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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14867169 No.14867169 [Reply] [Original]

I hate north america

>> No.14867178

Sir this is McDonald's. Can I take your order?

>> No.14867190

don't worry the rest of the world hates north america too.

>> No.14867218 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I'm not a fan of cheese, and I think my American upbringing might be why. So much of our foods are oversaturated with it, and that normally consists of low quality cheese or cheese substitutes. Occasionally, I do have something with European cheese, such as Italian or Italian style dishes, but not much other than that.

>> No.14867227

Cheez whiz is much easier to deal with than regular cheese. Also it doesn't taste gross like some other cheese, blue cheese is literal mold, gross.
I don't have to grate it, don't have to wait for it to melt. You can basically sub 1:1 with any recipe that calls for cheese and it will come out fine.

I made pizza and wiz risotto last night and no one could tell the difference

>> No.14867231

>blue cheese is literal mold, gross.
another tastelet filtered, such a noble cheese

>> No.14867237

blue cheese is mold

>> No.14867238

Is your mobile scooter charged?

>> No.14867248

id hate north america too if I couldnt afford to eat anything other than a small ration of rice and beans every day for my entire life

>> No.14867250

yes i know that.
and cheese is spoiled milk your point?

>> No.14867254

not cheez whiz

>> No.14867256
File: 17 KB, 480x279, 312313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its not cheese?

>> No.14867261

>People are Jealous of America
>Also, Jealous of Canada and Mexico

>> No.14867262

it says right on the label, original CHEESE dip. Are you blind or just stupid?

>> No.14867273

i think you dont know how cheese is made
>are you blind or just stupid?
i'm the one that has to make that question
cheez whiz is a processed cheese
>Processed cheese is a food product made from cheese and other unfermented dairy ingredients mixed with emulsifiers.

>> No.14867274
File: 49 KB, 707x223, safetybutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine buying food without a safety button to tell you if it's safe.

>> No.14867278

Even canada and mexico?

>> No.14867283

what country are you from

>> No.14867298


>> No.14867299

fuck off, blue cheese smells and tastes like literal ass. you're not elite because you eat moldy cheese

>> No.14867304
File: 45 KB, 385x471, 91w-15zFtZL._SX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No FUCKING excuse for this

>> No.14867306

Cheez Whiz is not spoiled or moldy like your gross blue cheese.

>> No.14867308

as I said a tastlet filtered by a good cheese
what its more reading what >>14867274 said its even healthier to eat blue cheese than your processed cheese
>its not spoiled milk
oh to be so naive on what you eat

>> No.14867314

another one that doesnt know how cheese is made.
>Cheese is a dairy product, derived from milk and produced in wide ranges of flavours, textures and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins and fat from milk, usually the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. During production, the milk is usually acidified and adding the enzymes of rennet (or bacterial enzymes with similar activity) causes the milk proteins (casein) to coagulate. The solids (curd) are separated from the liquid (whey) and pressed into final form

maybe you americans make it with corn syrup, colorants and flavouring that would make sense not calling it cheese as it is

>> No.14867316

Blue cheese is great.
Cheese whiz has its uses.
What I'm 100% sure of is that you are all just a bunch of faggots

>> No.14867318

Cool story. We don't think about you at all.

>> No.14867322

>healthy to eat mold
I don't think you understand. Mold can kill you

"The adverse health effects of mycotoxins range from acute poisoning to long-term effects such as immune deficiency and cancer."
no thankyou

>> No.14867366

North American doesn't think about at all

>> No.14867380

cheez whiz has cultured cheese which is bacteria so if we go by that you are eating bacterias and spoiled milk with a lot of other ingredients that has nothing to do with dairy

>> No.14867385

Anon we have halal here too

>> No.14867386

i'm still waiting for you two to say you are baiting or something there cant be people that stupid

>> No.14867391

I agree South America has the best whiz