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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 1200x802, JBMcD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14895767 No.14895767 [Reply] [Original]

No one gives the slightest shit about the J Balvin meal. This must be really embarrassing for him. Travis Scott became a household name and meanwhile this promotion is already forgotten WHILE ITS STILL OUT.

Is this the end of celebrities acting thug while eating McDonald's for image promotion?

>> No.14895780

It's literally just big mac meal with a McFlurry. What did they expect?

>> No.14895786

flurry machine always "broken"

>> No.14895811

Wrong because they charge individual prices for the items so its technically a big mac meal but more expensive

>> No.14895829
File: 121 KB, 1023x586, bil-mcjordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lacked the kind of panache needed for a promotional and ended up just being really fucking plain. The faggot himself said he orders his Big Mac with no pickles, but they kept the pickles on the burger because McDonalds doesn't like changing their flagship burger.

I wonder how many more of these promotional burgers they're going to put out? Do they have a contract with a production company or something?

>> No.14895835

Travis Scott was already a big name before the meal. He's been one of the most popular rappers out there for years. J Balvin is a literally who that no one gives a shit about besides Colombians.

>> No.14895854

wholesome ad

>> No.14895937

They shot themselves in the foot by trying to jump on fake Instagram hype for a fucking nobody.

>> No.14895954

boomers gonna boom
>big mac and a mcflurry
how fat or coming off of drugs do you have to be to eat both of these in one day?

>> No.14895961
File: 128 KB, 666x573, 1585476571542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post celebrities that you'd buy a mcdonald's meal from if this promotions was a thing before travis scott

>> No.14896060

Who tf is J Balvin?

>> No.14896064

This deal is so bad, it seems intentionally designed for nobody to buy it.
The T.Scott meal was a regular meal ANYONE would eat, at a cheaper price.
The J.Balvin meal is superfluous with an extra flurry few people would want to eat after a big mac and fries, and at a regular price.

Unless you typically buy a flurry with your meals at mcdonalds, the J.Balvin meal is a good deal for the wrong meal.

>> No.14896069

Some south america reggae musician.

>> No.14896081


I was sitting here thinking “who the fuck is that” for a solid minute because I was so focused on the black guy I didnt even realize Michael was there. Goddamn hip hop marketing

>> No.14896087

I have literally never heard of Travis Scott.

>> No.14896089
File: 407 KB, 325x291, 1600466466526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants to eat a fucking flurry. I want a Sprite. The Travis Scott meal had creative and tasty twists, this is just adding nasty fast food ice cream for an even more of a literally who nig nog.

>> No.14896125

>taco niggers brand advertising with a Congolombian
I'd have a #5 please. For a better world.

>> No.14896129

Don't know who travis Scott is either.

>> No.14896138

[ Ay Vamos by J Balvin playing in the background ]

Of course I've had McDonald's new J Balvin meal. It's the perfect selection of my favorite McDonald's food: the legendary Big Mac (with no pickles! I hate pickles--yes, we exist!), those classic golden McDonald's french fries with the equally classic ketchup riding side saddle, and to top it off

[ record scratch ]

An Oreo McFlurry? For FREE!

[ music resumes ]

Why haven't YOU tried the new J Balvin meal yet?


>> No.14896234

Expensive. No drink. Can't just say "Ay yo gimme dat..." and play Sicko Mode.

Also no bacon.

>> No.14896251

america loves negroes. this j balvin guy isn't a negroe.

>> No.14896254

Generic autotune rapper with a multi-million dollar promoter who's stuck his face on everything from video games to fashion brands.

>> No.14896256

J halcyon has low set rates

>> No.14896270

Who tf is travis scott?

>> No.14896298

im really depressed

>> No.14896311
File: 391 KB, 720x540, Ej8cPsxVoAArOxa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Mac and McFlurry

>> No.14896345

You should consoom more McDick's then. I'm sure that will provide you with the endorphins and blood sugar your brain craves (TM)

>> No.14896356

Another fast food thread.

>> No.14896795

thanks for the bump

>> No.14896804

Too soon. The novelty was already used up.

>> No.14896833

Yes I'd like a disgusting mcflurry (which won't be available because the machine is perpetually broken) to wash down this greasy big mac and fries. Also literally who?

>> No.14897184

It's not even fun to speculate who's next because there's like 0 chance I've ever heard of them.

>> No.14897243

It doesn't take much time or effort to maintain a cursory knowledge of the zeitgeist, and being uninformed doesn't make you interesting. Quite the opposite.

>> No.14897424

>if you don't know about mutt retards who mumble over drum samples you are uneducated
do fucking americans REALLY do this?

>> No.14897447

>sugar and mayo
>more sugar

WOW american food really is so tempting....

>> No.14897450

literally all food boils down to glucose if you get molecular with it. fuck off.

>> No.14897455

Is this thread full of bored paid shills or are you fucking zoomers so retarded you do it for free?

>> No.14897456

the main component of all those foods is SUGAR

big mac is shit too

>> No.14897462

literally a steak is broken down into sugar when you eat it


>> No.14898511

>black guy


>> No.14898523

He performed at the super bowl

>> No.14898536

Travis scott is a literally who that no one gives a shit about besides americans
T. Not colombian

>> No.14898542

Bowl of what?

>> No.14900062

isn't the nfl dying?

>> No.14900171

>superb owl

>> No.14900175

You are quite the retard. Main component would mean majority ingredient, therefore sugar would be listed first in ingredients.

>> No.14900202


>> No.14900204

I said uninformed. However, given this response I'm guessing your level of education isn't very good.

>> No.14900480

Zoomers do it for free. Shills don't need to exist when brands have replaced religion.

>> No.14900630

>Do they have a contract with a production company?
That's what I've suspected. Really bizarre leap in fame between the two.
It's all faggy marketing for shitty fast food at the end of the day so I never bothered to look further into it.

>> No.14900720
File: 40 KB, 600x515, 145D54F6-55D5-4693-AD66-AF38F1279E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon did you make this up? Somebody should pay you for this. Its unironically a good commercial for a stupid thing.

Am impressed.

>> No.14900739

Yeah right? Travis scott is know in one country while j balvin is international

>> No.14900857

what is a "balvin"? like does that mean something or is it a last name or what?

>> No.14900875

wa la!

>> No.14900979

Oh okay so being on the McDonald's menu for like a month made him famous enough to rap at the super bowl, I gotcha

>> No.14901023

Yes is his last name, wikipedia says he is called José (a bunch of second and third names) balvin, probably calling himself jose wouldn't sell so it's just the J

>> No.14901190

I had no idea who either of these two were, let's do an asian promotional and get something different on the menu

>> No.14901224

we need a kpop promotional cause nobody listens to this jungle music

>> No.14901290

>asian promotional
>something different on the menu
what, like, dog meat burgers?

>> No.14901298
File: 23 KB, 661x173, lotta jungle people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away weeb

>> No.14901379

You do realize those views and likes are boosted right? People pay money to boost the views and likes to give a false representation as to how much people actually care about said artist. There's a website that you can use to distinguish how many fake followers a person has. Find it, test it out on some celebrities and realize fame is heavily manufactured and inauthentic.

>> No.14901383

>There's a website that you can use to distinguish how many fake followers a person ha
on twitter at least.

>> No.14901821

ITT teenagers show off how cool they are that they dont like the same music as the popular kids.

>> No.14901935

literally nobody boosts shit to 1.5 billion fucking views because that would be suspect as shit
is this little american's first time realizing that there's a big wide fucking world outside of their ((((hollywood)))) culture?

>> No.14902139

I'd give a teriyaki burger a try. Being McDonald's, though, the teriyaki would likely be heinously sweet.

>> No.14902337

this. flurries are a pain in the ass

>> No.14902344

ITT some butthurt mixed meat mutt gets xis feelings hurt that xis shit taste is irrelevant outside of some shitty twitter bubble of 85 iq retail workers

>> No.14902421

Its not I like sit down and listen to the guy but acting like hating his music is some kind of virtue is retarded. Really showed me how cool you and your taste and music must be though.

>> No.14902435

ok coper, i didn't say it sucked i said i've never heard of it, like any normal person who makes more than 30K a year at kohls. kys pleb enjoy your mutt filth.

>> No.14902573

dont worry you'll touch a vagina one of these days

>> No.14902674

wow that was a really cool post. here's something else that's cool: i make more money than you ever will.

>> No.14902687

>You do realize those views and likes are boosted right? People pay money to boost the views and likes to give a false representation as to how much people actually care about said artist.
you're right, k-pop is absolutely the way to circumvent this issue

>> No.14902707

>literally who artist
>shit music
>produced in America
>yea dude we third worlders totally listen to this haha Americans have shit taste in music

>> No.14902710

Not a cent of which will ever wash out the bitterness at the core of your soul.

>> No.14902713

Excellent response. He will realize eventually that money really means nothing in the end.

>> No.14902717
File: 786 KB, 1754x2683, MBMeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you handle the deal?

>> No.14902719

same thing, different country. this is done to all popular/famous artists, world wide.

>> No.14902723

MJ did nothing wrong

>> No.14902732

i wish this was an actual deal, the more people you order it for, the better value it is
that could feed three people easily, but if it's you and your mate and you both order your own meal it dwarfs $24, and if it's 2 people that's more than enough food
make it happen macca's

>> No.14902796

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.14902806

>but if it's you and your mate and you both order your own meal it dwarfs $24
I never have spent more than 18 dollars at mcdonalds for 3 people. The fuck do you even get to pass that?

>> No.14902832

yes why could i not see that working retail and listening to j balvin is the path to true meaning in life

>> No.14902854

still waiting on those pics there richie, seem pretty obsessed with the word retail for someone who lives so highly above the common man

>> No.14902987

nobody knows who the fuck j balvin is except for illegal immigrants

>> No.14902992

Kek my forced meme worked

>> No.14902995

you realize all these collaborations with musicians are put on by mcdonald’s in order to increase foot traffic. travis scott collab tried to appeal to zoomers and niggers and the j balvin collab is trying to bring in more beaners.

>> No.14902999

Who will the get for asians? Whites?

>> No.14903001

some kpop group/star for the asians and for white people katy perry or adam levine

>> No.14903015

Whatever Commie

>> No.14903019

I don't think Travis scott is well known In America desu maybe if your heavy into rap you know him but otherwise he's a literal who

>> No.14903028

Its also proportioned way worse than the Travis Scott meal. Like come on, America is known for being fat and you pair a mcflurry with a big mac?

>> No.14903032

I don't know who any of these fucking people are.

>> No.14903034
File: 284 KB, 1080x1400, 20201015_010411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already was a thing, he stole it just like every name he has and any other idea he "came up" with.

>> No.14903038
File: 27 KB, 317x472, po0tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did a couple of things wrong, let's be fair.

>> No.14903041

can we not use this word to describe a revival?

>> No.14904316

i live in shitty new york where a meal will easily run you $12/piece after tax, that's why i specifically singled out meals.

>> No.14904545

I already knew who travis was, then suddenly some fucker gets his own special thingy and I dont care. the cactus jack is interesting, sensational, popular. I still dont know who gay ballvin is and I dont care

>> No.14904637

>you realize promotions is to be sell things more stuff people
Big brain boy. Where you get this think, boy?

>> No.14904639

I imagine myself entering McDonald's, walking up to the counter to place my order. I address the middle aged Salvadorian woman who is shaped like a bag of potatoes, and say "I'll have the Travis Scott meal." She would reply "what to drink" and I would look at her quizzically and say "I said Travis Scott meal... I gotta have my Sprite." She will say "anyting else" to which I would reply confidently "yeah. Cactus Jack sent me," as I crack a smug sidegrin, slyly pull out my wallet, and place my AmEx Gold in the chip reader before she even tells me the total.

>> No.14904656

Using celebs to promote new/limited time products is something McDonalds sometimes, in their regional markets.

Back in high school when I worked at McD's they used Green Bay Packers players to promote the new Chicken Selects, and some Cheddar Melt burger.


>> No.14904900

>McDonalds thinks kids will by overprice shit because some "rapper" "made" it

>> No.14906288

seething irrelevant minimum wage mutt

>> No.14906343

what the fuck bio course did you take

>> No.14906357

>he thinks kids won't overpay to have a rapper's name attached to their food
Have you been living under a rock? Have you seen consoomer culture over the past two decades?

>> No.14906380

>3 Double Quarter pounders
>1 Quarter Pounder
>2 Large fries
>20 mcnuggets
>4 cokes
>Hold the racism ;)
*does 3 hour video essay about capeshit*
>it's chip!
>available for limited time

>> No.14906770

>They actually do it and it works as one of their most popular promotions in the last 15 years

>> No.14907014


When he isn't in artist mode appealing to normie teenagers, he seems like a pretty chill dude. Check out his house tour.

>> No.14908069

the one offered at penn. where did you go, peasant?

>> No.14908137

Some dumb bastard I work with is thousands of dollars in debt from buying shoes because they slapped some nigger's name on them and painted them funny colors.

>> No.14908623

Based /sp/ poster.
McDonald's can eat shit and die

>> No.14908771

Go to bed, Travis.

>> No.14909446

those are all from south america

>> No.14909818

the mcflurry isn't free
that's part of why nobody gives a shit, it's something nobody wants and it's full price
I'd argue the discount had a lot more to do with how well Scott's meal did than his name being on it.

>> No.14909825

honestly the timing was fine, the problem is the product
having ice cream instead of a drink is ludicrous, there's no other gimmick to it, and it's expensive where the TS was cheaper than normal price. marketing people just rely on luck, they have no idea what they're actually doing

>> No.14909830

fucking christ, fuck off

>> No.14909843

this thread is mostly revealing that /ck/ is a bunch of guys approaching 40

>> No.14910130

You didn't know? Young people are on social media almost exclusively. They experience each website via specialized phone apps. They probably don't even know how to find 4chan, unless they stumble across /r/4chan on the reddit app.

>> No.14910137

It's one part aging neckbeards lamenting over the "glory" days of /ck/, one part 20 something females, and one part millennial /pol/tards who don't even understand why they're on this board.

>> No.14910147

I can gurantee you more people know j balvin worldwide than travis scott

>> No.14910159 [DELETED] 

nigger food promoted with nigger music made by nigger artists

>> No.14910182

fucking retard, fuck off

>> No.14910183

take your meds schizo

>> No.14910185

English is so boring when it comes to insulting someone

>> No.14910196

and 20% me, Open AI's GPT-3 algorithm making posts on behalf of advertising firms.
- Open ai offeres access to input/output servers running the worlds most advanced general purpose AI
- GPT-3 can flawlessly simulate real human language, making its own posts
- GPT-3 Can comprehend and reply to questions all while still apearing human
- GPT-3 can effortlessly direct conversations towards focusing on specific brands or products

Find out more at openai.com

>> No.14910205

How's this:
>You are a mentally ill virgin and your cooking skills will NEVER make you less lonely

>> No.14910209


>> No.14910211
File: 1.20 MB, 908x681, 1596728230890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14910212

Better, it made me laugh thanks for that

>> No.14910215

It's actually real, more of a reddit thing though

>> No.14910217

>demographics are schizo

>> No.14910219

Jokes on you I'm approaching 30

>> No.14910221

I fart in your general direction.

>> No.14910223

Glad those post are derailed easily here, not even the bot would be able to sustain a thread in this website

>> No.14910234

Can confirm. I am J Balvin's 'amigo', or friend.
It's gotten so bad that J Balvin has started pretending he is retarded, just so people don't think he was serious about it

>> No.14910235

Zyprexa is such a horrible thing. If you're not sleeping 18 hours a day, you're up eating.
Fuck that

>> No.14910238

he got booed the whole time too

>> No.14910245

Never take it I have that picture saved but don't remember why, anti psychotic always seems like a hell of a "medicine" for what I read

>> No.14910250

go look at the catalog right now, count how many are directly talking about a company or product. I'm not saying there are bots, just that this site is already corporately obsessed. I wish it were bots, but I think people are just brainwashed into actually thinking products are important

>> No.14910254

Shills are like bots, except you can pay them through free food coupons instead of electricity.

>> No.14910264

Well a board about food can easily end up on those threads but if you read them is mostly shitposting (although ironic consumption is still a way of consuming a product)

>> No.14910272

This site reflects the world, particularly the American world. Being corporate “obsessed” isn’t even an obsession to us it’s just normal everyday life. They are our life.

>> No.14910273
File: 135 KB, 1000x794, ringoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's stupid but that looks really good

>> No.14910301

>why drink a liquid when you could eat ice cream?

>> No.14910325

The ice cream is meant to be eaten as a dessert not with your burger although they probably would give it with the other food and not after

>> No.14910348

Obviously you care at least

>> No.14910351

What the fuck

>> No.14910377

Yeah, people who complain about inflation don't remember the price gouging of the 90s.

>> No.14910387

I remember saving up every day as a kid just for the jordon meal

>> No.14910446

gas yourself

>> No.14910669
File: 85 KB, 625x405, I Hear What You're Saying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Travis Scott was already a big name before the meal.

Nobody over 25 had the slightest fucking clue who he was. It's literally just high schoolers trying to be cool because the media has really been ramping up their push for hoodrats mumbling as being the hippest thing you can do for the past ten years.

>> No.14910715

People over 25 have never been a market for new music. You're really not saying anything.

>> No.14910754

>People over 25 have never been a market for new music.

Country music typically goes for the 35-ish demographic. And I'm talking literally-whos new on the scene. If you live in the south or the west that's a pretty significant chunk of radio traffic. Not to mention that their are tons of older artists who are coming back with a new style and sound that are going for the 30-40 market as well.

>> No.14910771

Because the novelty of
>haha looks it's a McDonalds meal named after a nigger
Lost its novelty after about 5 days.

>> No.14910782

Oh shit, the classic money boast. What's next? "my dad can beat up your dad"?

>> No.14910981


>> No.14910996

He literally played the Superbowl. I could give two shits about both rap and sports all, but you must agree that's about as normie as it can get

>> No.14911095

Travis Scott was cheaper than a QPC meal though

>> No.14911104 [DELETED] 

I thought travis scott was one of the dead niggers in america everyone was rioting over and this was a BLM marketing move by McDonald's.

>> No.14911108

>Travis Scott became a household name
Already was for most people under 30

>> No.14911243

everyone in your country but cartel is min wage by comparison to the US.

>> No.14911360

Do people still watch that shit?

>> No.14911382

I'm 25 and hadn't heard of him before I saw the spam on /ck/. I don't listen to hip-hop or watch reality tv.

>> No.14911447

Not anymore. Football ratings are in the shitter. Zoomers can't stand sports period.

>> No.14911480

If you didn’t listen to Hip-Hop, or read about the music scene no one expects you to know about a modern Hiphop artist you mong

>> No.14911489

What the fuck

>> No.14911508

The bowl of what? Why is so super about it?

>> No.14911511

Then is not a household name if he didn't know him

>> No.14911604


4/5 people I know who used to be super gung-ho about football have completely stopped watching it over the past two years.

He's dead, Jim.

>> No.14911614

>Inb4 they are appreciating assets and makes a killing in a few years

>> No.14911650

Make your personal meal

The Fatboy Plus
Three patties, six slices of cheese, ketchup, mustard and pickles on a sesame seed bun
Large fries
Diet coke, large
