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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14796295 No.14796295 [Reply] [Original]

>tastes like fuckin garbage
>gives you a headache

What's the appeal?

>> No.14796305
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a thread died for this bait

>> No.14796308

It doesnt taste like garbage or give me a headache. Something must be wrong with u, OP.

>> No.14796331

Yeah, I remember tasting beer for the first time

>> No.14796335
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It doesn't have one. People only drink because others do it.

>> No.14796348

It tastes amazing and makes you feel literally euphoric. Stop being such a fucking pleb.

>> No.14796355

it tastes like fuckin garbage
gives you a headache
stop being such a fucking subhuman

>> No.14796377

Sounds like you need a beer.

>> No.14796379

No I don't cause it tastes like shit

>> No.14796387

>t. asian

>> No.14796401

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.14796404

u sound cute, post feet

>> No.14796407


>> No.14796408

must be nice to live life without stress that requires coping with

>> No.14796413

I have a few friends that share your view on beer. They're all skinny lanklets with social anxiety.

>> No.14796422

>buy cheap ass beer made by a corporate committee, with the goal of maximizing quater to quater profits
>tastes like ass, gives you a headache
>complain on a Somalian boat building word exchange

>> No.14796423

I was once a skinny lanklet with social anxiety, but then I started drinking beer. :^D))

>> No.14796527

There are healthier ways to deal with stress. May I recommend actually learning how to cook if you don't already know? Also meditation is nice.

>> No.14796535

la de fuckin' da, fruitcake
how about you teach me how to suck the biggest dicks since you seem like an expert

>> No.14796544
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Class is in session, but you may find the work too stressful, Anon. No alcohol on my campus.

>> No.14796556
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>> No.14796557

I only drink beef during NFL season but thats because while watching the game, I enjoy mixed nuts, the nuts and beer fill me up enough that I dont need to leave the room to cook food and the beer gets me tipsy enough by the third quarter that Im enjoying myself, but not drunk enough that I won’t be able to go to work if its a Thursday night game.

Otherwise I agree, I would much rather wine or a cocktail with a meal. Although arguably, a beer with some light diner food like fried fish/chicken or a burger sounds like it would work.

>> No.14796563



You niggers know what I mean

>> No.14796580

Yeah, man, I always chug around 10 pounds of raw beef whenever the games on.

>> No.14796588

>makes you fat
Thats the worst, miss me with that shit I dont wanna grow old to be a beer bellied abomination

>> No.14796595
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>I only drink beef during NFL season
>You niggers know what I mean

Yes, we do.

>> No.14796607

Based af

>> No.14796645
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>> No.14796712

>large volume
>light buzz

Perfect for socializing.

>> No.14796722

Only boring people need a buzz going in order to socialize.

>> No.14796738
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I remember being barely 21 and not knowing a whole lot about beer.

You need to look around bro. Germany makes some of the best beer in the world. There's also plenty of lighter beers you can try if you're not into the heavy ABV/IBUs. You need to try different types of beer before just taking a giant shit on all beer drinkers.

>> No.14796749

I don't think you're an authority on who qualifies as boring.

>> No.14796757
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I need the buzz to stand the drivel of boring people. Also I'm a racist so of course I will always drink beer.

>> No.14796765

>The alchololies are thinned skinned
The beer gut is just for show huh?

>> No.14796797

I hate women

>> No.14796802

Don't worry, I'm sure they hate you too.

>> No.14796813

Holy based. Cheers.

>> No.14796818


>> No.14797661
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nothin like a cold beet after mowing the lawn brother

>> No.14797674

bet you like jizz on the reg

>> No.14797687

Who are you trying to impress? Your boyfriend?

>> No.14797815

Some taste better than others, ranging from pissy water like am*rican ones to holy nectar of the gods. The only ones you could make an argument for tasting bad are some homebrewn ones by faggots who think theyre special and add random shit to them. Also dark stouts are kind of like liquorice in that they're an acquired taste.
All alcohol gives you a hangover if you drink too much so how is this an argument? Just don't get fucking wasted.

>> No.14797834

>gives you a headache
you might actually be allergic to something in beer if it gives you a headache

>be celiac
>even low gluten ppm beers give headaches/brain fog

>> No.14797899

LMAO holy smokes!!!

>> No.14797923

Trying and doing are 2 different things my guy. I'm impressing your boyfriend, and I'm doing an excellent job at it.

>> No.14797926

I'm sorry your friends made fun of you for being a bitch but that doesn't warrant taking up space on the board like this. Think about what you've done and take a lap, big guy.

>> No.14797933

dumb lmaoposter

>> No.14798029

Drink something other than American adjunct lagers. Try an imperial stout or a dark Belgium ale.

>> No.14798047

makes me forget that I feel like shit

>> No.14798443

You'll understand once you get a job and friends, faggot OP

>> No.14798504

It gives me a headache too. I've tried all different kinds. Regular booze, wine, literally any other type of alcohol doesn't give me a headache, ever.

>> No.14798576

my dad unironically did this to me today. Pissed me off, thought I know he was just interested inthe game itself.

Yes, I'm 27.

>> No.14798931

Only beer I enjoy are wheat beers.

>> No.14798943

You use alc to deal with stress?
Hope you don't spread your weak genes.

>> No.14798989

>white men are racist because niggers and women don't care about craft beer

>> No.14799010

Most of the time I tried beer it would always have this awful bready taste that I fucking hated. The only one I remember liking was this one called guinness that had more of a coffee taste. I'd be down to drink more beer similar to that.

>> No.14799175

I never drank yet, but Guinness has always looked like it was tasty

>> No.14799222

Id understand if you criticize beer for it's calorie content to alcohol ratio but these "criticisms" are just you being a tastelet and a pussy.

>> No.14799232

I hate that kind of beer but there is a shit ton of it out there for you (stouts)

>> No.14799287

I can drink to that haha sieg heil

>> No.14799293

It tastes good and makes you feel good ontop of that. The headache is only if you drink too much.

>> No.14799307

it distracts/numbs you to the pain of life

>> No.14799357

It never gave me a headache because i'm not a lightweight faggot, but i do agree on the fact that it tastes fucking awful. It's a mix between bitter and rancid and there's no alcoholic beverage that tastes worse.

>> No.14799382

Imagine not being able to acquire a taste for beer. What a fucking worthless life. Stick to baby food.

>> No.14799402

Gotta adult and socialize anon :)

>> No.14799551
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>Imagine not being able to acquire a taste for beer. What a fucking worthless life. Stick to baby food


>> No.14799565

Its annoying but if he dies tomorrow youre gonna regret not playing with him.

>> No.14799570

give it to women and they get loosy goosy and you may FUCK THEM

>> No.14799572

My dad really gets into it whenever I shootan or racing game. He doesn't play games at all, but had a fun time with my vr/wheel setup.

>> No.14799583

Even on blueboards you need to be 18

>> No.14799589

The biggest problem with it is that you can never have just one.

If I just have one or two pints I just get sleepy and feel weird. If I start, I have to keep drinking until I'm too tired to drink anymore.

>> No.14799745


>> No.14799769

Beer is for men, not for faggots.

Says a lot about you, doesn' t it?

>> No.14799804

I agree. Alcohol is for weak people who can't muster up courage to be more social or people who are afraid of being alone with their thoughts or people who lack willpower to make it through bad times.

Alcohol is the ultimate cope. Anyone trying to refute this is mentally weak.

>> No.14799812

It's funny because it's always dorks with no social life who say stuff like this.

>> No.14799829

Funny it's almost as if all weak people gather at bars and anything that revolves around drinking.

Just cause you do something in a group setting doesn't mean it's good for you. You let yourself be surrounded by people who need a cope for so long you can't function without the cope anymore.

I feel sorry for you addicts.

>> No.14799846

Holy based. Fuck these alcoholics.

>> No.14799851

I wish I had friends: the post

>> No.14799860

You do realize friendships exist without the cope alcohol. Have you ever tried having a actual hobby or meeting people in a setting that wasn't a party? Oh I forgot, you don't go to events that don't have alcohol because you have zero personality unless the fire consumes you. If it doesn't, it's "boring". Ok, keep a bottle of alcohol up your ass everywhere you go, addict.

>> No.14799868

I had six beers last night and I feel fine AMA.

>> No.14799870

I bet you can easily "muster up courage to be more social", huh?
oh wait, you actually just spend your free time pretending to be superior to other people on a korean puppetry forum...

>> No.14799877

Dang bro, you really btfo'd me. I'm done here - gonna cook myself breakfast and read my books until my other friends wake up. Enjoy your 9 am beer, faggot.

>> No.14799891

Yeah didn't like beer myself until i was 35 or so, still it's drinkable but if it didn't get me drunk i would never touch it :D

>> No.14799897

Do cartoon characters sleep?

>> No.14799904

Not that OP, but you really have embarrassing comebacks.

>> No.14800146

I used to love vodka and hate beer, but then i drunk
myself unconcious one time with vodka and drunk like 50+ beers since and now i hate vodka and drink beer every day before or during school, its comfy as fuck.
Im 18 and Polish, we drink early here

>> No.14800149
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You must be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.14800153

You heard it here OP, the appeal is that people saw their dad drinking it so they drink it themselves to be big boy adults

>> No.14800165

Drink imports

>> No.14800175

maybe the first time, but after you get drunk one time you get the appeal, unlike with cigs which only get appealing after your already addicted

>> No.14800195

>enjoyed the taste of cigs first time I smoked one
>never got addicted and have the same pack for over 6 months
Maybe my tastebuds are just dead.

>> No.14800230

I too enjoy a cold beet. I like em raw and crunchy.

>> No.14800236

I smoke a couple times a year whenever im drunk on a party and someone offers me one, but even when im shitfaced i hate them and can barely finish one, but i like the ritual and intimate conversations on the balcony. Never even wanted to buy a pack for myself

>> No.14800246

Stouts and porters like Guinness tend to have a coffee or chocolate flavor because the malt is roasted in the same way as coffee and cocoa beans. Guinness is the lightest flavored stout I've ever had but it's still pretty good. If you wanna try a very similar one with a more robust flavor look for Murphy's Irish Stout.

>> No.14800253

I would take a Guinness over a Coke any day

Never really understood the hype about soft drinks

>> No.14800260

spirits > non-alcoholic beverages >>> wine > beer

>> No.14800280

Makes socializing easier.
I don't drink beer, but when I do get drunk, I always drink plenty of water before bed. Wake up with zero hangover

>> No.14800308

I never smoked but when I'm around a smoker I enjoy the secondhand
Tastes kinda vanillay sometimes

>> No.14800313


>> No.14800315

Funniest thing about this incel whining is that I don't even drink, lol.

>> No.14800336

Stop drinking shitty cheap beer, if you spend a bit more you can get some that's actually good.

>> No.14800372

It's part of growing up faggot. It doesn't have to taste good, as long as it sends the right signals.

>> No.14800416

>just keep drinking bro it's an acquired taste

How about you stop defending giving stockholm syndrome to your tongue?
If something tastes bad just don't eat it retard

>> No.14800530

It is an acquired taste as are most foods consumed by adults. This is the reason most of us grew out of gummy bears and consume vegetables.
Also nobody is forcing you to stop being a manchild. You can keep having your choccy milky freely.

>> No.14800539

>I hate whiskey
>I hate beer
>I hate licorice
>I hate onions
>I hate strong cheese
tastelet phrases that immediately out you as a child.

>> No.14800588

OMG!! Jarren. Have you tried the new Screaming Armadillo Triple IPA infused with fair ttade saffron? My wife's bull gave me permission to have a night out with the guys and i tried it.

Depends on what beer you're drinking, you enormous faggot.

>> No.14800598
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it's one of those things that are actually awful but you keep doing it until you convince yourself you like it. beer had it's place in the ancient times when it was hard to store and transport potable water and also get some quick calories. nowadays it's for alcoholics lying to themselves.

>> No.14800604

>if you don't like eating and drinking shit you're not mature

peak cope
plenty of good food that's not sweets and epic choccy cartoon garbage
if you want to eat shit good for you my man, just stop trying to rationalize it

>> No.14800654

All of the non drinkers in this thread are under 18 or friendless losers. Or both.

>> No.14800659

except hes right
im just 18 and i used to hate beer 1-2 years ago but ive drunk so much of it i love it now, and its my favourite alcoholic drink

>> No.14800665
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congratulations, you ate shit until you started liking eating shit
some of us just rather avoid shit altogether

pic related

>> No.14800674


>> No.14800781
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If you think that's awful wait until you try this, It's so awful you have to mix it with 70%+ coke to be tolerable (it still tastes bad).

>> No.14800789

it never gave me headache

>> No.14800858

alcohol dont taste very good but once you get used to it and you add the psychoactive effect into the equation this shit is amazing, you tastlets need to grow up

>> No.14800892

you are wrong. fernet is great, prefer underberg tho

>> No.14800975

It doesn't taste like shit to us because we don't have children palates, that's the whole point, manchild faggot.

>> No.14800994

By your "logic", vegetables and seafood are "shit" because children dislike them. Sorry to hear you still have the taste buds of a child, subhuman.

>> No.14801004

>H-hehe you're just an underaged kiddo, you'll get it when you grow up ;)))))
Biggest alcoholic cope there is

>> No.14801109

anon, people really genuinely develop a liking to more bitter foods over time, not just alcohol

>> No.14801272

i'm absoluttely blasted right now

>> No.14801286

me too anon, i was just at a family event, ate like 6000 calories had 2 beers and 4 glasses of wine, all for free and my aunts even gave me money
lifes good

>> No.14801367

Is it good for gut flora and ADHD ?

>> No.14801380

get drunk and see
it sure helps with anxiety tho

>> No.14801409

I usually drink alcohol free beer, it's delicious with savoury snacks

Every now and then I also enjoy a regular beer, it's quite nice to get a buzz after only a pint

>> No.14801415

i like beer but why drink 0% beer?
Its not the best tasting thing in the world, theres so many other delicous things you can drink instead

>> No.14801437


No idea, I just love some 0% beer while eating some chips after coming home from work

Otherwise I drink a can of Paulaner Spezi

>> No.14801466

there is actually good beer though if you aren't an overexposed little bitch who eats nothing but candy

drinking black coffee for a few years helped me notice so much more complexity in different beers, especially IPAs and more bitter stuff

>> No.14801577

a travis scott meal thread died for this

>> No.14801994
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>The amount of no personality alcoholics on this board seething at people calling them out
Cope harder. The neurotoxin you drink is not a substitute for an actual good time with actual good people. You only drink because of peer pressure, and because you are miserable but don't want to do anything about it.

>> No.14802002

i cope with hard liquor
beer should've been left behind in the 19th century

>> No.14802029


if you buy shit like bud light of course it's gonna taste like piss

>> No.14802041

I drink alone so the peer pressure argument is invalid. I'm miserable but that has nothing to do with my drinking.

>> No.14802048

>falling for the b8

>> No.14802087

>I'm miserable but that has nothing to do with my drinking
Never said people like you were. You drink as a crutch for a weakness in your willpower. I can tell you as someone who used another addiction to cope with stress, it doesn't do you any favors to indulge heavy in a substance, or any addiction.

>> No.14802094

>who used another addiction to cope with stress
Anon, we already knew you gargled cocks on the reg, you didn't need to spell it out.

>> No.14802121
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Nah, but at least you turned any offers to suck dick Even though the only reason you gave to turn them down was "I can't get wasted on cum."

>> No.14802130
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I can't decode your garble, ESL faggot. Are you sure you're okay to post with that dick in your mouth?

>> No.14802149

It's much easier to type with blood going to your penis, than being drunk and beating your kids. I'm good.

>> No.14802154

Whar are some good 0% beers?

I've only tried a 0 Heineken and that doesn't taste great with or without the alc

>> No.14802161
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At least you admitted it, faggot.

>> No.14802170
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Fags don't beat children as often as alcoholics. That's a win in sobriety's book.

>> No.14802184
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A beaten child still contributes to society, which is 100% more than your nonexistent children, cum-gargler. Kill yourself.

>> No.14802214
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I am a strong and interdependent One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater, and I deserve more respect. I have pumped out many more children than you will ever have, and non of them will grow up with brain damage from me beating them, so they won't become alcoholics.

>> No.14802265
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Drink german beer and you will chance your mind

>> No.14802891

this thread is a big yikes but it's the most undergrad thing ever

idk what to say, I was the same until I tried it from a tap, and it was then that I understood Homer Simpson and how he just licks off the foam all satisfied

>> No.14803035

It's funny how all the posts you attribute to "ESL" posters always either are grammatically sound or just have a typo while yours invariably bear grammatical errors. You probably think your English is good and try to LARP as a native speaker but fail at it, LOL.

>> No.14804063
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soybeanoil boys drink it because they're supposed to

>> No.14804094

Yeah I don't really get the obsession people have with beer either
I've tried plenty, some are just about alright, most are straight up shit
None are anywhere near as good as some people will have you believe
Do these people have beer-Stockholm syndrome or something like that

>> No.14804894

This while thread is more applicable to coffee than beer

>> No.14804914
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I wish it did taste like garbage. I would be easier to overcome my alcoholism. Hell, I am drinking beer right now.

>> No.14804947

Now you're fat

Keep drinking beef dumbass


All of you are fucking dumb and have no taste. The only alcoholic drink worthy of consumption is VODKA. If you can't drink vodka and prefer beer, THEN YOU ARE A MORON.

>> No.14804951

Kys beer shill

>> No.14805018

You're the subhuman if drinking a beer gives you a headache

>> No.14805211

Chimay Blue or Sint Bernardus or Schneider Weiss or Pilsner Urquell is good stuff. Stop drinking bad beer.

>> No.14805233

It's fun to be drunk

>> No.14805326

The hell is with zoomers? I started drinking when I was 12 and loved my first beer (Guinness). Now I’m 33 and I still love beer, would like to get into making my own but it looks like it can be difficult to get a good brew.

>> No.14805356

he knew what was gonna happen, he even tried to prevent it
poor guy

>> No.14805358

not everyone lives in western europe

>> No.14805984

you can buy that shit at any true liquor store

>> No.14806082

Nobody carries you sad alcoholic, so what if young people don’t want to poison themselves with bread water? Also if you are telling the truth that’s really fucking depressing, you spent over 1/2 your life drinking alcohol since you were a child, I fear for your organs.

>> No.14806154

Yeah but how many people live close to a beer shop?

>> No.14806275

beer is good OP

>> No.14806326

no it isn't

>> No.14806335

Stop throwing malted barley, hops and yeast into your temperature controlled garbage.

>> No.14806369

it makes sex with unattractive women more enjoyable

>> No.14806388

But I like guiness

>> No.14806685

it honestly does taste shitty, dude. the few times i drink beer, i mix in some strong vodka so it at least gets me fucked fast. its not something to drink for taste. if anyone actually enjoys the taste of beer, something is wrong with their head

>> No.14806788

I'm 36 and recently dropped shit beer for acoholic spritzer. I do still like a proper beer though.

The shite bottom barrel is fucked

>> No.14806920

I saw a post from a brewery near me saying less than 25% of people in the craft beer industry are black. Less than 25% of the American population is black. What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.14807021

Nothing in his post indicates he is an alcoholic, you sad virgin. For all you know, he could have a glass per week.

>> No.14807951

Neurotypicals need beer as a excuse to get drunk and be quirky without getting a diagnosis in the process, a act that can be done without consequences for people who are autistic, because they can't get double diagnosed.

>> No.14808661

>tastes like garbage
>gives me a headache
Just like my wife!

>> No.14809791

Men who don't like beer are almost always petty manchildren, it's the easiest tell ever I've never met a dude who hated beer that wasn't mentally stunted in some way or just an incel virgin neet

>> No.14810105
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I used to be of this opinion and would defend it vehemently. Turns out you just have to keep on drinking beer regularly and you'll eventually start to find the taste tolerable, then pleasant and then delicious for some specific types (for me it's black beer).
Beer is the epitome of acquired taste.

>> No.14810295

>Now you're fat
That's the joke.

>> No.14810327

Wew lad, this site is 18+.

>> No.14810345

Bought the last 6 pack of Miller high life (glass bottles) at heb yesterday because I kept seeing it shilled on ck and it was the last one in the store. What am I in for?

>> No.14810373

the bitterness pairs nicely with fatty foods.
fuck off tastelet.

>> No.14810379

>tastes like fuckin garbage
>"nice" anything

fuck off tastelet

>> No.14810397

i don't really understand the appeal of beer or any other alcohol for that matter.
honestly it all tastes like expired fruit.
milkshakes are much better, rather drink milkshake calories than beer/whatever calories.
and yeah, i've tried multiple types of beer, from czech/slovak beers to austrian, german, spanish, whatever. it all just tastes and smells like the same utter shit.

>> No.14810421

Shit. Miller High Life is trash but it is cheap. You got played, son.

>> No.14810486

Wheat and blond beers are always what I imagined or "wanted" beers to taste like growing up. Bready, yeasty, slightly sweet. Incredibly refreshing.

>> No.14810775

Have you ever then hung out with those people after whatever activity united you was over and they all started getting drunk? Or do you just quickly leave?

>> No.14810788

high life is liquid kino, exc

>> No.14810870

Yea we hang out all the time. They aren't drunkards so they just go for a pint and we just talk all night. I get myself a nice cold soda if they don't make non-alcoholic drinks but I love bitter ginger and lemons mixed together.

I'd never hang out with people who need supervision when it comes to drinking - aka being the designated one. Like all those gay commercials say, drink responsibly... Or don't drink at all.

>> No.14812323

Buying booze someone else made is peak pleb behavior.

>> No.14812343


Either underage or subhuman chink

>> No.14813224

Clout with the normalfags.

>> No.14813230
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I think it tastes OK

>> No.14813348
File: 45 KB, 500x375, fineman has seen it all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd feel sorry for guys who can't enjoy a good beer if they weren't all complete faggots.

>> No.14813357
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>> No.14813396

it taste like bitter rotten barley. I never have figured out why people like it so much and I spent 2 years in college trying to acquire a taste for it.When I left college I stopped drinking it for a year and when I tried to drink it again it tasted worse then when I first tried it.

>> No.14813423

You are drinking shit cheap beers or have the pallate of a kid.

>> No.14813429

>he doesn't know about beefy drink
Never gonna make it

>> No.14813431

>pallate of a kid.
why thank you! you just said I have the ability to taste and smell things that you probably can't. which is true.

>> No.14813444

>he posts anime

>> No.14813473

>drink dogshit natty light and PBR at frat parties
>"wtf all beer sucks"
Pinhead dipshit

>> No.14813484

you assume much young one, you have no idea what I have tried. not one beer ever has made me go "I'd like a second one of those!".

>> No.14813491

Depends how your ADHD manifests. My concentration is absolutely terrible, I lose track of sentences halfway through reading them and have to repeat over and over, and I can hardly ever complete a task without forgetting a crucial detail due to this fogginess that's in my head and my thoughts going everywhere at once, and I find just one beer or two really slows me down and helps me focus.

>> No.14813492

This, beer is so fucking varied in types and flavors that there is literally something for everyone and any spaz that writes off beer entirely because they had a miller once and didn't like it is a big fucking baby

>> No.14813502

If you drank beer a lot in college you almost certainly have only had trash macros or hipster IPAs, it's a tale as old as time and you aren't special

>> No.14813512

whatever you say kid, just eat the veggies ok?

>> No.14813525
File: 35 KB, 564x823, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you drank beer a lot in college you almost certainly have only had trash macros or hipster IPAs, it's a tale as old as time and you aren't special

>> No.14813530

>doesn't have the genes to properly digest alcohol
>calling anyone else subhuman

>> No.14813532

>wojak posting midwit hates beer
Not surprised in the least

>> No.14813545
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>hurr durr, if you dislike brer, you are midwit

>> No.14813557

You're right, midwit is soundly overestimating your level of intelligence.

>> No.14813558

You have to be 18 to post on 4channel.org

>> No.14813573

Chefs are the biggest drug addicts on the planet

>> No.14813614

do you actually have any evidence to back that statement up or are you just rambling on with your schizophrenic conspiracies like some /x/tard

>> No.14813658

No I just have anecdotes of us all being on something. Personally I used adderall.

>> No.14813691

Beer is trash. Yes that means ur shitty dark german ales too. Wine and mid/top shelf liquor are the only alcohol worth drinking

t. had sex last night and came in her mouth

>> No.14813705
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>came in her mouth

>> No.14813728

I'm a 30 yr old boomer but nice try nigger

>> No.14813746

you are a massive faggot if you are 30 years old and you can only bring yourself to come inside of a girls mouth instead of just unloading in her pussy

>> No.14813772

Did that with my gf when she was on birth control. Bad idea lads. Unironically too high test/potent bros....

>> No.14813834
File: 64 KB, 600x616, 1591310278315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jack Frost

>> No.14813858

Have you ever even had sex? If a bitch knows what she's doing mouth feels 10x better than pussy. You never had a chick hoover the head of your cock while massaging your balls as you drain 2 weeks worth of load down her throat? You'll feel like you don't have a bone left in your body. Virgin loser.

>> No.14813865

dude, you are a closet homo if you think a mouth feels better than pussy, its ok, you can come out of the closet

>> No.14813875

I just had two tins of Guinness, and I thought it was quite nice. You have to stop though, and not at 6 because you have a 6 pack. You stop at 2.

>> No.14813878

Fuck you I make 100k/year and have 2 Aryan sons. Goddamn right i would fuck a trap too ain't no closet here. Log off for the night kid, men are talking

>> No.14813883

Not all beers were created for your pallet. You probably don't even know how to pair them with a steak vs fish dinner. Faggot

>> No.14813891

>willingly admitting you would engage in homosex
>calling yourself a "man"
you need help buddy

>> No.14813895

I'm sorry your gf is a stretched out ho

>> No.14813899

I would fuck you in the ass and make you call me daddy, now shut up before I slap you

>> No.14813911 [DELETED] 

I would literally flay your torso open and dump piping hot oil directly over your vital organs if you ever made an advance like that on me IRL, faggots like you should be killed in broad daylight

>> No.14813933

LOL nice larp I could literally spit on your wife's face in public and you would look at your shoes. Worm.

>> No.14813945

An anon forum and you still delete your post, just kill yourself

>> No.14813969

who are you talking to?

>> No.14813988

Do these fucking people come out of an assembly line? Do they lack self awareness when they all make this stupid fucking face or do they lean into it "ironically" because they know it's a meme? I think soyjak is forced unfunny garbage but I'm constantly reminded that the exact type of person it mocks actually exists.

>> No.14814319

I'll admit, I've only ever had anything alcoholic when I was like thirteen during a new year's celebration or some shit like that (I'm essentially self-employed so I don't have business drinks). And that one time I had it, it tasted like fucking shit. Sour as all hell and without any fizzle or spark to it. What's the appeal? Was I too young to taste it?

>> No.14814907

I've never made beer but I make hard cider all the time, it's good for beginners because it's so easy. You just pour brewing yeast into apple juice and sit on it for a couple weeks, comes out tasting light and tart and ~7%abv (if you use a yeast rated that high, some are designed to die off at lower abv).
The most labor intensive parts of the process are washing your brewing equipment beforehand and transferring it to another bucket after it finishes fermenting so it can mellow out and clarify away from the dead yeast that'll accumulate on the bottom of the first bucket. I use a siphon but I've heard you can buy brewing buckets with spigots that also work.

>> No.14814971

Some doesn't taste bad and some people like the bad taste. I'm sure someone will get as upset as you're hoping they will in this thread. Good luck.

>> No.14815471

vodka is proof of the cultural inferiority of the slav

>> No.14815521

Holy fucking based