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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14807240 No.14807240[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should adults eat pizza? I went out to eat with my sister today and when she ordered pizza I felt very uncomfortable. It was just embarrassing. The waiter even looked at her weird for that.

>> No.14807246

please don't reproduce

>> No.14807249

Yeah it's embarrassing to care about what people eat

>> No.14807251

where are you from?

>> No.14807265

Were you at a place not known for pizza? Ordering pizza at a steakhouse is bullshit, even if it's on the menu.

>> No.14807266

why not?
You can expect adults not to behave like children. It is inappropriate to burp loudly. It is inappropriate to order dino nuggets or pizza. As an adult, you just don't do that.

>> No.14807273

It was an Italian restaurant, so they were selling pizza there as well. The waiter was probably just a bit surprised that a grown woman orders pizza.

>> No.14807275

why not ?

>> No.14807276

You're just an autist and the waiter probably looked at your sister with a weird expression that hinted - "what the fuck is wrong with this guy you're with?"

>> No.14807282

it's bread, cheese and tomato sauce. it only becomes childish when you throw on heaping piles of slop onto the pizza. stop eating shitty food.

>> No.14807283

yes OP. Always worry about what normies will think. Always change you behavior to fit in with normie society. The benefits of acceptance into normie society is too great. pfft. Sorry, I can't say those things with a straight face.

>> No.14807286

>Thinks only children can eat pizza
The autism of krauts truly knows no bounds.

>> No.14807288

Because it is a meal for children. In a great Italian restaurant, an adult should have the decency to order an adult meal.

>> No.14807294

>I felt very uncomfortable
Because you are a faggot

>> No.14807301

Dude you're retarded. Pizza is on the menu for a reason. Everyone loves pizza from children to old people and there is absolutely nothing wrong with ordering pizza at a restaurant and the waiters weird looks is just your anxiety fueled imagination.

>> No.14807302

>gatekeeping food

>> No.14807309
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>> No.14807310

No. We shared a mutual eye experience that expressed our discomfort over her pizza order.
Dino Nuggets are just chicken meat with panade. Nevertheless, adults should not order this. That does not make a good impression.

>> No.14807311

Of course they should. My gf and I went for pizza for our first date, and last week I went with my parents to this fancy restaurant and they had mini pizzas for appetizers that were fantastic. I mean, adults shouldnt be going to Chuck E Cheese for pizza all the time but theres nothing wrong with ordering some pies when guests are over

>> No.14807313

Who decided it was a meal for children ?
What even decide that's an "adult" meal ?

>> No.14807317

>Pizza is on the menu for a reason
That's right. In case children want to eat them.

>> No.14807322

>not make a good impression
not all pizza is pineapple and spam from dominos

>> No.14807323

Do I really have to explain to you what adults eat? You have to be over 18 to post here, buddy.

>> No.14807326
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fucking krauts kek

>> No.14807335

unironically explain to me how a pork schnitzel isn't more childish than a pizza.

>> No.14807337

It excludes Muslims. Children do not do this, so it is not childish.

>> No.14807362

>Great Italian Restaurant
>You're not allowed to order the single most prolific and famous Italian dish unless you're a child

>> No.14807377

its basically a giant nugget bro

>> No.14807382
File: 86 KB, 625x372, german_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the op is german, they unironically think things like this are "pizza"

It just confirms that culinary skills are genetic. the only place you will get actual pizza that is good is places where southern italians have actually settled

>> No.14807386

ooooo so he's one of those nations that put french fries and mayo on pizza. okay makes sense now

>> No.14807389

your sister sounds comfy desu

>> No.14807403

best pizza is great value five cheese rising crust with pineapple and jalapeno. seriously bros, not kidding. try it!

>> No.14807436

I am a grown man with a wife, a house, and a career, and I love dino nuggets on occasion
unironically you need to grow up and eat dino nuggets. shit, put some on pizza and eat that

>> No.14807486

Depends on the restaurant. If it's a casual place, it's fine. Mid tier and fine dining, I'd expect better of someone. It's okay to eat like a slob, there's just a time and place for it.

>> No.14807511

I could ask you the same. Are you a teen of some sort? who the fuck goes " oh i know those adults who do adult things and eat adult meals once you are an adult you must eat adult things and no more children meal?"
For real mate you might have autism.

>> No.14807514

What an unusual take, OP

>> No.14807517

>he doesn't put fries mayo on his pizza
Never going to make it that way bro

>> No.14807519

if pizza is on the fucking menu the place isn't too fancy for pizza

>> No.14807522

That's projection if I've ever seen it
Stop projecting your own insecurities onto others. Stop telling people what to think or do. There is not a situation in which you should even attempt to tell another adult what to do. Your sister should be able to order a happy meal without you sperging out because you think it's bla bla bla

Fuck off

>> No.14807524

Mate for fucks sake, there are restaurants that get Michelin stars and have pizza on the menu, some get Michelin stars BECAUSE of their pizza. If it's on the menus it isn't "childish and crass" to way, no matter how fancy it is.

>> No.14807527

>We shared a mutual eye experience that expressed our discomfort over her pizza order.

>> No.14807555

Pizza is a big YIKES from me, I just kinda don't even wanna after that point, does anyone else ever feel like that, like it's just kinda too much?

>> No.14807561
File: 66 KB, 625x469, 5be746523da65ec507b7b8202d2e0e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Du bist einfach nur ein erbärmlicher und unsicherer Spast. Das ist alles.
>Erwachsene essen keine Pizza
Ja und all die Pizzerias leben offenkundig nur von Kindern.

>> No.14807562

>We shared a mutual eye experience
Yeah ngl that makes you 100% gay

>> No.14807566

Oh und dein Englisch ist lachhaft. Peinlich hoch 2

>> No.14807573

>My gf and I went for pizza for our first date
It's the perfect first date food. Nothing tryhard about it, not too expensive for taking a (still) stranger to, but a good pizza place can be fairly fancy yet cosy.

>> No.14807583

>Should adults eat pizza? I went out to eat with my sister today and when she ordered pizza I felt very uncomfortable. It was just embarrassing. The waiter even looked at her weird for that.
nice fiction piece. I like how you attempted to make it appear that only children order pizza and restaurant staff look down on you for ordering one of the most popular food choices of adults.
1/10 made me post

>> No.14807589

>an adult should have the decency to order an adult meal.
as an adult one can order whatever one wants because they are an adult. it is children that are often forced in to eating things that do not want or that an adult thinks is children food.

you really are a douchebag.

>> No.14807598

No we don't.
That's just the same lower class uneducated swine that do atrocious things to pizza in every country and culture. Including you 'meritards.
The relevant ones among us enjoy proper pizza.

>> No.14807610

that is a childs idea of being grown up.

>> No.14807640

post tits

>> No.14807677

should've eaten out your sister, bernd

>> No.14807686

Why the fuck does an obvious troll thread get 50 replies. Is everybody here retarded?

>> No.14807699

>All these people who think pizza isn't kids food
What is wrong with you?

>> No.14807866

i'll take your sister to get pizza, she'll have more fun with me than her grandiose mentally deranged brother

>> No.14807915

I would eat your sister

>> No.14807916


>> No.14807921
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>No we don't.

>> No.14807950
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>The waiter even looked at her weird for that.

Fuck you and fuck what people think. She's an adult. Let her eat whatever the fuck she wants, whether it harms her or not. Stop asking about what you shouldn't do or eat. Don't make people run your life. They're going to despise you no matter how mature you are. If your sister wants to order a pizza than let her do it. Fucking asshole.

>> No.14807985

>That's just the same lower class uneducated swine that do atrocious things to pizza in every country and culture. Including you 'meritards.
The relevant ones among us enjoy proper pizza.

This just tells me that the upper/ruling class of every country has southern italian roots.

>> No.14808041

the "kids eat pizza" is an ancient /ck/ meme. Imagine my surprise that this board is full of tourists

>> No.14808054

>people allegedly look odd at you for eating pizza as an adult
Germanfag here, you are full of shit with your fake ass story.

>> No.14808062

Please do. Why shouldn't adults eat pizza, especially when its extremely common for them to do so?

>> No.14808076

Pizza on an Italian menu is fucking fine. Especially a Margherita. The only one who needs to do some growing up is you.

>> No.14808082

Never mind. You don't have to explain anything to me.

>> No.14808126

That absolutely did not happen and no one believes you

>> No.14808130

I ordered pizza just because of this thread. Fuck you, OP.

>> No.14808168

Yes, please explain your absolute retard take

>> No.14808378

bro what the fuck. no way she ate that

>> No.14808660


>> No.14808687

no way this is real

>> No.14808696

Anon have you considered the waiter was wondering why you had ordered 5 buckets of tendies?

>> No.14809846

I feel bad that your sister acted that way. Did she have problems when you were growing up? Perhaps you need to be stricter with her. Don't let her get away with acting like a retard and bring shame on you in public.

>> No.14810798

>guys my sister is the weird one right, please confirm my autism
I'm sorry anon but you're acting like a fucking retard right now. Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of eating sandwiches as well? Shit I'm surprised you didn't cringe at all the adults eating spaghetti at the Italian restaurants: babies eat spaghetti! Get help.

>> No.14810806


>> No.14810810

You sound like a fucking nutjob. I DARE you yo say this insane dribble to a person in real life they will never talk to you again.

>> No.14810816
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One of the loveliest experiences I had in Japan was having a kind, racist old woman take me to an old brick building covered in ivy. There were three tables in the restaurant, you could maybe seat 10 people if they squeezed.
The staff was curt bordering on rude.
And the pizza was delicious.

>> No.14810819


>> No.14810827

I'm a tourist, please explain

>> No.14810831

Italian here. This is the first time I hear something like that. Pizza is a normal meal here, why wouldn't it be in italian restaurants abroad too?

>> No.14810839


Hello, I'm one of those men.

See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I don't have a problem with brown people.
I don't have a problem with Muslims.
I don't have a problem with Jews.
I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.

In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.

I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.

I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.

I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.

So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.

Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.

Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.

It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.

Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.

I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.

And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.

>> No.14810846

kek good pasta

>> No.14810871

Waiter, give my compliments to the chef. This pasta is some of the best I've ever had.

>> No.14810904

why are you larping faggot?
pizza is a normal ass food in germany

>> No.14810914

>The waiter was probably just a bit surprised that a grown woman orders pizza.

No the waiter was probably surprised that someone as blatantly autistic as you could manage to order anything without your handler

>> No.14810939

not op but reading german online always makes me cringe

sounds so retarded

>> No.14810947

Unless you were at a restaurant that wasn't an Italian restaurant or pizza joint, there's zero reason a waiter would judge anyone.

>> No.14810995


>> No.14811000

I always get embarrassed when the person I'm eating with orders a burger at a restaurant that isn't like, specifically a burger restaurant

>> No.14811001

Let us have fun, autismo. The op is being a good sport

>> No.14811019

Goddamnit I hate you shit skins and chinks. OH NO MY SISTER ORDERED PIZZA IM GONNA HONOR KILL THAT WHORE

>> No.14811025

... he is german tho, which explains his autism

>> No.14811029


>> No.14811053

I'd be embarassed if a German ordered pizza near me, you freaks eat that shit like steak with tiny little fork and knife bites it's horrible

>> No.14811058

thats what /g/ means with i-toddlers - italian pizza babys

>> No.14811062

genetischer abfall

>> No.14811063

That's plenty of threads nowadays. I'm not sure. I've only used this website for four or five years but I have detected quite an influx of oblivious users. I use ck and sci.

>> No.14811116

she didn´t you morons, it´s a staged "reality" show

>> No.14811177
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>be me
>go to Italy
>know that they are famous for their pizza
>see a small ristorante with a clay pizza oven
>looks good, neve had authentic Italian pizza before
>walk in
>about to order
>remember anons post on /ck/
>remember that I'm an adult
>cant get pizza, anon said so

>> No.14811234


>> No.14811271

ask for a PASTA FAZOOL WITH-A NICE-A GABAGOOL, they'll know what you mean

>> No.14811387

Can you tards stop falling for bait for ONE MOMENT and tell me WHERE THE FUCK I can find pizza like that in LONDON

>> No.14811425

You should fuck some sense into that bitch, why haven't you impregnated your sister yet you soy boy

>> No.14811448

If you were an adult, you would not have posted this "question".

>> No.14811466

The simplest manner is as follows:

1) Purchase the best quality frozen cheese pizza you can find.

2) Purchase additional cheese, a blend is best, and use this to enhance your pizza.

3) Grate and top your pizza while it is still frozen, if you want to add additional sauce do so right over top of the cheese the pizza comes with. Now add your own

Bake at a slightly lower temperature than directed by the box. Be prepared to broil the top a few moments to get that bubbly goodness crisped.

Et voila. Enhanced Cheese Pizza. if you want meat or vegetable toppings, follow the same instructions, but put them on when appropriate.

It works, and it works well.

>> No.14811508

Fuck society eat what you want
If you dont eat some shit solely because how other people will look at you, you are the fucking problem

>> No.14811543


>> No.14811595

You're right, there definitely are not entire establishments dedicated to making pizza, and no body besides children could enjoy such a thing....

I hope in time you will realize what a moron you've been.

>> No.14811600

I dont think adults care about things like this.

>> No.14811665

If you pick a shitty restaurant I’m just going to order a burger and be done with it m8

>> No.14811684

>The waiter even looked at her weird for that.
What? Why would the waiter care? That's a bit weir-
>I'm from Germany
Ohhhhhh... yeah I can actually totally see Germans staring each other down and silently judging others.

>> No.14811707

I've never seen this pasta before, it's pretty great

>> No.14811716

Why the fuck? Burgers are good, man.
There used to be this Adirondack themed restaurant that did a black peppercorn crusted burger smothered with gravy and onions. It certainly wasn't a burger restaurant but that was a hell of a burger.

>> No.14811732

This thread explains so much about Germany. It explains BMW, Lederhosen, the Ordnungsamt, the ability to adhere to the Reinheitsgebot since 1516 and the fanatical Germand need to organize and compartmentalize the world into controllable units.

The rise of the Nazis can be inferred from the OP's tone and obvious anal angst alone.

>> No.14811736

>you're at a pizza place or a not super fancy italian restaurant, or you just want some fast food delivered to your house
get a pizza
>you're at a fancy and/or non-italian restaurant
don't get a pizza, get something more interesting

>> No.14811775

Fuck off you don't get to tell people what is or isn't interesting
>what is that bro you want to order some spaghetti on this ilia place? nah dude you are a basic bitch you don't order spaghetti you eat it at home.
>Hey i see you are looking at the arancine. This is fancy place mate, don't embarrass me, that is essentially fast food.
> no you can't order the panna cotta that is kids food, you need to have an adult desert.
>what do you mean canolis? ignore this fool waiter, he should know better than order street food at a fancy place. You shame me with your presence.

>> No.14811779

i think it's safe for adults to eat pizza
i don't think it's safe to share a mutual eye experience

>> No.14811829

Yeah, I know burgers are good. That’s why I order burgers.

>> No.14812000

>the only relevant germans are children

>> No.14812014

>Happy Meal
But yeah idk what OPs deal is eat whatever but don't cry when your asshole falls out from eating shit

>> No.14812016

Just like mom used to make

>> No.14812391


>> No.14812403

99% of the people on this site came here after 2012

>> No.14813449

I truly can't believe how many people are taking this bait

>> No.14813478

I wonder if ron swanson would eat dino nuggets. I think he would if they were in front of him.

>> No.14813482

isn't that a canadian thing?

>> No.14813487
File: 177 KB, 376x676, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basierte. Seine Geschichte ist total scheisse. Nichts stimmt damit

>> No.14813488 [DELETED] 

yeah here it is from wikipedia

>Pizza-ghetti is a combination meal commonly found in fast food or family restaurants throughout the province of Quebec[73][74] and other parts of Canada.[75] It consists of a pizza, sliced in half, accompanied by a portion of spaghetti with a tomato based sauce.

>> No.14813499



>> No.14813501
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nm I was wrong it's a kiwi thing. dominos out there sells spaghetti pizza from what I've read

>> No.14813522

>eats a full serving of each ingredient as she is preparing the food
yeah this is a clear sign of a massive fat ass bitch. Only the fattest of the fat do shit like this. Only the most disgusting obese pig people would ever think to devour large amounts of their own ingredients as they are cooking. It's one thing to have a little taste of chocolate when you are making the cookie dough, or have a little bit of cheddar cheese when making mac and cheese, but only the most porcine person would ever DEVOUR an ENTIRE SERVING of EACH INGREDIENT while they are literally preparing their food.

Absolutely fucking appalling

>> No.14813524
File: 959 KB, 2448x3264, buffet pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get the pizza when I go to a chinese buffet

>> No.14813550

this looks like the kind of guilty pleasure I'd eat at 3AM on a saturday. Crust would probably taste like shit but it would sate my appetite.

>> No.14813561

It is where I went with my gf on the first date. We got anchovies and had a great time. Turning her nose up at that would have been a big filter, but she happily eats anything I cook.

>> No.14813577

Hawaiian pizza is a Canadian thing, invented by a Greek in Winnipeg.

>> No.14813576

it looks like really cheap frozen pizza crust. I like that stuff a lot actually. it isn't crispy like thin crust from a restaurant it's almost like a biscuit crust or something

>> No.14813580
File: 36 KB, 650x366, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of the time the new zealand prime minister posted spaghetti hawaiian pizza on social media

>> No.14813678
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Like Dr. oteker?
That shit is my guilty pleasure, the crust is amazingly good for frozen pizza.

>> No.14813687

.....this is a sin against decency that cannot be forgiven.

>> No.14813699

low tier troll

>> No.14813732


With the fuck eat beans with gabagool, are you idiot?

>> No.14813736

it's canned spaghetti too. I've tried this once and you have to put it in a colander first to cut down on the sauce

>> No.14813794

Yeah he's German, that means there's like a 90% chance he's a shit skin

>> No.14814036
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Saturday galley pizza isnt it

>> No.14814063

I've never tried that brand but the crust looks good. I was thinking like tony's, red baron, or great value pizza

>> No.14814067
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tonys toppings even resemble the buffet pizza

>> No.14814372
File: 18 KB, 600x600, try harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak troll. Neck yourself immediately faggot.

>> No.14814956

It's the brand that sells out whenever it goes half price, a poorfag favorite I guess.

>> No.14815039

I love shitty buffet pizza, always get a slice when I go to one.

>> No.14815275

Do Americans really?

>> No.14815358

everyone of any age in italy enjoys pizza. You're blatantly making shit up for (you)'s

>> No.14815443

Pizza and nuggets kick ass and you suck ass.

>> No.14815484


Waiter here, yeah in the past it was pretty weird. It was one thing if parents happened to jokingly eat a piece of the pizza that they ordered for their kids. Or if a working mom was picking up a takeaway pizza on her way home from work--but even then it required a manager override. (We used to prohibit takeaway pizza orders from single adults on the presumption that they were pedophiles.) Now, everything has changed, since LGBTQPBN has made the Adult Baby community mainstream. To avoid discrimination lawsuits, we had to buy adult-sized high-chairs, reinforced diaper-changing stations in the washrooms--and of course, we are legally required to serve pizza to anyone who asks, even if he is not sucking on a giant pacifier. It's 2020, after all.

>> No.14815496
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 1576710713316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post anon.

>> No.14815516


A pizza is just an open-faced toasted tomato & cheese sandwich, change my mind.

>> No.14815520

congratulations, you are officially a baited faggot

>> No.14815525

You can buy Pizza at bloody schnellies and more in Germany, no one gives a shit.

>> No.14815526

Should ? Probably not, especially not the one in your picture. Gross-ass american pizza served on a cardboard plate. This is disgraceful.
Could ? Absolutely. One of the perks of being an adult is that you can do whatever the fuck you want. Waiters are there to serve. Unless you've been terrible to them they're the shitty person for being condescending.

>> No.14815529

Quintessentially German.

>> No.14815530

Pizza is a cornerstone of Italian cuisine you autist, both as street food and fine dining.

>> No.14815532

The waiter probably glanced at you when he noticed your autistic disgust out of fear something was wrong with the service.

>> No.14815534

When I was living in Germany as a kid, I loved going to schnellies and getting the schnitzels. It was a giant pork and sometimes chicken nugget with chips. What kind of kid wouldn't love that?

>> No.14815539

You could just say the NZ Prime Minister.

>> No.14815544

One of my friends always ordered a cheeseburger at a pizza place we went to. He just didn't like pizza much. We did joke about it but ultimately no one cared.

>> No.14815557

>yeah this is a clear sign of a massive fat ass bitch
Exactly, I wasn't sure if she was a fat ass bitch, but when she started eating, then it became obvious.

>> No.14815563

I miss Sho biz

>> No.14815568

If you smash it together it's just a sammich :)

>> No.14815711

I can read your posts without cringing despite the fact that they're retarded.

>> No.14815717
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what did I ever do to you anon
words hurt you know

>> No.14815725

Sure, Jan.

>> No.14815754

Just order napoli pizza with red wine if you're so afraid of not being "mature" enough

>> No.14815778
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>> No.14815812

Why do you care what anyone else eats? Don’t you have enough going on in your life?

>> No.14815866

I’m amazed how effective this bait was

>> No.14815885

>restaurant has item on the menu
>it's embarrassing to order it
You're a dumb dumb. Grow up.

>> No.14816134
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thats a good looking 'za

>> No.14816288

Like are we talking pizza from a resturant or just in general?
Like from a resturant yeah dont fucking do that shit (unless its italian but even then there is way better shit), it makes you look like a retard with no palate
In general its fine, its like any other takeout food dont eat it often

>> No.14816607

let me guess, you "work" in stem