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File: 26 KB, 421x323, remove mask to cough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14879868 No.14879868 [Reply] [Original]

>reusable bags banned
>reusable masks ok
Anybody else tired of this bullshit? Everybody I see holds their hands in the mask where they breathe.

>> No.14879973

Biden lied about his education, plagiarized, admitted hes dum and very likely is a child diddler.

>> No.14879993

I hate Biden. I hate him more than Trump.

>> No.14880005

I spoke to an 84 year old man who grew up in the Soviet Union a while back, and we talked about a lot of things, but there were a few things that stuck with me.

>I know communism. I grew up under communism, and I know it when I see it. I don't like what I see in America today. I fled the Soviet Union to come here. If America falls, there will be nowhere left to flee.
I replied
>Yeah, the kids who are championing communism have no idea what they're advocating. They're so naive.
He replied
>Naive isn't a strong enough word.

He went on to talk about how obviously overblown this whole covid thing is, and how he thinks its all a giant power grab being used to control people. He said
>telling us to wear a mask to protect ourselves from the virus is like putting up a chain link fence around your house to protect it from mosquitos
>it makes no sense

>> No.14880025

joe biden touched my bumbum

>> No.14880030


>> No.14880032

Joe Biden sodomized me with a broomstick against my will.

>> No.14880033

Joe biden rubed his old man boner on me during a photo op

>> No.14880043

based old man spitting facts

>> No.14880049

The reason the whole mask thing gets me is because, as I understand it, the original plan was not to s stop the virus but to flatten the so-called curve so that hospitals weren't overwhelmed with a surge of patients. It wasn't about stopping people from ever getting the virus because that's not how you handle a pandemic - exposure is inevitable. But then somewhere along the way we lost the plot, or the elite intentionally disposed of the plot for us. It's not about "flattening the curve" anymore, it actually became about completely isolating people so that no one ever gets exposed. It's not enough to social distance anymore, now you have to wear a mask and stand six feet apart regardless of where you are, inside or outside. One kid at an elementary school got sick? Better shut the whole goddamn school down. You want to have an outdoor gathering in a wide open field? Nope, can't do that - someone might get sick. We fucking lost the plot. It's not about the virus. It's about controlling the people.

>> No.14880054

It was never about the virus. It was always about power.
The initial lockdown was supposed to last for two weeks. It has been six months.
Things are never going back to normal.

>> No.14880059

> /pol/ threads started on /ck/
Fuck off you useless homo's
Learn to fucking cook too

>> No.14880066

Okay, Kamala.

>> No.14880072

I want to kill myself. It's not that I don't like life. I just think being dead will be more fun.

>> No.14880078

I know an old man from the USSR that loves and misses it.

>> No.14880082


This is why a lot of people are starting to ignore the mandates. They seemed sensible at first now it just feels like we are being held hostage. Cases are going down, hospitals have plenty of space, yet you still want everyone locked up...?

>> No.14880086

I don't disagree that US officials mostly have used ad hoc solutions for a problem other countries have already figured out, but this is more pure incompetence and pride than any kind of power grab. The way the virus is best contained is through contact tracing (ie finding out who people have interacted with so everyone can self-quarantine). The problem being that people actually will not do that because freedom, cannot do that because their job is at stake, or don't even know to do it in the first place because no one has informed them they may have been exposed.

It seems pretty obvious, right? That there would be a system in place to figure out who all interacted with an infected person? Not in the US.

>> No.14880088

>the past was erased
>the erasure was forgotten
>the lie became the truth
We have always been at war with East Asia.

>> No.14880094

Which era? The 70s and 80s weren't terrible. The guy I talked to grew up in the 40s and 50s.

>> No.14880095

Contact tracing is being done in the US. I don’t know where you got that idea, but you’re wrong.

>> No.14880099

Yeah? Not really. Weird of you to think so.

>> No.14880103

The coronavirus isn't real.

>> No.14880109

I agree. I don't think it exists at all. I honestly think Trump lied about having it for the greater good of the country, so he could emerge victorious and declare it "not that deadly" and re-open things.
I don't believe it exists whatsoever.

>> No.14880111

Well, it's a mix. It's truer to say that it's not at the level many other developed countries, but it does exist like you said. The problem being states are the ones doing it, and some states are more or less gungho about it than others.


>> No.14880116

>wahh wahh obese retards and old faggots who fucked us over are dying wahh wahh

Why should I even give a shit?

>> No.14880120

Nobody is even dying. Your rights are being infringed for NOTHING.

>> No.14880127

It's not a powergrab as much as it is a clueless government giving advice based on "statistical science"
Like what the fuck is forcing everyone to wear a mask gonna do? put microchips in peoples heads?
Making everyone wear a mask to prevent the disease spreading is just grabbing the low hanging fruit. The "easiest" solution.
If government does fucking nothing, they want people to die and if it does something it's a fucking conspiracy. You can't win no matter what you do.

>> No.14880129

I would guess around the same time, I don't know exactly how old he is but seems between 70 and 80. He is a professor though, so he may have had a very different life than your guy.

>> No.14880130

>Your rights are being infringed for NOTHING.

I'm probably one of only a handful of faggots who don't wear masks here in DC. Everyone here is a fucking NPC who complies with what their told by media. Fuck 'em. I'll live as normal as I can, though I still have to wear a face diaper in grocery stores.

>> No.14880138

I got some red meat for you right here

>> No.14880139
File: 82 KB, 1854x237, ∕pol∕ delenda est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting any and all political threads and posts as off topic.

>> No.14880143

/pol/ is 4chan.

>> No.14880148

Reality has a right-wing bias. Turn off your TV and go outside.

>> No.14880150
File: 65 KB, 679x511, 1594089047312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all a show. I'm not a virus denier, but it's been grossly exaggerated, fear-mongered, and turned into a game of political football.

It's used as a way to divide and set family and neighbors against each other, like everything else politicized in the country. As well as to test the limits of control and power, yes. And people just went along with it.
It's not a coincidence this and BLM once again revved up in an election year.
Once it's done especially if Biden wins it will all get pushed to the back burner.

>> No.14880153

>The 70s and 80s weren't terrible.

You were there were you Zoomie?
The 70's sucked and the 80's were even worse.

t. Gen X

>> No.14880154

/pol/ is "that uncle" who you just want to die already, but he still comes to every family gathering to spout off about the stupidest shit

>> No.14880156


>> No.14880160

Nice larp faggot

>> No.14880165

It's going away if Trump wins too. He doesn't want to challenge the narrative in an election year because he still has to get re-elected. Trump has been mild so far. He's going fucking balls to the wall in his second term because re-election is off the table.

>> No.14880166

Coronavirus is the new war on terror.

>oy vey goyim keep calm and watch media so we can keep you in constant fear of nonexistent islamic terrorism

This is 9/11 all over again.

>> No.14880170

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
What a shit box you and your life is.

>> No.14880171

It's a real thing. It is affecting everybody, not just your country. I know you're too insular to understand global politics, but maybe you could take the time to broaden your perspective before talking so definitively.

>> No.14880173

4 more years.

>> No.14880175

>nonexistent islamic terrorism
Didn't we have more terrorist attacks than days of the year in 2015 under Obama?

>> No.14880176

I guess you're not American, because you seem unaware of the 22nd ammendment.

>> No.14880177

I want you to die already

>> No.14880178

Yeah, sure, but the chances of being killed by islamic terrorism was negligible for citizens in a country of +300 million, retard.

>> No.14880180

OK, dicklet, surprised you can see it over that fat gut of yours.
I can give you some tweezers if you need to get it out.

>> No.14880182

Trump is only on his first term. What are you talking about? I'm saying that his second term will be a wild fucking ride because he'll have nothing to lose.

>> No.14880185

/pol/'s true colors showing through.

>> No.14880189

>the explicitly created containment board is the rest of the website

>> No.14880190

I'm not the one wishing death on family members, you are.

>> No.14880197

But he's 95 years old, which is basically the same as 8 years in internet time. It's time to let go.

>> No.14880200

The point is that you're acting morally superior when in fact you are morally inferior. Like all lefties.

>> No.14880210

Honestly, I'd rather be correct than morally superior. Superb morals can't save you from coronavirus, for instance.

>> No.14880212

a. I don't care about what the rest of the world does.
b. I specified it was the US and am speaking definitively because that's how it is and how the virus was used here.
c. I don't care about what the rest of the world does.

>> No.14880219

>6% lethality
>even less if you aren't above 60

Yeah I think I'll be fine lol

>> No.14880221

>The parachute slowed my fall, I'm 500 feet up, why do I still need it?

>> No.14880232

>he doesn't know about the permanent effects
Glad my state never dropped its mask mandate.

>> No.14880243

If I hear the "200,000 death toll" figure again I'm going to shit myself. Give me a figure that isn't influenced by people who died of cancer, heart disease, or just plain old age and happened to have the virus in them.

>> No.14880249

Don't want to get political but fuck Biden. I am voting Trump this time (voted Hilldawg in 2016)

>> No.14880250
File: 45 KB, 470x470, COOKING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14880251

>needing the state to dictate how you live for fear of the tiniest health issue

Don't be absurd anon. You aren't even close to perfect health and you never have been. The fact that you only care when the state tells you to care may not make you unhealthy, but it does make you a moron.

>> No.14880273

No, you see the law is in place so people like you don't go around inadvertently killing others when picking up groceries, or going to bars, or doing whatever it is science deniers do. I'm just one well-intentioned person, but thankfully my government has the brains to realize not all people have such good intentions.

>> No.14880277

For what reason exactly? Cause you’re a strange little fagboy?

>> No.14880278

>or doing whatever it is science deniers do
I love how you subtly throw this in, trying to imply anyone who denies science is a violent human being. This is what you call subtle manipulation.

>> No.14880281

>he voted for a jewish bitch
igetit we're on /ck/ and she makes sandwiches but its the opposite in this case

>> No.14880284

It’s about controlling the people? Grow the fuck up idiot. What sinister reason could the government possibly have for wanting you to wear a mask and shit... you’re a fucking idiot man seriously ya’ll need to grow the fuck up.

>> No.14880288

>trying to imply anyone who denies science is a violent human being.
I mean, it's another form of murder? What would you call deliberately spreading coronavirus?

>> No.14880299

Okay, you fucking brainlet, you tell me what possible reason the government has for taking a two-week "flatten the curve" lockdown and turning it into seven months of social isolation and ruination of a trillion dollar economy. It's either sinister or it's complete fucking ineptitude and I don't know which is worse.

>> No.14880303

Government cares about me and my faction of the government cares about me better than the opposing one. Science is real bigot.
U need 2 grow up tardy

>> No.14880306

How many people die in car crashes every year? I bet you still drive one.

How many die of heart disease? I bet you still eat unhealthy food.

I could go on but you're a moron and a troll.

>> No.14880322

car crashes >> seat belts
also car crashes >> don't drink and drive
heart disease >> diet management and statins
coronavirus >> masks

It seems cut and dry here.

>> No.14880334

Just alter the nature of social interaction forever bro what's your problem

>> No.14880343

You know that's a strawman, good heavens.

>> No.14880359

Until Rachael Maddow tells you it's not?

>> No.14880363

This. Also, as inhumane as it sounds, everyone has a number in the back of their minds of how many their willing to let die to go back to normal. The fact that people scream 200,000 dead when places think of opening up makes me question how much personal stake they have in this.

>> No.14880365

There are these things called vaccines that have cured, for instance, polio.

>> No.14880382

What permanent effects? That's bullshit until it's actually proven permanent because most other viruses, including the flu, have cases where the virus causes after effects but don't last very long.

>> No.14880570

Things will only change if Biden wins. Not because of anything Biden will do or wants to do, but because everybody is doing their damnedest to get Trump out of office. Governors, mayors and other government officials have no compunctions about destroying the country as long as they're destroying it under DRUMPF.

>> No.14880575

Suicide is a one way ticket to hell and eternal suffering, but you can do whatever you want.

>> No.14880837

I'm pretty fucking tired of having to wear a mask in grocery stores while I'm shopping. I blame stupi ass faggot Trump. He did this to me 100%. Now he gets free super-deluxo covid treatment on my fucking dime for being such a huge fucking faggot and I don't get ANY healthcare. And I have to wear a fucking mask when I go grocery shopping. Fuck him and fuck you. That's what I'm tired of. Go make your nazi faggot thread on /pol/.

>> No.14880852


You can't eat with a mask on, you tard.

>> No.14880857

why aren't you blaming the WHO or China?

>> No.14880867

Because I'm not a moron. SE Asia has ALWAYS been the origin of deadly diseases since the beginning of time. I blame dipshit trump because he fucking knew this was bad. They knew it was bad. Everybody knew it was bad. The response on the federal level in the US is the most fucking embarrassing in the Entire World. You don't like being forced to wear a mask grocery shopping? Trump did it to you. End of story. Fuck him. Piece of shit.

(Biden is a piece of shit, btw)

>> No.14880872


You know the mask mandates are up to the states, right?

>> No.14880874

the WHO was downplaying it at the start which is why the Trump administration was downplaying it.

>> No.14880899

No shit, Sherlock. And every state is on its own coordinating protocalls and vying for finite resources without competent federal leadership. It's a fucking mess. This went on WAY longer than it should have. Half of the douchewads in congress knew how bad this was going to be and made a fortune on stocks while we plebs were fighting over fucking toilet paper in the grocery stores. They ALL knew about this. You think I'm going to get pissed off at a governor when the feds told them all to go kick rocks?

>> No.14880902

why is this in ck wtf

>> No.14880906

Jesus Christ. As though the President of The United States of America doesn't have better intel than the WHO. Fuck right off.

>> No.14880918
File: 119 KB, 1400x1400, bidenicecream2.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is ice cream good for you?