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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14840660 No.14840660 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest contributor to obesity, as far as foods go?

>> No.14840663

Eating way to much vegetables and not enough fats.

>> No.14840664

Soft drinks completely replacing water

>> No.14840671


>> No.14840674

Refined sugar.

>> No.14840679

Carbs. That's pretty much it

>> No.14840685

Everything tastes too goddamn good. My fiance and I have both put on 50 pounds since high school, all of our friends have gained between 40 and 100. I literally don't understand how anyone stays thin in this country

>> No.14840686

going to fast food

>> No.14840692

Being a food that’s eaten by Americans

>> No.14840696

Blacks and Hispanics.

>> No.14840706

Obesity is the result of people with poor impulse control, bad coping mechanisms, and bad decision making.

>> No.14840707

lack of self control.

>> No.14840715

Eat in moderation and stop drinking soda/other insanely sugary drinks like starbucks. I lost like 40lbs of fat and gained plenty of muscle since high school. I haven't become a ham planet again because I don't let myself eat or drink to excess and have a basic understanding of nutrition. Avoid unnecessary sugar.

>> No.14840729

>no one exercising
>too much god damn sugar and sodium in stuff
t.fatass trying to lower his blood pressure before it kills him

>> No.14840767

Whoops I mean to type poverty not obesity

>> No.14840797

Corn starch with food on the side

>> No.14840806


>> No.14840815

Eating too much of it. France eats cheese and bread n shit. They just don't eat super portions. Don't be a fatass.

>> No.14840817

Anything eaten by Europeans and that's why they are the fattest

>> No.14840844

this, plus cheap juices. Low IQ people think that juice is made from fruit, so it's healthy, and give it to their children by the gallon, but fail to see the 40 grams sugar per serving

>> No.14840865

yeah, this, corn syrup, and fast food

>> No.14840876


>> No.14840891

Uninhibited access to any and every kind of food combined with long-held unhealthy eating habits and/or a lack of self control.

>> No.14841071

Living a country that shovels tons of sugar into literally everything.

>> No.14841137

the funny thing about this is that I find overweight/obese people generally have god awful taste in food. it's basically impossible to afford to eat the number of calories in actually good food that fat people need to maintain their bodyweight.

>> No.14841150

You have to make a conscious effort to not be fat. Human instinct is to consume more food than you need. Combine that with an overabundance of not just food, but extremely fattening food, and you have an obesity epidemic.

>> No.14841170

Not reading the labels, shitting on nutritional and caloric value of food in general, abundance of sugar and salt and very easy availability, like other anons wrote.

>> No.14841242
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pastas and corn syrup. its all most people eat now.

>> No.14841247

Water being replaced by sugary drinks, poor nutritional education and mountains and mountains of cope about how it isn't about willpower and as a consequence directly their fault.

>> No.14841258

Niggers purchasing unhealthy food through food stamps. They should be forced by a law to eat a balanced diet. Black people should be prohibited from owning unhealthy food, because they are genetically unfit to be in charge of their children.

>> No.14841268

Corn syrup

>> No.14841276
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It's insanely easy to get in calories if you have complete disregard for what you're putting inside you.
I enjoy a pint of blue bell ice cream before bed basically every night and that's 700 calories right there. But I exercise 4-5 days a week so I can't relate to the woes of my Amerilard neighbors.
I wonder what percentage of obese people is Mexican here though, because iirc Mexico has an insanely high obesity rate.

>> No.14841310


>> No.14841312

>Mexico has an insanely high obesity rate.
Yes they do, because soda is literally easier to get and cheaper then clean water in many places

>> No.14841336

Overly sugary drinks that are both addictive and easy to guzzle down a ton of without realizing how many calories they have. A large Coke from McDonald's will run you at least 300 calories. Most people go back for 1-2 refills, so that's at least 600 calories of your meal in just soda, in addition to the rest of the shitty fast food you're eating.

>> No.14841436

High fructose corn syrup or well soda other than that just eating more than you burn

>> No.14841501

Being American is the biggest contributor.

Memes aside, sugary drinks is one of the biggest contributors to obesity.

>> No.14841512

and yet US isn’t even in top 10 countries for obesity

>> No.14841519

Only because of a bunch of tiny islands that eat fried chicken skin as snacks.

>> No.14841546

you just have a visible addiction

>> No.14841547

so sounds like fried chicken skins and carb heavy diet does more than sugar drinks
if you’re gonna act like a knowitall at least try and know something

>> No.14841553

Are americans really this retarded?

>> No.14841594

Processed foods are too easy to eat, I mean mechanically. You barely need to chew any junk food. You cook yourself a steak, you have to chew it. Burger patty from fast food joint, you don't even need teeth for it. That goes to an extreme with drinks, all you need to do is swallow.

>> No.14841595

Fast food, processed shit in boxes from the supermarket with pretty packaging, confectionary, soft drink, these were all contributing factors for my obese friends. I'm skinny fat, skinny but with a bit of a gut from eating too much. Lost around 10kg so far.

I ate whatever my mother bought, and she'd always buy what I mentioned above. Never any real, proper food. Never cooked a proper meal.

>> No.14841644

Disgusting lol
I was fat in high school and once I learned how to be conscious of the food I eat I've never gained more than 5lbs in the last 10 years

>> No.14841657

I don't agree at all. It's more to do with portion control and frequency of eating. A lot of people just throw a big pile on a plate as a "serving" and disregard what the actual serving size should be.

Blaming processed foods or junk food is a joke. Those things don't make people fat, it's how many serving of it they eat and how frequent that makes them fat. It's three 1000 calories servings a day that makes them fat. I was fat at a kid, not because I ate junk food or drank juice, but because I would eat three huge meals and exceed my BMR every day. I unironically was not a snacker and just ate during meal time. I would always ask for large plates of food and was too stupid at the time to realize I wasn't supposed to. This is what is happening with Americans.

This. Blaming the food which had no legs is pointless.

>> No.14841660

Man I'd welcome americans in my country with a fucking refugee status.

>> No.14841683

Too much of it.

>> No.14841693

The real reason is because you ate 16 servings of chips, not because they were given to you.

>> No.14841714


I agree that it's the amount that counts. What I'm saying is that, for many families, including my own, we had nothing to eat but unhealthy crap growing up. We didn't know what healthy was. That's why I say the biggest contributor is how easy it is for people to think it's fine to buy shitty food (food that makes it easy to go over 3000kcal a day).

I can see myself raising my kids very differently to how I was raised.

>> No.14841719

Added sugar

>> No.14841759

So somehow your family never bothered to look at the vegetable aisle? Sounds like BS. First thing you see when walking into a grocery store are vegetables. Your parents somehow walked past it, and bought you doritos for lunch? Let's face it, the processed foods aren't the problem. Laziness and ignorance are.

Processed foods, fast food, and junk food will never disappear. They taste good and they're nothing wrong with eating it. Just look at nutritional facts and don't sit on your ass.

>> No.14841771

>Just look at nutritional facts and don't sit on your ass.
Obesity epidemic solved!

>> No.14841789

yes, they never bought vegetables, and yes, i like every other kid in my school had a packet of chips for lunch. nobody ever ate vegetables at lunch. "just dont be lazy or ignorant" is ridiculous.

>> No.14842058

And why do you think these people keep walking past the vegetable isle and keep going for crisps instead? And if you just want to reply "ignorance", try to elaborate beyond that. Why they're ignorant, why they stay ignorant and why isn't the ignorance being addressed in any substantial way?

>> No.14842063


IMO it's shitty convenience foods, especially snacks

You can have a meal at Maccas without it being too dire. But grabbing a large fries as a snack? Or donuts/cupcakes? Or full sugar sodas being seen as a ''normal'' beverage?

People aren't horrendously overeating when it comes to meals. It's all these 300cal+ add-ons throughout the day

>> No.14842091

complete lack of nutritional education in America, coupled with diet culture and everyone thinking "If i stop eating rice/wheat/gluten/meats or become keto I'll lose weight!"
Calorie deficit, that is the way to lose weight.

>> No.14842118

the microwave oven
I dont' have one, do you, /ck/?

>> No.14842125

Some countries have an excess eating culture. Like it's not a meal unless there is tons of foods available so much food that a bit part of it is thrown away.

>> No.14842136

this + sweets and chips or other snacks, they are both super high calorie and not actually eaten as a meal
literally just useless empty calories

>> No.14842201


>> No.14842216

Way too much unnecessary sugar in food and drinks is the main direct cause. But the ultimate issue is the fact that diet and exercise are considered things only certain people do to stand out, rather than an expected norm. The majority of the population simply doesn't eat vegetables, and most of those who do don't eat enough. You need tons of vegetables for your nutrition, but almost no one is getting enough. Just eating these vegetables will help with nutrition, because it will be eaten in place of unhealthy foods.

>> No.14842359
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i don't have a microwave
i don't have a dishwasher
heat up everything in a pan
constantly have a sink full of dishes

>> No.14842362

Sugar, vegetable oils and a high glycemic diet.

>> No.14842399
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food gets made in enormous quantities, and to keep cheap prices of both production and selling, you pump that shit with low cost calories like corn syrup. I was shocked to find out how cheap prices for junk food in the US is. A burger is cheaper than the mince meat you'd buy to make the patty alone. Something is deeply wrong about the entire system

>> No.14842421

not including genetics and exercise (or lack thereof)?
>processed foods
i can't emphasize enough how the human body didn't evolve to consume these abnormally shaped chemicals in such high quantities. i'm basing this off clinical trials and not epidemiological studies even though there's enough evidence to show a statistically significant correlation between the rise of processed foods and obesity.

t. /sci/ guy researching biochemistry in metabolic pathways that wanted to be a chef but just wants to see to people healthy and not sick

>> No.14842433

>What's the biggest contributor to obesity, as far as foods go?
dietary fat.

>> No.14842435

>implying that burger has any sort of mince meat in it

>> No.14842458

Based and bluepilled

>> No.14842468

fast food being cheap and obscene portion sizes in the west

>> No.14842470

fat is ok, it's sugar that's the real problem

>> No.14842507

In general the problem of western eating culture still being centered around large portions of very calorie dense foods like if we were 19th century factory workers or farmers working 14 hours a day, while physical activity has gone down quite a bit.

>> No.14842516

Plus Mexico still had problems with malnutrition during the 80s and a thick child was seen as healthy child.

>> No.14842528

The insane amount of drinking we have to do to not kill ourselves

>> No.14842536

Sugar/high fructose corn syrup. Usually The thing that has most of it it's usually soda.

>> No.14843280

>everything taste too good
>it's not my fault I have no self control

>> No.14843291

Soda and sugary drinks are a big problem, a lot of people don't realize they're basically consuming an extra small meal's worth of calories through beverages.

Mixing processed carbs with fat is basically making something with as many calories as possible without actually being satiating so that leads to excessive overeating too. Cookies, chips, ice cream, etc. really seems to not let your brain get the proper signals of when you've had enough food.

>> No.14843339

I have genetic issues and gain fat easy

>> No.14843385
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Refined carbohydrate, sugar, and seed oils. Unsatiating, easily stored as fat if you are sedentary, and difficult for the body to break down.

Also Americans eat out WAY too much, tend to drive everywhere, and have a weird obsession with avoiding unrefined fats in favor of processed "diet" food.

>> No.14843399

have you ever tried to feed a kid vegetables?

>> No.14843412


Excess calories, and a lot of these people literally just sit around doing fuck all, and expect to eat like a bodybuilder. Food is comfort for people.

I used to be a fat guy, and then I realized that sometimes I just want to eat something. All the water and the fiber isn't going to satiate your craving for flavor and the sensation of eating something. That's when I changed the game, and looked into supplements that could suppress my apetite. I take 5-HTP, and it works for me. If I wanna eat something super tasty, and I've already had enough food for the day, I grab a Best Maid hot dill pickle. They're extremely flavorful and have almost zero calories. I find that after I have one of those bitches my desire to eat something just subsides. They're also pretty healthy for you if you are not watching your sodium.

I also eat about as much as a grown woman should. I'm a grown man, but I sit around unemployed and play video games all day during this Covid thing. I don't do remotely enough shit to eat 2400 calories. I eat around 1600.

The easy answer is that a calorie deficit is what you're going for. It doesn't matter what you eat in that context. You want to learn to analyze your cravings and understand how they work, and what makes those tick, rather than just eradicating a food group for the sake of weight loss.

Consult a doctor. It's not easy, but it doesn't have to be impossible. Good luck.

>> No.14843754

The answers given sum it up well, it's a number of things but the decline of food culture is the strongest factor. Mothers stop cooking, families stop eating together, parents stop handing down their recipes, unhealthy food is dirt cheap, and public nutritional knowledge is poor in many places. People report losing weight while traveling in Japan without purposefully changing their eating habits, while some gain weight while in the US without realizing it. The world's fattest ever man said his problems didn't really take off until he moved to the US, because the sedentary lifestyle here is so ingrained. Hopefully the current gen will turn things around.
>a lot of these people literally just sit around doing fuck all
Also a really good point. So very many people just eat out of boredom, while absorbed in passive entertainment like TV or youtube. Just ditching this habit is super beneficial.

>> No.14843804

>Refined carbohydrate, sugar, and seed oils
This, though I wouldn't say non-refined carbs are any better than refined.

>> No.14843813

not having labor intensive jobs anymore

>> No.14843814

>as far as foods go

Too much.

>> No.14843817

>Also Americans eat out WAY too much
lol at the idea that there is a specific proper amount to eat out. Societies eat out more and more as they become more prosperous, as you get rich cooking becomes a hobby that you do for fun when you feel like it but you eat out otherwise

>> No.14844351

Enjoy using that excuse for the rest of your fat life

>> No.14844389

I'm overweight at 90kg for my size (183cm) and it's mostly because I drink way too much alcohol

>> No.14844411 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14844426

Corn and wheat subsidization making simple carbs more affordable and cheaper than anything else

>> No.14844581

drink calories is the too easy, so this

>> No.14844588


>> No.14844595

ya but they are also victims of a system that was setup to make them addicts and mislead them with disinformation

>> No.14844704

Fast food
Snacking between meals
Portion size too large
Not drinking enough water

>> No.14844723

if you are addicted to soda at birth there's no amount of willpower that can save you from drinking it all day over water until you die.

>> No.14844726

there's no real issue with pasta. it's a very old food and obesity is a recent problem.

>> No.14844727

explain east asians then

>> No.14844846

Restaurants in the united states tend to dish out the calories. A home cooked meal tends to have less, and you also have to put more work into it. Going out to eat fast food or go to sit down slop restaurants all the time is gonna make you a fat fuck.

Sure rich assholes will go out to eat and not get fat, but their meals cost hundreds of dollars and the portions are tiny.

>> No.14844870
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They all have diabetes.

>> No.14844878

Eating too much. You’re a literal mouth breathing fucking retard if you blame food for your problems instead of yourself. God I fucking hate you elitist know-nothing niggers.

>> No.14844886


>> No.14845095

western pacific?
isnt that like samoans and all those other shit islands south east of japan that no body cares about?
Those pigs eat lots of pork and spam and all kinds of other shit tier shit

im talkking about chinese mostly
they eat tons of carbs (white rice) and still are malnutioned manlets and ladylets

by your rational, they should be fatter than anyone

>> No.14845098

If you're surrounded by fat people then you don't realise just how fat you are. At worst, you're "average". But you're not. You're fucking fat.
If you're surrounded by fat people, you think their habits are normal. You think it's normal to be so tired after work that you have just enough energy to shove a frozen meal in the oven and watch TV. But it's not. That's horrible.

Had a friend who realised how shit the food her parents were "cooking" for her was and wanted to cook her own food, but they forbade her from doing that because it made them feel like they weren't providing for her.

>> No.14845120 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14845214

Soda, oil, cheese, and beer

>> No.14845221

From 5-18 I drank almost nothing, but soda. Would down a 2 liter myself with dinner as a teenager. For the last 20 years it’s black coffee, water, unsweetened ice tea, flavored seltzer, beer, & bourbon on the rocks. I might have a slice of pizza & a soda 2-3 times a year.

>> No.14845225

also look up "nixtamalization" and it's effect on populations where maize was the primary grain

>> No.14845226

>From 5-
You poor bastard holy shit, were your parents okay besides that?

>> No.14845252
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>From 5-18 I drank almost nothing, but soda.
How? Did you parents give it to you?

>> No.14845292

Yeah. My mom would cook dinner almost every night. Hardly ever ate any fast food. Cholesterol was a big thing they tested for when I was growing up. The Dr always commented how my sister & I had the lowest bad cholesterol. I do remember getting sent to the store at 3-4 with notes for cigarettes & beer. Also, my dad would take me to the bar & give me a shitload of quarters for pinball while he drank with his friends. He’d let me sit on his lap & steer the car on the way home. We’re talking late 70’s - early 80’s. My parents were like 20-21when I was born.

>> No.14845301

Sugar I think

>> No.14845317


>> No.14845343

Salt, fat, and sugar.
Anyone saying carbs is a fucking retard who knows nothing about nutrition.

>> No.14845352

This is true. Every food or macronutrient that you want to blame on obesity, you can find an example of a society that eats a high proportion of it but aren't fat because they have some cultural concept of self control, exercise, and necessary body shaming.

>> No.14845363

it's the lack of portion control and exercise.

>> No.14845375

Complete horseshit
You drink 1 gallon of water and where does it go? You piss it out
You drink 1 gallon of soda and where does it go? Suddenly you don't piss anymore?
Calories are a spook, if you've ever researched how calories are calculated, it's things being put in a specialized oven and then burned, the end products are measured and how much energy would be released when those end products were created.
The human body isn't an oven and you don't shit out coal.

>> No.14845382

At last I truly see

>> No.14845394

>You drink 1 gallon of soda and where does it go? Suddenly you don't piss anymore?
If you're pissing sugar, you have diabetes

>> No.14845403

10/10 troll post.
Jimmies officially rustled because I personally know some ass-backwards morons that would actually believe this bullshit.

>> No.14845405

>calorie truthers
Now I've seen it all

>> No.14845421

I have dranken a liter+ of cola and had to take an immediate piss so this actually makes some sense. I highly doubt your body could absorb that much sugar that fast but then again I can get drunk really quick too

>> No.14845444

Salt and sugar are in everything. They're sort of rare in nature and really good for us in small amounts so they are delicious. Since they're delicious we put them in everything. Everything is delicious but we're eating way too much salt and corn syrup because it's in everything. It's sort of a catch 22. You can't not put salt and sugar in everything because then it won't be delicious, and if it's not delicious people won't eat it. There are some zero-sugar or low-sodium options but they're generally less popular.

Meat plays another important role in obesity since it's likewise vital and delicious but calorie dense so it's bad if you eat too much. Many americans eat meat with every meal.

>> No.14845474

Liquids pass quickly through the stomach and water is absorbed really fast by the intestinal lining through osmotic potential differential, it's practically free diffusion and requires almost no energy or effort by the cells. From there, it enters the bloodstream, and the excess water in the blood is then filtered out by the kidneys, .
The sugar is broken down and enters the blood as glucose pretty damn fast as well, but it's not as fast as water, since it requires the cells to actively work to capture and transport the glucose.

>> No.14845481

So if you had to take a piss immediately after ddrinking soda, your bladder was probably already half-full.

>> No.14845482

Your body does with with food too, food and drink release hormones that signal the body to stop holding waste so people (and pets) often go after a meal or a big drink of water.

Since your body doesn't know when it's getting more food or water it tends to hold onto some until more comes along. Like if I need water to survive and if I can't get any more I'm sure as hell not literally pissing what I have away.

>> No.14845588

every food company has convinced us that working out, not cutting out unnecessary foods, is the ticket to a good physique and health. in reality, working out will do next to nothing if your diet is fucked, but you can get healthier without working out and just dieting (although not recommended). dieting helps you get healthy, while working out tones and increases the health and body you already have. that's why fat guys that just lift weights still look bad e and even have poor health even though they are extremely strong. this all because if you work out without editing your first, it doesn't affect any food companies bottom line and gyms get way more memberships. almost nobody makes money off of diets except for those meme plans that don't really work anyways

>> No.14845835

Guess what, food tastes good to thin people too. We just don't establish a direct proportionality between how good food is and how much we eat.

>> No.14845843

42% of non-Hispanic whites in America are obese, not overweight but obese.

>> No.14845851

>You can't not put salt and sugar in everything because then it won't be delicious
You fatties truly have bad taste.

>> No.14845865

its actually the number of times you eat during the day that's the main culprit this idea of "snacks" and "oh I need a snack" no you probably don't unless your pancreas can't make insulin or you have some other relatively rare health condition

>> No.14845868

Some good answers here. Portion size, sedentary lifestyle and liquid calories. A small soft drink at McDonalds today is the same size as a large was in the early 1980s.

>> No.14845889

Caffeine is a diuretic you muppet

>> No.14845905

Food that is A.) scientifically designed to be addicting B.) toxic (seed oils).

>> No.14845919

>all sodas are carbonated
>Caffeine is a diuretic
So is water, what you just said means nothing.

>> No.14845933

sugar + too many calories

>> No.14846485

I like eating Hispanics more than blacks, they tend to have more flavor

>> No.14846498

seed oils
processed foods

>> No.14846990
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Estrogen and judaism

>> No.14847005

fast food threads on /ck/

>> No.14847084

sugar and soy

>> No.14847099

>he thinks sodium is in the same level of sugar
>he thinks sodium is bad at all

>> No.14847118

>t. amerifat

>> No.14847128
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10/10 post, thank you anon

>> No.14847131

Diversity of inexpensive food. You don’t get fat if you have to eat all the same stuff

>> No.14847166

ask how I know you're a fat piece of shit

>> No.14847185 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14847234

Meh, it depends. I'm on the really thin end and food doesn't taste all that good to me. Eating is more of a chore that I have to remind myself to do so I don't faint during the middle of the day.

>> No.14847262

Fast food doesn't make people fat anon. You can actually get shredded on mcdonald's cheese burgers. Just don't drink soda and limit yourself to a small fry.

>> No.14847279

I think a large problem is vegetable preservation. Canned vegetables and frozen vegetables, like the kind they serve in school cafeterias, are fucking disgusting. It's only after I started buying fresh vegetables myself that I discovered that I actually liked them.

>> No.14847312

Meh I think it depends on the veggies in question anon. Some just don't taste good out of a can while others are all right.

>Brussel sprouts

While better fresh are still tasty out of a can or frozen.

While other vegetables like


Should be only be eaten fresh.

>> No.14847358

Fast food being cheaper than fruits

>> No.14847460

people in general lack any real agency. Everyone is a product of their genetics and culture, for better or worse

>> No.14847711

Vegetables were never disgusting. If your children don't eat vegetables it's because you made them disgusting.

>> No.14847716

eating too goddamn much. PUT DOWN THE FORK, FATTY

>> No.14847832

-carbs that are tasty but not satiating
-barely anyone bothers to ferment grains when making things like bread or oatmeal to lower the potential inflammation
-and a lack of fermented foods is less important but still something a lot of people are missing out on the benefits from

>> No.14847846

>enter american grocery store
>produce and meat in the corner or back aisle, dairy on the opposite corner
>maybe 1 aisle for 'health' foods
>some decent options in frozen food section
>the entire middle aisles are mostly junk food, sugary drinks, snacks and pastries

>> No.14847932

This. Nothing kills nutrition faster than a ton of empty calories.

>> No.14848021

>be fat american mother
>enter supermarket with young kids
>kids get bored in fruit & veg section, nothing fun about gay ass vegetables
>see bright coloured boxes in middle aisles
>kids kick and scream until the mother gives in
>mother buys the same crap every week
>whole family gets fat
>son grows up to be a furry, doesnt know why

Actually, the reality is that the kids don't have to kick and scream for unhealthy foods. The stupid American mother just buys them because she herself is sucked in by the marketing.

>> No.14848050

Yeah pretty much any beverage with sugars or HFCS in it can be as much as 75% of the cause for obesity, even "diet" soda is just as bad for you. If you don't change your eating habits at all but remove soft drinks entirely then that's a major improvement.

>> No.14848063

Portion size.

>> No.14848111

>Eating 100g of feces is the same as eating 100g of beef.
This is you.

>> No.14848117

Eating more, moving less.

>> No.14848711

He didn't imply that.

>> No.14848727

too many people get most of their calories from carbs, and then wash it all down with soda

>> No.14848751

>portions = metric weight
>This is you.

>> No.14848794

He means servings. You fat fuck

>> No.14848837

actually he is right, america having much larger fast food portions than europe is a significant factor but also having a large number of fast food joints in a particular neighbourhood can markedly increase obesity levels and this is well known

>> No.14848843


>> No.14849062

trans fats and refined carbs/sugar.

>> No.14849080

>angry endocrinologist noises

>> No.14849111

same to be honest. what is to be done about this?

>> No.14849264

I would also add health care and a society that enables it. Want to eat yourself to 400 pounds? Even if you managed to do that as a cave man, you'll probably end up dead at the end of the week just from your inability to fight of or run away from danger.

>> No.14849290


>> No.14849312

It's the complete misunderstanding about ovens and coal being an output that did it for me.

>> No.14849524

Overconsumption of anything