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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.45 MB, 3456x4608, brot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14849636 No.14849636 [Reply] [Original]

hey co/ck/s, rate my bread pls
also bread thread

>> No.14849638
File: 3.90 MB, 3456x4608, tastefullyphotograophedbrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14849649

now spread butter on it and post pics


>> No.14849650

It's about 50% rye, the rest is a mixture of whole wheat and regular wheat flour

>> No.14849660

I'm afraid it's too late for that. I'd have to warm things up all over again and it just wouldn't be the same anymore. But I can tell you that in private, that is exactly what took place.

>> No.14849689
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>> No.14849739

10/10 looks great!

>> No.14849752

Your bread has vitiligo

>> No.14849764
File: 3.13 MB, 3456x4608, thelubeisallovertheplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it. We're going in. All I had was this subpar margarine, but I got you some decent lighting to set the mood, at least. Nothing clean about the way it's spread out, but we don't mind that, do we?

>> No.14849777

Thank you! I aim to please, yet here I am all alone, with no one to share the moment with,

>> No.14849816
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>> No.14849837

If I don't have a dutch oven can I use a stonewear baking dish instead?

>> No.14849872

Dunno. I don't have one, either. I literally just plopped the proofed bread on a baking sheet, made sure there was steam in the oven and let it do its thing.

>> No.14849959

>All I had was this subpar margarine
why even buy it to begin with? If you would've bought butter, you would have butter and not margarine.

>> No.14849970

Because one is more expensive. Good point, though.

>> No.14851429
File: 2.21 MB, 854x866, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't my grooves come out well?

>> No.14851493

People still use margarine?

>> No.14852637

Wish I knew. They're created by the dough pushing itself through the surface. Maybe make them bigger? Mine are pretty messy. I wish they were more beautiful.

>> No.14852642

Margarine is disgusting why do you even have it

>> No.14852660

Because I'm used to it and it's cheaper than butter. I should switch over to using olive oil and butter in its stead.

>> No.14852704

You have to precut a line along the top of the dough for it to expand out of before you bake it, preferrably with a razor.

>> No.14852721

American here. Is there mold growing on it, or do you guys struggle to mix the flour into the bread?

>> No.14852776

No, I just forgot to dust off the excess flour that keeps the dough from fermenting onto the cloth it proofs wrapped in.

>> No.14853305


Try cutting the grooves at an angle rather than straight down

>> No.14853416

I always nag against carbs but good home made bread is such a guilty pleasure of mine, I can eat the entire loaf in one sitting. That's why I very rarely bake.

>> No.14853463
File: 307 KB, 2000x2000, princess-bread-maker-wake-up-152006-20072-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess this is gonna be the impromptu /bread/ thread.

I've been gifted an old electric bread-making machine by my aunt, and I'm trying it out for the first time. The idea of simply pouring in the ingredients and letting the machine do the hard work for me is pretty good, even though I will kinda miss kneading dough, it's a sticky mess but man does it relax me when I'm angry.

What is your experience with breadmakers, if any? Are you for or against it?

>> No.14853477


If you want to stop buying bread they're good for the days where you don't have time to make your own. You can make ciabattas and things like that for punches with very little effort. Although you're right it takes the fun out and your handmade stuff is probably better.

>> No.14853490

size and quantity might be a problem too, this thing can only do 500 grams of flour batches at a time. On the flip side, you don't waste gas pre-heating the oven *and* cooking the loaves. It's also much more compact than you know, an oven, which I've noticed a lot of people really just never use nowadays.
I think I'll give it a full try with both the mixing and then try just having it cook the loaf, since I rarely make more than one at a time, if ever.

>> No.14853496

looks very, dunno, nutrisious?
solid 9/10 (-1 for these cracks being bit too big)

>> No.14853518

they're good if you want fresh bread but don't have the time (or desire) to make it by hand. like all tools, you need to learn how to use it properly. i don't like the shape of the loaf my bread machine makes. i would usually prefer to make bread by hand.

>> No.14853560
File: 115 KB, 888x666, IMG_20201003_151301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extra high bread pan
>Put a little too much dough inside it
I'll get it right next time but I must remind myself to cover it early in the oven so the sides and bottom can get proper baked for a nice crust all around without burning the top.

>> No.14853564
File: 105 KB, 500x666, IMG_20201003_151130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crumb came out excellent though.

>> No.14853574

Slash the dough at an angle instead of straight, other than that, looks good and proper browned.
Did you cut it early or with a poor knife? Crumb seems a bit gummed and it's hard to tell how the fermentation holes look. Could be a little dense or it's just difficult to see.

>> No.14853577

Sourdough bakers, anyone know if you get decent amounts of lactic acid bacteria by eating finished sourdough bread or if they are all essentially killed in the baking process?

>> No.14853637

Mirin' that crumb.

>> No.14853760

How am I expected to get any rise out of a dough when I use 75% or more hydration if I shape them and chuck them in on a flat pan in the oven? The moment I score the top it loses a ton of structural integrity and goes flat. Have I simply not developed the dough enough? The wheat I use has ~12g gluten per 100g.

So far the only method which I've gotten to work with high hydration is cold proofing it over night and chucking it in cold after scoring or just slapping it all in a bread pan.

>> No.14854104
File: 1.98 MB, 990x1280, I Eat Ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, just took out my loaf.

It might just be me, but doesn't this thing look like an asscrack?

Let's crack this baby open and see what's inside.

>> No.14854124
File: 603 KB, 1632x2448, 20201003_175030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally a bread thread again

alright faggettios, another try at making higher hydration sourdough
as you can see at least bulking it seemed reasonably well done, the left picture was about after 3 hours, it was very sticky but with reasonable strength,
shaping is still quite a hurdle tho, even after flouring the surface it started falling apart and sticking, so I just tried my best to just something akin of a loaf, but not really tightened up

>> No.14854146
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, Lemme at that hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breadmaker's spinning dough blade, apparently. I had a hunch.
Still, this is looking really good. A bit chunky/compact for 1 kilo of loaf. Took a bite out of the crumb that crumbled out after taking the thing off and I think I could probably use a bit more salt next time. I used 2% like always, though.
I'm mostly gonna be eating this in the next couple of days with my spicy fish head soup though, so a lack of salt ain't that big a deal.
All in all the test was a success. I did nothing but put the ingredients inside and let the machine do all the work and considering I'm not the most experienced baker, I think it's better than what I could have made myself.
It loses points for the lack of soul though. There's no real difference from this to buying bread. Good if you're hungry and you don't want to do a lot of work.

>> No.14854153

and I just bloody remembered I shouldn't have cut it immediately. Damn, it's been a while.

>> No.14854161
File: 914 KB, 2448x1632, 20201004_125906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the first time used this baker's couch that I fashioned myself with some rough cotton weave,
it did pretty well actually but I notice my first mistake, leaving the down side under the grating

this baby fermented for a wholly 22 hours, 3 hours till the pre-shape, then another 5 hours I guess at room temperature (which is pretty high lately), then another 14 hours at the fridge (lowest place)
I was very worried of over proofing it, but still doesn't feel like it grew that much, like what the heck,
the down side was still pretty soft, but didn't stick to the cloth, so it could've grown a bit better if I had flipped the side, but instead the soft side flapped around the grating almost making it impossible to remove

I get what you saying too, very similar situation, in my case since I don't even have a sharper knife as well, I rather just leave it without scoring

>> No.14854181
File: 719 KB, 2448x1632, 20201004_190024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the crumb too, I don't know if I left it out too long or just left in the oven too long, but the crust was pretty hard, it didn't retain that crispness even in the same day
it was alright, though I expected it to be a lot more open crumb, it was still pretty soft and tasty

the right picture is how I used the couche, it was a bit too bit, so I just wrapped it around and left it on the wood thing
this also made it much easier to carry it around and move it the pan for the baking itself

>> No.14854216

Looks great! I wish I could get results like that!

>> No.14854224

Dunno man. But my gut doesn't feel as bad when I eat sourdough. Could be placebo or something other than lactic acid, though.

>> No.14854239

The soup and bread combo sounds pretty sweet!

>> No.14854308

Did the machine proof/ferment your dough or did it just kick into gear and cook it right away? It looks quite dense and undeveloped. Good thing fresh bread is virtually never bad regardless.

>> No.14854326

It started fresh with just the ingredients, it kneaded them into dough and let it rise for about an hour and a half and then cooked it. 3 hours total from ingredients to loaf.

>> No.14854341
File: 183 KB, 888x666, IMG_20200711_234240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you still only manage occasional one-trick ponies
I hate not being able to produce consistently amazing (personal standard at least) results. I'm starting to think I'll never get anything close to pic related again.

>> No.14854346

Boy howdy that's an absolute beaut.

>> No.14854368
File: 153 KB, 888x666, IMG_20200619_111920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! This is what I got before that one. Following doughs didn't get nearly as much rise despite my best attempts at replicating. Sourdough fermentation and scoring is a tricky bugger.

>> No.14854404

he looks like he's wearing a little sombrero

>> No.14854431
File: 6 KB, 225x225, masterc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this as reply once.

>> No.14854687
File: 911 KB, 540x678, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i used last time to make the grooves for the kaiser buns but it doesn't come out too good when i use the blades either

>> No.14855056

I am envious of your achievements

>> No.14855396

I'm not sure either, but the gut feel is definitely real, I feel it as well as everybody I gave my sourdough to
I also used yogurt whey on my dough, and I think the logic is the lactic acid deconstruct the gluten, that's it makes it harder to develop bread strength

>> No.14855777

How much % of levain/starter do you use in the total dough?