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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14806179 No.14806179 [Reply] [Original]

I pan fry tenderloins to put in the fridge so i can eat them cold.

>> No.14806205

I dont wash my hands when i cook

>> No.14806213

Nothing wrong with that. You still cooked them.

>> No.14806215

When I get drunk I unironically order chicken tenders for delivery. I know theyre a meme but theyre great.

I think I’m better than some people here because I have All Clad and Le Creuset and you niggas still using Lodge.

I dont like pork. Im not religious, I just think it tastes bad. The exception is canadian bacon, I eat a lot of that.

When I make curry I use the premixed marinade and yogurt because Im too lazy to make it from scratch.

I shill the fuck out of rice cookers and InstantPots.

I once fell asleep while boiling water and left the pot on the flame for like 5 hours after the water had boiled off. Pot was fucking fine though after some barkeepers friend.

>> No.14806336

I was defrosting a steak over night and woke up to it on the kitchen floor. Cat must have knocked it over when I was sleeping. I washed the dirt off of it then cooked it up

>> No.14806363

you sound insufferable

>> No.14806381

Not weird, especially if you make steak salad.

>> No.14806450

I like my fries soggy. Sometimes i even put on a lid on them after i take them out, and sprinkle some water so the steam softens them

>> No.14806614

I fucking love shitty processed deli meats and spam and stuff like that.

>> No.14806642

While watching the rugby on tv I cooked a potato in the microwave. I left it on for too long and it caught fire. It was spinning around inside with a flame on top. I had to leave the microwave outside to get rid of the smell.

>> No.14806674
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I drink milk from the carton

>> No.14806753


>> No.14806825

Did the fucker even attempt to eat it, or did it knock it down purely out of spite?

>> No.14806923

I keep eating spicy food when i know it will give me burning liquid shits

>> No.14807040

i break spaghettis in half

>> No.14807181

i like to pick my nose and put boogers on cheese slices and eat them. some times ill stick a finger up my bum and have a taste too.

>> No.14807194

I make pizza subs with store-bought bread toasted under the broiler, a good spread of Rao's, deli pepperoni and ham, pre-packaged havarti, sliced red onion, olives, and banana peppers with a shake of crushed red pepper and dried herbs.

Forgive me, father.

>> No.14807277

3 years ago i nut in my cousin pizza and 1 year ago in sandwich i made for her

>> No.14807372

I putting ketchup on pizza.
Agreed, it's why chip shop chips/fries are the best, being wrapped in the paper steams them nicely and gives them a nice softness, I love it.

>> No.14807457

it just tastes better

>> No.14807460

I sat out in the living room with a massive hangover last week drinking milk from the carton and watching anime while my roommate was working about 6 feet over on the computer. Feels good being a degenerate.

>> No.14807476

i like the cripsy fried egg

>> No.14808795


>> No.14809087

amen brother

>> No.14809202

I enjoy food more if it's past it's best-by date because it seems like I'm not interrupting anyone else's potential enjoyment of that food.
Maybe it reminds me of pinching pennies when I was younger.

>> No.14809222
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I chop the head off, of our homegrown chickens. So help me god

>> No.14809239

Are you a nigger? You sound like a nigger.

>> No.14809272


Nah my family is just really wealthy and I’m an admittedly elitist douchebag.

>> No.14809844

Crispy/welldone bits on anything are the best. I avoid non-stick pans for a lot of shit just to get that bit of mega-flavourful crust on stuff

>> No.14810537

>I pan fry tenderloins to put in the fridge so i can eat them cold.
Similar shit with me, i love steak done in this manner

>> No.14810548

not even Jesus would forgive you

>> No.14810551

I like spaghetti more when it is reheated (in a microwave) than just made, it has something to do with the sauce

>> No.14810553

it's fine, chickens are delicious

>> No.14810747

all clad is a meme

>> No.14811399
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>> No.14811421


Yeah, only if you can't afford it. People who actually use it know it's fantastic.

>> No.14811561

I ate my own jiz because people said i wouldnt loose my gains

>> No.14812102

God I miss homegrown chickens and turkeys. Store-bought birds are like midgets in comparison

>> No.14813667

i stockpile dishes for days until they are smelly and moldy then I put the in a bucket and wash them in my shower

>> No.14813686

I like cold kfc better thsn fresh kfc. Only food ill do it wirh, shit is disgusting fresh, but not so bad cold.

>> No.14813708
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I don't eat beef because I'm unironically afraid of BSE.

I know it's a tiny risk, but I was a kid when BSE used to be a big deal, and learned what it does to a person's brain, and I've never eaten beef since.

>> No.14813796

I can lick the dip of my own dick. Not because I'm really hung, but I'm quite flexible. Used to do gymnastics in high school and being able to do that actually gives me motivation to stay fit, but I've also developed ever so growing urge to have a cute twink to suck me off too.

>> No.14814089


Alcohol is disgusting unless it's sweet enough that I can't taste the alcohol. Fuck your 'le cultured' belgian motor oil shit and give me a corona.

>> No.14814177
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I use this thing

>> No.14814185

Milk? I all I wanted was a Pepsi!

>> No.14814198
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>made myself sick eating 4AM pasta again
Never gonna lose this weight...

>> No.14814228

Raised in NY, in a household that had local pizza every week my entire life, but I go crazy for national chain pizza that everyone calls shitty. Like Dominos, Papa John's, and Pizza Hut.

>> No.14814247

We have a farm nearby that does top quality free range birds. Most go to restaurants but they also have a small store. Carcasses for stock are very cheap but an entire bird, ready for roasting will set you back 30 to 35 dollars.

It's worth every penny. Huge bird, yellow fat and absolutely delicious.

>> No.14814403

Ive been eating pizza hut for the last month every day, i started getting a small rash near my lips but didnt think it could be from the pizza, by now the rash is huge and pussy now i know for sure it was the pizza how do i sue pizza hut?

>> No.14814418

I keep burning my eggs and deciding that my lack of willingness to learn means I don't like them

>> No.14814500

i've cooked maybe 3 or 4 good meals since the pandemic started. i used to take a lot of pride in making good food for my family. now i just let my wife throw shit together. i think i'm depressed, bros...

>> No.14814526

At least you’re honest with yourself

>> No.14814631

Are you supposed to make them differently?

>> No.14814787

I sip drams of Worcestershire
And I put garrum on baked lays chips.

My friends left me.

>> No.14814821

why are you afraid of the Bombay Stock Exchange anon

>> No.14815044

If their death is quick and they lived a decent life up until then, there is literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.14815066

Boy I don't think even father can forgive you for that one

>> No.14815958

Big Ticker shill pls go

>> No.14816005

>Get stomach sick for eating like shit for a whole month
>Duurr how I sue pizza hut?

>> No.14816201
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I don't rinse my rice

>> No.14816884

i love crispy ones too, but they're harder to pull off
also it doesnt matter how crispy they are since my bite is always one part fries, two part garlic yogurt sauce.

>> No.14816905

not a big deal, ground turkey pretty much takes care of anything ground beef. sorry about the lack of steak, though

>> No.14816915

cook on medium to low, with melted butter. flip when there's no runny bits. keep on this side for no more than a minute, serve

>> No.14817614

Haha wow hey idiot, he has herpies

>> No.14818398

I critique the cookalongs here but can only cook spaghetti. Most of my knowledge comes from Gordon Ramsay shows

>> No.14819109

I dont disinfect after cutting up raw meat. I use hot water and soap to clean up. I also only use a wooden cutting board.

>> No.14820577


>> No.14820588
