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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 331 KB, 2560x1808, Scandinavia-Map-Region-Northern-Europe-The-Nordics-Scandinavia-Standard-Minimalist-Map-Large-FINAL-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14890825 No.14890825 [Reply] [Original]

how is Scandinavian cuisine? is it filip-tier

>> No.14890828

rotting fish
bleached fish
take your pick

>> No.14890830


>> No.14891033

potato, fish, egg, bread

>> No.14891044

Unironically among the worst and most disgusting the world. I put it and Russian food on the same tier. You know what the most popular food in Sweden and Norway is? Frozen pizza, with all sort of shit topping combinations.

>> No.14891061

I love Swedish food but I'm also a Swede. Though I have never enjoyed the pickled or fermented fish. That shit is gross to me.

>> No.14891070
File: 166 KB, 903x904, 2615975F-05C0-4A92-8039-95D985AA4D24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotten fish and potatoes in every dish

>> No.14891091

>no Esti
It's shit

>> No.14891113

Not even close.

Nah pig and chicken is the 2 most common choices
Salmon is dirtcheap where i live tho so i imagine people eat it on the regular, i dont because i hate fish in sll its forms

>> No.14892242

Copenhagen is the most interesting food city in the world (if you aren't poor)

>> No.14892541
File: 85 KB, 1100x825, kiwipizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least our pizza is better than Americans

>> No.14893346

what astonishes me is how they have really tasty pastry but otherwise rather shite food

>> No.14893387


> Map of scandinavia
> and iceland, denmark and Finland

>> No.14893412

Don’t you people do that shit with bananas too? What is it with y’all and savory tropical fruit?

>> No.14893418
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bananas and peanuts

>> No.14893440
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Why would that even occur to somebody?

>> No.14893498

Banana is more versatile than pineapple

>> No.14893507

In what sense? Pineapple can be used easily in bbq and other savory dishes while bananas are pretty much pigeonholed as deserts or sweet breakfasts. A plantain could be a savory addition but still limited

>> No.14893518

It's more common in indian cuisine but there are a bunch of uses, works well with curry which is how its served on Pizza for us

>> No.14893528

God I fucking hate Swedes, please neck yourself

>> No.14893535


>> No.14893546

i would as versatile

>> No.14893575

You don't think Denmark is Scandinavian, retard?

There's plenty of good simple cooking with rich gravies and fatty cuts of meat to be had. And loads of fish of course. No, it's not all rotten or pickled.
Plenty of good food, but it tends to be fairly simple and not as spiced as some other parts of the world. Traditionally, it uses herbs more than spices.

>> No.14893674

Can’t stand Indian food myself so I guess that’s why I’ve never heard of savory banana. Any good?

>> No.14893959

things unknown to piglets:
- tropical fruit
- non-fruit things that taste good
not a mystery really

>> No.14893991

Denmark is scandinavian, Finland and Iceland are not

>> No.14894046
File: 259 KB, 1200x800, M90OOAq4QTtxm93sMgBoCQB4mfXku3pbhvZvSnyRaZNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly this. I live in Norway(I'm from Austria) and it's on the bland side. Some meat, potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage. A bunch of fish dishes(in particular with cod) some stews.

One thing Norwegians probably do better than everyone else though is roast pork belly(ribbe). It's one of the traditional Christmas dishes in Norway and they've raised making it to an art form.

Another Norwegian "national dish" are tex-mex tacos, which are usually eaten on Friday (Tacofredag). Even the smallest grocery store in Norway has a shelf with (mostly bland) taco sauces and (mostly wheat) tortillas.

>> No.14894056

I gotta try making that someday.

>> No.14894316
File: 146 KB, 1263x560, vulkan-pizzan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden was a mistake

>> No.14894323

Fish and potatoes.

It is quaint in its simplicity I guess.

>> No.14894344


>> No.14894533

>not a single mention of mutton anywhere in this thread

i am very disappointed in all of you

fårikål and pinnekjøtt are legendary

kålrotstappe (mashed rutabaga) too

>> No.14894602

Pineapple and non-pineapple pizza eaters must put our differences aside and defeat this evil.

>> No.14894693
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Love me some Norwegian goat cheese.

>> No.14894705

I'm so glad Sweden won't exist in 50 years.

>> No.14894792

Actual Swede here, not like them pretenders with troll-level pizzas. I've seen them, but nobody actualy orders them.

Real swedish food is hearty stews and roasts served with potatoes, gravy and a veriety of preserves.
Resturants makes some good seafood, but home cooks tend to ruin fish.

>> No.14894874


It's from the flying jacob dish, which is a casserole made of chicken, bacon, peanuts and bananas.


>> No.14894882
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It's based and haram

>> No.14894941
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Don't know about the other nordics but here basic meals are traditionally fish, lamb and chicken. Bland on spices (excluding salt & pepper) but very good sauces instead. When the weather allows many people grill, everybody own a grill here because grilled meat = food for gods.

In the end this is the 20th century, you can buy anything at the grocery store. People like varied food.

>> No.14895009

>Though I have nevery enjoyed the pickled or fermented fish
So are you underage or nysvensk?

>> No.14895065

You eat farmed salmon, sad!

>> No.14895166

>come back from IKEA with family
>eat the weird ass smelling fermented fish with pops
feels good man. was never rich enough to afford trips to foreign countries so I only know those weird fishes from the ikea grocery shop.

>> No.14895190
File: 66 KB, 735x551, C2E66E7A-AB87-4057-B4B7-82AB6948C541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything from up there sucks except for pickled or otherwise preserved fish and mushrooms. I unironically enjoyed pic related more than the standart nordcuck dinner fare of sloppa beef/pork, potatoes and lame roast vegetables.

>> No.14895219
File: 554 KB, 760x480, julbord_tappa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is all foul and horrible no you shouldn't come here and have any

>> No.14895234

>is it filip-tier
I'd rather eat Filipino pepsi rice. I'm not joking.

>I put it and Russian food on the same tier.
>beef stroganoff
>beet soup
Someone's full of shit.

>> No.14895252

>christmas decoration takes a huge part of the pic

> Yes it is all foul and horrible no you shouldn't come here and have any
This but unironically.

>> No.14896972

Where's the whole lambs head like grandmama used to make

>> No.14897019

that poster is a tard, mobius syndrome doesn't affect your cognition that badly

>> No.14897282

Scandanavian food ranges from pretty good, to fish fermented inside a seal's anus tier.

>> No.14897581

I'd have that, not even shitting you

>> No.14897654

Potatoes, ground meat(pork) and eats more wild game than the others. Most dishes are copied from hungaria/bulgaria.
Fuckton of fish dishes. Usually more veggies in their dishes than the rest
Potatoes and sugared cuts of pork. Lots of dishes from germany.
>Binland :DDD
Everything is boiled in white sticky cream.
Rotten sheep heads, near extinct birds and marine mammals, eyes, peteters.

>> No.14897667
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>> No.14897671

>Don't you people do shit with bananas too?
Yes. We freeze em and shove em up our asses. We call it a tropical blizzard.

>> No.14897703

I tried this and the part of the spaghet that's inside the banger doesn't get cooked properly. Sad!

>> No.14897753

This shit is gold. My sides.

>> No.14897810

Norwegian here
This guy is right on the money, and describes the essence of the Norwegian cousin. The staple of Norwegian dinners are meat (fish, lamb, pork, beef and some chicken, with boiled potatoes with a simple sauce or just pure butter, and some simple boiled vegs like carrot, broccoli or cauliflower. It is very very tasty because of the simplicity and quality of the ingredients. All animals in Norway spend half of the year in the forest and mountains so they are very nutritious and tasty. Foreigners often think our food is bland because we don't use other spices than black pepper and salt. I like it that way, cause I can taste the single ingredients better.

Other than that we also do a lot of soups and stews. Fish Gratin is also very popular and tasty.

The last decades we have started to import other dishes too like lasagna, pizza, hamburgers, spaghetti and so on, but still the above are still our staple meals on common days

>> No.14897814

>All animals in Norway spend half of the year in the forest and mountains
*With the exception of pig and chickens. They are factory farmed

>> No.14897827

>All animals in Norway spend half of the year in the forest and mountains
Absolute bullshit, man.
Your pigs, chickens, and salmon definitely don't. Maybe your sheep do but I'd be surprised if ALL your cows do.

>> No.14897838

>They are factory farmed
But the factory is in the forest mountains half the year

Are you trying to tell me you don't like Old El Paso tacos every Friday?

>> No.14897846

nds on what you mean. Traditional Swe/Nor food is quite bad, traditional Danish food is okay - Germany tier. Now it doesn't get better for Swe/Nor, but Denmark then has its cakes and pastry, which are top tier. And then Copenhagen has its Scandi-modernism, spearheaded by noma, and is a fantastic place to eat.

>> No.14897854

>But the factory is in the forest mountains half the year
Not the pigs. They are inside all year round unless you buy the expensive outside pigs

>Are you trying to tell me you don't like Old El Paso tacos every Friday?
Oh, I do eat it and love it. But every friday is a meme. Most people don't eat it that often, it is a term made by the food companies to sell more. Taco is still very popular though. Personally I eat it maybe once a month or less which I think is pretty common for most Norwegians

>> No.14897896
File: 200 KB, 730x996, enebaer-gryde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stews and desserts are the best part of the cuisine. Hunter's stew with juniper berries is super comf in the winter.

>> No.14897959

Julmust season will be here soon, brothers. God I fucking love being swedish.

>> No.14897984

i fucking love must

>> No.14897992

gravlax is better than smoked salmon and Janssons frestelse is the GOAT

>> No.14897994

julmust sucks ass

>> No.14897998


>> No.14898016

Champis is the best

>> No.14898090

go to Ikea and buy all the food they got.

>> No.14898355

The christmas season begins when Coca cola starts running their desperate commercials to try to get swedes to buy coke instead of must

>> No.14898509

Hey are those roe things in the tube at Ikea any good? I smelled one and it smelled like the nastiest pussy.

>> No.14898513
File: 19 KB, 512x362, 2019-02-09 12.13.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banana pizza is unironically much better than pineapple pizza. It's a smooth sweet taste, compared to the violent enzymes from pineapples that clash with cheese and meat

>> No.14898550

It's salty and fishy so yeah it is fucking good, you overgrown baby.

>> No.14898561

the best part of scandinavian food is that they are the only countries on the planet that has any idea how to make an actually good breakfast that gets you to 100% at the start of the day
IKEA is the walmart of furniture
the food is absolute bottom of the barrel garbage fire

>> No.14898580
File: 2.38 MB, 1143x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kalles kaviar + hard boiled egg on bread is GOAT

>> No.14898581

Next time I'm there I'll give it a try.

>> No.14898589
File: 398 KB, 1200x1600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For lunch, I love this. Top tier.

>> No.14898630

Our smoked game is on fucking point.
Salmon is plentiful, cheap and high quality and we obviously smoke herring as well. We used to smoke eel but that's now an endangered species here.
Lammfiol is a lamb leg smoked over juniper and I can't fathom why I never hear of smoked lamb elsewhere. I would put it up against any spanish ham, italian salami or whatever other charcuterie.
Smoked deer heart is just about the best thing there is.

I love julbord as much as any good swede but pictures of it end up just looking bland as hell.

>> No.14898692

>the best part of scandinavian food is that they are the only countries on the planet that has any idea how to make an actually good breakfast that gets you to 100% at the start of the day
Care to explain that?

t. Norwegian?

>> No.14898700

The further you move from the heart of the world aka Italy, France, and Germany the further you move from humans. The further you move from humans the worse the food gets.

>> No.14898712

I think you can suck my big fat intact dick, bitch. I just said what you said in my next post. Our beef, lamb and seafood (except salmon and trout) are free roaming and above first class

>> No.14898734

German food: eisbein, schnitzel, currywurst, sauerkraut, saumagen, spaghettieis etc.
sure, buddy.

>> No.14898746

But none of those "countries" can cook for shit.

>> No.14898756

seething retards that wouldn't know good food if it hit them in the face.

>> No.14898757


>> No.14898766

If it did hit me, I'd know it didn't come from Germany, France, or Italy.

>> No.14898772

I don't think any honest human that has been to france or italy could possibly talk shit about their food.

>> No.14898780

Sure. If you ordered Andouille for example.

>> No.14898788

All of those have been done better by the Americans.

>> No.14898876

Russian food is delicious.

>> No.14898966

they should sell julebrus here too desu

>> No.14898970

The good Nordic stuff are bread, savory breakfast, pastry, candy, chocolate with real milk, berries, alcoholic drinks, ice cream, odd milk based products, gravlax, less sugary more acidic sodas, and maybe Christmas food. Everyday warm dishes are average.

>> No.14899044

Are we looking at the same picture? What wouldn't be bland?

>> No.14899093
File: 335 KB, 1600x1200, 2010_1218ChristmasPrep0122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy, happy family at IKEA, Only $ 15 pr. person, Thats how much I value my off-offspring.

>> No.14899095

The things I like are the gravlax, other fish products, potatoes, waffles, and flat breads. I mean in general Scandi's are pretty intelligent people and they do make some good food. https://youtu.be/5kMtuqyjXAA.. However the average Norwegian supermarket is really shockingly bad. Most Norwegians are eating fucking fish balls and frozen pizza.

>> No.14899158

>frog poster is a braindead faggot

pans out.

>> No.14899191

>posting your kids on 4channel
your wife looks old af too

>> No.14899216

not to clever, are we? Hard to read: off-offspring?
Reply if I should explain.

>> No.14899234
File: 235 KB, 800x1109, Tintin_Penrith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a retarded tourist I ate out all the time in Oslo and Stockholm, was just normal food at modern local restaurants. Best thing I probably had was bacon wrapped pork fillet w/ potato gratin. Guess some autist will chime in and say that's fucking French or something.
Up north in Lappland had a moose burger in a bar and cooked some reindeer on a BBQ, both pretty sweet, reindeer is not as gamey as I expected. Lapplanders are fucking strange people, it's great, I loved it up there. Forever keen to go back.
t. aussie

>> No.14899286

don't get it and don't want to know, thanks

>> No.14900572

we have karelian soup in finland xDDDd

>> No.14900918

rotten fish and cow head

>> No.14900970

is that kiwi and prosciutto or ham? What kind of fucked up monster would make such a thing?

>> No.14901030
File: 575 KB, 1824x1368, skagen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedish food is some of the best in the world.

>> No.14901031
File: 268 KB, 612x325, julemad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not like it, but this is what peak cuisine looks like. OH MAMA Christmas is a'comin'.
>roast pork w/ GOAT danish crackling
>roast duck
>roast medister sausage
>GOAT brown gravy w/ duck stock/fat, red wine and currant jelly
>caramelized potatoes
>red cabbage ala GOAT
>akvavit, wine, beer
I can't even imagine not being Danish for Christmas

>> No.14901060
File: 40 KB, 479x335, df102f06-4d7f-474d-99dd-8d54f54b352f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swede here. We don't have much strong spices, so true "husmanskost" usually has pretty subtle (or bland, whatever) flavours. Like white pepper, bay leaves, allspice, dill, caraway. But personally I enjoy the simplicity of many traditional dishes.

Oh and I've been told that for some reason Norway has way worse food than us, don't know why.

>> No.14901066

Always fucking hated that shit desu

>> No.14901072
File: 16 KB, 636x358, blossaigeni-636x358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glögg soon, fellow swedes. Can't fucking wait

>> No.14901087

that looks delicious.

>> No.14901090

an arab, obviously.

>> No.14901111
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>> No.14901157

Never understood americans that go to an ikea because the food is supposedly good. All this shit about how the meatballs are great and shit. It's quite literally on the level of average gas station food.

>> No.14901180

Truly the ultimate pleb filter.
Scandinavian food is great.
Simple doesn't equal bad. Some "people" are just morons.

>> No.14901435


Simple is the best. The most complex I'll get before calling it pretentious would be a dish like Cassoulet

>> No.14903245
File: 111 KB, 768x432, shutterstock_649063699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any Scandi/Swedefags tell me how this actually is?

As an American these always looked fucking delicious.

>> No.14903325

You can ensure it does by air frying it afterwards

>> No.14903391

Russian food is great though. Chebureki, Borsch, pelmeni, ukha. All great.

>> No.14903400

>Eating tacos on friday
>Not Tirsdag
Do Scandis just hate fun alliteration or something?

>> No.14903402

amerifag here. nyc pizza snob tier amerifag. i had one of these when i was in stockholm a few years ago. it wasn't awful, but not as good as a decent pizza or decent kebab.

>> No.14903410

Almost all those countries have shit food though. Thai food alone is better than all of them.

>> No.14903529

And that’s basically all Copenhagen is good for. Take away the restaurants and it’s just a shithole

>> No.14903540

Kebab on pizza is great. But I prefer it with lettuce on too

>> No.14903617
File: 110 KB, 1200x630, xu5ksc73k69fbjsdxaei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pinnekjøtt is the greatest food on planet earth

>> No.14903639

When it's good it's the fucking best, everyone has their favorite place. You feel like absolute shit after eating one though.

>> No.14903670
File: 19 KB, 271x186, 1602459182048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>box of chocolates you can get anywhere
>Literally a whole, uncut pineapple and some other fruit
>Some basic ass charcuterie you can get anywhere
>Store-bought low-shelf alcohol
>Christmas decorations


>> No.14903735

clinically based

>> No.14903740

like all non-southern european cuisines it is absolutely vile

>> No.14903744

you shouldn't post your grandkids on here, old man

>> No.14903955

>the post that saved this thread

>> No.14904342

>pinnekjøtt is the greatest food on planet earth
It really is. My mouth is running just thinking about it. Paired with aquavit and beer it is the best christmas dinner in the world

>> No.14904383

countries with a previous history of starvation tend not to have the best cuisine.

>> No.14905138

The pickled fish thing is quite good

>> No.14905161


Disgusting and so goddamn good.

>> No.14905164
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>> No.14905176

No we have literal shittons of wild salmon here

>> No.14905251

Whenever I feel bad about Dutch cuisine i just remember Sw*dish food exists and I instantly feel better

>> No.14905326

They range from not great to fucking delicious. When its good its real good tho.

>> No.14905336

Way too much topping on kebab pizzas imo. You can get something similar but much better by ordering a ham-and-mushroom pizza with garlic kebab sauce.

Speaking about Swedish food only: The best stuff (other than pastries) isn't particularly unique, mostly stews or oven-cooked meat/potato dishes served with some kind of preserve. Lingonberry jam is a notable preserve that goes fantastically well with most stews or anything served with gravy.

Other than than that, we eat a lot of non-traditional freeform dishes based on continental ones. Bizarre family recipe variations of spaghetti bolognese can be very tasty.

>> No.14905383
File: 118 KB, 648x972, korvstroganoff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"sausage stroganoff" here is an example of such a variant based on a continental dish. It's likely the #1 comfort food here, made with a cream/tomato-based sauce including diced bits of a certain kind of mild, soft sausage. Won't see it on the menu of a fancy restaurant, but virtually everyone likes it.

>> No.14905972

Haters gonna hate, non-white nations always hate on the most innovative and whitest nations. Just look at the periodic table and despair you human excrements

>> No.14907447


>> No.14907462

A turkish or iraqi pizza shop owner in Sweden, most likely.

>> No.14907499

They are amazing.

>> No.14907511

> What is Christiania?
> What is Istergade?

>> No.14907559

Scandi food is the only true instance of "wypeepoe can't cook n sheeeeit"

It's the most generic, bland meat and starch dishes imaginable, always in laughably small portions.

t. amerilard who lived in a fishing village in iceland for a year

harðfiskur is delicious, though, but i could only find that in iceland.

>> No.14907587
File: 96 KB, 890x656, 1599899182154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll add onto this: nobody on the entire fucking globe considers 2 ounces of lamb cheek meat and half of a cucumber to be a fucking meal

>> No.14907644

true amerifat here.
i am in love with kebab

>> No.14907687
File: 126 KB, 1200x630, i3girzkc8k9xiwrk4k6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in norway we make our pizza in a baking tray, with minced meet and cheese
its delish af

>> No.14907697

I have plans on trying to make stegt flæsk med persillesovs in a couple of days. it looks amazingly good

>> No.14907698

>Norwegian "national dish" are tex-mex tacos
>national dish

how did this happen? I can understand Holland having asian dishes due to the dutch colonies. But norway...tex mex...tacos? really?

>> No.14907752
