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File: 210 KB, 1024x768, Insects-Eaten-Throughout-the-World-1024x768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14801508 No.14801508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there actually anything wrong with eating insects, provided they're prepared safely, other than "eww that's yucky"?

>> No.14801514

nope, it's literally fine and just memes saying there's anything wrong with it

>> No.14801516


>> No.14801531

Not that I've seen so far. Bugs are okay to eat. It's usually just reflective of how fucked your society is if you have to eat bugs en masse. Rats are okay to eat but if you start seeing them being caught and cooked en masse, something's gone terribly wrong.

>> No.14801541

Bible says you can only eat grasshoppers and locust. If they were good enough for John the Baptist than they’re good enough for you.

>> No.14801547

do i go to hell if i eat a cockroach?

>> No.14801562
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it's a right of passage and a sign that you have progressed as a culture and society when you graduate to NOT eating bugs.

>> No.14801573

Yes, especially if the cockroach has eggs in it. That's simulating semen consumption and that's gay.

>> No.14801579

not really, zoomies just think "EWWW GROSS" so they express themselves the only way they know how, with wojack and anti-left memes

>> No.14801580


Do you eat chicken eggs anon? Ever? You know where that gets you right?

>> No.14801582

Of course not, but I'm not going to do it.

>> No.14801594

Eating insects is not part of my culture. I might try them, but because I was brought up to see them as plant pollinators at best and vermin at worst, I would have to focus on the benefit and flavour, try to rid myself of preconceptions and culturally inculcated disgust of them while eating.

I think this would be pretty tough to do, unless they were somehow disguised in a dish. I'd have a doubly hard time, since I don't care for crustaceans either.

>> No.14801600
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No other reason is necessary.

>> No.14801617

literal child

>> No.14801621

It's viscerally disgusting, which is good enough for me to avoid them.

>> No.14801623

i hope cockroaches eat your eyes out in your sleep tonight

>> No.14801625

Why should we eat things we consider yucky?

I can't eat lobster unless the meat is already taken out for me. Bugs are gross dude.

>> No.14801636

seething zoomie
>Why should we eat things we consider yucky?
why do we make children eat their "yucky" vegetables?

>> No.14801646

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.14801649

>I can't eat lobster unless the meat is already taken out for me.
Soy hands typed this post

>> No.14801657

Only femoids think bugs are disgusting in year 2020. Post tiddies.

>> No.14801672
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Alright, explain to me why fucking an animal is wrong then, and without using the word 'consent'. You don't get to use this word because you don't ask for 'consent' before eating a cow or neutering your dog.

We refrain from things because they're gross. It is the very basis of culture. Simple as.

>> No.14801680

Post mommy milkers you fucking whore

>> No.14801682

ironic bug shilling is still bug shilling you stupid niggers

>> No.14801684

>Alright, explain to me why fucking an animal is wrong then, and without using the word 'consent'.
sex is only for the purpose of procreation and you can't procreate with an animal
fuck off fornicator

>> No.14801688

zoom zoom

>> No.14801692

here we see a very lame attempt at try to equate people who do not eat bugs as being female. this indicates a misogynist attitude.

It also does not work. only a moron would go "ohnoes he called me girl so I must change my ways".

no sorry it does not work that way.

>> No.14801698

Post your tits already roastie

>> No.14801699

Not really but "eww that's yucky" is a pretty decent reason.

>> No.14801703

Post khazar breasticles shekike

>> No.14801707

I eat bugs all the time. Sea Bugs. In Garlic Butter sauce.

>> No.14801715

I’ll leave all the bugs for you, and I’ll keep the steak

>> No.14801717
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>trying to justify gargling so much semen enriched soy milk you can't handle eating into crab legs because EEEWWWWW A BUG

>> No.14801729

Insects are disgusting to eat, dumbass, there's a difference.

There is literally nothing wrong with being misogynist

>> No.14801755

If someone wants to eat insects, I don't really care, my personal reason for not doing it is eww that's yucky. The issue is they want is to force everyone to eat insects and phase out meat.

>> No.14801761
File: 264 KB, 640x730, soy femoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your rack already you stupid vapid whore

>> No.14801769

>noooooo if I eat a single bug drumpf will make meat eating illegal!
Femoid logic at its finest. Post tits.

>> No.14801774

Nothing. I'm just not gonna eat it. The market has spoken.

>> No.14801784

What's with the bug shilling lately? Is it just bored niggers or actual, paid shills to try and normalize eating bugs in western countries?

>> No.14801790

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.14801791

Morally/ethically/nutrion wise/taste wise/money wise/convinient wise???

>> No.14801796

Post milkers.

>> No.14801804

How about snails? Are they on the same level as roaches?

>> No.14801813

No. Bugs are at the point now that fake, vegan meat was 10 years ago. Expect to start seeing them in supermarkets in the next few years, but competing with $1.89 frozen turkey chubs and sausage meat won't be easy for them.

>t. turk that's afraid of being eaten

>> No.14801824

There are people that want to either ban meat or tax it to death, but it's not Drumpf and the Republicans. They don't have any real traction in the States, I'm not sure about Europe and Anza though.

>> No.14801837

I dunno. It kinda seems like a jew scam for first worlders to sell less for more and also is kinda funny americans are having an outrage over this.

>> No.14801908

at some cricket thing in Bangkok, tasted like a fucking Lays chip.

>> No.14802010

/v/-tier thread

>> No.14802199

This is lack of pussy cope

>> No.14802219

ITT: Unironic Kenyans and Malaysians trying to pretend their disgusting bug food is normal

Never gonna happen fellas you can keep your locust burgers

>> No.14802275

Beatiality being bad is a social construct

>> No.14802281

>It's morally and ethically wrong to eat an insect

>> No.14802331

Its poor people food, but there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.14803069

This but only if you then ascend further and stop eating living creatures all together.

>> No.14804059

Long way to write " it's yucky and I'm a child"

>> No.14804382

But that would be regressing to before we figured out we could kill things and gain their powers by eating them

>> No.14804422

I tried baked mealworms at the Philadelphia insectarium on a field trip. One out of three kids to do it. It was actually pretty good. I chose the cheddar flavor. They told me it was like a potato chip and they did not lie.

>> No.14804550
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You already are.
Mostly anythign coloured red in food is Carmine or E120 which is Conchineal

>> No.14804558

I will not eat bugs. i dont care if they taste amazing and will make me like to 150. i will not eat bugs, i will not live in a cube. fuck you

>> No.14804574

Don't worry kiddo, they are making burgers and similar meat lookalikes for you.
They aren't expecting you to just eat straight up locusts out of a bag.

>> No.14804576

>I can't eat lobster unless the meat is already taken out for me.
are you a babby?

>> No.14804656

I'm kinda late to this thread but insects as a source of protein is quite the fascinating topic. When you just look at it objectively, it's a fantastic solution - insects grow and multiply at ridiculous rates compared to mammals or fish and require very little care. There's also no ethical issues since their nervous system is probably not complex enough to translate nociception to pain. Yet, clearly most people in the western world consider it to be disgusting. Clearly there's a cultural aspect to this considering how it is relatively normal in some regions but the feeling of disgust is much deeper than cultural influences. It's a natural instinctive reaction with reasonable origins with insects being vermin and thus connected to carrion (death) and a danger to food supplies (famine). I would suspect that even people from cultures in which insect consumption is normal would probably prefer a piece of beef over an insect patty. I wonder if there's a reason for the development of preference of proper meat in the western culture or if it's a complete accident. Is beef, pork and poultry of higher nutritional quality? Maybe it's easier to identify disease in more complex animals than in a grasshopper that looks to us the same wether it's healthy or infected with parasites. What do you guys think? Is the preference natural or is that just a view I hold because I grew up in western culture?

>> No.14804660

Fuck you up your retarded ass greta, die in a fucking fire.

>> No.14804691

If they really offered those benefits I’d do it in a heartbeat. Why does everybody treat eating bugs as the end of the world?

>> No.14804696

Tbh it is western views.
Like I said earlier I tried mealworms and they were damn good.

I’m far from being a Greta söy boy cuck, but, it objectively is reasonable to eat insects. Good protein. I started eating things made from chickpeas and beans so I might as well try some worms. I like sea bugs, anyway I just looked up if I could get some cheddar worms. I might buy them and make a thread about it some time. I’ll have to wear my stahlhelm and Nintendo 64 shirt while doing it

>> No.14804771

Is it possible to process it and incorporate it into other foods? Like a powder or something?

>> No.14804775

so is chicken

>> No.14804776


>> No.14804782

yes, pasta and bread for example can be made with varying amounts of insect flour instead of grains
the taste was okay

it's simpler and more effective to hunt and kill a pig than to spend entire day scavenging for a handful of bugs
it needs industrial level, then it gets more effective in every way

>> No.14804803

You mean other than the fact that we're not insectivores, and that it's pretty much nothing but population control for the poor while the rich will keep eating actual meat?

>> No.14804810

That's great news then.

>> No.14804857

Not really. Back in some scout camps we'd by limited to 1500 calories or so a day, and a lot of us would catch grasshoppers to eat because all of us were always hungry.

>> No.14804862

Fokken gross, m8

>> No.14804874

They don't taste that great so why bother eating them when there's plenty of better tasting meat available? I'd only eat bugs if I was starving or everything else skyrocketed in price overnight.

>> No.14804896
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i like bugs

>> No.14804900

If you'll eat an insect you'll suck a dick. People who lose their sense of disgust have no moral boundaries. That's why I think if someone eats insects, they should be shot dead.

>> No.14804906
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what if i suck dick but dont eat insects?

>> No.14804912

Hunger is the best spice

>> No.14804916

Will you come suck mine?

>> No.14804925


Thrown off a 4 story building onto concrete.

>> No.14804932
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>> No.14804934

i only fuck people that like shrimp or lobster. sorry.

>> No.14804938

But I do like shrimp and lobster

>> No.14805115

But disgust can be just as retarded as fear. Some people have irrational fears and are disgusted by stupid shit like tomatoes or mushrooms. That's generally considered to be childish. Now with eating insects it seems to be the same thing but on a cultural level. We do eat other arthropods.

>> No.14805131

they don't seem as nutritious unless the only thing you care about is protein content, but you need more than that for optimal health. there's also the issue of chitin basically being like fiber and we can't really digest it.

it seems more like it's done out of necessity for the most part, but if people can choose between insects and meat they seem to want meat instead and there's probably more than just a "eww that's yucky" factor. i'd rather eat lab-grown meat.

>> No.14805173

I just had a dream in which I was in some sci-fi future, where genetically engineered bugs were used for constructing buildings (like upgraded termites)
I was at some cafeteria, trying to eat lunch, but the place was undergoing construction / renovation, and the bugs working on the ceiling kept dropping onto my plate, which was fucking disgusting
I tried to complain, but unfortunately bugs dropping on your plate was considered normal and commonplace, so I just had to throw it out...

weird dream, would not recommend

>> No.14805203

I think insects in a more processed form could be more interesting to many people.

>> No.14805228

like mechanically separated insects? that might be more tolerable but it's basically insect sludge and i don't think we should be holding up more processed food as an ideal thing to work toward.

i read that some insect producers wanted them to be added to animal feed which might actually make for better meat quality though. like how you can see packages of chicken saying "vegetarian-fed!" like that's a good thing. but chickens are natural omnivores.

>> No.14805232

>they don't seem as nutritious unless the only thing you care about is protein content
I mean, that is what most people care about in their food nowadays

>> No.14805237
File: 49 KB, 580x496, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arent grubs high in fat too?

>> No.14805238

I had silkworm pupae once and they genuinely tasted like shit. It was possibly the most repulsive thing I've ever placed in my mouth. Maybe they were cooked badly, I dunno.

>> No.14805251

yeah but that's usually due to a lack of proper knowledge about food. you have some people trying to say broccoli is just as good of a protein source as beef. most people don't have a great grasp on nutrition so we shouldn't use that as the standard on what to do.

>> No.14805339

gymbros really do need a lot of protein though

>> No.14805508

give me a chimpanzee and some time.

>> No.14805542

nah the next step is genetically engineering meat animals with large amounts of muscle and fat, that can be butchered without killing, and can regenerate muscle tissue rapidly.

>> No.14805562

If we can do all that then we can probably produce meat in a way that doesn't involve a living animal at all.

>> No.14805615

I think that would miss the point. You want to get away from relatively costly, inefficient and cruel meat production. Processed foods aren't a problem just because there processed. It depends on what's done to them. Most manufacturers just add tons of shit to clean, flavour and conserve the food they produce. "Insect sludge" would be more akin to minced meet

>> No.14805631

>Regeneration is introduced.
>Focus is on meat production, not medicine.
Gtfo. Genetic engineering won't be the future for meat production. We'll probably go further and further from industrial meat production

>> No.14805634

bugs dont feel pain.

>> No.14805655

I replied to someone who suggested using insects to animal feed to increase meat quality. My point is, that we should aim to get away from traditional farm animals.

>> No.14805669

tits or gtfo bitch

>> No.14806153

if you don't like it, don't eat it. if you do like it, sure go ahead. it's pretty nutritious but not the best food around, especially if fried.

>> No.14806222

When you're eating insects you're also eating their innards that are still full of literal shit

>> No.14806458

Definitely. Dry them or fry them, then vaporize the shit out of them.
But people won't take too kindly to "contains 25% bugs" minced meat.

>> No.14806465

this thread is a jewish psyop. you cant convince me otherwise

>> No.14806500

>cope and seethe

>> No.14806523


even in the third world countries where they eat bugs they're a meme food, woke soyboys just pretend its normal to eat bugs

>> No.14807026

The last star fighter... Terrible movie, but I guess it might be better with a theatre sized tub of crickets.

>> No.14807043

Only the lowest of the low have consumed and subsisted on insects throughout history. More civilized Native Americans hated the tribes that were too stupid to for agriculture and hunting and lived off bugs.

>> No.14807417

cool, but why though? there seems to be no real reason

>> No.14807427

aren't bugs and lobsters, crabs shrimps as closely related to one another as pigs, cows and sheeps are to each other?

>> No.14807433

Look it's fine if you want to eat them, just don't expect me to kiss you on the mouth, or offer you a job, or slow down my car when you are walking across the street.

>> No.14807445


It’s just psychological and evolutionary. Stigma. Same reason people don’t eat dogs. Or rats. Or hell other people. Bugs are “icky” or at the very least off putting. They certainly aren’t appetizing.

>> No.14807778

Because it's paraded around by vegan soy boys because bugs aren't animals

>> No.14807792

Absolutely based take

>> No.14807869

When you eat lobster, crabs and shrimp you can remove the exoskeleton and eat the softy fleshy bits. Bugs are for the most part too small for this to be possible so you have to eat it, exoskeleton and all. You get the unpleasant crunchy bits as well as the organs you'd rather avoid.

>> No.14807889

They eat shit and taste like shit as a result anon.

>> No.14808017

shooting someone dead is disgusting, and you've lost your sense of disgust, which i suppose illuminates your lack of moral boundaries.

>> No.14808021


Bugs are gross and you’re a faggot.

>> No.14808032

I accept your concession of defeat

>> No.14808048

jewish overlords designating insects as appropriate goyim food

>> No.14808063

at least it doesn't taste like pinsol the way beyond meat does

>> No.14808065

I hear ant sauce is really good and interesting. I used to eat ants as a kid, they’re intense

>> No.14808070


Defeat? You’re the mother fucker eating bugs. You are what you eat. You’re a bug homie. Now buzz off.

>> No.14808083

They are entirely different fields of study, there are scientists a plenty in both to make use of the technology.

>> No.14808089

eat shit, you fungus brained mong.

>> No.14809652

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.14809655


>> No.14809715

I'm fine with it. In fact, I like it. I only wish that there were huge bugs out there with actual, real meat to them that you could go out and kill. Just rip a gigantic bug in half with your bare hands and cook it over a fire. Big fucking roasted scorpion claw.

>> No.14809729

>aren't bugs and lobsters, crabs shrimps as closely related to one another
Yes, crustaceans and insects belong to the family of animals known as anthropods. Characteristics of which include a segmented outer exoskeleton or shell.
As to whether they taste similar or not I cannot answer as I have not, either deliberately or to my knowledge, eating any insects.

>> No.14809734


>> No.14809768

There's also nothing wrong with eating a bullet so you should start right now you kike fuck

>> No.14809772

Nope. I won't touch them though. Well willingly that is. I've eaten enough bugs on my runs and cycle rides. But if people want to eat them, more power to them I'd say.

>> No.14809847

the evil people of the world want us locked in cages eating maggot paste fuck that shit

>> No.14809871

Yes. That's why I don't get people who eat lobster and crab being revolted by insects. To me, it's all disgusting.

>> No.14809884

They don't taste good, like pineapple on pizza

>> No.14809889

Arthropods split up 500 million years ago.
They are as related to each other as a pig is to a lamprey.

>> No.14810116

Bugs are neither kosher or halal, so it’s food for white christians only.

>> No.14810127

>i will not live in a cube.
>posted from his own cube

>> No.14810130
File: 189 KB, 1200x826, WLN4N5RXN6MF375T4K7G4FK52U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soft shell crab
>shell, guts and all
>just caught from the ocean eating all kinds of shit

>born and bred on a specialized farm eating fresh foods
*hyperventilates and downs another bottle of Alex Jones's BrainForce™*

>> No.14810136

Nothing wrong, there's just no way to make it appetizing unless you reduce it to a powdered form and then you're getting into processed food to make use of it.

If there were big bugs the size of lobsters with a lot of meat you could get separate from the offal/exoskeleton you'd be good to go. Grubs come close but I've yet to see them look decent outside of deep fried and you can make anything look good deep fried

>Given a choice between insects and meat people will choose meat
Yeah that pretty much says it all, doesn't it. Anyone who isn't shilling for it already knows bug eating is the poor and middle class (What exists at this point) eat bugs, the rich eat meat.

That's been the best solution I've heard. Nobody will mind animals being fed bugs so long as it doesn't result in some mad cow situation, and it would reduce the agricultural footprint on animal feed.

>> No.14810139

No, theyre fine and tasty when you get used to them and prepare them well.
They have a lot of benefits in production and nutritional health as well but im a lazy motherfucker so im not going to find the sources again. Theyre out there.

>> No.14810149

Take your meds.

>> No.14810249

The chicken eggs we eat aren’t fertilized. It only makes women gay.

>> No.14810264

I'm sure our ancestors would be overjoyed that their descendants would have to resort to eating bugs.

>> No.14810269

texture and flavor

>> No.14810275

kill all false dichotomyfags