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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14888935 No.14888935 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here can recommend a good pancake recipe?

>> No.14888954

>step 1: make crepes instead


>> No.14888956 [DELETED] 


>> No.14888988

just add some cinnamon and brown sugar to the boxed stuff

>> No.14888997
File: 161 KB, 750x1086, FEF9CB18-15D1-49ED-9A3C-7ADC58671230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried looking for a recipe

>> No.14889050

holy phonefag
get mobile firefox and install ublock origin

>> No.14889061
File: 61 KB, 720x766, pancaxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero effort, great results.

>> No.14889068
File: 158 KB, 1242x1132, 1590265839379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it possible for your screen to look like this in current year?

>> No.14889071

Forgot to mention you can sub butter for vegetable oil and it tastes fine.

>> No.14889084
File: 64 KB, 580x580, pannkakssmet-grundrecept-till-plattar-och-pannkako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5 dl flour
0.5 teaspons salt
6 dl milk
3 eggs
2-3 taplespoons of butter

(1 dl = 0.1 liter)

Mix flour and salt.
Add half of the milk and whisk until a smooth.
Add the rest of the milk and eggs and whisk.
Melt the butter and pour into the mix while whisking (only minimal butter needed for frying 10-12 pancakes).
Fry 1 dl pancake batter at medium heat until solid then turn, fry one minute more.

>> No.14889136

Non amerigoblin recipe:
Mix 4 eggs with 4dl milk,
add 4dl of flour little at a time whilst whisking, add 4dl more milk,
add 1teaspoon of salt,
Add 1 tablespoon of sugar if you are fat (which you probably are)
add a little butter to the pan prior to each pancake.
Make the pancakes fairly thin unless you are disgusting

>> No.14889596

>Anyone here can recommend a good pancake recipe?
What mother tongue causes people to make this dreadful sentence structure that I see all the time? Make up your fucking mind whether it's a statement or a question.

>> No.14889623

Sure thing chud

>> No.14889684

why do people say you have to let the batter sit for an hour?

>> No.14889689
File: 219 KB, 1300x1300, 0AF5C395-1117-41D8-B665-23E3C2AB83BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my go-to recipe

>> No.14889819

ez-est pancake ever

6 oz container yogurt (plan or flavored)
slightly more than 1/2 cup flour
pinch of baking powder
sugar if you so desire

>> No.14889823

the flour is absorbing moisture which makes the batter thicker
air bubbles also dissipate a bit

>> No.14889893

Here's mine for crepes:

1 egg
200ml milk
80g flour
5g sugar
Small pinch of salt

This'll be enough for 4 to 5 crepes depending on size of pan. If you want to make more just scale up (easy on the salt). Lightly butter the pan for the first one, then only reapply when needed. If it's non-stick just the once might be enough.

>> No.14889907

he lets the batter sit for 30 seconds and they seem to turn out fine. I've never made crepes before but bought eggs today to try it out tonight.

>> No.14889928

Mix flour and water. Cook in pan. You're welcome.

>> No.14889986

heres a good recipe for savory blintz filling
>tub of cottage cheese
>equal amount of shredded cheese of your choice like cheddar but i prefer monterey jack
>sliced up bunch of green onions
>one egg
>salt and pepper
>sprinkle of cayenne
these are really great

>> No.14891025


>> No.14891052
File: 264 KB, 642x529, pancakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14891081
File: 1.37 MB, 1872x2497, Pancake_Box_Single_Front_no_Border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like homemade but most of the time I just make these.

>> No.14891333

just use the tried and true
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1 egg
boom, done.

Sometimes I put a shot of amaretto into the batter thou

>> No.14891348

Mix the followang:
>2 cups flour
>1 cup baking soda
>8 eggs
>1/4 cup vanilla extract
>1/4 cup salt
>1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar
That’s a pretty basic batter mix. Heat EVOO in pan until screaming hot and then try making pancakes about 8 inches in diameter.

>> No.14891792

>1 cup baking soda
you sure about that m8?

>> No.14891808

my bad, that should read
>2 cups baking soda

>> No.14891873

Whenever I make pancakes the cake's don't form at all and I end up with a pan full of scrambled mush.
It still tastes good but it looks horrific like something a little kid would make.

>> No.14891891

>go to recipe website
>phone preheats to 180C

>> No.14891906

Unironically, Adam Ragusea's is good and mess-free, which is a big plus for me.
He makes his WAY too fluffy for me though, and I don't add sugar. Plus I only make them for me and my girlfriend, so I half the recipe.

I put a tablespoon of butter in my 2c measuring cup and zap it for 30 seconds in the microwave. Then I add a 1/2tsp of salt, 1/2tbsp of baking powder, a dash of vanilla extract (I don't measure but about a teaspoon), and an egg yolk. Whisk with a fork until combined (it will stiffen a little), pour in a double shot of milk and mix until it's a liquid then fill to the 1c. mark (if you just put in all the milk at once it won't combine as easily), then add flour until it's the consistency you like - a little over 1/2c. flour for me, I like my pancakes on the thinner side. Let the pan heat up while the flour hydrates, then swipe down the pan with butter and let er rip.

>> No.14891916

why would you add PUFAs?

>> No.14891919

>3 cups of baking soda and omit the flour

>> No.14891923


1 cup of regular flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup buttermilk or regular milk
2 tbsp of melted butter, cooled a bit (idk you can eyeball it)
1 egg

>whisk together dry stuff
>mix in the liquids
let it rest for at least 30 minutes, hell even overnight!
heat cast iron or whatever you use, put some butter on it, then cook for however long you please.
if you don't have buttermilk, use regular milk and add half a lemon's juice to some milk

>> No.14891929

>1/4 cup salt
lel, i hope nobody actually tries to make this.

if it's an actual recipe and you fucked up by saying 1 cup of baking soda instead of 1 tsp and 1/4 cup of salt instead of 1/4 teaspoon of salt, won't it end up tasting too eggy? i'm trying to make pancakes without milk and i just added an extra egg instead and they were already borderline too eggy when i reheated some of the leftovers.

>> No.14892052

Good thread. If I wake up on time tomorrow morning I'll try a recipe from this thread and post results. I'm not doing any bullshit multiple hour resting, though. Breakfast food is supposed to be fast and easy.

>> No.14892064

You can mix it up the night before and keep it in the refrigerator until the morning. It's not necessary but the flour does take a little time to absorb some of the liquid before cooking and it ends up giving a better final texture. It's worth it if you remember to do it in advance, especially if you're going to use a whole grain flour.

>> No.14892077


Wait nvm I don't have any milk I wont be making shit.

>> No.14892078

I don't like shitty pancakes so I use kenji's tryhard recipe where you whisk the egg whites


>> No.14892125

Take an Egg
Take some buttermilk.
Take two teaspoons of baking soda
Take 4 tablespoons of sugar
Take a some flour.
Mix them and add buttermilk to your flour until its as runny or thick as you want.
Cook fat fluffy pancakes low and slow or they'll burn. Other than that go crazy.

>> No.14892188

why does jacques pepin just make it and immediately use it?

>> No.14892211

My crepes always get really thin and papery at the edges. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.14892218

A lot of his videos are just for teaching the basics and to prepare easy things at home for people trying to learn how to cook so he probably doesn't want to overcomplicate it. Like I said it's not necessary to let the batter sit, but the pancakes will come out just a little bit fluffier if you do so it's nice if you already know the basics and don't mind preparing it ahead of time. I still make pancakes sometimes in the morning without letting it sit but prefer letting it sit first if I have the time.

>> No.14892219

pictured: Crepes, not pancakes.

Crepes are also better than pancakes in every way possible. Pancakes are stupid shit.

>> No.14892220

your mistake us pouring the batter from the centre.
pour the batter from the outside in

>> No.14892248

if you put the batter the fridge overnight would you let them come to room temp before using it? I've only ever made pancakes never crepes so I don't care if pancakes end up too thick from being cold batter

>> No.14892258

It can probably be used straight from the refrigerator. It's normally cold anyway even if you just mix it and use right away since the milk is cold.

>> No.14892325

i love pepin but if you mean his recent pancakes video it actually made me worry for the guy, they looked like rubbery shit. i wouldn't follow that recipe. whichever anon posted
>1 cup flour
>1 cup buttermilk
>1 egg
>1 tbsp sugar
>1 tsp leavening (usually 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp baking powder, maybe a touch more baking powder)
>1/2 tsp salt
is the one you should listen to. it's just 1:1:1:1 for the main shit plus leavening and salt. simple as.

>> No.14892357

I do indeed pour it right in the middle. Thanks!

>> No.14892375

I think you're still missing the cup of vinegar.

>> No.14892387

>Step 2: Stop being a fucking fag on /ck/
The guy asked for a pancake recipe, you posted your un-helpful wank reply.
Hang yourself, your family won't miss you.

BTW, pancakes are not crepes, you mouth-breather.

>> No.14892389

Because you post frogs, you homo, that is why it looks like that.

>> No.14892394


>> No.14892415

Well then, you've probably also seen Americans that can't use simple words in a sentence like the following:
Today I bought a couple (of) items at Walmart, I shart my pants in aisle 25 and had to leave.
Note the "of" in the sentence, yes, this is how stupid you fuck-wits sound to the rest of the world.
And until you idiots start using this sentence construction, you will always be below the IQ of the rest of the world, yes, even Pakistan.

>> No.14892457

1 cup self raising flour
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
Mix it all together

>> No.14892534

250g flour
500g milk
5g salt
3 eggs

3 apples

Cut each apple into 16 pieces. After you've poured the batter into the pan, decorate it with 8 apple pieces in the form of a sun symbol.

>> No.14892558

>pictured: Crepes, not pancakes.
Those are regular European pancakes. Crepes are even thinner.

>> No.14893469

Sorry, I'm a kraut.
What would be the proper grammatical structure for that sentence?

>> No.14893591

I watched a steak video after the crepe one and he talked about judging the doneness by the springiness of the meat. it was blue rare in the middle when he cut it and he goes 'perfect'. puts a piece in his mouth and says 'like butter', then he spends the next 15 seconds chewing. it was just like gordon eating that stupid grilled cheese and saying 'just beautiful' or whatever.

>> No.14893612


>> No.14893659

Since I made a new sourdough starter I've been using the discard to make crepes (classic crepes recipe but substitute part of the flour for starter discard), and they came amazing everytime, way better than classic crepes. I even eat them alone as the taste stands by itself. A bit acidic, a bit chewy but airy, has good body, I love them

>> No.14894884

If you use Kosher salt you can make it 1tsp which would make it even more simple as.

>> No.14894889

>Can anyone here recommend a good pancake recipe?
>Is there anyone here who can recommend a good pancake recipe [to me]?
You're doing fine ESL-anon don't worry about the haters.

>> No.14894955

>baking soda
nigga, what's a waffle recipe

>> No.14894968

you forgot salt

>> No.14894980

Would it be retarded to put a shot of maple syrup in the batter?

>> No.14895022

for crepes you don't need milk, water (even if it's carbonated/sparkling) is fine

>> No.14895045

huh, the edges should be just like that, like crispy lace

>> No.14895050

Any blend of flour milk and eggs fried in a pan is a pancake. Rising agent optional. Just follow your heart and it should turn out fine!

>> No.14895311

If you have no rising agent I would consider a yorkshire pudding / dutch baby / popover instead. Just get some grease really hot in a pan, like cornbread, and pop it in the oven.

>> No.14895557

those are pikelets ausbro

>> No.14896017

>getting EVOO screaming hot
>proceeding to use it for pancakes

Imagine fucking up this bad.

>> No.14896359

>take two or three eggs
>half a cup of flour per egg
>add milk until desired thickness
>pinch of salt
>cook with butter
>add maple syrup

>> No.14896369

develop that gluten
let it sit overnight in the fridge for the best results

>> No.14896374

also sift the flour

>> No.14896389

what no, you let it sit to hydrate the flour which you specifically undermixed so it didn't develop gluten.

>> No.14896409

Yeah you don't want gluten to develop with pancakes or it makes them tougher. You can even find low protein flour usually called cake or pastry flour which has less gluten if you want softer pancakes. Or whole grain flour has a harder time developing gluten too if you want to use that, though you have to add like 20% more liquid since whole grain absorbs more.

>> No.14896420


>> No.14896502

It’s funny to me that that is what you took umbrage with out of that troll recipe

>> No.14896860

The pic in OP is a pic of crepes btw