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14860117 No.14860117 [Reply] [Original]

Is keto a meme or is it actually good?

>> No.14860119

hey OP, got one right here for ya *gives you the finger*
yeaheh fuck you buddy

>> No.14860120

ketosis is not a meme
keto is a meme diet
you do not need to be on a keto diet to enter ketosis

>> No.14860124

Utter meme. No weight loss advantage over equivalent calorie-controlled diets, and it's also terrible for your body.

>> No.14860132
File: 77 KB, 720x1284, 4ea9444fc6c225b0ee4112d3b6ec3ade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, coffee is good for you

>> No.14860133
File: 11 KB, 766x135, memeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketosis is not a meme

>> No.14860134

>No weight loss advantage over equivalent calorie-controlled diets
This is what sub-80 musclelets actually believe

>> No.14860139

citation me daddy

>> No.14860174
File: 57 KB, 914x365, 1575250728273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me put it this way: I've never seen a thin person doing keto.

>> No.14860191


>> No.14860197

I don't like coffee, tho

I heard that caffeine makes you anxious and fat

>> No.14860198

Keto is for retards who don’t wanna exercise

>> No.14860254

>thing exists
>"cope XD"

>> No.14860256

All of these "diets" are bullshit to some extent, although I agree to a point that high fat and protein diets at a calorie deficiency seem healthy. Just eat a balanced amount of everything.

>> No.14860304

Been on it for two years it's good

>> No.14860309

How does caffeine make you fat? There's like what? 5 calories in a cup of coffee?

>> No.14860364

Unless you're a child or woman, keto should be your default diet. Carbs are worthless.

>> No.14860376

Keto should not be treated as a diet, because diets should always be temporary until you've reached your desired weight. With keto you basically don't learn to adjust your hunger/appetite and just still eat too much food. So once you've reached your desired weight and don't do keto anymore your weight will go back up.

>> No.14860383

By itself yes. As a short term strategy to kick off a meaningful repair of your eating habits while maintaining a calorie deficit, it's pretty effective.

>> No.14860385

Who's pooping right now?

>> No.14860427

Not everyone is a lardass that is scared of carbohydrates.

>> No.14860471

To me, keto is on the same spectrum as fasting. Fasting is just an extreme keto diet. But adding proteins and vegetables to it, plus adjusting caloric requirement with fats leads you to keto.

>> No.14860477

This. Fasting is for results, keto is for lifestyle.

>> No.14860478

at the end of the day, permanent weight loss has to come with permanent lifestyle change

>> No.14860889

He cute

>> No.14861152

how does that not apply to all diets in general?

>> No.14861161

Good for weight loss if you actually do keto. If you just cut carbs by like 30%(what most people do when they say their going “keto”) then no it’s trash.

>> No.14861166

Exercise is the least effective way to lose weight. You know how long you have to run to burn off the calories of a Big Mac?

>> No.14861174

Just swim 20 hours a day bro

>> No.14861256

most people approach weight loss by falling for marketed fad, crash diets and meme diet foods instead of implementing lifestyle changes

>> No.14861286

If you want the ass cancer, go for it.

>> No.14861440

can one of you faggots explain why these dumb internet bitches make that face?

>> No.14861455
File: 386 KB, 1992x1334, 2CC00A10-8B83-461D-AF17-B014149643BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a hentai face that means they’re cooming. It’s autistic weeb shit.

>> No.14861468


>> No.14861570

A keto diet can be better than a typical diet which is full of junk food. Keto diet forces you to cut out most processed, low satiety, low nutrition, high calorie, junk food like soda and cookies and chips. But it also blames things like fruit for weight gain, and I've never seen any studies saying that's true, it's always the opposite where fruit helps maintain a healthy weight. It's also not a guaranteed way to lose weight as you can find people saying they aren't losing weight, or are even gaining weight, on a keto diet.

>> No.14861578

that didn't answer the question

>> No.14861589

Fuck off, meme forcer.

>> No.14861629

yes it did
most people regard "a diet" as temporary instead of "everyday diet"

>> No.14861640

Gee. It's almost as if keto diet isn't enough to lose weight! If only there was a way to lose weight!

>> No.14861722

so you're talking about diets in general, not just keto

>> No.14861818

Absolute devastation

>> No.14861825

It’s what virgins think a woman looks like during sex

>> No.14861867
File: 236 KB, 722x406, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone is a lardass that is scared of carbohydrates

Is that true tho? 2 out of 3 americans are fat fucks. The average person benefits more out of removing carbs from their diets.

>> No.14861923

A good diet doesn't meme you into eating certain foods but rather into reducing your calorie intake by just eating less and getting rid of snacking + overcoming the sugar addiction most of these people have.

The problem with a good diet is, that it usually takes long and is more akin to an endurance run rather than a short sprint.

People who are overweight are usually very bad at self discipline so having the endurance to reach their goal after 1+ year is simply not possible for them and they turn to meme diets.

>> No.14861961

No sure what being a child or woman has to do with anything? Although I don't think you need to stay away from carbs completely, if you're not working hard manual labor you are probably eating too many carbs to be at a healthy weight.

>> No.14862086

Keto makes you go bald, even if you're female

>> No.14862096

Tried it (<25g carb/day) and quit after a week, felt so weak I could barely walk to class. The weakness supposedly only lasts 1-2 weeks but I couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.14862204

Did you supplement in electrolytes and salt

>> No.14862218

Anxious yes, fat only if you dump cream and sugar in every cup. Caffeine is a good appetite suppressant.
t. Skelly black coffee addict

>> No.14862327

Salt, definitely. Electrolytes, not sure, but I had access to all you can eat dining halls so I ate a variety of vegetables and fresh greens every meal. Still felt like absolute death.

>> No.14862832

Let me put it this way: I've seen Peter Attia do strict keto to help him with long distance swims.

>> No.14863347

>not doing both

>> No.14863355

her eyes different color

>> No.14863822

i did keto twice for long periods and don't recommend. the diet sucks and honestly i think i lost more weight from doing intermittent fasting along with keto. i've since roughly kept doing IF and it helps a lot, look into that. it's much easier for me, makes it a lot harder to over eat

>> No.14863895


>> No.14863927

Fucking brutal.