper