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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 488x488, barilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14889707 No.14889707 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried this? It is abhorrent.

>> No.14889731

No, I'm not a lazy manbaby faggot.

>> No.14889759

>pre-cooked rice
>pre-cooked pasta
What's next on this crazy adventure? Pre-milked breakfast cereal?

>> No.14889769

sorry loser, but to those of us who are successful in life, time is money and sitting around waiting for water to boil so i can eat means i am actively losing money.

>> No.14889786

I can sort of understand minute rice, people are retarded and try to check on rice and cause it to be undercooked
But this? Pasta? You boil a pot of water and then drain it
How can someone fuck that up?
(BTW The uncle bens precooked shit is nice if I want fried rice but don't have day-old rice to work with, I will admit that one is solely for convenience)

>> No.14889790

minimum wage isn't successful, kiddo. get a grip

>> No.14889792
File: 216 KB, 586x540, 1489200522720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't you just have someone else cook for you if you're that busy

>> No.14889839

Why should i pay some mexican to steal shit out of my house? This is like asking if air conditioning is so important why don't you enslave minorities to fan you with palm leaves.

>> No.14889848 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14889855

i meant ordering in like ubereats damn bitch

>> No.14889860

This is the sort of thing people should only be eating on a dare

>> No.14889861

Looks like shit. I've done the oven ready lasagna noodles a couple times, always turned out shit.

>> No.14889862

the precooked rice is actually not bad
it always comes out al denty, at least

>> No.14889876
File: 42 KB, 441x500, 00038000135187-zcADii8VlIodAomr-en-US-0_s500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a bit late. These were the shit as a kid.

>> No.14889882
File: 983 KB, 988x779, 1426711494857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toucan Sam with straight up hands
>not even feather fingers
>just hands

>> No.14889883

Uber eats always ends up costing double unless you order a lot at once.

>> No.14889901

Ah The enternal Mutt, fat and lazy

>> No.14889906

I know a woman who lives in a high rise downtown with her millionaire boyfriend, and she cooks every damn night. Not only that, she could almost be a michelin star chef despite having no culinary training. She can turn any dish, even humble spaghetti, into an orgy in your mouth. She doesn't clean anything though. She has a cleaning lady for that.

>> No.14889912

You seem like a leftist. Can you tell me why 4chan Reddit has 1.1millions subscribers

>> No.14889916

Sure thing chud

>> No.14889923

You should see the japanese market for pre-cooked rice

>> No.14889930
File: 499 KB, 500x285, 1601954583302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling people fat & lazy for buying premade pasta


>> No.14889933

>How do working people not have time to cook? Trophy wife sugar babies who have never worked a day in their life have time to cook.

>> No.14889934


Not minute rice. They have pre-cooked rice, ready to eat, in little tubs now. Just peel the top off and tuck in.

Not exactly what I said though.

>> No.14889941

Yeah. That does seem like the sort of japanese vending machine thing. Here there is too much of a stigma against being lazy with cooking, so I'm sure it doesn't sell well. Just look at comments like these: >>14889901 >>14889731

>> No.14889943

yeah i was talking about pre-cooked microwavable
i like it
sue me

>> No.14889946

ok that's new
last i saw they came in little bags

>> No.14889962

they're not tubs, they're pouches, and they're spec-tacular

>> No.14889964


>> No.14889972


>> No.14889974

I don't care if you want to pay 10x the price for rice with the water already inside, no skin off my nose.

>> No.14889975

I don't even understand what to do with pasta
You make it and then it's just a shittier starchier rice. What are you even supposed to put on it? I tried melting cheese on it and it sucked

>> No.14889978

I hate the phrase "tuck in".

>> No.14889981

Are you Asian? You largely can't into beef either. Just stick to chicken tendons on rice with shrimp guts or whatever.

>> No.14889983

All of this pre-cooked room-temp shit that comes in metallic cancer-packets have such intense overtones of plastic that I can't understand how they're as popular as they are

>> No.14889984

i pay it cause i can and don't give a rat's ass

>> No.14889987

butter and parmesan

>> No.14889989

>I don't even understand what to do with pasta
Wow. You should probably leave.

>> No.14889996

Asian fingers typed those words. Next thing you know he will be saying "why does anyone eat cheese? It's spoiled milk!"

>> No.14890003

That's it? Jesus christ, thats bland as hell

>> No.14890004
File: 1.70 MB, 498x372, 1597634977502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even understand what to do with pasta
The abouslte state of /ck... Take me back to 2012 before these soy man babies infested these boards

>> No.14890014

What's wrong with soy

>> No.14890021

The goyim thrive on plastics and their byproducts.

>> No.14890023

It will never be bland if you use good ingredients and you know what you're doing. Yes, even just spaghetti and olive oil can taste amazing. That's essentially what aglio e olio is, except with garlic and some other stuff.

>> No.14890029

Based retard

>> No.14890038

>Carbs carbs oil cheese
No wonder Italians are fat and fucking stupid

>> No.14890053

Italians aren't fat. Anglos are the fattest people in the world. Mediterraneans: Italians, French and others are the thinnest.

>> No.14890085

Japan is thinnest. Fish and rice is the diet of kings.

>> No.14890094

I misspoke. Meds have comparable rates of obesity. Or lack thereof, I should say.

>> No.14890095
File: 80 KB, 625x626, 1406161882429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14890101

But rice is carbs on carbs. And pasta is carbs on carbs. How do they do it?

>> No.14890105

We don't just slap oil on rice and call it a meal unlike Italians and pasta

>> No.14890106
File: 1.28 MB, 245x250, AptClearcutHornbill-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your (you's) faggot

>> No.14890119

Again, Italians are only slightly less thin than the Japanese. The rate of obesity is in the teens both in Italy and Japan. Oil is not at fault. Carbs are not at fault. It's something in the respective cultures.

>> No.14890134

>Consuming a ton of carbs and oil won't make you fat

>> No.14890137

i slap oil on rice
when i make Ben's Original™ Ready Rice™ in my low-wattage microwave, the first thing i do is slap some delicious EVOO right on that sucka

>> No.14890453

Face it your poor. If you can't make enough to live comfortably on 8 or 9 hours of work 5 days a week and need to "hustle" or whatever the kids call it these days, to get a head, then your not successful in any way. Time is only money if your being compensated by how much time you work, aka a wagecuck.

>> No.14890474


It's "you're" chud

>> No.14890528

I slap off onto rice and eat it with chopsticks. Fuck it man, perfect salty compliment to the rice. Like cracking a raw egg on it but actually tasty. If you can get your mind over the fact that you're eating nuts it's an amazing snack.

>> No.14890555

Thats the best you got?

>> No.14890567

You spelled it wrong. Not my fault you're a chud.

>> No.14890573

Its C.H.U.D.

>> No.14890598

Sure thing chud

>> No.14891267

C.H.U.D. - Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. A film which featured mutated African-Americans as a sort of predator underclass who mutated and inhabited the sewers of NYC.

Very racist meme.

>> No.14891275

I liked that movie series. Urban horror is underrated.

>> No.14891801

If you live in a van you have to microwave everything

>> No.14891972

I doubt you are successful if you don't have the time management skills to either set aside time to cook a proper meal or to simply multitask and cook dry pasta while getting the same amount of work done that you would have with your manbaby microwaved instant gruel.

>> No.14891986

Then you're probably going to be a failure because you don't know the first thing about success.

>> No.14892013

I'm already a success there bucko.

>> No.14892016

Yeah, I can tell.

>> No.14892123

you can make this yourself, just boil water and then put pasta in and then wait 11 minutes and drain. cool it down and then put it in a bag with a tablespoon of water. now when you want pasta you just microwave it for 60 seconds.

>> No.14892131

can you post a pic or name the brand? everything I see says you need to microwave it. I want to order it so when it gets here I can instantly have rice

>> No.14892646

the people that buy this shit dont have taste buds worth insulting

>> No.14892747
File: 748 KB, 400x225, tumblr_inline_odkca5oNdn1tcpt89_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chud is a slur

>> No.14892758 [DELETED] 

>reaction gif of a pozzed nigger tranny
Go back, dilate and kys

>> No.14893149
File: 66 KB, 399x382, Michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your poor


>> No.14893197
File: 89 KB, 458x533, finduspennepommozbas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really must, frozen pasta dishes like pic related are surprisingly decent.
these are commonly being sold in Italy, I don't know if they're available elsewhere or if they are just as good

>> No.14893207

So you make money shitposting on a board for autistic virgins?

>> No.14893280

Just when you thought americans couldn't stop any lower

>> No.14893306

it's to make imagining him extracting your cockmilk for his shitty cereal easier

>> No.14893348

it literally takes 10 minutes to boil pasta. stop being a lazy piece of shit

>> No.14895259

I for one demand my pasta without dents!

>> No.14895414

>They have pre-cooked rice, ready to eat, in little tubs now
Yeah, and it’s fucking awful.

>> No.14896288

Who did this

>> No.14896292

>Barilla is an eye-talian company

>> No.14896419

I’ve taken those camping. Great for that.

>> No.14896424

If you are this busy and make that much money you should have a personal assistant who can order you delivery

>> No.14896431

you sound like one of those indian "businessman" instagram accounts.