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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14900860 No.14900860 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to confess your cooking sins anon, I'll start.

I used 6 sticks of string cheese, 4 slaps of gruyere and half a bag of mild cheddar to make bake mac and cheese.

>> No.14900873

Next time I'll use crushed goldfish instead of breadcrumbs

>> No.14900886

I have never and will never make my own stock or broth. I don’t have the time or patience and I don’t fucking care. I’ll buy from a decent brand and it’ll be okay

>> No.14900892


My wife made me mad half a year ago and I've been putting urine in her soymilk since then. Every time she opens a new carton, I put some pee in it, and watch her eat her plain cheerios and sugar-free, flavorless soymilk with it.

>> No.14900911
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I let my cat sit on the counter next to me, and I let him sniff everything as I prepare it. I also talk in broken Japanese/English and pretend I’m on YouTube “Hi I’mu Piggo, howst of diss shou, Cookingu Wiss Catto.”

>> No.14900916


>> No.14900928

I don't see the point of making your own pasta from scratch and I think non-professionals who insist on doing it are pretentious

>> No.14900930

If you want to pee on your wife then why don't you just ask

>> No.14900931

This. I don't use stock every week let alone every day. Just buy some stock cubes and throw them in boiling water when I need stock.

>> No.14900937

This Japanese lady let's her kots on the bench and shit. She cooks for them all the time.


>> No.14900938

I have never cleaned the rack on my grill in the 20 years I've used it. Not even scrubbing

>> No.14900942

After washing dishes I don't dry them manually I just let them on the counter until the next day when they are dry. I don't even rinse them with clear water after soap to be totally honest.

>> No.14900947

I make bread in my dutch oven

>> No.14900950

I do this too. After spending 2 - 3 hours in the kitchen cooking and doing dishes I just want to sit down and relax.

>> No.14900956

When cooking I don't follow directions and it's all about the feeling, It always turns good. I'm incredibly lucky or I'm just a good cook.

>> No.14900959

After peeing or taking a dump I don't always wash my hands

>> No.14900965

This but with my oven. I guess there is burnt food particles in it that are turning my bakeware black.

>> No.14900987

Your mother knows you masturbate and it makes her sick

>> No.14901002

I prefer vanilla ice cream on my pumpkin pie over whipped cream

>> No.14901178

bro why

>> No.14901188

Last night I was drunk as shit and knew I needed to eat something before I passed out. I cracked open a can of hash and microwaved that shit (not even fried) and added chopped hotdogs.

>> No.14901273

It's all I had, family didn't seem to mind.

>> No.14901281

I'm paid to advertise new fast food items on here but its like 50 cents a post and it takes a few months to even get the money

>> No.14901736

yeah we saw your thread about taco bell

i don't really cook anymore, i'm piss off when i think about time i'd lost if i cooked

>> No.14902090

That seems perfectly reasonable to me
Also fuck you now I want some pumpkin pie

>> No.14902132

fuck off marco

>> No.14902338

Retarded opinion.
Some kind of pasta and dishes require fresh pasta, like tagliatelle

I get that Americans think "fresh pasta = better" as a rule, and your right.

>> No.14902563

I don't actually cook
I only eat convenience meals

>> No.14903018
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One of my favorite meals is store-bought pesto, Barilla Protein+ pasta, and Grilled chicken breast that's been cut up all mixed together.

>> No.14903021

it takes less time to make pesto than it does for the pasta to cook and it tastes way better than store bought.

>> No.14903023

I've been using onion and garlic salt instead of dicing fresh

>> No.14903030

Right as you are, I'm lazy and I also don't own a food processor, blender, or a mortar and pestle

>> No.14903067

welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

>> No.14903081

When I dice onions, I only cut in two dimensions instead of 3. They're not all exactly the same size, but that never matters enough for me

>> No.14904272

I didn't properly defrost my steak from the fridge so it didn't cook properly all the way through in the pan, cut it in half and had to cook it up a second time.

By the end it was but the outside was largely black due to my mistake.

>> No.14904279

I just buy thr jars of garlic in citric acid from costco and fork out a few globs in anything. Garlic is annoying as fuck.

>> No.14904308

Lmao been there. I'm back on the fresh garlic train, but that's because I'm too lazy to go to the store and get more of the pre-chopped stuff.

Have you ever bought the bag of pre-peeled garlic cloves. I used to do that too.

>> No.14904362

i can cook fairly decent but i always end up being lazy and cheap and making some sort of depression meal looking abomination of bread with slop
i dont know how people manage to maintain these well stocked kitchens with ingredients to make all kinds of fancy things i usually have like two cans of tuna and some eggs maybe

>> No.14904368

They come already cut in a dimension. What are you smokin

>> No.14904505

I put Adobo on the cheese when I make quesadillas

>> No.14904519

>chicken breast

>> No.14904738

I put ketchup on my mashed potatoes

>> No.14904845

your wife is retarded. The processed carbs in the cereal is just as bad for her as the sugar she's avoiding

>> No.14905055

I eat parmesan rinds.

>> No.14905269

Enjoy eating vastly inferior soups. I made chicken stock for the first time in a while and did taste comparison with store bought, no comparison which was better. When using gelatin packets it doesn't even take long and your kitchen smells heavenly

>> No.14905306
File: 88 KB, 1024x744, frito-pie-recipe-5767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love frito pie. I dont give a shit what anyone says. Made with Wolf Brand chili on a monday night

>> No.14905546

My nigga