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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 169 KB, 458x440, damnfinecoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14898288 No.14898288 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee General, Dale Cooper edition.
What damn fine coffee is in your cup this morning?

previous thread >>14855100

>> No.14898335
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Currently, pic related
After I get going, washed Panama Caturra espresso. Home roasted

>> No.14898344
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Begone coffee fags

>> No.14898360
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That image makes me want to kill you and then myself, OP. Never post it again.

>> No.14898380
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>> No.14898459
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Are these actually any good?

>> No.14898478

It's easy to use, easy to clean, and it lets you infusion brew with any grind size you want.
I can take the grind I use for my moka at home, and brew it in my aeropress at work.
I mean, how can it be bad? It's not a machine that takes control over temp, ratio, and brew time. You do all of it, so you can't blame the resulting cup on the press, it's all on you. The only thing left to discuss after that is how easy is it to use, and it's very easy.

>> No.14898510
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bros how do I get the kaimaki?

>> No.14898593
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coffee is the perfect beverage

>> No.14898632

kaimaki doesn't matter since you have to filter it anyway

>> No.14898773

How could a pour over done "right" taste so much different from poor technique? Would the difference not be extremely marginal?

>> No.14898817
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>> No.14898821

>he filters it
Never gonna make it

>> No.14898886

no meme, do you seriously filter your greek coffee? no one in my family does this and no greek I know does this, maybe its like a reigonal thing? or a turkish thing?

>> No.14898892

love dougie, love u guys

>> No.14898916

I'm not turkish or greek, but occasionally I'll filter it because I don't want to wait for it to settle/don't want grounds in the bottom of my cup.
Other times I'll make it with the intent of good crema and just deal with the grounds
besides the crema I don't really notice a difference.

>> No.14899451

Light medium or dark roasts? And why?

For me, it's dark. I enjoy drinking coffee and like the flavors, plus dark has less caffeine so I can drink more coffee without getting a caffeine rush

>> No.14899601

Yes but it can get autistic
t. Aeropress main

>> No.14899734
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coffee time

>> No.14899969

dark is an excuse to drink sugar and cream desu, and light roasts are for confused teafags.

>> No.14900419

I drink dark black

>> No.14900507

No its an overpriced meme.

>> No.14900527
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>> No.14900586

We've been through this. It's the most cost effective brewing method

>> No.14900615

uh oh. weekly aeropress sperg out coming in hot.

>> No.14900624

A disappointing el salvador catuai, granted im still dialing it in but its very light for a medium roast, was expecting more sweetness instead of delicate caramel and some spicyness. Maybe ill try it with a lower temp and slower ina french press instead of the usual v60.

>> No.14900660

$30 paper filtered french press. You can get a v60, an ikea fp, and a box of filters from the $30. Probably even toss in an ikea mug.

Sipping on a little end of jar blend. Brazilian ethiopian and columbian. 60g in the small mizudashi overnight, splash of unsweetened almond.

>> No.14900695

Oops looks like you forgot the kettle again! Nice try retard.

>> No.14900701

and a memepress doesn't need a kettle?

>> No.14900707

you can just microwave water and use a thermometer to get the water to where you need to be. kettles are a shit investment.

>> No.14900708

>Thinks you need a kettle to boil water for a french press

>> No.14900733

That guy was rattling off products for a v60, a more time consuming and less versatile brewing method, trying to boast it as cheaper. And yeah, you need a kettle for v60. Nobody was talking about french press.

>> No.14900745

When will you two retard shills stop shitting up these threads?

>> No.14900748

You just need hot water, you do not need a way to control the pour. I would not take the v60 to work or camping for instance.
French press is just pointless unless you like making a liter of sludge at a time.

>> No.14900761

>more time consuming
i love waiting 6 minutes for it to steep and then spending another 2 minutes cleaning up just to get a cup of coffee with sludge in it

>> No.14900762

>wake up
>do work for an hour
>walk my dog
>10:00 am hits, walk to kitchen
>15g of Eduardo Campos Anaerobic Lot 3 from Black and White Coffee Roasters
>Invert aeropress, take water off boil, wait 20 seconds for it to cool 3 Fahrenheit
>pour 20ml of water, let bloom inside aeropress, sniff and smell test.
>I approve of the smell, continue pouring until water reaches top, which is around 240 ml.
>wait 45 seconds
>stir 3 times concentrically in the direction of how my toilet water spins
>flip over, press with approximately 18 pounds of pressure until I hear the gentlest sound of what could be assumed to be similar to a baby's sneeze.
>Stop pressing, swish the coffee 5 times to aerate and let cool
>Sip it.
>use the toilet 5 minutes later because I have the coffee shits
>while on toilet sit and think about how my coffee was grown, what kind of soil and temperature it was grown in, how much money my farmer makes from this one cup off me
>go back to work
>make another cup at 2 PM

>> No.14900769

Nobody is talking about french press

>> No.14900775

$10 mr coffee shits on you pretentious fags

>> No.14900795
File: 79 KB, 668x649, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you invested in Aeropress? I see you in every thread with the same arguments.

>> No.14900799

You realize the filters would be an ongoing purchase and not a one-time thing right?

>> No.14900800
File: 141 KB, 1188x522, tryagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$36 for an aeropress
$33 for pourover >>14900795
sorry bub, try again next week

>> No.14900806

aeropress uses filters too.

>> No.14900824

>paying $16 for paper and plastic

>> No.14900833

aeropress is $36 for papers and plastic.

>> No.14900837

and you get the whole thing whereas over half the price for pourover is solely for accessories

>> No.14900844

Ooops. Still more expensive! Plus you have ongoing costs with the aeropress! Filters, gaskets!
Shucks. Looks like your meme toy isn't actually cheaper than alternatives!

>> No.14900847

I'm trying light roasts for the first time, how do you differentiate sour and fruity/acidic? I noticed that the finer I go, the "notes" are duller and I get more of that generic coffee flavor. What constitutes a balanced cup?

>> No.14900856
File: 101 KB, 625x500, PourOverLandingPageImage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought pic related from the local thrift store for $3

>> No.14900859

>hand wringing over a $30 purchase
Who cares, aeropress is just better. I'd pay $100 for one if I had to even if the v60 was free. The amortized cost is basically the cost of the filter, which is clearly (significantly) more expensive for the v60. I wanted to dispute the "waste of money" claim. It looks like we've concluded, again, that the real cost difference is negligible. Having used both extensively, I'll go with the aeropress.

>> No.14900864

I try to extract as much sweetness as I can before losing notes and getting astringency/bitterness. What level the acidity is at that point depends on the bean/roaster and I'll judge if I like the level/beans or not

>> No.14900889

LOL YOU NEED A MICROWAVE FOR AP? gotta factor that into the cost retord.

Gotta love the convenience of making a shitty cup of coffee anywhere you want.

And just think, all you need to go from .75bar max to 1.5bar max is a $25 fellow prismo.

>> No.14900909

What it looks like to lose the aeropress toy discussion.
Other methods are:
Not using a plastic toy!

>> No.14900934

>shitty cup of coffee
Cope. The aeropress makes just as good coffee as the v60. It's a vessel for mixing water and coffee. The edge is in the form factor.
If you don't have a stove then I can see why you'd worry about wasting money. Anyway the fact is you will have a harder time with v60.
Grasping at straws, how many bars of pressure can you make with the v60 and why should anyone care? What options for pourover accessories exist?
Not possible to prove
>Not using a plastic
The recommended v60 is plastic.
Red herring

Sorry but you have lost the argument. You can proceed to cope, seethe and reply to me with soijaks if you wish.

>> No.14900943

How many wbcs have been won with the ap?

>> No.14901026
File: 69 KB, 682x475, evencheaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$33 < $36 I found an even cheaper setup pic related. $17, no filters, no on-going costs. All metal.

Tell me again why the aeropress is better? Is it the filters you have to buy? Is it the gasket you have to replace? Is it the microwave you have to buy to heat up your water?
Sorry friendo, your estrogenpress isn't looking too good here.
A french press does the same thing as an aeropress, you can even put paper filters on the french press if you want. Same exact taste as a aeropress.

>> No.14901461

Feels the best to use and makes coffee that is just as tasty as my best v60 brews with less hassle. Filtering a french press is no fun so I don't do it. I don't really like the pourover routine either. These are all opinions, my point is that at worst, it's not even more expensive than any other brew method, so it's only a waste if you don't use it.
For me the biggest waste/least favorite brewer is the chemex, since it is made of glass and uses expensive filters, the amortized cost per cup is high.

>> No.14901495

Aeropress is a day gimmick. Either make espresso or make coffee. Don't do this in-between bullshit.

>> No.14901515

You have no right to boss me around like that.

>> No.14901560

Aeropress is a coffee maker, not a fake espresso maker.
What is so controversial about a piece of plastic that lets you infuse and filter coffee of any grind size?
>I want a cup of coffee and I don't have a good grinder for v60 or french press, too bad aeropress is just a shitty meme gimmick...
What a world to live in

>> No.14901565

Youve never listed a good grinder with your v60 components. v60 brew is very dependent on proper grind size and you shouldn't do it without a good burr grinder.
You can use aeropress with a shitty blade grinder and get good results still.

>> No.14901575

>You can use aeropress with a shitty blade grinder and get good results still.
No you can't, and nobody should be using blade grinders for anything besides coriander or fennel.

>> No.14901586

There's no issue with silt and sludge, and there's no drawdown time to fuck up with fines, you can aeropress with a blade grinder.

>> No.14901594

>you can aeropress with a blade grinder.
If you enjoy drinking garbage, yes. Better stick to Folgers if that's the case, however.

>> No.14901650

Fuck u homie
Grab water and microwave it until fuck you
Put water in jug
Pour water on coffee

>> No.14901692

What I gather from this thread is:
>You have to be a millionaire to use ANYTHING besides aeropress
>aeropress is the BEST because you only need an aeropress to make aeropress.
>Aeropress will turn anything from spent nuclear fuel to compost into a drinkable cup of coffee. Whereas with v60 you need AT MINIMUM a $2k grinder, EKG kettle, potable water, AN ENTIRE HOUSE, $300/lb Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee to make something barely resembling coffee.
Crazy world we live in

>> No.14901702

Aeropress shills have been on /ck/ for years. The estrogenic compounds derived from pouring boiling water into plastic for years have feminized them into the state they're in now.

>> No.14901737
File: 33 KB, 1000x1000, baratza-baratza-cone-burr-m2-virtuoso-preciso-6175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the burr upgrade to M2 for the Baratza Encore worth it?

>> No.14901860

No, save up for a Monolith Flat MAX

>> No.14901923


>> No.14901929

reply to yourself more you retard

>> No.14901951

You started this saying $30 is too expensive, now that people are calling you out for ignoring grinder, you pretend that YOU'RE the one crying that people shouldn't complain about money.

>> No.14901954

Yes, but make sure you have the right tools. I replaced mine using slightly too small pliers and it was a huge pain in the ass to get it off the shaft.

>> No.14901982

good luck with kidney stones and heart faliure at 50 faggot

>> No.14901996

im on keto and can only go drip. espresso makes me shit my pants and cold brew is for faggots

>> No.14902048

Do I need more tools except a plier? Had you other problems changing the burr?

>> No.14902154

Noone said it was too expensive. They said it was a waste of money. At $36, you can buy a lifetime of french presses. Drink all the preground Death Wish you can stomach.

>> No.14902191

No, just good pliers and probably a towel to hold the burr. If you don't have a lot of arm strength you might need a second pair of pliers.

I followed this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxbaS8UXCpk and take a look at the official documentation https://baratza.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Cone-Burr-Replacement-v1.2.pdf

>> No.14902298

Yeah, they're really good, but not because they make super good coffee. They just make pretty good coffee, but it makes it consistently and with minimal fuss (if you do it right, don't follow the directions, just youtube it). Pour overs require a lot of attention and fiddling, while aeropress is super straightforward with no variables. They also travel great.

>> No.14902624

How do I deal with the loss? I'm halfway through one of the best coffees I've ever had. It's gone for this year, and I may not get it next year. Every cup is joy mixed with sadness. Should I go ahead and buy something else to save the rest of this one to roast only once in a while for special occasions? Why is it so hard when you get a really good coffee?

>> No.14902756

which coffee

>> No.14902841

I dunno. Some tiny Ethiopian village co-op microlot crop.

>> No.14902857
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there's probably some similar stuff from another ethopian village co-op microlot crop

i was gonna point out that coffee only gets worse with age but if it's really that much of a scarcity then do your best to seal it with as little air as possible
you could also try stretching it out with your runner-up coffee

>> No.14903683
File: 6 KB, 379x186, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reply to yourself more you retard
Enjoy feminization.

>> No.14904052

Instant again : ^ (

>> No.14904386

I reuse my aeropress filters a few times if I didn't use it with a very fine grind

>> No.14904633

>its not coffee if its not ground by an overly expensive grinder.
Im sure its good but I guarantee its not $3650 good...

Hope you get a good answer on this. considering doing the same. I hear it makes grinds at least same quality as the Virtuoso.

>> No.14904664


I came here to say I'm giving up daily caffeine and seeing your thread instantly triggered me and made me want a beautifully warm mug in my hands, smelling the aroma of fine honey processed grounds, and the feeling of that first sip.

fuck you.

>> No.14904704
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x3024, 4CA60007-2C5E-40D2-904B-D8F12C114B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else like to have a cup while they shit?

>> No.14904802

You can never leave the coffee. It always draws you back in with its irresistible warmth and aroma.

>> No.14904868

nah i shit after drinking it

this meme was to you by the IBS gang

>> No.14905158

Is PNG coffee good?

>> No.14905622

I refuse to use anything to make my coffee that isn't glass or metal. Plastic is for soibois

>> No.14906719

based. precisely the reason why I'll never buy an aeropress

>> No.14906949
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bout to pull the trigger on this asian sensation
nothing like an apple with a cup of coffee to open the flood gates

>> No.14906964

Is this the one with the plastic lid attached to the handle? Not a huge fan of the idea. Wasn't there one that just has an open, lidless hopper?

>> No.14907002

Yeah I don't love that it looks easy to break; I think all the espresso focused ones have it but it's not really an essential piece so it's not make or break

>> No.14907080

If you buy it come back and tell us what you think of it.

>> No.14907389
File: 20 KB, 475x318, 6o7jo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone tell me which coffee taste chocolatey?

>> No.14907426

maxwellhousebros...rise up

>> No.14907428

South American, I find specifically Colombian mid/dark roasts to be most chocolatey

>> No.14907437

What's the difference between this and Nescafe Gold?

>> No.14907506

gold is milder and lighter, classico is darker and more bold. I like both equally but gold isn't worth the price increase
if you can manage to get a hold of it, I found classico medium roast to be very similar to gold

>> No.14907584

Is classico supposed to bitter?

>> No.14907598

I don't think it is but I've been drinking it for a long time. It's only bitter to me if I put too much in

>> No.14909305
File: 851 KB, 1920x1080, Twin Peaks S03E03.mp4_snapshot_30.25_[2020.09.05_13.19.06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call for help.

>> No.14909316
File: 349 KB, 2400x2400, 3c8d58fc-bdc7-46a3-a0ab-15fa34a81bc6.c41f72fb0ae07335d88a65be7930de30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use instant coffee

>> No.14909348


>> No.14909823

Is it better than Nescafé?

>> No.14909960
File: 87 KB, 750x730, s395922384392265398_p3_i2_w750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm debating on getting either a Toddy Cold Brew machine (for concentrate to use with hot coffee) or a Clever Dripper.

I really don't care about super high quality coffee, and am more looking for something convenient. The ability to use my kettle to quickly make coffee seems like something I want more than a regular coffee dripper+pot. Suggestions?

>> No.14909986

>cold brew machine
Why do people need a device to soak coffee grounds in desu? I usually just dump them in a large pitcher with water, wait a day and then strain through a fine mesh strainer.
Using a dedicated device seems like overkill, unless they provide some other benefit.

Clever dripper is based tho

>> No.14909998
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>> No.14910336

Filtered ice coffee can be pretty good

>> No.14910350

boutta have my second cup right now lads

>> No.14910368

just bought one last week and really like it

>> No.14911366

Bought one to see what the fuss was all about and it has completely replaced my french press.

>> No.14911369

the absolute state of aeropress shills.
How much do they pay you per post?

>> No.14911375

The absolute state of you seething over people enjoying a coffee brewing device.

>> No.14911409

you didn't answer the question. How much are they paying you?

>> No.14911420

They pay me with aeropress filters

>> No.14911438
File: 177 KB, 1920x1043, shak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a thermocouple phidget setup

>> No.14911445

how do you get your brew temps so high?

>> No.14911449

I'm relegated to decaf because caffeine and adderall don't mix well for me. Any good decaf roasts I should try?

>> No.14911452

It's for roasting

>> No.14911467

NICE! Its starting to get a bit colder so I'm going to have to rebuild my indoor chaff catcher and run it downstairs, or just block off a little wind. I'm actually not sure how well my dumb coffee can build will handle a cold breeze. The internals are all shrouded. Maybe I just redo my aluminum "collar/chamber extender" and restrict how much air I'm blowing out?

>> No.14911474

I just set my poppery in a cardboard box when it gets cold out

>> No.14911909

>decide to try butter in coffee
>haven't been able to sleep for 3 days

>> No.14912078

Should I compare coffees in my v60? They all taste pretty similar to me and a little bitter

>> No.14912342

Finally dialed in my aeropress recipe today for consistent sweetness and low acidity across different roasts and origins. Here it is:
>230g water at 205F, 16g coffee, ,~14.3:1 ratio.
>Prismo/inverted method (use a bit less water and coffee for inverted)
>Medium-coarse grind, between drip and french press. 7.5 on 1zpresso K-Plus.
>Start timer, dump 80-100% of the water in quickly until the foam reaches the brim, stir in a vertical circular motion just enough to sink the grounds on top of the foam. Top it off and stir again if necessary.
>Wait until 1:40, gently stir the top a couple times to break the crust.
>Press, finishing at 2:05-2:10 on the timer.
>Grind finer if it's too acidic, coarser if the finish is bitter or unpleasant at all.
Might see how a 15.5g dose tastes next but otherwise I'm quite satisfied with this.

>> No.14912400

I've been doing inverted 18g beans to 220g water off the boil
>pour water, stir
>start 1 minute timer
>top off to 220g
>stir after 1 minute

Or to make more at once 34g beans to 230g of water and after pressing dilute with another 230g or so of kettle water

Or iced latte 25g beans to 220g water, press into large glass full of ice cubes, top off with milk

>> No.14913735

Has anyone tried Lavazza's "Blue" espresso pod system?
Is it better than Nespresso?

>> No.14914469

I think Folgers is the worse instant coffees out there in the market when it comes to taste

>> No.14915110
File: 186 KB, 1035x641, 1601358974202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've neglected my press. I need to use it more. It doesn't make the absolute best coffee, I CAN get better coffee from my V60 or metal filter. But the press is comfy.

>> No.14915237
File: 956 KB, 4203x3377, MQXLJECNHZHVTL7BMEXIKWTFGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Espresso tonic. Summer won't fucking end. Fuck I hate California.

>> No.14915349

Try cupping them first.

>> No.14915630

Got my Flair last night. About 6 shots in now. I'm thinking based.

>> No.14916099
File: 76 KB, 398x396, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best brand and bean for moka pot coffee? I usually use lavazza fine ground coffee which is good but wonder if there's anything better at the supermarket

>> No.14916107

Nice buy mang. What’s your grinder?

>> No.14916128

If you're lucky enough to find it, Illy has a specific pre-ground for moka pot.
Otherwise, the only way you'll do better than Lavazza's "espresso" pre-ground is to get a grinder and grind your own.
Lavazza's preground "espresso" is actually a moka-grind anyway. Illy's moka-grind is hard to find, and their espresso-grind is finer than Lavazza's, (not meant for moka).

>> No.14916531
File: 759 KB, 2528x1896, PXL_20201017_182042506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1zpresso k-plus

>> No.14916977

holy shit coldbrew wants me to use a lot of coffee
should i just use cheaper beans or not bother at all?

>> No.14917882
File: 123 KB, 500x375, 1576785046499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which instant coffee is most chocolatey, I want to be dale cooper but without any bitterness in my brews

>> No.14918005

Use it only to save stale beans.

>> No.14918169

Illy instant

>> No.14918607

Are mason jars good for storing beans?

>> No.14918829

An airtight container is an airtight container.
If it's clear, just keep it in a cupboard.

>> No.14919185
File: 617 KB, 1600x1600, spin_prod_ec_791160401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with this son

>> No.14919308

Now you need a microwave oven.

I just take a saucepan and boil the water on the stove. Takes about the same time as an electric kettle (US, not UK)

>> No.14919323

Ya need a stove for that unfortunately :/

>> No.14919331

I guess you also need a house to store all of these, otherwise some hobo will steal your stuff if you leave it outside on the ground.

>> No.14919345

Shame, really. Maybe aeropress isn’t a good choice after all

>> No.14919350

Yeah I'll stick with Starbucks.

>> No.14919492

Depends when you mean.
This is meant to deliver something approximating espresso to folks in offices, off the beaten path. In that context it really is the fucking best. However, a cheap-ish espresso machine will do better shots, though it will require a power outlet.

>> No.14919543

This entire story is false... are you helplessly misguided?
Aeropress is not marketed as an espresso maker. That's not the role it fulfils, all marketing pictures it on a full-size mug making a cup of coffee. It's a cheap and easy way to make filtered coffee with hot water.

>> No.14919638


3x+ the price of an ikea french press and you get to drink out of plastic. But at least you can reuse your filters 600 times like the bozo inventor.

>> No.14919679
File: 341 KB, 657x527, sad coffee apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw enjoy coffee but it always gives me the runs
Is there a way to prevent this?

>> No.14919751
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, wishywashy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually tastes really good, I don't need much sugar to stomach it. I can tell they actually care about their product, because it keeps me alert the whole day

>> No.14919803

Which coffee brewing technique can you do?

>> No.14920067

My ceramic Hario 01 has a small ~5mm crack on the bottom. Has this happened to anyone before? I'm not banging it around.

>> No.14920591

how fucking poor are you lmao.

>> No.14920652

Use cheap or stale beans because cold brew doesn't really benefit from the nuances or full taste profile of the bean.

>> No.14920818

My gf cut my penis off and put it in the microwave because I use aeropress

>> No.14920827

>I cut off my penis after ingesting loads of plastic estrogen from my $40 plastic coffee maker toy

>> No.14920907

hope you don't add milk to your coffee dude

>> No.14920923

If I'm missing out on my medium roast Ethiopia Yirgacheffe's floral/jasmine notes, what am I doing wrong? The notes are so feint compared to cupping and mine came out a little dark/bitter/bland.

Do I grind coarser? Use cooler water? I used water off boil. No thermometer yet.

>> No.14920924

I don’t, thanks tho.

>> No.14920954
File: 56 KB, 554x554, EE5700A9-8AD1-4BEF-92BB-CD0048DE2A4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your shitty plastic bong’s path

>> No.14921309

I finally got my Niche Zero. What a wonderful machine, feels so good to use a piece of equipment TAILOR MADE to handle my needs.

>> No.14921452

Looks like you need some more heat around the 3 minute mark to stop the flat ror from 4 to 6 minutes. Maybe try less heat to start as well. Otherwise looks pretty good

>> No.14921712

no. you are only human and that's what coffee does to humans.

>> No.14921977

>$600 in one photo

>> No.14922131

Stocked up on coffee today bc I ran out yesterday morning. Using a local blend of costa rican & columbian brewed via moka pot.

>> No.14922252

I smoke with $100+ limited edition lighters. You buy bulk generics because you dont want to spring for bic

>> No.14922300

Thanks, that's what I was thinking try to stretch out drying a bit more and get the heat on quicker after to build more momentum before FC.

>> No.14922309

>made in China lead-enamel glazed ceramic
Truly, you've bested all of us.

>> No.14922329
File: 60 KB, 800x533, dirty-grosche-madrid-french-press-on-counter-needs-to-be-washed-and-cleaned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$75 for a french press
still cheaper than a v60 setup

>> No.14922343

imagine paying stupid amounts of money for a piece of shit glass plunger. If you're willing to pay that much for a fucking piece of garbage, you can spend 1000USD on an actual espresso machine and grinder that make actual coffee, not watery cat piss

>> No.14922360
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I bet your coffee maker can't even draw a crowd and doesn't have a world championship lmao

>> No.14922407

Enjoy cancer, bitch tits.

>> No.14922412

Jesus look at that faggotry. Coffee isn't a spectacle, its a beverage.

>> No.14922419

>if you can afford $75, you can afford $1100
Why do hobbyists fail economics harder than communists?

>> No.14922420

Cancer? Buy a couple quantum boards and grow up.

>> No.14922424

>he thinks his chosen combustible plant isn't giving him cancer

>> No.14922436

says the nigga who has a lighter collection lmao

>> No.14922458
File: 1.98 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20201018_133209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in moderation. Supplement with an underdog poorfag.

Having a flat jet, a soft flame, and a single jet is real handy. Might buy a shark if push comes to shove.

>> No.14922459
File: 129 KB, 799x477, cali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything gives you cancer

>> No.14922470

>thinks breathing in fiberboard is healthy
Enjoy your moderately elevated risk of cancer, then.
Nothing depletes a bank account faster than terminal health issues. See you in 20 years.

>> No.14922502

I'm putting a bullet in my head looooooooooong before that bozo.



Turns out burnt particulate carbon isn't the best. California and the rest of the west coast has inhaled 10000x what I have in my life in the past 6mo alone.

>> No.14922517

>i-i'll just kill myself first!
Truly, you've won me over.

>> No.14922545

Enjoying dying in pain with a family who's been ready to get rid of you for 45 years. Maybe your grandkids will give you a tiktok tribute or something? You can pass down the family heirloom aeropress and it'll get tossed in the trash like 98% of useless inheritance.

>> No.14922610

god i wish that aeropress were me

>> No.14922630

i've had two cups of coffee this morning and have pooped three times. love the hangover caffein poops

>> No.14922781

what makes that thin glass garbage worth 75USD? if you can afford to pay 75 for a french press that looks like it's worth 10USD, then surely money isn't a problem

>> No.14922812
File: 123 KB, 1218x1730, PISTA_BOOKKISA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good Ethiopian natural with very strong strawberry and tropical fruit notes?

>> No.14922847

the le creuset costs $75, not the glass one

>> No.14922856

oh, even worse then. creuset is shit quality, with a made in france if you pay hundreds more

>> No.14923020

I dunno gedeb? The natural process ethiopian koke I had was a bit more tropical/floral fruit than the honey off the same harvest. Honey process made alot of toasted coconut and blueberry notes come out. Just look for some small lot greens you can buy to sample.

>> No.14923391
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I find starting at quite a low heat setting (mine gives me a temp of around 60c without any beans in the chamber) and ramping smoothly and faster during the first 2 minutes then slowly for the next 2 minutes works well. The last heat setting should be hit around 2minutes or more before FC starts - and it should be enough to give at least 5degrees C ROR at the lowest. Your total roast time and development time are nearly exactly what my go to profile gives.

Right now I'm working on interbatch consistency. Warm up batches in particular are very different, but so far I find doing the same profile but starting at a higher start temp and hitting my end heat earlier.

>> No.14923919

what's stupid about this hipster and prosumer shit is that you are often hundreds of dollars down and after all that are barely doing better than a 20USD walmart commodity drip