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File: 88 KB, 1000x667, red-wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14806552 No.14806552 [Reply] [Original]

I have to announce, Anons, that I have become unable to drink American (red) wines, whether they be from Cali or Oregon or wherever else. Even supposedly 'high-end' ones. I have come to find them much too "jammy", almost sweet-like. Which is a shame, because I used to have a real taste for Oregon pinot noirs.

I can only do my Euro wines now: Spanish wine is my absolute favorite for its high alcohol volume as well as its bitterness/tartness and some degree of oakiness, which I love.

Argentine Malbec is actually pretty good too, although I've only fooled around with cheaper stuff rather than buying higher-quality Argentine wines. However, I want to give them a chance, given that their wine is very similar to Spanish wine in terms of flavour profile.

Sorry, American wines. You tided me well enough for a long time, but that period is over.

>> No.14806573

>I love high alcohol and oak
Sounds like you love California

>higher-quality Argentine wines
No such thing, it's all smuckers.

Also the region vs region slapfest is over here >>14802063

>> No.14806579
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I like bitterness in my wine. While most red wines have that bitterness, American wines really try to hide it, whereas European wines embrace it.

>> No.14806587

You sound like you buy cheap, at which point I'm kind of surprised you can notice the regional differences in antifreeze quality.

>> No.14806619

The American wine industry is incredibly diverse.

>> No.14806651
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>Argentine wines

>> No.14806666

I think he meant white wines anon

>> No.14806669

Not really, you're just drinking flawed wines, possibly because you're on a limited budget, and the novelty means more to you than the quality.

If you like the taste of grapes harvested way too early, forget about spain and try a cheap chilean cabernet sauvignon.

>> No.14806694

nice quads bro

>> No.14808012

USA was only good for Chardonnay anyway.
There are better reds coming out of South America and Australia at lower prices.

>> No.14808090
File: 213 KB, 1000x750, Orin+Swift+wines+2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drinking wine seriously for like a year. Started just drinking old world wine, mainly Italy and France and making a point to not drink/try not to enjoy American wine because all of the cool, hip kids on the internet told me it was bad.

Recently had a tasting flight of all the wines by Orin Swift and I was blown away. Yes, they are huge, enormous, jammy, high alcohol, but they were utterly delicious. Why is it supposed to be a bad thing that they taste that way? it was clearly intentional. The philosophy behind the wine making is different, but it isn't wrong. Since then I drank a lot of American reds. Sometimes I just want a Napa Cab or a Orin Swift type of red blend. Sometimes I want a Burgundian Pinot Noir or a Brunello di Montalcino. all delicious and good for different moods.

>> No.14808134
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>> No.14808211

Euro here.
And I unironically like the Ernest & Julio Gallo Californian red wines.

>> No.14808426

Everyone starts out liking wine like that, your palate learns to detect flavors that you can't pick up on yet as a neophyte, when that happens you start finding those wines boring and kind of obnoxious. It's the maple pumpkin donut imperial stout of wine.

>> No.14808470
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Orin Swift makes good wine but the marketing is so obnoxious I must look away. I'm thinking about only drinking stuff that has a monochrome picture of a winery or vineyard on the label.

>> No.14808502

Mendocino is what Napa should be. They make actual good tasting wine, without the attitude, and instead of destroying perfectly good juice with vanilla extract and mega purple, some of it actually tastes like it was made by and for people who give a shit about typicity.

>> No.14808582

>likes high alcohol
>If you like the taste of grapes harvested way too early
based retard

>> No.14808612

Anything is possible with chaptalization, Dunning-Kruger-san

>> No.14808747

>americans wines too jammy
>drinks spanish wines
that's a dumbo choice anon. spanish wines (esp Riojas) are known for being sweet and jammy

>> No.14808756

Maybe you should stop buying dessert wines.

>> No.14808811

You'd be more likely to find pyrizinic flavours then. By bitterness I'm sure he means tannic bitterness.

>> No.14808833

"bitter", much like "sour" and other vague descriptors, implies that there is something out of balance, rather than a single variable amped up like just "tannins" (which btw can be perceived differently depending on where the tannins are from and what else is going on with the wine).

for example this evening I've been drinking an aged wine that spent some time in neutral oak. before I ate I tasted berries and got floral aromas. after dinner, which I should add was pretty fatty and involved among other things potato skins and cracked peppercorns and dairy, it tasted highly astringent and smelled of leather. same wine, which btw I opened yesterday so don't give me the "it breathed" crap. what you perceive is affected by too many things to just go "hurr tannins"

>> No.14808865

Highly similar to the explosion of NEIPA dessert stouts/porters and sweet fruited sour beer. Very pleasing to the average person. There's less of a hurdle to develop a taste, and from there you can explore further. Hopefully, at least. The trend is aim for the least common denominator, but there are producers that push the boundary of their safe zone in intelligent ways.

>> No.14808867

Sure, but why would they chaptalise a wine from an already warm climate when they could just leave them on the vine to ripen?

Cash flow issue?

>> No.14808880

Chile is a cool climate country

>> No.14808903

I just find it hard to believe that anon was looking for wine that are insipidly bitter due to underripe grapes, rather than the more pleasant tannic/phenolic bitterness that is intentionally left in wine.

>> No.14808928

maybe I just want to be pedantic because it grinds my gears when people say "bitter" or "sweet" or "sour" when they mean something else

>> No.14808961

Yeah it's rather annoying when you're selling wine to people and they ask for something 'smooth'. Usually it means low acid and low tannin, but the amount of times I've been asked for shit like a 'smooth' Reisling makes me think that people just mean 'wines I like'.

>> No.14809023

If that were true, and it isn't, it would be terrible.
Both for your wallet and for your enjoyment of wine.

I suspect you've either recently reached 21 and actually have an adult palate now, or you've ruined your sense of taste by smoking or some such.

Or. You're not actually looking for a nice wine, you're just looking for novelty. In which case shit wine will do.

>> No.14809068

I've never heard of anyone calling wine smooth, and have not come across many that I'd call smooth at all.
I think I've tried one shiraz that was lightly aged in sufficiently used American oak barrels that imparted a lot of vanilla, and it was mildly sweet and not acidic to start with. Usually that results in sawdust and tannins, along with a fair bit of sweetness and light zing to start with.

Mostly it's used to describe whisky and means no alcoholic burn or other intense flavours, which means most blends fit the bill (and many high end whiskies don't). But then you get retards calling young Islay smooth and nothing means anything anymore.

You do drink dry wine exclusively don't you?

>> No.14809110

No, I love traditionally produced Mosel Riesling actually. PX sherry and Sauternes are my jam too.

Why would you make that assumption?

>> No.14809144

Dry is the meme phrase that applies to wine.

>> No.14809191

Dry is more of a technical term that implies very little residual sugar is in the wine. Other than that it's a subjective term.

>> No.14809226

Sounds like you need some tawny port and Madeira.

>> No.14809247

American wines don't like you either.

>> No.14810155

I think you meant to reply to someone else?

>> No.14810162

thers not gooing to be much american wines considering cali and oregon got burned down

>> No.14810280

Argentine wine is worthy give them a try (argie myself), some Chilean wines are damn good too you should try them la cordillera is a great place to make wines and it tells on the quality

>> No.14810308

The only wines I drink from the new world are from chile, sometimes new zealand. Everything else the old world does better. But I suppose it's a question of location, I live in Belgium and can get good french/spanish/italian/portuguese wine for 8€-12€. Not as cheap as in those wine producing countries but reasonable enough.

>> No.14810559

Wrong. Exactly the kind of self assuming pretentious kind of response one would expect too. I clearly stated that I prefer old world wine and spend most of my time drinking them. Yet I occasionally enjoy something like Orin Swfit.... I am repeating myself here.

No, he definitely responded to you. You sound like you are trying too hard,

>> No.14810578

You "like old world wine" or more precisely you like the IDEA of liking old world wine. You don't really like old world wine.

>> No.14810769

This thread gave me cancer. Wine supposed to cure cancer, but you faggots have found a way around that.

>> No.14810966
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Let the butthurt flow through you

>> No.14811002

The European wine industry is built on California root stock.

>> No.14811024


>> No.14811036
File: 671 KB, 640x960, frasierwineclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14811069

still one of the GOAT reaction images

>> No.14811131


>> No.14811139

I think I would have to agree. With half of Napa Valley on fire, and the other half doused with fire retardant chemicals, it's not looking good for some wines in the area...

>> No.14811176

>go to napa/sonoma for wine tasting to celebrate getting my PhD
>underwhelmed by most of the napa wineries
>find a bunch of great hidden gems in sonoma

tl;dr there's lots of great california wine still, most of it is not coming from napa. Even paso robles is becoming supersaturated and quality is clearly tanking

>> No.14812442
File: 37 KB, 683x223, continuing the tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14812496

who is the guy on the left? should I know who that is?

>> No.14813926

drinking wine is for fags and chicks lol

>> No.14813943

I jerk off to chicks with dicks and I like wine, so I guess it fits

>> No.14814275

Diam is the only good cork closure. Other than that they're 'just fuck my wine up, senpai'.

>> No.14814293

Drink Michigan wines fags.

>> No.14814970

>"drinking wine seriously"
>"old world"

>> No.14815597

I've had ohio wines and found then to be incredibly overpriced and mediocre. what's the point of saying "local wine" when half the juice is trucked in from the west coast?

>> No.14815877

>not liking [country] wines

Is this just a way of someone outing themselves as a pleb? I don't know much about wine but blanket statements that like don't make sense when you're talking about coffee. Sure, certain countries tend to grow the same types of varietals but quality usually depends on a lot of things like altitude, producer, varietal and processing method instead of just the country. I imagine wine is the same.

>> No.14815912

you can make good wine literally in antarctica if you have unlimited resources. when most people talk about wine from a country they mean wine they can afford from a country. climate and tariffs count for a lot. so does "tradition". there might be an amazing spot that COULD be perfect for wine in iran or afghanistan but if there isn't the infrastructure, government, neighboring businesses, available talent and manpower, favorable tax code, and a market that wants to pay what it takes to make a wine from taliban country profitable, it's not going to happen or it's going to cost $150 a bottle and be a money sink vanity project for a rich hobby farmer

>> No.14815913

>Currently there is no cure for phylloxera and unlike other grape diseases such as powdery or downy mildew, there is no chemical control or response. The only successful means of controlling phylloxera has been the grafting of phylloxera-resistant American rootstock (usually hybrid varieties created from the Vitis berlandieri, Vitis riparia and Vitis rupestris species) to more susceptible European vinifera vines.

>> No.14815914

which of those vines grows natively in Napa?

>> No.14816636

Yeah, it's just people trying to troll, morons who think they know shit (but they don't) or just massive snobs with very particular taste. Most fall into the first two categories though.

I mean this anon is right: >>14815912, but most countries that people will pan actually are suited to making wine.

>> No.14816644

The moral of the story is that there's a reason they're called wine "snobs" and not wine "connoisseurs"

>> No.14816670

>>find a bunch of great hidden gems in sonoma

What would you recommend?

>> No.14818290

Recommend looking in Lodi instead of Sonoma

>> No.14818985

I have had both actual good wines and then also "local wines" from Virginia, Kentucky, and other midwestern states. If you don't pretend the heehaw wines are actually good, they are interesting and, when done with the right grapes, can reflect the terroir in a pretty cool way. Riesling is good for that.

>> No.14819581

It's possible to grow vitis vinifera on its own rootstock in certain places, either because it never made its way there and now strict controls are in place to keep it out, or because the soil is super sandy which it can't survive.

>> No.14820031

Are there really many places in Virginia and Kentucky that are capable of producing wine? Up in the mountains or something?

>> No.14820038
File: 56 KB, 384x259, 2017_Charlottesville,_Virginia_car_attack_photograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how you define "capable" and "wine" but yeah. Trump has a winery in the same town where that /pol/tard ran over some protesters. It wasn't good enough to compete with real wine so he tried to put a 100% tariff on imports

>> No.14820902

good job op. you have acquired that rare quality of an actual sense of taste. never let the new world cucks steal that from you.

>> No.14820929
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Cider is better than wine, what does wine even do besides taste like Easter egg coloring?

>> No.14820938
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I'm from Michigan and we're a lot better than Ohio in every way. We also have great cherries.

>> No.14820964
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I am a gentleman who enjoys participating in the fine act of dipping