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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 1638x80, Screenshot_2020-10-09 Veganism - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14873678 No.14873678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't know whether to post this to /ck/ or /pol/, but is this true? I'm more or less centrist, but I know a lot of right-wing people browse this board. Do you hate vegans because you think they threaten your culture?

>> No.14873690


People hate vegans because theyre annoying, sanctimonious, and if it were up to them theyd force you to be vegan. Not all of them, but the vocal ones absolutely.

Idgaf what you eat. We should eat less meat, burgers shouldnt be available for 99 cents everywhere across the world. Its not sustainable, however, i dont feel compelled to force people to do anything.

>> No.14873701

Liberal faggot hard cope, that's what that is.
>hurr meat eaters are SCARED of me! I represent a threat to their lifestyle! TAKE THAT!

>> No.14873708

Most people know veganism isn't an ideal diet, you basically can't be in optimal health and require more supplements. I hate that vegans try to push veganism as the ideal diet for human health, but I understand their feelings about the way animals are treated. Eventually with things like lab-grown meat I think veganism will become irrelevant.

>> No.14873711

>source: the daily beast

gg wikipedia

>> No.14873724

im voting biden and I hate vegans.

>> No.14873726

>I'm more or less centrist, but I know a lot of right-wing people
yes pol
I hate vegans because plant lives matter more to me than a cows life

>> No.14873748
File: 260 KB, 1536x906, grain vs meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am DEFINTIELY not alt right. Conservatives fucking hate me but so do liberals. I refuse to assign a political label to myself. It pisses people off.
I think vegans are misguided and will actually contribute to further oppressing small farms and ultimately only fuel industrial agriculture.

I think veganisim is not a realistic solution to our piss poor modern conventional agricultural system. I believe animal welfare should be prioritized in general, but especially with animals and plants raised for food.

Vegans also don't seem to know shit about farming. At most a vegan will grow tomatoes or herbs but seldom much else. If they did then they would realize just how amazingly plants thrive on animal products. My garden did quite well this year thanks to my livestock.

Having said that there is a growing movement of blindly alt right faggots who are anti vegan. They are, in my opinion, just as ignorant as vegans.

Also what do vegans have to say about conservative vegans? Isn't ellen fisher voting for trump?

>> No.14873764

No I hate vegans because they're loudmouth faggots

>> No.14873772
File: 63 KB, 579x701, vegans btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite things is exactly those kinds of people who are all OH YOU DON'T LIKE ME EATING MEAT?? WELL CHECK THIS OUT!!! and it always looks like pic related

I don't give a shit what the person who isn't me is or isn't eating me. Anyone who does needs to get a life.

>> No.14873820

thats not "grain vs meat", thats "fish vs WHITE flour and SUGAR"

>> No.14873826

i hate vegans because they want to take meat away from me. nothing political about that, it's personal

>> No.14873842

The article cited said that rightists hate vegans because they perceive them to be a threat to their way of life.

>> No.14873870

are they not?

>> No.14873879

No, I've never met a vegan who wanted to take my meat away or somehow destroy my way of life. Go outside sometimes.

>> No.14873890
File: 2.75 MB, 320x218, aa8ctJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm more or less centrist,
So is 99% of /pol/. Learn to read between the lines.

>> No.14873904

Mate they literally protested a shop in my city. If they didn't want to take away the meat they should shut the fuck up.
>meat is murder meat is murder if you eat meat you don't deserve to live!!!!
> don't want to take your meat away tho fee free to eat it...

>> No.14873931

vegans just eat vegan food for fucks sake,. That's all it is.

>> No.14873945

Nope I went vegetarian for a girl and my brother who is a Bernie bro that now lives in Portland was the biggest dick about it, I still even ate fish (so it was more pescatarian diet) my dad is a hardcore Republican and didn't like the idea but was fine as long as it didn't interfere with his diet (my mom would cook me a special plate rather than go no meat when I visited) and I was still getting enough protein

>> No.14873969

I hate vegans because they hate the fact I eat meat

>> No.14873978

no one thinks about you, actually

>> No.14873989

I don't hate vegans. Why is it that if you disagree with someone it must be hate.

I think that if they are doing it for "moral" reasons that's silly and pointless.

>> No.14874015

>this cope
You can stop taking about how meat eaters are destroying the world and committing genocide then?
Religious Buddhist who refrain from eating meat are not hated by "meat eaters" because they aren't trying to force people to do things their way.

>> No.14874029

how can you tell if someone is mormon, catholic, jewish, or vegan?

They will tell you.

>> No.14874053
File: 179 KB, 1183x761, Eao04LxWAAI92sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You idiot.

>> No.14874093

I'm an hunterfag and an evil alt-righter nazi by normal people's standards but I think abstaining from meat for moral reasons is respectable.

Of course, outspoken vegans tend to have a bunch of other annoying proclivities and retarded opinions so generally I don't like them.

>> No.14874142

You must be the one who doesn't go outside. Most of the vegans I've met are fucking bigots who compare meat eaters to child rapists and people who boil dogs alive.

They also assume all meat eaters live off of fast food. Even tho these days most vegans are eating more and more fast food, lol.

>> No.14874153

you've convinced me, I'm a meat eater. who even writes this shit? OP this board is for people 18 years of age and older

>> No.14874165


Hello, I'm one of those men.

See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I don't have a problem with brown people.
I don't have a problem with Muslims.
I don't have a problem with Jews.
I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.

In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.

I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.

I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.

I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.

So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.

Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.

Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.

It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.

Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.

I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.

And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.

>> No.14874185

What about black people?

>> No.14874541

I'm a woman you dolt. And I'm not a conservative.

>> No.14874576


You really must be a woman, seriously replying to stale pasta

>> No.14874587


>> No.14874615

I don't dislike them because they "threaten me". I dislike them, in general, because they act holier than thou and are annoying. It's similar to my feelings regarding homos: if you just like to suck cock and whatever but act normal, all the more power to you even if I think it's icky. However, if you're the type who walks around in a pink tutu with a horse cock dildo strapped to your head then I want you put in an oven.

>> No.14874649

I'm about as left as a card carrying Marxist, except I'm too lazy to hand out pamphlets. I'm also an omnivore, and have published a couple papers on veganism (one was specifically about states banning foie gras in the US). My view is that most veg arguments are afterthoughts, and typically not going to convince many people of anything (they're just not good arguments). I do think things are trending in that direction, but your grandchildrens' grandchildren aren't going to live in a world where people no longer eat meat, so it's not any kind of threat. Those people just thrive on fear mongering. And yeah, lot's of people do want to move to renewable energy, have stricter gun laws, universal healthcare, easy access to abortions, and just generally treating everyone equally so we can fuck off with identity politics bullshit... But veganism isn't even a blip on the fucking radar of things that are going to become mainstream in your lifetime.

>> No.14874700

this. ive been compared to an actual serial killer and necrophilic rapist for eating meat. why should i like these people again?

>> No.14874715


what was your opinion on banning foie gras? in my opinion, it's exactly the same as banning "assault rifles".

>looks inhumane/scary
>comprises a fraction of total poultry production/gun deaths
>much easier to cause a stir about scary looking things because it's easy to whip people into a frenzy over a small facet of an issue vs actually addressing the real issue

any state that allows factory farmed poultry but bans foie gras is a state full of hypocritical brainlets just like anybody trying to ban assault rifles while ignoring that the vast majority og gun violence is committed by handguns and at a greater rate by a certain group of people in certain places.

honestly, you're pretty much the worst kind of person. zero self reliance, collectivist, big government loving faggot. kys or go to europe.

>> No.14874739

Vegans are sanctimonious corporate whores whose anti-cruelty measures are significantly crueler than humane farming on a much grander ecological scale.
It's a moralizing power-trip that requires no personal investment- pure faggotry, and the epitome of the neoliberal obsession with maintaining the image of virtue at the expense of the actual practice of virtue.
If you gave a shit about ecology and animal welfare, you'd contact a local farmer or (if urbanite) a farm-to-table service.

>> No.14874753

I actually agree with you on pretty much everything. You put "assault rifles" in quotations, so obviously understand that any AR-15 your average Joe can buy isn't really an assault rifle. I own guns, and enjoy target shooting and occasionally hunting, but I also think that there needs to be way stronger gun laws (and people who open carry AR-15's because, "muh 2nd amendment" are fags who are usually just trying to rile shit up). Both are similar in that they're sensationalized, but the issues are completely different, and foie gras isn't hurting anyone.