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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 932 B, 1200x720, 1200px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14835483 No.14835483 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's autistic but I want to start eating like a german would, no specific region in mind.
Atm I've got pickled herrings, sauerkraut, potato salad, sauerbraten, spätzle, schnitzel and bratwurst.
Any suggestions of what I should do? Any books to read?

>> No.14835487

kill yourself

>> No.14835489


>> No.14835511

Rouladen, Gulasch, Knödel, mustard eggs, königsberger Klopse, raw pork on bread.

If you want to eat like a german you need to have good bread for breakfast + butter + cold cuts. DONE..


>> No.14835515

Go for it! You can make some of the pickled items and the mustard easily at home for a fun project. I'd be worried about the salt intake depending on where you're from, your body may not be able to handle that salt, or where you live as may have an effect. Keep drinking water.

Where are you and your family from, and where do you live?

No reason to be a bully, this is a board for support, you absolute faggot.

>> No.14835538

I'm actually making königsberger Klopse in a few days lol, glad it's good.
I'll try to make the other things except the raw pork cause idk if I can do that.
Any sources for authentic german gulasch btw? I've made a few variations but I'm not sure what proper german gulasch is meant to taste like.
>If you want to eat like a german you need to have good bread for breakfast + butter + cold cuts
Sounds like scandinavian breakfasts, good way to have breakfast imo.

>> No.14835541

Muslim semen. It's what everyone else in your country is devouring

>> No.14835546

Sweet Oktoberfest thread. Loving it so far.

>> No.14835548

Im from Brandenburg and my family is from Thuringia and East Frisia. The high amount of salt is definitely something to get used to. But when you cook yourself on a daily basis, with real ingredients you are more likely to use salt more than the average pleb out there.

I have visited many countries around the world and most of the time the "lack of salt" never bothered me. It really depends what you eat. Every culture has its salty meals.

>> No.14835557

Oh, I didn't even realise it was oktoberfest lol.
Should I be drinking beer or is that just a meme?
What are the names of the pickled stuff and mustard? I love that stuff so would want to try. How are you meant to eat them btw? Just like as a side for a meal?
I had no idea german food was meant to be salty, what's the saltiest dish you guys have that's commonly eaten?

>> No.14835560

Im not german but i've worked with them. From my observations they all eat what they call 'currywurst' at least once a week. Its just the cheapest sausages you can find, with curry powder mixed into tomato ketchup ontop. It's like how most western families seem to eat spag bol once a week.

>> No.14835565

I didn't know it was that easy, I'll add it to my list thanks.
How do most germans get their fries from btw?
Takeaway? Made from scratch or bought frozen?

>> No.14835566

Like sauerkraut. It's super easy to make. Mustard is also very easy to make well. Just look up some recipes online.

>> No.14835580

Eat literal shit, pieces of poop
That's what german retards eats
Fucking retards

>> No.14835645

>I had no idea german food was meant to be salty, what's the saltiest dish you guys have that's commonly eaten?

The most basic idea of german food is meat + potatoe dish + reduced meat sauce. You can find this in different combinations. The potatoe dishes are heavily salted, like french fries in a fast food chain. That goes for mashed potatoes, potatoe dumplings and other things. The meat is usually heated on high heat to get alot of brown roast. The bottom of the pan is then deglased and simmering in stock or water (add salt). This is reduced for hours. Then you reduce the broth even more and add shit to it to make it really dense, corn starch for example. Curing meat with shit tons of salt is a central european thing and must have changed the taste buds or something. Why pickled things are salty is a no brainer anyway.

>Any sources for authentic german gulasch btw? I've made a few variations but I'm not sure what proper german gulasch is meant to taste like.

Get good pork / beef and sear the fuck out of it. (use high smoke point oil e.g. Corn oil) Only add onions. Brown, brown brown, brown until brown. Make sure not to burn it (this is the point where you can easily fuck up) Deglase it with a little bit of water, get the roast from the bottom of the pan. When water is gone add paprika powder and concentrated tomatoe paste (3x). Add water until covered. Then add cumin (ground is fine too), butter, a few gloves, a little garlic, bayleaf. + Salt and pepper. Simmer for 1h and your onions should have dissolved completely.

You should end up with a really thick sauce and the meat on the brink of breaking down by itself. It has a rich meaty and dark taste but overall very smooth.

>> No.14835773

>I know it's autistic but I want to start eating like a german would, no specific region in mind.
Freezer pizzas and frozen food. I dated a German girl who fucking lived off of nothing but Dr. Oetker shit.

>> No.14835888

>Oh, I didn't even realise it was oktoberfest lol.
Should I be drinking beer or is that just a meme?
In Bavaria it's a big thing, the rest of Germany doesn't care much. although many people around that time tend to eat typical Oktoberfest food once or twice around that time

It may not seem very German but Döner Kebab is a staple drunk food here, even more than Currywurst I'd say. A more northern German thing would be Grünkohl (kale), boiled with various smoked and salted meats, served with potatoes, but if you don't find the right meats where you live it's not going to be good I think.
For Fall and Winter season it's typical to eat a lot of soups and stews, mostly made with a base of root vegetables, namely carrots, celeriac and parsley root. At sunday maybe a slice of cake with coffee in the afternoon with the family.

>> No.14835896

Currywurst is mostly general a takeaway dish. I think most Germans would use frozen fries if they are making it at home.

I know a lot of people like that too, but I think in most 1st world countries there are a lot of young people who don't know how to cook.

>> No.14835901

This site seems pretty good for Austrian dishes.


>> No.14835906

Kohlrouladen, Rinderrouladen, Buletten, Schweineschnitzel, Schweinebraten, Krustenbraten, Eisbein, Haxe, Thüringer Rostbratwurst, theres so much more.

Get a bavarian cookbook and litres of beer.

>> No.14836205

>eating like a german would

Pizza, lasagne, spaghetti, döner, schnitzel mit pommes, nudelauflauf

>> No.14836206
File: 59 KB, 390x500, 5D968C86-5475-4B02-8FF7-438AA97DC7EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this little guy a while back

>> No.14836216

i have that book, it's pretty good.

>> No.14836230

Gotta start eating dem doners then.

>> No.14836290
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, MV5BOTNjYTk0N2EtMThiMi00YTIwLWI1NmMtNWE5YjdiZmQxNmQ4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm an expert on german cuisine

you take a sausage and then dip it in mustard or something

then you kill an entire family while a cute weenie dog gnaws your leg off

>> No.14837096
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>> No.14837103
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>> No.14837111
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>> No.14837116
File: 226 KB, 1920x1323, Mohnkuchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837131
File: 123 KB, 1080x675, Schnitzel-Holstein-2-1080x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837140
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>> No.14837150
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>> No.14837171
File: 334 KB, 1200x800, brotwein-flammkuchen-klassisch-speck-zwiebel-creme-fraiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837197
File: 134 KB, 600x400, pumpernickel01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837201

Eat Döner. End of story.

>> No.14837203
File: 420 KB, 1280x1037, 1280px-Frankfurter_kranz_hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837217
File: 100 KB, 960x640, rinderroulade-nach-hausmannskost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837220

it's French, deal with it

>> No.14837227
File: 212 KB, 1290x1600, Schwarzwa_lder Kirschtorte mit Anschnitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837249
File: 114 KB, 690x460, 2014-09-04-Eisbein2-690x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837254
File: 120 KB, 1099x733, spargel-mit-schnitzel-404964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837260

That looks nice, but I don't see the weenies. Are they blended into the batter?

>> No.14837265

That is very autistic. German cuisine has been globalized to a certain degree, you can find all kinds of food here nowadays. One mainstay though is GOOD bread with cold meats or cheese. That's pretty much the one constant.

>> No.14837266

you can get fries anywhere in germany constantly, even regular kiosks carry them

>> No.14837280
File: 55 KB, 611x458, ,id=2fe34b55,b=lecker,w=610,cg=c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the same city, no sausages in there.

>> No.14837287
File: 38 KB, 600x528, 8ffcbc81-ac2a-4a18-8e5a-97ebaccee853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837300

Do it properly and go the vegetarian route. Plenty of cabbage, brussels sprouts, sauerkraut, potatoes and so forth.

>> No.14837302
File: 57 KB, 678x381, fleischsalat-brotaufstrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837314
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>> No.14837331
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>> No.14837338
File: 311 KB, 960x960, mohnstriezel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837345

Learn to goosestep for a start, then you'll start to learn.

>> No.14837348
File: 618 KB, 600x900, img_4510_1-sin-tin-dorschleber-mit-brot-und-zitrone-c2a9-liz-collet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14837357

Looks good but I prefer a reuben on a Saturday.

>> No.14837577

Sounds like one of the greatest ideas I ever heard, stock up on german beer, all types of sausage (Bockwurst is mainly a breakfasr sausage for example), different pork and just grill everything and serve with potato sallad and different types of sauces, don't forget curryketchup and you have to add currywurst (chopped bratwurst served with fries with curryketchup and Mayo)


I already feel like moving back to Germany god damn they have great food and culture

>> No.14837584

Bratwurst isn't the cheapest sausage around and you have different places that serves it differently, some have a tomato based sauce and add currypowder on top while some have a currylike sayce or curryketchup with curry on top then serve with mayo on the side for the fries.

Currywurst is so awesome that it's the first thing I get everytime I enter Germany and it's a great fast and filling meal if on the run while working

>> No.14837593

Dr. Oetker is genuinely a great company though

>> No.14837693

Could you post a recipe?

>> No.14837704


>> No.14837742

Unironically good frozen pizza. Unsure if it's the same ok the continent tho, only ate it in Britain

>> No.14837779

The ones in Scandinavia and Germany tastes the same I believe they're both good at least

>> No.14837790
File: 110 KB, 1200x800, döner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14837795

Nice haiku, you inspired me to try my hand too.

Post literal shit, pieces of poop
That's what esl retard posts
Fucking homo

>> No.14837820

Ein döner mit kebab, kein soße

>> No.14837844
File: 715 KB, 1024x627, 1557037244567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keine Soße

>> No.14837854


>> No.14837869

>nicht mit alles

>> No.14837875

I'm sorry, I just can't do dressings. Idk why, it rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.14837884

tfw usually take without Tomatoes.
I am not a fan of Tomatoes in general because they are usually adding too much water to most dishes

>> No.14837892

I love eating breakfast "European style". Pumpernickel bread, cold cut pork shoulder, butter and usually a pickle, all bought from a Polish deli. I work as an engineer so my lifestyle is sedentary, so I can't handle a big American breakfast.

>> No.14837924

looks like he swabian version. called dinnede.

>> No.14839204

Best side for Schnitzel?

>> No.14839255

Depends on the situation but I would say anything potatobased with a sauce and some vegetables

>> No.14839274

It's not autistic. It's fun to try new foods.