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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 1300x957, chopstick-rice-10761238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14853194 No.14853194 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell did rice farmers think eating with two wooden sticks was a good idea?

>> No.14853199

zipperheads = low IQ

>> No.14853202

It is most likely some retarded reason, like one of their foreign emeperors taxed spoons or some shit like that. Par for the course for Asian ant people.

>> No.14853207

You don't have a spoonful when there's only 6 rice in bowl

>> No.14853319

>small grains
>take 2 sticks that are basically long pointy fingers perfect for individual grains
>you can make them incredibly easily
gee anon, i dont know

>> No.14853326

they probably already had spoons for eating soup or whatnot, and they are way more practical for eating rice in a bowl

>> No.14853330

wow its this exact thread for the 20987492373947932492th time again

>> No.14853331


Either you don't know how to cook rice or use chopsticks if you think this is a problem, I'm surprised Americans haven't made the switch to a shovel for their buckets of food

>> No.14853334

You realize chop sticks are cus chink food is advanced and ancient enough to not need a fork and knife to continue making it edible yourself, right, zoom zoom?

>> No.14853335

>not using naans to scoop up the rice and curry

>> No.14853654

They were originally cooking utensils.

>> No.14853679

This is the only based answer

>> No.14853682

They didn't. It was an elaborate troll to confuse the silly round-eyes. To this day they are still laughing at the west

>> No.14853686

The rice sticks together retards, you eat it in chunks, not each grain individually. You r-tards never eat rice before?

>> No.14853694

im not poor, so no

>> No.14853768

i think part of the reason chopsticks and spoon are used is knife and fork can be used as weapon, right? Like they're too offensive looking

>> No.14853774

Rice farmers are percussionists and wanted to practice at meal times

>> No.14854869
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>> No.14854912

Bitch, just learn to use the sticks. It's not that hard.

>> No.14855375 [DELETED] 

Because they're sociopaths. It's bad table manners to leave the chopsticks sticking up in the food for a reason. It reminds them that they used to make them out of the bones of their relatives.

You really think they were always sticks? That's not very practical. Bones make great tools. But we don't talk about that.

>> No.14855397

this. and a lot of the time rice was eaten by hand anyway. Chopsticks work best for Long Noodles, i'm surprised italians didn't develop a similar utensil, spinning a fork seems so unnatural and a lot more work

>> No.14855428

>there's only 6 rice in bowl

The last time I got General Tso's chicken she only gave me 6 rice. I wanted 7 rice. Fuck you, you chink virus having bitch.

>> No.14855434

You should really think your posts through before posting them lol

>> No.14855443

The logic in most Asian cuisine is that if you're still cutting your food as you're eating it, you're not done cooking.


Ever since I started using chopsticks I do feel like a retarded farmer on the rare occasions where I use a fork. Especially when eating salad, using a fork makes absolutely no sense.

I guess OP and other shitposters have the motor skills of a 5 year old with two left hands.

>> No.14855454

Why would I use a utensil that requires 2 hands to operate when I can just use a fork and a knife and be done with it? Stupid rice peasants

>> No.14855456

ebin funpost

>> No.14855467


>> No.14855478
File: 23 KB, 830x450, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian rice clumps together much more than the long grain rice we have in the West.

>> No.14855529

>The logic in most Asian cuisine is that if you're still cutting your food as you're eating it, you're not done cooking.
Yet they'll walk around eating food with their hands (buns, cabbage wraps, leaf wraps, rice forms.) Now they've adopted sandwiches too. Clearly it wasn't in small enough pieces.

>when eating salad, using a fork makes absolutely no sense
Hahah what? There are a ton of slippery vegetables that are easier to spear or scoop with a fork than grab with sticks. Furthermore, a fork can pick up ALL forms of greens easily, not just most. Lacquered chopsticks are not for a slick vinaigrette salad with radishes.

>> No.14855599

how exactly would chopsticks work better than a fork? with a fork you actually CAN spin the spaghetti to get a clean chunk and if you're gonna slurp it all like a bugman anyway it's still superior

>> No.14855645

>Yet they'll walk around eating food with their hands (buns, cabbage wraps, leaf wraps, rice forms.
So? They're not eating those with a knife & fork either those are historically food items that you would eat while travelling. No need for chopsticks or any other dishes.

>scoop with a fork
gee if only there was another Western utensil designed for scooping.

>easier to spear
Again there's no need to stab your food like a caveman when you can easily pick it up with chopsticks.

>pick up
Forks don't pick up anything, they stab & poke.
Once you get down to the last pieces of spinach or whatever you're just gonna end up using your fork as a spoon anyways. Especially if it's a shit plastic fork.

>> No.14855675

>Forks don't pick up anything, they stab & poke.
Sure, if you suffer from a neurological disorder. Almost all forks have a slight curve allowing you to scoop. Forks closely resemble the human hand and can easily pick things up.
>Especially if it's a shit plastic fork.
What? No one mentioned picnicware. What sort of strawman is this?

>> No.14855676

some of the worst reading comprehension I've ever seen on this site

>> No.14855694

spoon not invented yet oh ho?

>> No.14855695

>. Forks closely resemble the human hand
Take your thumb and index finger
pinch them together, as you would when picking something up with them
does that look like a fork or chopsticks in motion?

>> No.14855722

>slurp it all like a bugman
Name 1 thing objectively wrong with slurping other than
>muh feelings

>> No.14856249

Sticky rice is disgusting.

>> No.14856265

Getting broth all over the place

>> No.14856282

have you ever ate Thai or Korean? They serve foods quite whole.

>> No.14856302

you actually get a cleaner spin on the 'ghetti with sticks. think of a spool. It just takes some extra motor skills to do. I lived in an apartment building full of Koreans. They were remarkably proficient spooling noodles

>> No.14856353

Eat a dick, ESL.

>> No.14856892

dumbshit I'm American, I just paid attention in elementary

>> No.14856911

Plenty of medium and short grain rice for sale in the west. Most westerners just can't make rice worth a fuck.

>> No.14856953

>take 2 sticks that are basically long pointy fingers perfect for individual grains
Do you eat a bowl of rice grain by grain?

>> No.14856971

I always imagined the reason being that those people were retarded and couldn't think outside their box.
>I use my fingers to pick up my food
>But they get dirty so I'm gonna make some wooden fingers instead
It's the same with Nunchakus, the most retarded agricultural tool ever invented.

>> No.14856992

It's disgusting to hear.
>but that's muh feelings
What could I ever expect from a people that cooks in sewage.
>gee if only there was another Western utensil designed for scooping.
But you can both spoon and stab things with a fork, that's why it's so great. You don't carry around a mash potato spoon with you do you?

>> No.14857115

A dumbfuck American at that.

>> No.14857739

>Forks closely resemble the human hand

You might want to get that checked out

>> No.14857773


Yah, I can also probably do it with something shaped like a key, doesnt make it easier.

Literally, chopsticks are only good for snacks and crackers to not get any grease on your fingers.

>> No.14857943

They don't even know what's spoon and fork is so they use wooden sticks to eat rice

>> No.14858385

Because Asian rice is sticky, starchy and clumps together in big lumps that are easy to pick up with chopsticks.

>> No.14858392

Based 2005 WoWfag

>> No.14858401

>Especially when eating salad, using a fork makes absolutely no sense.
Salad and pasta much easier to eat with chopsticks

>> No.14858433 [DELETED] 

i wish i could afford some rice

>> No.14858468

kek, yet they are all doctors in your country. really joggins the noggin

>> No.14858557

Chopsticks have replaced spoon and fork as my daily driver. They're just too convenient. Eating rice however is not one of their uses.

>> No.14858617

>I eat sushi with fork and knife at the restaurant and now my family won't go to sushi restaurants

Fuck you you dumb retarded Asian sewage people for using shit sticks when eating delicious sushi.

>> No.14858653


Why don't you just carry a blender and shove all your food in there and whizz it down to a delicious food smoothie that you can guzzle straight down your gullet with no impediments to your consumption so you can have that diabetic heart attack sooner rather than later

>> No.14859797
File: 112 KB, 1080x648, 20201011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your hands

>> No.14859990


>> No.14860164

Autism is the cause for chop sticks.

>> No.14860223

Italians are white and not no dirty dog eating gooks.

>> No.14860282

you are completely delusional

>> No.14860300

Chobstigs started out as cooking utensils
>I want to flip my food
>food is hot
>substitute fingers with a pair of sticks
>I want to eat my food now
>don't want to get hands dirty, food is solid, no spoon required rn
>hey, lemme just use the pair of sticks I already have

Chopsticks are literally a pair of tongs, but with less clenching force in exchange for more flexibility

>> No.14860321

>eating salad with a fork doesn't make sense
But eating it with chopsticks does? Don't make me unsheathe the Tiananmen Square copypasta, Wuflu Chang Lo Ding.

>> No.14860325

At first but things get tricky when you get down to the last few grains, without chopsticks either it's finicky to finish the meal or some grains don't get eaten.

>> No.14860356

use a fucking spoon you absolute retard, you're gonna sit there picking up the last 20 grains one by one?

>> No.14861491

They don't give the proper instructions on the packet for rice in the west. Add this to not having your grandmother teach you and people just can't make rice.

>> No.14861526

im chink and i eat it with a spoon like any sane human bean.

>> No.14861535

>Asian rice clumps together much more than the long grain rice
Bancock thai rice is long grain and made to be drier.

>> No.14861942

That's when you switch to eating with your hands

>> No.14861970

Yeah, the education system needs an overhaul. Passing exams doesn't require intelligence if you know how to play the game, so shouldn't be the basis of qualification.