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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14797530 No.14797530 [Reply] [Original]

>tomato on a burger
cut that shit out.

>> No.14797539

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.14797545

I will not. I only ever eat it with tomato. Can't live without it.

>> No.14797546

>pickles on a burger
also cut that shit out.

>> No.14797548

Trevor, shouldn't be on /biz/ or cleaning up that schizo's mess on your board?

>> No.14797560

One tomato is good.
I don't understand why you'd want two.

>> No.14797565
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This except with red onion

>> No.14797570
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>Caramelized bun
>Huge slab of meat
>American Cheese melted to perfection

>> No.14797572

Pickles I can somewhat agree with but only if you're not making it yourself. Most of the pickles used in restaurants, even the good ones, are acrid shit. Use good-tasting pickles, and then it's fine.

>> No.14797583

Dutch cafetaria
burger,lettuce,cucumber,tomato,onion(raw) mayonaise,curry (sweet red sticky sauce

I always take out the tomato and cucumber, No offence if you see me do it, And asking to not put them on = no ingredients or they forget it.

>> No.14797597

none pickles ever

>> No.14797603

part of the problem is, if you're a citizen of burgerland like I am, apparently we've been eating the shittiest ass tomatos in the world all our lives without realizing it which is why we hate them so much

>> No.14797605
File: 2.48 MB, 1748x2480, __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_sasoura__70d0bd742b43fbf1a9b22fd5f0bd095b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomato on borgar is polarizing to me
if it's a good fresh tomato that's sweet and can hold its shape after slicing, that's good
but most fast food (besides in n out) serve absolute trash tomatoes

>> No.14797610

>anything except mustard, ketcup and cheese

Cut that shit out

>> No.14797612


>> No.14797648

burgers without vegebatles are disgusting

>> No.14797653

tomato is not a vegebatle

>> No.14797654

you know what i meant you little redditor come over here and get spanked

>> No.14797658


>> No.14797808

lettuce gets too soggy.

>> No.14797813


>> No.14797826


>> No.14797849 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 659x1024, here i am like a hurricane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr lemme post an anime image with nothing on-topic in it
Does this look like /a/ or /jp/ to you, nigger? Fuck off and go back to your chinese cartoon containment boards.

>> No.14797877

>banana on that burger.
Here in America we put burgers on our burgers. Greatest country on earth.

>> No.14797892

I hate him because hes a weeb

>> No.14797894

anime website...

>> No.14797898
File: 13 KB, 368x294, 1523168522273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a reaction image newfag

tomato on burgs is just overpowering.

>> No.14797903
File: 5 KB, 170x214, father.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you just say?

>> No.14797906

Respond with food images weebo

>> No.14797932

Well sure when the only burgers you ever tasted was shit from mc dicks yeah I could see why you would be grossed out by actual freshness in a burger.
Sad but comprehensible.

>> No.14797953
File: 273 KB, 330x397, asfasfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is good on a burger.... everything except a pinaple

>> No.14798019

so based

>> No.14798214

*angry voice*

>> No.14798571
File: 33 KB, 500x335, based burger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut that shit out
you mean the burger?

>> No.14798602

Kill yourself.

>> No.14798625


I will slap your face with my erect penis.

>> No.14798792

This but with pepperjack plus mushrooms and a little diced garlic sautéed together

>> No.14798807

Too bad it's delicious and you're a tastelet otherwise you wouldn't be making this shit thread.

>> No.14798821

You think thats bad, Australians like to put beetroot in burgers.

>> No.14798828


Sorry, this is the correct way to do it

>> No.14798832

why are americans so picky...
i would never take my sandvich apart cause of some vegetable

>> No.14798852

Respond with your corpse hanging from a noose, faggot.

>> No.14798859

Go eat your fucking cabbage soup, faggot.

>> No.14798864


>> No.14798877
File: 53 KB, 400x388, 400x400-veggie-tales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14798879

No one here is even old enough to get your shitty ATHF joke.

>> No.14798886

have sex

>> No.14799113
File: 135 KB, 960x720, cookout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, also the tomatoes are usually cut way to thick, one nice thin slice between 1/8" and 1/4" inch can really wake up the bacon flavor if you put them next to each other.

Bacon Cheese Burger:
>top bun
>mustard & ketchup on bun
>optional iceberg lettuce & thinly sliced onion
>thin tomato slice
>mustard & ketchup on bun
>bottom bun

beef should be 73/27, patties should 1/3 pound and formed into a round and flat similar to the bottom bun but slightly larger around to account for shrinkage, i should be cooked on a wood charcoal barbecue and flipped only once.

>> No.14799161

>i should be cooked on a wood charcoal barbecue and flipped only once.
get out of here with your fetish shit

>> No.14799171

You are not cute.

>> No.14799240

>the shittiest web site on the internet... 4chan
>that says 4channel

>> No.14799604

Tomatos need to he fresh and not mush

Pickles need to be crisp, and sour/dilly, a sweet pickle has no place on a burger, mcdonalds actually has a perfect burger pickle in my opinion

>> No.14799631

>Animu on the food and cooking board.
Cut that shit out.

>> No.14800500

Big agree
I dunno if it's cause they use crap tomatoes or what. But they always retract from the burger experience

>> No.14800505

Hate tomatoes.
Hate pickles.
Get em out of my fucking burger.

>> No.14800509

I like the juices but I hate the slice so I usually end up taking off the tomato

>> No.14800520

>nobody knows you're a cow on the internet...nobody

>> No.14800521

This is why ordering proper hamburgers the lettuce and tomato comes on the side

>> No.14800557


>> No.14800596
File: 79 KB, 600x600, large_4e34922a-5b90-4bff-b0b2-ca1d56349be3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put these on your burger

>> No.14800794

if you have no reasoning or explanation besides the fact that you just don't like it please just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND RESERVE YOUR TASTE TO YOURSELF and leave the rest of us to enjoy our tomatoes on our borgars

>> No.14800801

t. pickle

>> No.14800816

Fucking wrong

Raw onion is the only correct answer

>> No.14800835

How about, you enjoy your food in the manner you prefer, and I shall do likewise. Take you authoritarian attitude, and stuff it, along with a large tomato, up that dark space behind you, where you keep your head warm.

>> No.14800838

Fuck off fence sitter have an opinion

>> No.14800846

My opinion is that you're fucking retarded, retard.

>> No.14800857


thick bread & butter pickles are great on burgs

>raw onion
charred vidalia onions only, please.

>> No.14800860

no u

>> No.14800880

Just eat a whopper you weeb.

>> No.14800923

No. Fuck no. Nothing sweet belongs on a burger. You want the acidity of salty pickles to cut the fatty flavours

>> No.14800972


>> No.14801310

>eats noodles filled with Monosodium glutamate
>can't stand natural sources of glutamate
what did the tranny mean by this?