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14883082 No.14883082 [Reply] [Original]

Does it taste any good? Why is this drink so prevalent in anime?

>> No.14883083

It's delicious

>> No.14883084

What is it?

>> No.14883085

Because it's a popular drink.

Bubble tea

>> No.14883086

Bubble tea is popular in some areas of the US too. It's in anime because people like it, it tastes good, is colorful, is visually interesting, and is easy to draw. If you're going to draw a young trendy girl it goes well with her for the above reasons and because young trendy girls drink it. It also has a straw so you can make drawings of the girl balancing the cup on her boobs whole drinking it;

>> No.14883087

It's popular atm. Its however a sugar bomb.

>> No.14883088

Yeah I always ask for 25% sugar and even that is pretty sweet.

>> No.14883089

It's juice that comes with a minigame.

>> No.14883090

I personally don't like it, had some authentic Blue Seal boba and just didn't like having to chew my drink.

I however really liked some lemon soda with tiny boba I got at disney sea.

>> No.14883091

depending on the flavor i'll ask for 0% sugar because the shit is naturally really sweet already

>> No.14883092

It just recently became very popular in Japan

>> No.14883093

Aren't japs all sugar addicts? No wonder they like it.

>> No.14883094

>Aren't japs all sugar addicts? No wonder they like it.
Human beings are sugar addicts. Our bodies are literally hardwired to crave sugar, this isn't just a Japanese thing anon.

>> No.14883095

where do you guys live? This drink is very common in the east and west coast

>> No.14883096

it tastes good
lets not go that far

>> No.14883097

Well yeah, every human likes sugar to some extent. But supposedly japanese people like all their food kinda sweet. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass though, it's just something I heard before.

>> No.14883098

It's pretty big in the states especially in most metro areas. Taiwanese/bubble tea shops are everywhere in Texas where I live.

Assuming you're an American, our cuisine is insanely sweet too. A lot of places prefer sweet foods.

>> No.14883099

I'd go that far. If I could drink bubble tea everyday without consequences I'd totally do it.

>> No.14883100

its alright
some of the places I've been to they're almost tasteless though

>> No.14883101

It's become pretty prevalent even in redneck metros in the Southeast. I never got the hype, I was drinking bubble tea as a kid in NYC in 2001.

>> No.14883102


knowing 4chan, probably most people are in bumfuck middle of nowhere

>> No.14883103

It depends. It can be made with different kind of teas. Always ask for 25% sweetness or less.

>> No.14883104

It was a small fad here in Germany like 5 years ago, but it vanished as quickly as it came.

>> No.14883105

>only 2001 in nyc
Keep up kiddo. I thought it was shit in the 90s when I first tried it in the chinatown and I still hold that opinion about tapioca today.

>> No.14883106

Very interesting to know that Taiwanese culture has impenetrated Texas. Are there a lot of Asians there?
same, haha. it's everywhere now, and horribly expensive.
thats a shame, i guess the palate is different over there

>> No.14883107

>Are there a lot of Asians there?
There are a lot of Asians everywhere anon, especially if you go into cities. Texas has a lot of big cities, Houston especially is known for being very diverse.

>> No.14883257

I've drunk a lot of bubble tea, but I've never seen it in anime

>> No.14883270
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it happens every now and then

>> No.14883282

boba has less sugar than your typical starbucks drink

>> No.14883291

i think youre mistaking japanese with americans.
americans put sugar in everything.

>> No.14884385

Nectar of the gods, IF it's made properly

None of that powder shit. Give me a well brewed jasmine white.

If you ever have the misfortune of finding yourself in the bay area, make the best of a bad situation and go to an iTea order a "B7 chubby normal sugar 30 ice." If they have the popcorn chicken get that too.

Also in Chinese boba is slang for big boobs

>> No.14884417

They sold it for a couple of weeks here in germany, it seems they are forbidden now, never tasted one.

>> No.14884636
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Never knew about bubble tea until a trend started in Japan, where girls stuck the bubble tea in between their breasts and used their boobs like cupholders, I didn't know it was my fetish but after looking up "Bubble tea challenge" I busted a nuclear nut

>> No.14884646

>Why is this drink so prevalent in anime?
I have never seen an anime with bubble tea

>> No.14885793


>> No.14885818
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Only the brown sugar boba is delicious to me. I had it going overseas and it is night and day.
typical boba in the US is the premade crap you'd boil to reconstitute. Its just sugary milk tea with virtually flavorless tapioca balls.
but the brown sugar boba tea is so much better then this because the balls have flavor and the brown sugar gives it a nicer flavor then just the sugar they'd use ffor regular milk tea
i'd get egg pudding instead of the regular boba if i had a choice though

>> No.14885824


I hate it. Especially the balls of shit that sneak into your straw.

>> No.14885828

>Why is this drink so prevalent in anime?
Because it's bright colours and no substance for people who have the mental abilities of a toddler.
The same goes for the tea.

>> No.14885855


I wish I was as clever as you, my friend

>> No.14886268

chink /a/non here boba is not prevalent in anime at all what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.14886281

There's no tea in it

>> No.14886298
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Think anon's mistaking it with the tapioca challenge fad last year.

>> No.14886303

>Always ask for 25% sweetness or less.
this desu

the boba pearls(bubbles) are already sweet anyway

>> No.14886305

Apparently the balls they put in it serve no culinary purpose, it's done simply because apparently the feeling of moving your straw against them in the cup is somehow pleasing.....

Truly autistic, is all of Japan actually autistic? That's far more autistic than fidget spinners that everyone used to make fun of.

>> No.14886308

The fad originated from Taiwan in the 2000s. Japan only got wind of it like last year or something.

>> No.14886310

>Apparently the balls they put in it serve no culinary purpose, it's done simply because apparently the feeling of moving your straw against them in the cup is somehow pleasing.....
you chew on them
like mini mochi or jelly.
its very satisfying.

>> No.14886312

>It's popular atm
It's been popular for over a decade at this point

>> No.14886341

So you drink the fluids, then you have a cup full of candy? Is that what you're saying is the premise?

>> No.14886351

>Does it taste good
No it's like drinking a block of sugar
>Why is it so prevalent in anime
Japs and fat american weebs like it

>> No.14886356

Eh you'd probably want to suck up all the balls before finishing the drink, else they will be among the leftover ice and it's a hassle to exact them. Taste-wise, I usually order the tea with 0% sugar to contrast it with the sugary tapioca balls.

>> No.14886407

It's actually from south east Asia, I think it's Singaporean.
It was a fad for a while, and it's still ongoing in Asian backwaters who get the news delivered by steam boat.

>> No.14886450

Because it looks le kawaii xDddddd

>> No.14886496

no its like having a sweet milky tea with some candy "snacks" in every sip

its very chewy and satisfying

>> No.14886507

So you suck the balls through a straw? Uh, wouldn't that require significant sucking force? It's hard enough sometimes dealing with a too thick milkshake or a slurpee/icee/slush that's too icy

>> No.14886525

no the balls fit perfectly (hurhur)
its like a bloop bloop bloop bloop as the balls get sucked up the straw

however sometimes they can clump together when they have been sitting in the store's pot for too long and its much harder to suck them out. But you can just. squish them and "cut" them apart with the straw in that case

>> No.14886540
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the straw is bigger and thicker and much more rigid than a normal straw

and it is pointed to pierce the plastic lid

you can also use the straw and "shoot" the balls at people, cars, buildings by blowing it out like a blowpipe... thats what kids do

>> No.14886543

for me it's black tea latte 25 % sugar, with pudding add on or when it's not available the one with yakult combination

>> No.14886574

It's from Taiwan, though it was brought over to Singapore shortly after. There was a "Bubble Tea Bubble" from all the random chains opening up then imploding after. The fad is now Brown Sugar milk >>14885818 also brought over from Taiwan.