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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 198 KB, 1280x782, IMG_20201007_225345_971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14863530 No.14863530 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the preparation of Pizza such a divisive topic

>> No.14863678

Because tribalism still extends to every facet of life despite how much we have evolved as beings and as a society

>> No.14863687

Chicago 'za is pure slop

>> No.14863694

‘Za is a very versatile food. It’s a blank canvas.

>> No.14863697

based and pizzapilled

>> No.14863702

for me, it's a 'tle 'sars 'ot n 'eady 'za.
they prepare it perfectly every time, with an expeditious care
. it has that new York flair with a definite chicago influence. the perfect balance, I think everyone will agree. don't forget your order of 'zy 'eadsticks!!!

>> No.14863706
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Not a single soul:

Random incel: i aLlUdE To bLaCk pEoPlE BeInG TrIbAlIsTiC On iMaGeBoArDs bEcAuSe i cAn't gEt lAiD

>> No.14863708

For me, it’s an icb with a pep piz extra chee.

>> No.14863709

the standard "pizza" is found in many different cultures and ironically the one that is the most iconic and different than any other is chicago style

>> No.14863714
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Maybe we should try to program around it and make rules that channel the will to power instead of trying to remove it because of mushroom driven self-hating intellectual poisoning from worshiping rocks or whatever people did when they were still covered in flies.

>> No.14863718

Kys retard

>> No.14863719
File: 31 KB, 600x584, pepegun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post has nothing to do with black people you fucking retarded twittercel jfc go eat a salad

>> No.14863726

>literally so obsessed that he saw the word tribal and didnt even finish the sentence, and assumed it was about black people and got fucking tilted.
lol. how embarising.

>> No.14863734

Deadass just gripped a yankee fitted and ‘ork style slice of ‘za

>> No.14863749

>seeing tribal in any context
>immediately thinking black people
Hes not the racist here, Anon

>> No.14863753

I think you're referencing the theory that the old testament is based on psychedelic experiences induced by hallucinagens?

Regardless, attempting to remove or reprogram an inate part of a person's humanity isn't ever going to end well.

But you probably realized that when the HRT didn't make you passable.

>> No.14863759

every day I thank god that I am not this retarded

>> No.14863767


>> No.14863796
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No, I propose that human conflict be normalized and codified instead of blindly resisted by a Christian and post-Christian western populace. I propose that it be bent to the benefit of the species by doing away with the illusions leftists cling to, that everyone is deserving of survival and the end of all conflict. Conflict is normal and properly channeled, could genuinely end corruption by ending the emotional need to be corrupt. We don't need to reprogram humanity, we need to reprogram society to serve the reality of the human species instead of everything from rock worshipers to islamists to gender vivisectionists. The western model is mostly correct, just incorrect to claim it was ever out to save absolutely everyone.

>> No.14863800

No mention of niggers anywhere in that post.

>> No.14863827

Wait till you hear about spaghetti carbonara

>> No.14863951
File: 143 KB, 1200x799, BRRYTMRVMFF63MXDB4XESUJ7DY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It thinks of Chicago as black, it doesn't understand old Chicago being all italo-polish-german with a bunch of surly irishmen mixed in for that real alcohol flavor.

>> No.14863994

How can anyone enjoy go'za honestly i've been to various place in chicago supposedly reputed for their deep dish and they all had the same taste, all felt like eating some very sloppy tomatoes pie, and all i got is some heartburn at the end of the meal.

>> No.14864009

first post based post
go back to the youtube comment section you braindead cumguzzling unoriginal npc waste of oxygen.

>> No.14864080

Italians can't accept brazilian pizza ls superior

>> No.14864612

Elder god tier bait. You got em good.

>> No.14864628
File: 556 KB, 662x372, Detroit_Style_Pizza_from_Calphalon_Bread_Pans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit style pizza is the best pizza.

>> No.14864674

Because Americans have made the original pizza an absolute abomination and nothing like it was.
Chicago pizza is nothing better than absolute bottom-feeder tier rubbish, made for elderly people with no teeth.
New York pizza is a BS copy by fuckwits that can only cook Jew food, poorly at best.

>> No.14864675

Only one dude has the correct answer

>> No.14864676

You mean it's a bland canvas.

>> No.14864682

> for me, it's a 'tle 'sars 'ot n 'eady 'za.
and then you have stroke-ridden fuckers like this
Learn to type you neanderthal

>> No.14864687
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How can you not read that? What are you, stupid?

>> No.14864732

Neanderthals are smarter than cro magnon cunts. Cro magnons only won from strength of numbers and being more vicious. Thankfully they were also rapists, so neanderthal genes are still expressed in some people today.

>> No.14864739

Free market capitalism, without politicians interfering and creating the need for lobbying and other bullshit, is the optimal configuration of society to create wealth. The problem is that free market capitalism has no means of defending itself from marxist subversion. Figure out that part and you are golden.

>> No.14864751 [DELETED] 

badda bing badda boom
notta howa my mamma madea ita
if youa can'ta makea ita likea thata then youa mighta notta evena makea ita ata all
eating is not feeding animale

>> No.14864869

go back

>> No.14864873

Why do liberals assume all black people are primitive trials? Is it part of their God complex?

>> No.14865047

God tier bait

>> No.14865055

go back to plebbit

>> No.14865064

It's good for business to have a point of difference of your cheap cheesy bread product sold for obscene mark ups

>> No.14865068

Easiest (You)'s of my life lmao

>> No.14865071

not sure if this is just really good bait or an actual honest to god retard
the twitter meme suggests the former

>> No.14865074

Small tribal governments are the only fair and sustainable form of government

>> No.14865083

Damn this a is a good one.

>> No.14865085

Every italian recipe is divisive, even among italians. Everyone claims their version is better, and americans think they improved italian recipes

>> No.14865089

anprims are unironically right

>> No.14865091
File: 43 KB, 600x450, mlT4WRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago deep dish can be good but honestly I just prefer good, old fashioned, normal American pizza.

>> No.14865258

Poe's law in full effect

>> No.14865293

based stroke poster

>> No.14865322

so are you trying to copy the caricature in op or are you just not self aware?

>> No.14865348

Don’t forget my beloved Chicago jewish populations.

>> No.14865363

I'm enjoying your genuine reaction senpai

>> No.14865390
File: 112 KB, 960x639, pizza-margherita-Spontini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god tier non-traditional pizza in milan

>> No.14865449

How are you guys falling for this blatant bait?

>> No.14865476

Milan should be nuked

>> No.14865478

We never evolved.

>> No.14865489
File: 243 KB, 1024x1331, woop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who brought up black people

>> No.14865500

im kind of 50/50 on whether it's intentionally retarded or just retarded.

>> No.14865642

that dude can carry 5 plates on one hand, that's pretty impressive

>> No.14865667

>trying to take credit for my bait

>> No.14865704

Unless bait, kill yourself immediately

>> No.14865777

based bait

>> No.14865782

I enjoy both. I prefer NY because it’s not carb overload and you can eat it with one hand on the go but I do enjoy Chicago pizza too.

>> No.14865791

I’m tempted to agree with you, but on this topic, absolutely not. The only place where people get upset about others pizza preferences is on 4chan and weird places on the internet. In real life no one gives a fuck what pizza you like. Bitter autists with too much time on here just like to argue about stupid shit.

>> No.14865799

is detroit style burning your pizza

>> No.14865835

We have, just society has, mentally speaking humanity is still firm in it's hunter gatherer mentality society moved faster than evolution.

>> No.14866056

Pick a team.

>> No.14866087

nice youtube comment zoomer

>> No.14866179

You'd think 4chan users would be better at ignoring trolls lol

>> No.14866189

he mentioned people not blacks

>> No.14866200

Sure thing chud

>> No.14866203

I hereby declare my undying loyalty to the 'go 'za. No other form of "pizza" shall enter me for as long as I live.

>> No.14866213

americans are retarded so by definion they are always wrong

>> No.14866216

Looks like floor tiles

>> No.14866224

Its not 2007 anymore, this place is tik tokers, Facebook and twitter

>> No.14866235

>the stupidest most obvious bait ever
>19 replies
fuck this gay website, I must be the only one over 18.

>> No.14866246


>> No.14866395

once you hit your 30s you start regressing. despite the apparent differences teens and boomers are remarkably similar in how they process and respond to things

>> No.14866440

I don't mind the occasional Chicago pizza, but it's not really pizza. It's just a big sloppy mess, and one slice is like a meal. A New York style is good for sharing or a quick bite on the go, no big mess. And no more toppings are needed than cheese and sauce, which doesn't really apply for Chicago.

Italian pizza is fine too but leaves something to be desired.

>> No.14866476

t.neanderthall shortie

>> No.14866933

I can't figure out how to stop my dough from drying out. If I prepare dough and let it rise for two hours and then cook it like that, it's fantastic! The dough is soft, elastic, and air bubbles rise when I bake it (which I love to see!)

But god forbid if I decide to toss it in the fridge for 24hours with a damp rag on top of the bowl. It's still edible, but dries out to a playdough like texture, it isn't nearly as soft or elastic and it doesn't rise as much when I bake it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.14866985

Sounds overproofed. Use a little bit less yeast, dont mix it for quite as long, make sure the cover is air tight (saran wrap, not a towel), and cook it a bit hotter.
t. Someone who preps about 1000 pizza doughs a week

>> No.14867157

Technology has evolved, not much else in regards to human decency.

>> No.14867163
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Alright. I took heed to your advice. I used a large rubberband to keep the plastic wrap airtight here.

Unfortunately, 500 is about the highest I can cook a pizza. I use a home oven

>> No.14867225
File: 1.31 MB, 2880x2160, 20201008_142041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14867938

Jesus Christ.

>> No.14868396

way too much bread

>> No.14868651

Detroit pizza is probably the only non tradition pizza that's any good.

It's the crispy edge that really makes it.

>> No.14868668

>all that fresh mozz
That pizza is fucking swimming in water...

They eat it with a fork and knife like a buncha faggots, too.

WMLM is the way to go.

>> No.14868691

'go 'za is in fact my go-to 'za

>> No.14868712


>> No.14868723

I usually get a calzone.

>> No.14868728

Trips of truth.

>> No.14868730

>Unironically "we live in a society"-posting
I thought it was just a meme, holy shit. Are you 16 or something?

>> No.14868734

This, but unironic.

>> No.14868770
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>> No.14868847

You belong on reddit

>> No.14869217

If this is bait then only an Australian would make this

>> No.14870528

>no fun allowed

>> No.14870536

That's not the meme. Lurk moar on reddit.

>> No.14870597

Include me in the screencap guys

>> No.14870621


>> No.14870641

All redditors can think about are NIGGERS

>> No.14870689

More like devolved. Fuck you leftish faggot.

>> No.14871171

No it's when a nigger breaks into your house and steals the frozen pizza

>> No.14871406


>> No.14871433

Spoken like a true chud

>> No.14871471

It's just bants for the most part

>> No.14871517
File: 500 KB, 1000x500, image-recipe_simple-grilled-cheese-and-egg-spam-sandwich-1000x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A spam sandwich is not a hamburger despite being grilled ground meat between bread, by the same logic why would you call that tomato and cheese quiche a pizza?

>> No.14871593

Go back NIGGER

>> No.14871611

>Not repping the Detroit Square
At least it feels great to know NYC got their asses blown out by canned mushrooms from Windsor 'Earth's Rectum' Ontario at the international pizza expo.

>> No.14871615

We get it, you don't like the fact someone said 'za in passing once and now you feel the need to project your mild annoyance from someone living rent free.

>> No.14871625

legendary post

>> No.14871627

>has bread instead of a bun
>shitty sheet style scrambled eggs
>tightly compressed pork shoulder instead ground beef
The only thing close to making that a burger is the melted kraft single.

>> No.14871670

Take your meds.

>> No.14871672

Ok chud

>> No.14871678
File: 163 KB, 927x853, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14872128

Why do people eat spam? Is it actually good?

>> No.14872217


>> No.14872239

unironically based as fuck. Fuck the 4chan "safespace" faggots

>> No.14872315

me in the middle

>> No.14872318

he finna based 2btbh

>> No.14872872

You're a 'go 'za? Can I eat you?

>> No.14873020

>shitty chud poster trying to attach himself to my bait
Get your own material, chud

>> No.14873564

Australians have the best humor in the world, u wot? If anything it's some dumbass Amerifat or Europoor

>> No.14873828

Literally Senator Armstrong is behind this post.

>> No.14874629

Speaking as someone with better taste than most on this board, Little Caesar's deep dish is probably better than the vast majority of pretentious pizzeria shit out there

>> No.14874630


There is no such thing as "taste" you fucking retard

>> No.14874635


>> No.14874656


>> No.14874661
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>> No.14874806

The pizza style that 99% of Chicagoans (non tourists) eat is thin crust tavern style. The real Chicago style pizza which is superior to NY or Sh*talian style pizza.

>> No.14874808
File: 81 KB, 624x628, 14451-1mx0xvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic b8

>> No.14874950


>> No.14874959

We've existed in various degrees and states of conflict for our entire existence and it hasn't ended corruption.

>> No.14876222

Taste is obviously a thing; maybe you should read a book once in awhile.

>> No.14876230

Because jew yorkers are literally retarded.

>> No.14876702
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>> No.14876721

yikes you ladies sure are easily trolled, how pathetic

>> No.14877354

Mama mia, is it possible to learn this baiting power?

>> No.14877365
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>> No.14877374

oh god i want some anime ass

>> No.14878238

I would like to know as well, do any anons here actually eat this shit?

>> No.14878330

sicilians in my experience get down with chicago pizza, it’s real similar to sfincione

>> No.14878342

That's well fucking done. What progam/method was used for this?

>> No.14878379

>do any anons here actually eat this shit?
I have it for breakfast occasionally. After going to Hawaii I understand why it's popular there; fried Spam goes very well with steamed white rice.

The main reason that Spam exists is because it's basically a shelf-stable substitute for bacon or ham and as such is very handy if you either can't refrigerate perishable food or you need it to be edible at a more distant point in the future. If you're going camping or on a boating trip, stocking up a cabin or even just if you're a poor-ass student with a hotplate no room in the minifridge, it makes sense.

>> No.14878629
File: 88 KB, 500x662, baitimusthedestroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn, i haven't seen one this well done in years.

trolling is a art

>> No.14878667

Does it taste good? Would you eat it over anything else?

>> No.14878692

>Does it taste good?
It tastes like slightly greasy pork and salt. It's a lot like salt pork without the texture.

>Would you eat it over anything else?
I don't prefer it over bacon or breakfast sausage but I eat it when I'm in the mood, mostly when I think about Hawaii.

>> No.14878851
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>all that cheese

>> No.14879282


>> No.14879305
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>> No.14879324

it just looks bad imo

>> No.14879850

Thanks for the reply, I gotta say it sounds pretty gross but seems like a pleasant memory.

>> No.14879963

why do people from new york say deadass so much

>> No.14880001

Stand up above your monitor and you will.

>> No.14880067

didn't even mention black people you fucking groid

>> No.14880075
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>> No.14880093

When fried it's actually pretty good as a breakfast meat, especially with rice. It also tastes better when you haven't been able to get your hands on real bacon or ham or fresh sausage for days or weeks.

>> No.14880631

for me, its dominoes with sausage ham bacon and pepperoni
with lava keks

>> No.14880638

anyone who dislikes pineapple on pizza is a npc redditor faggot

>> No.14880645

Mostly because Italians are autistic about pizza, (and every other Italian-style food) and since the autism is hereditary people of Italian descent are also autistic about it.

Will we ever be rid of the pasta menace? Day of the Pot, when?

>> No.14880648

Jesus christ is nothing sacred to you bunkerchan faggots?

>> No.14880655

Is it just pizza cooked in a sheetpan?

>> No.14880662

sort of, its also got deep crust and the cheese bakes on the edges

>> No.14880717

>good, old fashioned, normal American pizza.

>> No.14880719

>le italians invented le pizza
>le therefore le italians perfected le pizza
imagine being this reddit.
america perfects all food it touches. that's why america is so fat.

>> No.14880786

My problem is genuinely just the name. Name and words are important, they define things and allow us to talk.
This is why I hate when people misuse names. It was exactly the same with Ramsey's carbonara. It's not a carbonara, it's a different dish. It's a perfectly fine dish, just give it your own name instead of using the name of something else for no good reason.

>> No.14881138

Dial8, nigger cultist

>> No.14881177
File: 192 KB, 1200x630, header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American pizza and Italian pizza are two different things, anon.
I wouldn't go as far to say Americans perfected pizza, but American pizza is way more popular around the world than Italian pizza.

>> No.14881182

Absolutely based.

>> No.14882402

Americans perfected nothing, every important food cuisine or invention has come from other countries. It's hilarious that y'all try to take credit for shit you didn't have a thing to do with.

>> No.14882553

>over twenty replies to shit bait
Guess I know /ck/ is more weak-minded and impressionable than /pol/ now.

>> No.14882555

/ck/ is full of retards from /pol/ and /tv/

>> No.14883373


>> No.14883388

Or maybe you're just shit at baiting

>> No.14883580


>> No.14883592

Maybe if you are a jew. The correct model is a mixture of socialism and capitalism, like Hitler did it.

>> No.14884485

The burden of proof is on you, or is that too much of a load to bear?

>> No.14884509
File: 206 KB, 633x736, 1602032544489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good trolling still exists.

>> No.14884518

I don't have any bias but I like Chicago pizza less because the cheese doesn't brown

>> No.14884561


>> No.14884576


>> No.14884579

put me in the screencap

>> No.14885445
File: 47 KB, 823x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14885455

cringe, how mad can you get that you're not good at baiting?

>> No.14885466


Neapolitan, NY, and deep dish style pizzas are different enough that they are different meals. Imagine expecting a NY style pizza and then getting served a Chicago deep dish? I mean I'll probably still eat a slice but I still be disappointed because it isn't what I wanted.

I wouldn't say one style is better than the other, but you are either a genuine idiot or are intentionally being stupid if you do not acknowledge the differences.

>> No.14885992

>different meals
Tomato paste, bread, cheese. Wow, so different.

>> No.14887321

the irony

>> No.14887338
File: 51 KB, 600x291, Finland outs pizza Italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That reminds me...

>> No.14887600
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x872, Hong Kong Style Luncheon Meat and Fried Egg with Noodles 港式餐蛋麵.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to know as well, do any anons here actually eat this shit?

Yes, it's delicious after it's been panfried

>> No.14887619

Low iq

>> No.14887631

Chicago is a casserole though. I like it and it's what I make most the time, but it is a casserole.

>> No.14887780

it should be a crime to be this stupid and celebrate it

>> No.14888899

Welcome to nu-4chan.

>> No.14889091

? Been here since 2011, quality is the same as then

>> No.14890048

>American pizza
It's not truly American pizza if it doesn't use American cheese.

>> No.14890292
File: 3.03 MB, 480x369, 1473169504247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get PWND faggot

>> No.14890402

Because non-Italians/NYers/shitcargos continue to delude themselves that their meme method of changing something extremely trivial about the pizza constitutes an actually transformed dish which warrants its own category

"I baked this pizza in a used diarrhea bedpan so it's special" -- detroiters

>> No.14890405


>> No.14890420

and Japan won a world cheese contest, nobody cares

>> No.14890422

Ah so you're a cancerous chud

>> No.14890440

based athiest retard

>> No.14890445

burgers have to be ground

spam isn't ground, it's literally liquefied, which is why it feels like an almost solid block

>> No.14891158

uh oh...

so, I'm preparing pizza dough and ran out of flour. I barely used a cup of flour as it was all we have left. Then I poured in a little pancake mix and oatmeal to make up the difference.

I don't know how well this is going to turn out!

>> No.14891190

based as fuck

>> No.14891193

because they wish they were dead but they are also all gay so they cant stop thinking about ass

>> No.14891201

why does italian pizza have a river of sauce dividing the cheese and the crust

>> No.14891294
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>> No.14891395


>> No.14891400

based image
this reads like what a Jamaican accent sounds like
based retard

>> No.14891686
File: 756 KB, 570x734, 1598194617934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a legit post

Queen mama mia has spoken

>> No.14891695

maybe he drizzles it in swirls

>> No.14891780

Kill yourself

>> No.14891800

Redpill me on using sugar/honey on pizza dough

>> No.14892267

Actually Chicago style is too much work to make, especially for amateur pizza makers

>> No.14892289

actually good bait

>> No.14892408

American has more salt and more sugar therefore more flavour. Simple.

>> No.14892440


>> No.14892460

sure is newfag round here

>> No.14892494


>> No.14892631

because literally all that italy has is food, so they get extremely autistic about it if it isn't done their special way. just look at carbonara

>> No.14893558

you put honey or sugar on the dough, and it makes it sweet

>> No.14893625

chicago style pizza is cringe af. its the equivalent of le epic bacon stuffed macaroni and cheese hamburger inside another hamburger soi facebook-tier epic meal time shit that fat neckbeards and soicucks who are "into cooking" think is the pinnacle of cuisine

>> No.14893639

Most yankee fans are from New Jersey though

>> No.14893791

Why? What are most New Yorkians fans of then?

>> No.14893825
File: 38 KB, 300x393, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with black people?

>> No.14894109

this is your mind on constant sjw cuck porn

>> No.14895565
File: 35 KB, 482x363, Corleone Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found a good pizza place called 2 or 3 Pizza and Wings down in Mimico...I don't know if they are Italian but they are European and taste great. One day I decide to try the pineapple pizza, and not only was it not as good as the pepperoni or cheese ones, the man behind the counter gave me a disappointed look when I ordered it.

>> No.14895587

Most new yorkers don't give a shit. But locals who follow this shit are statistically more likely to be mets fans. That's how you can spot a UC, they glow in the dark. Yankee hat and dad jeans and oakleys.

>> No.14895681

Chicago may not be better at pizza, but it definitely is better at hot dogs. Just plain hot dogs with mustard are boring as hell. And coney islands aren'y even from coney island but from detroit. What a gyp.

>> No.14895684

Oh I forgot the version with sauerkraut isn't much of an improvement either. It just sucks.

>> No.14895687

Absolutely based

>> No.14895706

legendary thread
screencapped for posterity

>> No.14895714

Is this guy for real?

>> No.14895720

>the will to power
>i saw edgy nietzsche memes on the internet so now i can fix society
i mean just fuck off

>> No.14896295


>> No.14896322
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>> No.14896400


>> No.14896826


>> No.14896982

That chad is happy, not because he feels some sense of vapid "superiority" for eating a specific type of pizza, or because other people's suffering makes him smile, but because he knows the simple joys of just eating whatever he feels like, regardless of other people's opinions. I wish I was like that.

>> No.14897000

This post made me think you're a redditor newfag shill.

This is their unfunny meme.

>> No.14897011
File: 1.17 MB, 1376x1756, Ana_Kasparian_(27871435561)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine a board that is so dead a thread that was literally made 6 days ago still gets on the front page...

>> No.14897037
File: 13 KB, 400x286, 1z2es2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare retards like this one are the reason to come here.

>> No.14897043

I came ITT to see why this random thread has so many posts. Found out soon enough.

>> No.14897066
File: 323 KB, 786x453, Fruit Flower Sandwiches 2 by テイストメイド ジャパン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese people actually love their cheese, though it's usually sweet stuff like cream cheese. They also have a lot of savoury fried cheddar cheese snacks.

>> No.14897070

There's the kind of cook who measure out everything first before they start and there is the kind of cook who has stuffings cooking on the stove top while they are out back trying to gun down a wild goose or turkey or duck.

>> No.14897262

nice hat

>> No.14897498

Dead as fuck, lol

>> No.14898191

Literally the most successful bait I've seen on this site after browsing for nearly ten years

>> No.14899436

Because it's a dish even a caveman can make so people need to feel better about themselves that they can prepare a dough with cheese in some other way that you will eat anyway because it's just pure carbs and sauce.

Everything to hide the fact that they don't make anything unusual

>> No.14899644
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>> No.14899656
File: 66 KB, 960x928, 1600627829802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy moly

>> No.14899692

i wann a sloppa

>> No.14899726

Based and equalitypilled

>> No.14899747

What kind of a fucking subhuman actually enjoys chicago pizza

>> No.14899837

Same, to have thought it could be actual discussion or rather on topic shitflinging, what a fool I am

>> No.14900093

what is sloppa?

>> No.14900429

yo come to new york and try sayin that gay shit to anyone and get your ass beat retard

>> No.14900431

Assuming you actually wrote that along with your use of the word "yikes" make me believe that wasn't bait at all. That's how you've been told to feel and you need to go back.

>> No.14900443

Yup, I did write that, and I think you're the one that needs to go back.
>how you've been told to feel
Kek, what a pseudo-intellectual. Reddit is more your style for sure.

>> No.14900673

Twitter has melted your brain, kill yourself

>> No.14900684

Excellant bait

>> No.14900687
File: 1.37 MB, 1096x990, screen-shot-2019-06-17-at-6-23-44-pm-1560810243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14900711

Sometimes I feel a little embarassed for having used 4chan for all these years, and then I remember what people who use twitter are like, jesus christ, 4chan is unfunny but this takes the cake, imagine being this fucking retarded, your brain melted from so much twitter garbage spongebob poopie youtube meme shit Literally Nobody Not A Single Soul WoaOAOOoahAOHAOAaOAHposting holy SHIT MY LITTLE NEWFAG THIS SHIT IS SO RETARDED

>> No.14900717


Stick to hotdogs, Frankfurters are the best Chicago food. Your pizza sucks.

>> No.14900754
File: 450 KB, 930x1200, IMG_4002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finnish “”””””””””””food””””””””””””””

>> No.14900766

>twitterfags have the audacity to think they're better than 4channers

>> No.14901082

>guaranteed replies
Well done, you sick fuck.

>> No.14901120

Detroit styled pizza is the only reason why I would want to visit Detroit

>> No.14901447

>you sick fuck

>> No.14902068

Pizza is one of the hardest dishes to get correct, what are you on about?

>> No.14902596

Pizza is delicious. If you don't like it, one way or another, that's okay too. Only tastelets give a shit about these things.

>> No.14903063
File: 49 KB, 640x427, images - 2020-09-30T000419.910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein nigger

>> No.14903083

It's not pizza
It's fucking good but it's not pizza
Nothing to really argue or be mad but as a simple fact, it's just not a pizza

>> No.14903088

>onions on pizza
>first place

>> No.14903324

Europeans, despite the shit they talk, have 0 taste

>> No.14903340

Worst /ck/ post of all time and thanks saying something.

>> No.14903370

You're wrong, but I still have to recognize the majesty of Detroit style pizza.

>> No.14903448

Im not gonna lie i expected multiple people to tell you that you were a retard in the replies but this is impressive.

>> No.14904444

Based. No zone like a calzone.

>> No.14904837

Same, and it wasn't even subtle, /ck/ is really full of retards

>> No.14905414


>> No.14905501

Detroit style is best.
Motown represent

>> No.14905787

You're the one who brought up niggers

>> No.14906816

>Detroit style is best
Chicago is far superior and it's not even close

>> No.14906961

legendary bait

>> No.14907076

literally decades ahead of us

>> No.14907827

>Pizza is delicious
No it's not. I'm so goddamn sick of it

>> No.14908583

Do you eat it every day or what? Why?