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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14843568 No.14843568 [Reply] [Original]

could you?

>> No.14843576

Yeah probably. There's no stakes or negative incentives, so I'd give it a shot.

>> No.14843622

looks pretty fucking easy

>> No.14843638

for a thousand? id wind back up in the hospital for gallbladder issues after downing that shit, no way. make it 50,000 and ill grit through the pain and medical bill

>> No.14843637

Ill need a guarantee to cover my medical costs that result from this, and 1000$ on top of that. Sure.

>> No.14843647

that is five pounds of food plus faux sugar water? I'm overweight and still don't think I could physically do it. I mean I'd try but I think you need to be a binge eater by default to stuff that all down

>> No.14843661

idk if that would fit in my torso, let alone stomach
idk how people do it

>> No.14843671

I think I’d be too full after finishing one sandwhich and all the fries. I like burgers better than chicken sandwiches anyways

>> No.14843676

Blend it all together and choke it down. Leave the chips out and you should be golden.

>> No.14843677

What happen if you don't finish it in 40 minutes? I know I WON'T finish that under 40 minutes.

>> No.14843681

If I had an hour and swapped the coke for ginger ale, I could do it.
I would then promptly vomit once it was over, KFC chicken is way too greasy to keep down.

>> No.14843690

Tell you what, my friend, I'm not that selfish, if you give me 1000$ you can have some of the food, I'd be more than happy to share

>> No.14843695

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.14843700

you guys are DYEL as fuck, 18 hour fast and a gram of weed would make that shit disappear, granted the 40 min time restraint is a hurdle, an hour would be easy as fuck though.

>> No.14843705

what do you mean by lasts so short? there are 30 year old mcdonalds burgers that look brand now.

>> No.14843716


>> No.14843719

It's decent for four people. You have to be a fat fuck.

>> No.14843725


>> No.14843731

Sorrt, meant the guy who said it, not you.

>> No.14843733

I would literally kill (a small animal) to have this right now

>> No.14843739

no one gives a shit you chicken breast and rice slammer. go back to pretending you dont participate in one of the gayest communities on the internet

>> No.14843742

Not a chance. I don't I even know anyone who could manage that. Anyone that can eat that is either a competitive eater or a grossly obese lardass.

>> No.14843745

why dont you just eat the small animal instead you wasteful cunt

>> No.14843747

No thanks.

>> No.14843749

Make it 20 and give me $2000. Hell I'll even throw it up and eat some like I usually do after a great meal.

>> No.14843753

>Turning down free food thats not half bad
Youre retarded aren't you

>> No.14843756

This. I would rather eat the small bunny than eat that crap.

>> No.14843759

a competitive eater would have a hard time doing that
fuck that shit

>> No.14843760

Kill your body to behave like a Jew. No thanks.

>> No.14843767

I'd get queasy about 17 minutes in, which would make the third sandwich a challenge.
I'd make a noble effort.

>> No.14843772



2 sodas, whatever
buncha fries, probqably the most painful part of the whole thing, eat those first or in between bites of the sandwiches.
chicken wings or chunks of chicken, not hard
bang out the three sandwiches

It would definitely be hard. I was beyond hungry the other day. I kinda eat very little and then eat a lot, mostly keeping my meals smaller, but every now and then I eat a big fucker, and I fast a couple days a week, maybe only having a pickle and some water or whatever.I ate 2 big ass chicken sandwiches, and could definitely have eaten another one if I made myself. I could probably eat four of those fuckers and not puke. I might have to lay down, but that's about it.

If this was the same picture but with 2 more chicken sandwiches I'd start to have some doubts.

6' 250lbs amerifat

>> No.14843779

I'm not really a fan of kfc or pepsi.

>> No.14843797


No way I could do it as hard as I tried.

>> No.14843965

I'd say go fuck yourself

>> No.14843987

>being physically fit is gay
maximum fatty cope

>> No.14844016

I would only be able to handle two sandwiches at most. This is the first one I've seen that I genuinely would not be able to finish, fuck this guy for only offering a G though lmao.

>> No.14844083

he means you will get hungry faster

>> No.14844098

I'd say yes and eat a few fries. I won't turn down free food, but I wouldn't be able to finish it. why try?

>> No.14844181
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>> No.14844189


>> No.14844245

give me a couple bong rips and some benzos, yes. otherwise, no. I'm a skinny fuck but a couple years ago I had a supply of benzos I orded online and there were times I would go out in a half blacked out daze and eat ungodly amounts of food, probably enough for entire families.

>> No.14844259

nope, didnt say that. anyone using "DYEL" is someone who frequents /fit/ and bodybuilding forums, and those are the most homosexual communities on the internet. this includes you, fag.

>> No.14844269

Probably not 40min but give me an hour or so and I could go through all this

>> No.14844270

I could probably eat two burgers and like half of the fries but then I'd be full and probably get sick as well

>> No.14844314
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>> No.14844323

I haven't been on /ck/ for about a month and you faggots are still reposting the same shit.

>> No.14844328

The trick is to eat as fast as you possibly can.

The fastest competitive eaters don't even chew, they just swallow chunks like they're fucking pythons or something.

>> No.14844330

Ok chud

>> No.14844332

i cant fit that amount of slop in my stomach, and i'm a fairly big eater

>> No.14844337

I feel like the 40 minutes makes it possible
Maybe 20 minutes would be more of a challenge

>> No.14844346

>What would you say?

I'd say yes obviously. If I don't manage to finish it, I got free food.

>> No.14844349

I don't think I would be able to eat that much in a sitting regardless of time. I am naturally a slow eater so definitely impossible to do 40 minutes.

>> No.14844365

sodas would make it hard

>> No.14844372

>double 1.5 litre sodas

its physically literally impossible.

>> No.14844393

Are those burgers from KFC? What menu item is that

>> No.14844414
