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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14901203 No.14901203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone look who it is and look who landed a new food show! She went from Serious Eats, BA, Babish, and now she's on Food52!!!

Anyone taking bets on the incoming Babish racism accusations?

>> No.14901205

Link to her new show


>> No.14901206

Why the fuck is she still around?

>> No.14901240

Brown Privilege.

>> No.14901263

because she is my wife and nobody itt is allowed to insult her

>> No.14901268

This thread will live less than the one on/tv/

>> No.14901277

your wife is ugly

>> No.14901288

post her feet ffs. i want to see them

>> No.14901308

What if she is just doing the Babish thing and this at the same time? What makes you think they had a falling out? Babish just uploaded a video with her four days ago.

>> No.14901311

>Babish (or a staff member) received one hell of a blowjob

>> No.14901322

hip me to babish racism i believe it but cant find anything on it

>> No.14901323

I can't believe Sohla is going to destroy Babisn too. She really has a thing agains BAs huh

>> No.14901335


Leave her alone!

Last warning!!


>> No.14901345
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>literally who youtube channel
wow she made it!!! bet she's making only half of what she was before but how brave is she??? wowweee

>> No.14901348

She fucking sucks on babish. For sure just stealing BA video ideas (that were probably written by white people) and trying to make them work solo. She has absolutely zero personality

>> No.14901355

Nah uh

>> No.14901384

It was probably more Babish wanting to get on a soap box after her ordeal with that one company she worked for. What was it? Bon Appiete? Idk, I did not watch them.

>> No.14901385

>74 dislikes
I wonder.

>> No.14901389

This. I just do not even like looking at her. Her hair is so stupid.

>> No.14901445
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Just remember that she's mine.

>> No.14901472

She has more personality than Babish. He's the one who has none. Your post is ridiculous.

>> No.14901478

>i believe it but cant find anything on it
The typical 4chan user, everyone.

>> No.14901576

Well, can you find something that proves he was being racist? Believing something with no proof is a very poor trait to have.

>> No.14901589

How do her armpits taste?

>> No.14901595

Who is this man?

>> No.14901604
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>> No.14901630

It is illegal to bad post Sohla on this board for some reason. This thread will be pruned shortly

>> No.14901657
File: 19 KB, 636x239, ScreenHunter 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she called brad a bunch of shit in an interview the other day

>> No.14901680

If this is the direction this subreddit is going, guess it’s time to peace out lol. I get top-down racism being bad, and we need to talk about that. But this is starting to become a gossip column lol.

>> No.14901701

yeah now she's just spewing bullshit as her 15 minutes of cooking fame is up.

>> No.14901711

>People like watching someone entertaining and with charisma
Eat shit Sohla

>> No.14901743

You know that you can purchase views and "likes" from online factory farms, right?

Here's one of the bigger ones: https://buysocialmediamarketing.com/

>> No.14901795

>white devil white devil

In other words, she's admitting that she's to blame.

>> No.14901802

>Failed restaurant
>Fired by Kenji Lopez Alt-Left
>Ruined It's Alive
>Is going to destroy Babish
That bitch is a fucking virus but they can't do anything about her because she's a brown woman

>> No.14901812

when was she with kenji?

>> No.14901817

wew i didnt like her before but even less so now

>> No.14901822

love to see my queen get paid!!

>> No.14901828


>insulting brad

surely that won't backfire

>> No.14901831

I have no idea what the hell she's talking about. A lot (but not all) of the cooks in America are actually Mexican and that includes Chinese restaurants. Nobody expects taco seasoning in everything they do. Unless it's a TV chef of some caliber, most patrons don't give a damn who the chef is because they're aren't actually seen.

>> No.14901833

>She's already move on from Bazinga with Babooska

What the fuck? How does this terrible Dora the Explorer cosplayer keep getting away with it?

>> No.14901834

>One day women of color won’t have to choose between tolerating discrimination or quitting their jobs. But not today.
She was on serious eats then she left and whined about racism.

>> No.14901838

I honestly hope her career implodes, that fucking leech.

>> No.14901841

On Kenji's Q&A, he said he has never seen nor worked with her. Oh course he threw out the PC answer that he would like to work with her some time in the future.

>> No.14901846

>The first 4 words is "Muh race"
I hate this shit.

>> No.14901852

Serious Eats tried to make her the next Kenji after Kenji bailed on them to do his own stuff and start his own restaurant.

>> No.14901855

more like Soulless

>> No.14902643

A lot can happen in 4 days.

>> No.14902662

>incompetent white man

I understand she's upset about not getting paid but there's no reason to get personal, particularly when Brad probably had no control over how much money she was making

>> No.14902669
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>yeah who wants to see white people cook! its time for nonwhites to go back to the kitchen!

>> No.14902683

She was hired as an assistant and payed as an assistant. When she was asked to do more duties she could have told them to piss off.

>> No.14902686

Fuck this cunt.

>> No.14902691

He probably couldn't even begin to wrap his head around the issue, leading to some personal enmity towards him behind the scenes. I don't think either one of them is capable of comprehending the other's perspective.

>> No.14902701

Brad understood it perfect. He said it sucks but he didn't sign her contract and he's absolutely right.

>> No.14902705

She doesn't even get the simple concept that people like me watched brad to be entertained, I love his goofy dad personality but I'm not rushing to make any of his recipes.

>> No.14902714

Based, she cute and I don't care what anyone says

>> No.14902726

If you think that encompasses everything, you don't understand it either. The world is nowhere near as simple as you think. Open a book, learn some stuff.

>> No.14902735

>If you think that encompasses everything, you don't understand it either
What the fuck else was there you faggot?
She signed a contract as assistant despite being a former restaurant owner and former member of their competing cooking magazine. She then took on largely work duties without getting a contract revision to take into the account the work load changes.

How the fuck was that Brad's problem?

>> No.14902752

I disagree with what you're getting at, but you being wrong on this point has no real bearing on my original statement and I'm in no mood to argue every peripheral point.

>> No.14902761

you are missing out, maybe a bit embarassing but brads vids lead me to fermenting a lot of shit I usually wouldn't, like miso, kambucha, that pineapple drink, or curing egg yolks.

>> No.14902769

are you trying to imply that people running a business should think more of it like a friendship?
fuck off and get real lefite.

>> No.14902798

>Sohla talks shit about arguably the most likable guy in cooking right now.
>That guy is currently working with J Kenji Lopez, argubaly the other most likable guy in cooking.

Everyone is up her ass right now and clapping their hands but I can tell what kind of person she is from a mile away. I've worked with people like this and I used to be friends with people like this. Give it a few months and she'll be whining about Babish impersonating an Indian accent or something.

>> No.14902837

Fucking scum sucking leech fuck her.

>> No.14902848

She based.
Holy based.
Makes me cringe... Fuck off dumbie.

>> No.14902875

fuck this brown bitch

>> No.14902943

Fuck off cuck Sohla is a stupid cunt

>> No.14902983

She's going to ruin that babbish cuck and its gonna be glorious

Serves him right, you'd have to be retarded to ever hire someone who pulled what she did

>> No.14903004

rich arab husband didn't realize he could buy a much better bride

>> No.14903007
File: 68 KB, 800x450, kombucha toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.14903202

>Dora the explorer with tattoos

>> No.14903205

I like her haircut. Can you imagine her anally knotted to that japanese doggo?

>> No.14903208

Brad was probably the only person on BA you could get me to care even a little bit about.
He was entertaining and the purpose of the show was to experiment. That's not white male latitude, that's a good concept that outperformed her trying to flex her culinary chops while being entirely unlikable.
Brads clicks with almost everyone he interacts with because he's likable. Sohla goes for the "I'm so awkward" angle but still tries to be the confident chef. They're antithetical roles which is why she comes across as fake.
I like the angle she's taking, the audience is stupid for liking white guy instead of me.
I don't care if you're a good chef, if you don't make people entertained, you won't succeed. Sohla focused videos reflect that in their viewcounts.
Whoever decides to hire her after this deserves any misfortune she brings.

>> No.14903209

She's the Zoe Quinn of cuisine. Gets around through the power of the most malignant weaponized BPD imaginable.

>> No.14903228

>for some reason people like watching a big charismatic, funny, charming, relaxed, cheerful white guy

>> No.14903237

liked and subscribed
based and redpilled

>> No.14903244

she's using a $1400 induction cooktop with a $15 lodge pan

>> No.14903255

I'm a non white leftist trans woman and I don't really understand how she's become so popular, a lot of the other hosts were far better and more interesting and it feels like she's only getting attention now because of the drama.
I get why BA deserved what happened to them but I just don't get her popularity, I feel like she's going to fade into obscurity.

>> No.14903270

anyone have any comments on the content of the video? I tried watching it but turned it off about a third of the way through when she dumped all of her vegetables into the blender and turned it into a slurry. she says 'hang out' way too much.

>> No.14903280

t. soulless allahuakbar

>> No.14903290

she's not popular because she a good host. Shes popular because she represents a political philosophy that people feel they need to promote. The majority of her success comes from people wanting the underdog POC womyn to win over the evil white man. Its identity politics bs.

>> No.14903295


Ikr? She is as interesting as a paper bag. The banish episodes with her in it are so fucking boring and cringe that I never finish them.

>> No.14903461

cope harder boo

>> No.14903546

>I'm a non white leftist trans woman
Who gives two shits?

>> No.14903555

Tell your wife to ditch the Anton Chigurh haircut

>> No.14903577

No one should, just adding qualifiers to my opinions :)
I'm aware but at the same time I feel like there's actually interesting POC people to do this to, Sohla is just straight up boring.