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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14843287 No.14843287 [Reply] [Original]

You have thirty seconds to explain why you haven't been barbecuing all weekend

>> No.14843296

it's october. i put my grill away last week

>> No.14843299
File: 2.25 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20201003_143404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 25 pounds of meat on Friday and I've been cooking through it ever since. Made my own rub, barbecue sauce, mop sauce, you name it. Pic related is the rub.

>> No.14843305

I live in apartment with my mom motherfucker

>> No.14843310

there are inside grills so no excuses

>> No.14843335

wont he die then?

>> No.14843336

Not an excuse

Why can't you grill in october m

>> No.14843346
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One size fits all mop sauce going. Vinegar, shortening, onions, lemons, oranges, dash of worcestershire, and a couple bay leaves.

>> No.14843357

Meat is murder

>> No.14843366
File: 2.33 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20201003_143214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork spare ribs were $1.5 per pound (buy one get one free at $3), so of course I got two. Did one with a dry rub, one KC style. Pic related is the run going on the first.

>> No.14843420
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Dem boys came out pretty good. The dry rub was a bit smaller and fattier, and got tender before the kc style.

>> No.14843432

Sodomy is a sin

>> No.14843443
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Left this bad boy on another hour. Came out tender as hell.

>> No.14843454

been working all weekend

>> No.14843460

They're just electric griddles mainly. Probably better off using your oven and a little liquid smoke if you want something like an actual barbecue.

>> No.14843473

That sucks bro

>> No.14843481


>> No.14843486

I lost my dick in a fishing accident

>> No.14843492

I am a homosexual.

>> No.14843513
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I got ribs from Costco Friday night and finish them off last night. I don't think I'm going to get them anymore. They go too heavy with the seasoning and with the thick salt I was up half the night getting drinks of Gatorade. I'm getting ready to throw a couple cheap thin cut rib eyes on

>> No.14843515
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Not the best photo but I smoked a bunch of pork shoulder.

>> No.14843531


I bought 2 lunch specials of General Tao Chicken. I poured the won ton soup (their egg drop sucks) into a bowl with a lot of black pepper. Ate both egg rolls (forgot their egg rolls sucked too) ate half the first lunch box, slept, ate the other one the next day.

Their General Tao/Tso/Ding Dong sucks too. I forgot that place actually just sucks, but I was craving some fast garbage.

Shoulda gone down the road to the China WOK, where a big smiling fat Chinese dude always greets me with a big smile and is super pleasant and polite. Always the most pleasant mother fucker in the world. $5 huge amounts of fried chicken chunks, Fresh, always fucking freshly cooked. Crispy batter. Cheap poor guy hood place. One time big fat dude wasn't there, probably his wife instead. Super fucking nice "OF COURSE OF COURSE" nodding and smiling. You niggers make me want to be a nicer person, Jesus.

>> No.14843580
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This morning after the ribs I started on a brisket. Used the rest of the rub for it.

>> No.14843602


>> No.14843608

I lost my fish in a dicking accident

>> No.14843609


It's farther and I was in a rush. Never again.

>> No.14843623
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Got the coals going and threw this guy on. Got a bit warm at first but it's been sitting right around 225 for the past four hours, boys.

>> No.14843634


oh nah nah nah nah nah, just buy the ribs and season them yourself. cayenne, salt, pepper, garlic, onion, some other shit whatever

lazy mode put tony checheries on it

you can be a fancy faggot and put sugar or honey or butter or whatever mid way. Just watch a big fat youtuber guy they know what's up

I've cooked and eaten probably 50-100 racks of ribs in my life.

Anything but that pre-seasoned shit.

>> No.14843635
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Started the barbecue sauce as well. 2.5 lbs of sweet onions fried in butter

>> No.14843649

Looks pretty good, how'd it come out?

>> No.14843665

Alright, what I did for the rub:

>Cup of brown sugar
>1/3 cup of kosher salt
>1.5 tablespoons of paprika
>1 teaspoon mustard powder
>1 teaspoon allspice
>1 teaspoon oregano
>1/2 teaspoon onion powder
>1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

Tony's would work but it's pretty minimalist for ribs.

>> No.14843740


Yeah, that's legitimate. I wouldn't do oregano, but I'm not really a fan of it. allspice also an interesting choice. Most people would put a small amount of chili powder on them as well, but I generally don't do that, not that into the flavor of it.

Yeah Tony is low effort. I used to do that shit when I was beyond lazy and extremely hungry, and on keto, eating ribs every day.

I do kinda want to note that you're eating pork and specifying that the salt is kosher.

You got actual measurements on your rub, so you're probably more experienced than me anyway. I'll try some oregano and allspice the next time I make some spare ribs.

>> No.14843786

I'm not sure the oregano did much desu, could do without it. The allspice is my secret weapon, I put it in small amounts in the rub and the barbecue sauce. Just enough to give you a slight aftertaste of it, without being forward enough to identify. Makes a huge difference.

>I do kinda want to note that you're eating pork and specifying that the salt is kosher.
Kosher salt is just a grain size. Slightly bigger than table salt. It's "kosher" because jews use it to remove blood from meat (blood is the number 1 thing that's not kosher according to OT dietary laws)

And this is the first time I've actually measured what I put in, I usually just do it to taste. I wanted some repeatability so I could tweak it run to run. It came out fantastic on the ribs, the brisket is still going so I can't say how that is yet.

>> No.14843794
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Onions donesky, into the sauce they go shortly.

>> No.14843832

It's been raining all weekend.

>> No.14843849


i don't know what that is but its certainly not smoking ribs

>> No.14843859
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I work as a line cook, all I do is grill and barbecue

>> No.14843871
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The sauce is going. I'm not posting the recipe, it's a family secret

>> No.14843888

I said barbecuing you fucking faggot

>> No.14843939
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now excuse me while I suck some flavorless soy-paste for which a trillion squarekilometers of rainforest was burned down

>> No.14843984
File: 1.73 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20201004_110805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boy is coming along nicely. We've been keeping it at 225 since 9:00, and it's 14:15 right now. Should be about 4 more hours to go until it's perfectly tender.

>> No.14843994

im procrastinating studying on 4channel

>> No.14844034

You need to procrastinate by throwing some meat on the grill, bud.

>> No.14844931

Tasty. Was pleasantly surprised. First time using the smoker.

>> No.14845029

Your excused sir

>> No.14845037 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14845068

It upsets me that BBQing isn't bigger in the UK.
You know when you have a cookout with some family and friends, have a few cheap hotdogs, someone brings some snacks and there's some other quick stuff and you hang out? Well that's what we call BBQ in the UK. Fucking insult to the name.
Also we act as if we're doing something good and get all pretentious about it rather than just chill. Then everyone gets flatout drunk

Fucking hell I want real BBQ.
Thankfully there's some restaurants that do real American BBQ, but nothing homecooked.

>> No.14845169

I live by myself, currently self-isolating and I can't be assed to spend more than 15 mins to cook for 1.

>> No.14845615

You don't have grills or even space for them. Or at least you didn't when I lived in London. Scotland had a few places that made good pulled pork though.

>> No.14845693

What's in the rub? Looks good anon

>> No.14845729

I'm not a carnist boomer.

>> No.14846007


>> No.14846016

>Raining in South Florida

>> No.14846022

Does your mom have nice armpits? If so can you post them on /b/ so I can coom.

>> No.14846047

14:15 o clock?! What the fuck does that mean you stupid fucking idiot.

>> No.14846055

Anon, if I ever met you I would smoke you some barbecue ribs and burnt pork belly ends maybe even a few pork butts if you took me to the pub and taught me how to speak their slang so I can feel cool for once.

>> No.14846073

meat is murder

>> No.14846098
File: 11 KB, 225x225, squash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not grilling corn
>not smoking garlic
>not grilling artichokes
>no foil packed mushrooms with rosemary
>no grilled potatoes

i get the lack of meat, but goddamn this is just reflexive superior vegan bullshit at this point.. you can grill so much more than meat, and i dont think there is any better way to squash than over charcoal.

>> No.14846118

yea but at that point you're just adding carcinogens for flavor and that's like a 4th of july only kind of thing

>> No.14846133

chicken breasts with ribs in were on sale for like .99 a pound, the pack came with 3 and was 4.5 pounds these things are fucking massive, these chickens must have been pumped with Jurassic Park Schwarzenegger genes or something

anyway i did them with some onions peppers and mushrooms in the oven with a bunch of spices and stuff, came out kinda middle eastern bc i used a 7 spice blend i got from the brown person grocery. went well with the sprouts and rice. i will have food for the next 2 days at least for like $3.00. i am all that is man.

>> No.14846742

I made brisket last sunday

>> No.14846774

my dad never really taught me how, plus I like to just postmates fast foods all the time also ive never had a girlfriend and im going bald at 32

>> No.14847532

Every time I smoke in a UDS (Direct, 250 for 3-4hours) it's ending up dry. I've read anecdotes on the internet that this is their method for making moist ribs. Something about fat rendering at a certain point, remoistening the meat. But I never seem to get it.

>> No.14847893

My friend forgot he was supposed to go on a date so we're doing it next weekend.

>> No.14848005

I’m hooked up to an iv in the er and they just gave me morphine. Feels like I took a shot of liquor through my arm.

>> No.14848130

Please get better.

>> No.14848133
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It was my birthday. Instead my friend made me a very nice dinner of Sicilian pizza with sausage and peppers, and chocolate peanut butter cheesecake for dessert.

>> No.14848135

The neighbors thought my 44th floor apartment was on fire and called the fire department.

>> No.14848136

I'm vegan

>> No.14848140

Thx. I really just want more morphine now though.

>> No.14848174

Was working all weekend I’m grilling and cracking open a few cold ones tonight for sure