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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14888197 No.14888197 [Reply] [Original]

Servers are just unskilled labor middle men to the people who actually do the work, back of house. Whom the servers treat like shit.
While complaining about being tipped enough because theyre human beings who deserve to be tipped, when tipping is a stupid subjective system.

>> No.14888211

Like dumb front of the house bitches, but they bring in the money and the owners can bang them.

>> No.14888220

aw, is babby angry that he has to cook food???

i'd love to see you assholes have to deal with the shit we get from customers on a daily basis...90% of you would quit before the end of the shift

>> No.14888228

Im always nice to servers

>> No.14888235

lol waiters are such losers. At least cooks have some sort of skill in life. you lot are just talentless, bitter, greedy losers

>> No.14888242

That/'s the thing about front of the house bitchs, cute yet dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.14888262

What skill is that, throwing some plates on a table? Oh yeah put that on some resume in a real company and see how far that goes.

>> No.14888264

>line cook
He's australian and we don't call them line cooks here.

>> No.14888309

What do you call them in aussieland, convicts?

>> No.14888350

Boh vs FOH infighting and bitching is a clear sign that you're an immature piece of shit, and so are all your coworkers, and you work in a shithole restaurant, and you'll never be anything but just a line cook.
I make sure that my cooks get along with the servers, and we all work together happily, but it's a restaurant where quality of food and service actually matters, not like the Applebee's where you work.

>> No.14888354

The entire restaurant system is broken.

Profit margins are thinner than the cutting edges of the worn-out knives on [whatever day the knife sharpening guy comes around to sharpen/replace them], so BOH gets paid as close to minimum wage as possible, FOH makes less because it's expected to tip them. The owners/management regularly spend more time cooking the books than any form of food, and the people up front are paying out the ass for something that could have been done at home for no more than half the price with a bit of effort and practice

... and god help us all if the "executive" chef decides to leave the office to step on the line, because profits are down, and he had to switch to Walker Gold and molly instead of his usual Blue and cocaine this week. He's always a little cranky on the gold-molly diet, likes to fire the apps and preps guys.

>> No.14888360

Makes me laugh on job hunting forums where you occasionally get some current server asking how to into office jobs with their retarded current experience. That shit is never going to happen.

>> No.14888361
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grain keeper

>> No.14888375

Holy shit, you actually work somewhere with house knives and a knife guy? And you're not a kid fresh out of high school?

>> No.14888383

>owners/management regularly spend more time cooking the books than any form of food
Honestly, that's why I think the Covid scam is actually doing some unintentional good.
I have one place I like to go to once a week with a friend, but I don't care if all these other places are economically obliterated.
Time for humans to start over and figure out better ways to live rather than being wage slaves for generations.

>> No.14888402

Dealing with uppity kitchen staff and uppity customers is very similar in execution to dealing with uppity cubicle-mates, uppity cold-callers and uppity supervisors. If you can type above 90wpm, and maintain a professional demeanor in a fast paced food-related environment... I honestly don't see why you wouldn't just work your way into a better establishment, maybe a high-end bar, and push your bookkeeping skills on the owner, but I also don't see how general office work is that different. Maybe I just adapted quickly to both.

>> No.14888410

I haven't for a while. After the chef nailed me in the chest with a hot skillet because he miscounted on the calimari on a chit, I went into catering and the entertainment industry in general.

I never used the house knives anyway, they were shite at best.

>> No.14888433

Please tell me you beat his ass first, before you left.

>> No.14888479

Nope, I'd lent one of my knives to the prep guy that morning. I yelled from across the kitchen "I'm going to need that knife back before I have to put one of my good ones in the chef's neck." Grabbed my knife roll, gave the chef a shove toward the grill and a "Move" on my way by. Traded my Henkel for one of the wallbound Victorinoxes, and told the prep guy loud enough for everyone to hear "If that fucker so much as looks you in the eye today, I want you to take this shitty knife and open him with it. His bullshit ends today." Marched out the back door and over to the competition... who had me off-site working on a wedding that Friday.

>> No.14888488

surprised you didn't get arrested for that, wtf

>> No.14888503

At that point he'd thrown a skillet full of still-flaming wine down the line at me. I think everyone was already in shock at that, and he certainly wasn't used to anything but a meek "Yes chef." Nobody in that place so much as moved on my way through.

>> No.14888514

yea but openly threatening to stab and gut someone open with a knife could've fucked you over too

>> No.14888519

Could have. I was ready to follow through.

>> No.14888523

honesty and experience is best, honesty first. Some folk do it with the retard diversity path, that doesn't work with writing code.

>> No.14888525

Crazy shit goes down in even high end kitchens.

>> No.14888549

quota / diversity bullshit has never worked and never will.

>> No.14888550
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i've worked just about every job you can in a restaurant that isn't head chef or GM.
FoH is not as demanding yes. BUT the amount of abuse you get doesn't compare to BoH and i've worked for some fucking awful egomaniac chefs. without getting too autismo, the difference between the BoH vs FoH abuse is that in BoH if you get chewed out you probably deserved it nine times out of ten. but with customers you can be perfect at your job and still get treated like shit because you have some retard customer who THINKS they're right no matter what and you have to agree with them. Moreover if your table isn't happy it directly affects your income whereas BoH your paycheck doesn't change. and your income is also dependent on how good BoH is at getting out dishes on time and their quality. You get assblasted as a waiter even if it isn't your fault and still go home broke.

>> No.14888582

My brother has some crazy stories about that, he went from being just a bartender to being the top F&B director at the Hilton chain.

>> No.14888597

yeah, knowing how to talk to many different types of people, make them like you and want to give you money, while doing that simultaneously at 3+ parties is such an unmarketable skill

>> No.14888654

wow anon, you have the skills necessary to become a stripper or a whore. Hell maybe you can upgrade to phone sex operator if you work hard enough

>> No.14888667

I've found thats its way more important to be honest and know how to write and get things into production than worrying about getting people to like me. Any bitch can get some other bitches to like them but when it comes down to writing code they can't do it.

>> No.14888696

Only cunts and faggots worry about being liked, and those feel the need to justify their degrees.

>> No.14889316

Jesus Christ you guys sound ridiculous.
t. licensed ass wiper

>> No.14889360

Some servers seemed to forget the golden rule and would always make me cook their meals


>> No.14889918

>a stripper or a whore
Both of which make higher weeklies than you

>> No.14889922

Ok chud

>> No.14890008

You should all cross-train before complaining about the 'other' side
Even before covid I made sure I knew the steps of service, could make every dish on the menu consistently, and every house cocktail (this admittedly took the longest)
Now it's imperative more than ever to pull your weight in the service industry

I work FoH more often than BoH because the it's more lucrative. Also I don't like taking shifts from the line cooks because they need the money more than I do to fund their dead-end degenerate lifestyle

>> No.14890304

I see what you did there, and this is exactly the kind of shit that made me glad to get off the floor and onto the podium.

>> No.14890358
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servers are a dime a dozen mediocre bullshitting attitude faggots that have no real skills but they can work almost anywhere as long as they run food and pretend to like their guests. it's easy to hire an average server, it's a lot harder to find and keep an average cook considering the wages in the industry. FOH has it good especially in covid times. BOH time and time again gets fucked over and is unappreciated in most cases. When a new server comes back in the kitchen and complains how hot it is OUT FRONT while wearing a mask I want to tell them to just fuck off and leave.

>> No.14890510
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>dime a dozen

>> No.14890593

BOH makes stuff the FOH can sell. You wouldn't have a job in front of your grill if there wasn't a bar running high margins and a FOH manager that knew how to sell your vittles. Want the glory for yourself go run a taco truck, nigger.

>> No.14890620 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14890638

and instead of working like a well oiled machine, the manufacture and sales ends bitch over who deserve more praise... There's no praise, now go suffer some more.

>> No.14890733

Nah. All the cogs have their place. You just don't like where you installed yourself. I feel a cliche coming on.. if you can't stand the heat, learn to code.

>> No.14891017

>if you can't stand the heat, learn to code

>> No.14891018

I was installed somewhere in the middle, and now I'm up near the top... I'll probably move on before the owner dies, but that's about the only upward trajectories I have left.

Nobody else up in the offices will/can run utility when an event is short-staffed, not that that's been a thing for a while... but I can do FOH, BOH, planning, accounting, audiovisual, minor repairs to equipment and furniture, I've even filled in with a band or two when musicians didn't show up. I don't mind the heat, I just hate the whining. The owner owns the building, and no less than half of it is rented at all times, so our costs are covered and we pay well. We still get the occasional person who thinks it's us vs. them at every stage. If transparency can't solve it, they don't last the 90 days.

>> No.14891030

Is it true that all servers sluts or do they all have boyfriends?

>> No.14891036

both fren

>> No.14891059

There is definitely a higher proportion of sluts in fog than the general population.

>> No.14891073

the boyfriends have... flexible morals too, if you know what I mean. Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.

>> No.14891165

Well good for you. I mean that seriously. You realize it's not a one sided show and you got your feet on both sides. You have crossed the hot lava that many refuse to acknowledge much less cross. Everyone has their part to play. The sooner everyone stops being a priss about it the sooner everyone can get back to making money. Unfortunately fags and college bimbos strung out on adderall are not going anywhere anytime soon.

>> No.14891219

*histrionic fags
Plenty of poofters that hold their own and don't melt down. Didn't mean to be too heavy handed

>> No.14891258

Man... our head pastry chef is a tank. I don't think I've so much as seen him sweat, except that one time I started flirting with him just to be a dick. Even then, stiff upper lip, professional to a fault. I'm taking him to the grave.

>> No.14891404

Capitalize on that shit. Give them a project. If his work is popular see if he can set up a "to go" line. Never let those guys get bored. That's when they wheel in a tv to watch local sports and start drinking your red bulls when it's not busy enough to justify that

>> No.14891407

then its easy to smash servers right?

>> No.14891408

If chef trait rude the server is a bad chef.

>> No.14891422

He's the only one (only lead anyway) who has steady work right now. His desserts fly out of here all day everyday, to the point we've got one prep guy designated to dessert prep and temporary-glass-shelving-fluffer. His crew's getting a weekly bonus right now, because everyone else is getting their normal weekly wage at reduced hours.

>> No.14891431

Go eat shit, kikeniggerswahilicoonassredneckcrackerfuckandihopeyouchokeonyourramenbrothreadingthis.png

>> No.14891462

I like how servers argue their job is hard because they have to remember orders and worry about what tables need. how the fuck is that more difficult than cooking the food and juggling kitchen tasks? fuck servers

>> No.14891467

Well yeah 99% of the people who work in the food industry are fucking losers.

>> No.14891473

I'm a software dev and cooking is my passion. I just wish cooking jobs paid more. At least I get to cook whatever I want and since I work from home I can do shit I have to be home all day for.

>> No.14891482

how many types of people do you need to talk to? are you bilingual or something? I'd imagine they all know the local language, and if not they're capable of pointing at a menu.

>> No.14891486

Depending on what the popularity and local regulations look like maybe you could explore the option of being a local pastry supplier idk. Just an idea. You could be the new donut shop lol. Pivotal point is running a bar to bring in raw cash.

>> No.14891492

Steady work is a huge carrot right now. Figure out where to place the manpower and you could reshape your market given this covid shit

>> No.14891493

>job only exists cause chefs of almost any tier are too autistic to talk to customers like normal humans
t. chef

>> No.14891494

I found when I went from Sous to F/B Slide that there was an extra layer of memory. It wasn't just that the dishes were coming out, it was to whom... while having to be cordial with everyone. That took some practice.

>> No.14891496

that's because they're in a kitchen all day
I guess being cordial would take practice after moving

>> No.14891507

how is "to whom" even an issue? that should be on the ticket

>> No.14891508

We're doing ok. We could survive on rented space alone. The pastry chef's 85k (closer to 100k if he keeps up the extra hours) is bringing us easily twice that. Even if we have to shut down our limited seating entirely and go back to takeout, we'll be ok. The owner wants to keep this place as an upscale bridge between heritage and new technique. Until he changes his mind, I'm sure we're all ok making out like bandits while he takes a six figure paycut to keep the crew happy and the dream alive.

>> No.14891513

>Steady work is a huge carrot right now
what does this mean? are you my dog because that's his favorite food

>> No.14891520

You get a table. If that's a 12top, you have to remember who got the prime rib rare with frites and whose was medium rare with purple mash. Being low-management at that point, names were important too.

>> No.14891544

chefs are too autistic, they have face blindness and can't differentiate the 4 servers they interact with all week much less any customer. they'll still think you're a pig for not cooking 4 plates at once for six years straight like it's rocket appliances

>> No.14891560

A lot of servers go over to TSA because the ceiling to get hired there is so low along with it being a secure government job. Plus that job let's them fulfill their power fantasies on Karens.

>> No.14891562

Dogs love crunchy, snappy food and that is no myth

>> No.14891564
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>> No.14891573

it makes me happy he goes nuts over a healthy vegetable more than anything else

>> No.14891574

Good show man.
I'm no pro but I know what you are driving at. I'd just say don't let talent get bored or go to waste. You on the east coast?

>> No.14891576

My replacement gave me a bit of grief about it once. About a week later, the chef was ill with the Irish flu... I didn't have to say a word to make him eat his words. I could still keep eight burners and a grill going with 12 dishes and keep the kitchen straight through a 16h shift back then. Probably not so much now, I've been way more into planning and events for the past three years.

>> No.14891585


>> No.14891588

The internet should hold Nuremberg trials for grammar nazi's

>> No.14891604

for grammar nazi's what?

>> No.14891610

Simulates an easy bone but sweeter.
Funny aside most all dogs I've had hated shrimp. They would be be waiting for scraps at the end of the counter. On shrimp nights they'd be there regardless of smell an an experience. I'd toss them a shrimp and the revulsion was instant and hilarious. Oh my boys. They never get it.

>> No.14891611

do you guys not set it up on the tray with the table order in mind? it should be possible to have a different person bring the food out and know who gets what without having to auction it off

>> No.14891616

Waitstaff and servers are strung-out entitled substance abusers high on both product and their own fuckoff little martyr complex.
You're not "struggling" because I won't tip. You struggle because every night you spend 200 dollars getting drunk and then piss whatevers left by the weekend on your drug of choice.
Servers are bitter little failures lashing out at a world that rightly never gave them the break they don't deserve

>> No.14891625

my dog would eat 2 lbs of shrimp if I put it in front of her

>> No.14891631

If it's remembered and entered in proper sequence, then yeah, no problem. 1 to the head, pass the dutchie on the left hand side. If something gets out of sequence, or if you know that a regular's brought guests, then it's down to memory, and it has to be quick and fluid. These people, no matter how shit their attitude at the moment are friends, and I've turned some serious Karens into some well-tipping regulars... and I didn't even get to keep any tips.

>> No.14891634

I've never been to a restaurant and wanted my food ordered for me. is it really that common to just order shit for someone when they show up? I wonder if they ever refuse it or just don't because it would be rude.

>> No.14891648

Crazy. I'm sure it all comes down to taste but in all the dogs I've horsed around with it seems like so many hated shrimp.

>> No.14891654

Even if the guest ordered, it's fairly common for us to serve them first. They're new - they get the first smile... lets us know if they take the first bite too. It increases tips (the regs usually have a set tip), and lets us know a lot about the fresh meat.

>> No.14891668

You have your work cut out for you more than ever if my tel-o-scope is reading right. Save me some oysters

>> No.14891678

mine seems to love shrimp but once I properly cook shrimp it's been through the garlic and probably onion ringer so best not to give it to them. super high in cholesterol too and it's easier to mitigate their health than mine

>> No.14891689

We get them in Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. They're on the matinee menu at the bar. I highly recommend the nam phrick horseradish.

>> No.14891696

this is hysterical because you could sub the word cook/chef in and it'd be exactly as accurate

>> No.14891720

That's far out. It must be a midwest thing idk not like I'm trying to feed my boys fresh prawns but everytime I would toss or slide a shrimp they know it. I always laugh at the reaction.

>> No.14891735

*me and the pups are the midwesterners>>14891696

>> No.14891740

thought so, although I wasn't thinking my atlantic coastal dog was going to have a crustaceous preference based on region anyhow

>> No.14891767

I read this as religion, and now I'm wondering if the pup's keeping kosher.

>> No.14891811


>> No.14891862

onions and citrus are bad for dogs so I'd avoid feeding your prepared food to them even if they wanted it. I feed my dog scraps often because I want her to have a good life filled with lots of different foods but I always make sure to learn if a new ingredient might be bad for them. prepared food usually isn't a great choice.
my dog will drop raw beef if I toss it to her but if it's a small scrap in the trash she will fish it out. who the hell knows

>> No.14892278
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I find it funny how important Hosting is to the work flow of a restaurant, and it's almost always staffed by the least experienced team members.

>> No.14892283

It's not important. The best, most efficient restaurants have buzzers go off when the food is ready so you can pick it up yourself.

>> No.14892430

I know a server and his lifestyle is stupidly excessive. gas station energy drinks, taxis to and from work, tons of takeout.
Really not the life someone absolutely reliant on tips would live.

>> No.14893234

If the tips aren't taxed, a lot of people look at them as free money (which... gratuity... yeah, they're supposed to be a gift for excellent service). When some people get free money they go a little nuts. When it all catches up to him, that'll be a far better learning experience than any lecture could ever hope to be.

>> No.14893377

>want to give you money,

I don't know what sort of restaurants you frequent but I always had to pay before leaving, even if I didn't like the server.

>> No.14893388

If you don't plan on going back, it's a difficult thing to follow up on.

>> No.14893424

that sounds good in theory but that kind of talking skill will get you exactly nowhere outside of service

>> No.14893584

when did i say to be dishonest?
you can feel good about yourself for being able to write code, did you get a coding job? because you have to make the boss like you if you want to obtain and keep your job.
>inb4 i'm an independent contractor
so you don't have to talk to people to market your skills as an independent?
communication is a very fundamental and necessary skill, anon, both in the professional world and the social realm. you want a gf? hope you learn how to get people to like you.

>people who speak the same language are a monolith and only people who speak a different language will be a noticeable variance in my work routine

I don't think you understand the topic, tipping is "optional" in that you don't have to tip if you don't like your server. if you like someone you are more likely to want to support them through a gratuity

it's very sad that you think that communication skills are only applicable in the service industry. i think you should think about that for a few days before you respond.

>> No.14893599

i fucking hate this pandemic so much i wanted to stop serving so bad i took prep and barbacking jobs two years ago so i could actually try not to be a worthless slime
now because i havent received unemployment ive been doing whatever i can to survive and recently took a server position an hour away from where i live
i hate serving its a cancer to me and a kick in my pride

>> No.14893665

Ex-line cook here and servers can suck my balls. Bunch of good looking chads who work for 5 hours make 300 in tips each saturday and friday, talk with the cute girls while I sucked shit in the back being screamed at, under pressure with a full board of tickets.
Thank god i left the restaurant industry, fuck top chef for memeing me into wanting to be a chef. Now I make good monwy, have vacation, dont work nights and weekends, have a social life, and most importantly I can dab on servers and barely tip

>> No.14893733

What the phrick is nam phrick?

>> No.14893741

i am only the first post and i stand by it. it might give you a bit of a boost but it can only get you this far. from experience, the job mostly attracts somewhat extroverted people anyway and they proceed to stagnate in their social skills.

>> No.14893885

I got out of this game for reasons like this.
Where I worked (not America btw, waiters actually had a guaranteed wage and tips were extra) waiters and all front of house (bar staff, barbacks, table clearers, managers) were on the same rota.

All FOH tips got pooled and split between the FOH staff.
You saw 16 year olds getting minimum wage and 80 per week in tips.
Back of house got 30 a month in tips at best.

What pissed me and alot of the BOH staff off about that was bar backs and table cleaners.
We all felt that bar staff deserved it, they are customer facing, work hard, have to have a good communication skill, even some of the waiters aswell.
But the bar backs; the ones that clean the cutlery, restock the bar, lift the cordial from the drystore got the FOH tips aswell.
They were literally the FOH equivalent of KP's for the kitchen, they did all the same stuff but got these BS tips just because they were on that rota

We had the owner of the company address this at a team meeting and said he doesn't believe the chefs even got any tips at all, becaus ehe likes the hatred.
Only half of that room laughed and most of the ones that didn't handed their notice in during the following year.

The restaurant chain has now faded away and I always smile remembering how the head chef knew exactly why I handed mine in within 2 weeks of 2 other guys.

The place was a nice restaurant.
The food was good
The FOH staff weren't
The management weren't
The wage wasn't

Was so bad I change careers and went into insurance.
Instant 1.5x wage increase from the offset, now working towards being a solicitor

>> No.14893973

viet-thai chili paste. We don't use any of the usual suffixes because we cheat it a bit - raw thai chillies, garlic, ginger, sugar, rice-vinegar, and anchovy (instead of fermented shrimp or fish).

You might find it as nap prik, or prik nam, or phrik nam, or phuck me

>> No.14894996

most waiters are just people looking for a part time job while in school or to pay for college. Them being unskilled doesn't mean they shouldn't get a decent wage

>> No.14895574

In an ideal world a higher skill level would increase the wage, but it's almost entirely based on years of experience and "How little can we pay this guy?"

>> No.14897190

"back of house"
it's called the kitchen
"front of house"
it's called the entrance

pretentious faggot

>> No.14897293

What sort of low-rent power bottom doesn't have a back door?

>> No.14897575

100% Anon.
The agoraphobics dont get how Charisma would be a useful skill.

>> No.14897631
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I do both, if you want to work in the front work in the fucking front m8 and stop bitching
If you want to work in the back work in the back and stop bitching

>> No.14897717

>Them being unskilled doesn't mean they shouldn't get a decent wage
Actually it does, fuck them, they deserve it for being stupid

>> No.14897869

is this just a server bait thread?

>> No.14897974

The ability to talk to humans all day in a courteous way is a rare skill. Moving some slop on a pan with too much butter and salt is a much more common skill, so it is paid as such.

>> No.14898017

Woah!, look at this faggot.
I'm an electrician that does work in commercial kitchens, among other things, the "chefs" and line cooks are not what I would call "skilled".
If they stayed off the drugs and the alcohol, they might be ok.
Having a drugged up line cook try and explain to me that his ovens aren't working and why they aren't, is fucking terrible.
I slapped a guy about 5 years ago, when he couldn't even stand up straight at 9am, because he was so gacked up, all I did to fix the problem was to switch the oven on at the wall.

>> No.14898691

>at the wall
Do you mean breaker, Mr. Commercial Electrician Man, if that is your real name?

>> No.14898795

this. If you can't promote a harmonious relationship between both facets of the restaurant, then you work at Chili's or some other garbage place.

>> No.14899684

or you could just learn how to spell

>> No.14899715

Punctuation is not spelling.

>> No.14899730

All food service workers are bottom of the barrel no skill burnout fuckups. They're always druggy alcoholics who didn't want to do anything for a living so they just stuck with the first job they got in high school. They would rather make 7.50 an hour for several decades than learn ANYTHING new or useful.
>But but!!!! Once I made a hundred dollars in tips in a night!!! If I did that every night I would have a pretty decent job!!
Who gives a fuck. All you had to do was sacrifice your dignity, work 12pm until 3am on a fucking Saturday, and stand up for 12+ hrs straight while getting ordered around by strangers all night. You do understand that instead of spending every second at work hating your life and staring at the clock you could easily get a job that pays the same with benefits that actually brings you satisfaction and a feeling of challenge and then accomplishment, right? Food service workers deserve their misery. Kill yourselves

>> No.14899881

talk shit about barbacks again you prissy faggot entitled vegas ass bartender and you can change and bleed all your kegs all fucking night on a friday while youre running glassware and restocking fruits, syrups, and juices and tell stacy to get the fuck out of the prep room/kitchen
gimme my tips

>> No.14900250

Restaurant work is shit. It doesn't matter if you're back of house or front, you're still in a shit job. Fine for a 16 year old in school but not as your living job.
>work 12pm until 3am on a fucking Saturday, and stand up for 12+ hrs straight
Reataurants should do shifts like 9-5, 5-close or something like that. That way people aren't on their feet or working non stop for 12 or more hours, more like 8 or 6 hours. Might need more people though.

>> No.14900487

You would need more people, and the swing between usually can't cover it. There's a reason it's fairly militarized - it's supposed to attract fanatics who do it out of love, and desperate (addicted) freaks who will also work for bottom dollar.

There are restaurants that pay. They're well structured, and will work with their staff because they're run by reasonably sane people who got lucky with the horrible idea of starting a restaurant. They're incredibly rare. I got lucky on my second go - and even then, ten years on, I'm really only there part-time, and was originally taken on for help with off-site catering - I straight up poach people from restaurants in the area when I'm out with friends and clients, and I get turned down for the walkthrough half the time because these kids think I'm messing with them.

>> No.14900518

Sorry, multitasking... The swing-time between shifts probably won't make sense from a financial and spatial standpoint.

>> No.14900582

I feel you anon. Going back to school at 27 years old wasn't easy, but it's the best decision I ever made. I still get PTSD flashbacks when I go out to a restaurant and can hear the printer in the back. Servers are retarded ass clowns who do not get tips from me. I fucking love seeing the look on their faces, and I get it for free.

>> No.14900635

I only tip the cooks, fuck servers

>> No.14901154

that's the plan

>> No.14901865
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CNA? usually losers and crack whores