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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14875455 No.14875455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Womyn who btfo "male" chefs

>> No.14875458


>> No.14875461

> Hire a brown person
> company goes to shit

Gee whiz who could have foreseen this?

>> No.14875472

I know. It genuinely shocks me every time this happens. If only we could identify some sort of pattern to prevent this. I've discussed this with HR, and came to the conclusion the the problem is racism and sexism. No company can handle diversity, so the only solution is for companies to experience more of it until it becomes the norm.

>> No.14875659

that chick cant cook for shit dude

>> No.14875671


>> No.14875691

>watching babish video on pizza dough
>this curry nigger appears
>close video
Been a long time coming too

>> No.14875696

She based.

>> No.14875718

I wanna shove da chicken claw up dat manly pussy no cap

>> No.14875730
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Thats a woman?

>> No.14875736

What does that mean, a tranny freak job?

>> No.14875738

No, it's social engineering bullshit, that's why it's not spelled right.

>> No.14875747

Hey, my boss dressed like a wetback 40 years ago, do you think it's time to cancel the entire company and have everyone lose their jobs during a pandemic???????

>> No.14875754

Why not go for a better company instead of one owned by freak jobs?

>> No.14875761

If you don't own it or have majority shares in it then you cant "cancel" it whatever that's supposed to mean.

>> No.14875766

She seems plenty competent, she just lacks any real entertainment value.
I don't find her especially appealing to look at.
I don't find her especially funny or witty.
I don't find her on-screen presence to be especially confident, or at least self-assured.
Any one of those three and I'd be down.
I'm not watching Youtube chefs because I'm anticipating a Michelin star performance (not that I believe she's ever given one).
I'm watching them because I want someone with a good personality to cook a presentable meal while I dick around with it on in the background.

>> No.14875772

That comes across as serious bullshit
Did you get paid to post that?

>> No.14875781
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>not canceled
okay, retard
People don't need to own anything to shut it down. Just generate false outrage on twitter.

>> No.14875786

Bullshit, nobody in their right mind gives two fucks about twitter especially not shareholders in a big company.

>> No.14875802

Its 2020 twitter is about as relevant as facebook and they're both nothing.

>> No.14875805

Cope harder you fucking trannies

>> No.14875817


>> No.14875822

What part of my subjective distaste for Sohla came across as bullshit, anon?
>Did you get paid to post that?
I'm technically working right now, so yes. But my accounts-billable read IT consultant, not 4chan astro-turfer.

>> No.14875823
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Liberals get the first bullet

>> No.14875824

instagram as well, as as usless as fuck and they're owned by the same twats for the goal of social engineering.

>> No.14875827

you deflected it instead of saying zuckerburg

>> No.14875828

Imagine thinking cancel culture is okay. Must be nice to be absolutely braindead.
take a read through this

>> No.14875829
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>that haircut

>> No.14875831

Good take. The reason BA was successful isn't because their recipes were any good. It was because they became "The Office" in a test kitchen. I didn't think her personality melded well with the team. She came across as an egomaniac with an inferiority complex. I suppose some people liked her because they saw a lot of themselves in her. "Oh! A quirky, self-deprecating woman who has confidence issues. She's just like me!"

>> No.14875837

Deflected what? I said I didn't like her and gave my reasoning.

>> No.14875838

Thats pretty sucky if you claim to be in IT consultant while doing your job on one of those sites. It not only wouldn't hire you but I'd fire you in an instant because you aren't capable of answering technical questions.

>> No.14875843

I thought this was a picture of Epstein and Maxwell at first

>> No.14875845

What is it that leads you to violence every time someone disagrees with you? Are you ill?
Not reading through your dumb twitter thread, I couldn't give less of a shit about cancel culture. Oh no someone needs to delete their instagram! The world is ending! Lmao.

>> No.14875848

No you didn't give any reasoning and just responded like a democrat party useless cunt.

>> No.14875851

Of course, they're beyond ill, they're democrat party types.

>> No.14875854
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This is the Food and Cooking board.

>> No.14875855

Your disagreement results in the deaths of endless. More blood will satiate the Gods

>> No.14875856

Well it was op that did "womyn" deal with it.

>> No.14875857

I work as remote assistance for 2 or 3 small accounting firms. I'm available during business hours if any of the boomers need me to tell them how to restart their PC or explain to them how to use outlook.
There is no "technical questions" because there's nothing especially technical about my job.

>> No.14875859

Why are you so defensive over your pedo party? Typical demonrat libshit

>> No.14875860

So a low level nobody?

>> No.14875861

It's a thread about chefs. Not a thread about your favorite political party.

>> No.14875864

Nigger, my reasoning was that she's not funny, good looking, or confident.
What else do you want?

>> No.14875869

...Am I defensive? Just pointing out how obsessed you appear to be with us. I'm not really defending anything lmao.
Feels good to win.

>> No.14875873

I'm not the one that brought up "womyn" not spelled properly, that's a political spelling that's right from OP.

>> No.14875876

Now I lioe tomboys as much as the next fag, but this is too much. Feminine men > manly women

>> No.14875875

I get paid well to do basically nothing, can pursue my hobbies, and dick around on 4chan.
I don't want for anything so there's no reason for me to "graduate in my field" so I can work 80 hours a week for some Goldman Sachs cokeheads.

>> No.14875883

Wow. Obsessed. Literally obsessed.

>> No.14875886

how tf is Sohla a tomboy?

>> No.14875887

goldman sachs is scumbuckets, I turned those fuckers down when I was like 24 years old, lower manhattan sucked then and sucks now, there are much better places to work and for better money.

>> No.14875895

The only way to stop humans from dying endlessly is to kill all of them, stupid. Are you trying to break Ghangus Khans record?

>> No.14875896

It was just an example, anon.
The point is that I'm happy with the money my job pays and the time it allows me to pursue other interests.

>> No.14875898

based Omnicide anon

>> No.14875900

I'm with her!

>> No.14875901

It is, way back from a long time ago, you can't spell "women" properly you have to make it "womyn" which makes no sense.

>> No.14875903


>> No.14875910

What you on about? I was just talking about how she looks like a man, kind of like my mates nan.

>> No.14875914

Then just call it a tranny weirdo.

>> No.14875923

Tranny degenerate weirdo, no some goofball term like "womyn"

>> No.14875939

Man, imagine sliding your hand up her crack, gently grazing her brown star and taking a hearty whiff of your blessed fingers afterward.

>> No.14875946

Maybe you need to get better mates, m8, avoid degernates, no good will come from being around them.

>> No.14875949

Yeah right
Is that while the thing is trying to push some social agenda down your throat like "her" cock?

>> No.14875954

You realize the whole Bon Appetite company was hyper liberal right?
That is why a fucking joke costume had that sort effect in the first place.
Any "right winger" won't shed a tear for them.

>> No.14875959

Thats why I never gave two shits about it, never did, never will. They only reason that they seem to exist is people faggots on websites push it, those are the ones that I ignore.

>> No.14875962

Do you think of men whenever you see a woman? Thats pretty gay af senpai

>> No.14875970

No, I've had a lot of hot girlfriends, some professional models over the years, guys dont turn me on. Are you looking for justification for your faggotry? You wont get it from me.

>> No.14875974

And you are free to do so. I personally enjoyed them because I don't really give a fuck about politics, which is why it's funny being lumped in the "culture war" bullshit on the side of the right simply because I didn't want a left wing company to go to the shitter..... What sort of world is this?

>> No.14875982
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>Maybe you need to get better mates, m8
Are you on drugs? The fuckyou talking about?

>> No.14875990
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Maybe you need a carrot?

>> No.14875991

Off-brand Epstein + Maxwell

>> No.14875992

Calm down larper. If you want to prove yourself on the internet go to reddit, not on an anonymous basketweaving board.

>> No.14876000

It is what it is, so if you don't vote or have an opinion then someone else will do and it'll likely be some foreign sack of shit. The world is politics, deal with it, ignoring that is being ignorant.

>> No.14876003

What's a reddit?

>> No.14876026

Not everything revolves around politics, or at leas tit didn't use to. Remember how it was in the past? I could watch a few matches of baseball or a fucking cooking show without ever knowing if the ones involved voted for x o y. BA at least kept a bit of that "professionalism" up. I'm just tired of everything revolving around fucking politics.

>> No.14876064
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You've completely lost me now