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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14790042 No.14790042 [Reply] [Original]

You should not ever order a ""'"secret menu""" item. At best, you'll get an eyeroll and sigh from the cashier, at worst you'll be told to fuck right off and order something that's on the board. The only people who order this shit regularly are teenage girls and flaming homos, and the occasional self-important reddit fag. If you have any respect for yourself you just don't do this shit.
I always used to make these 'people' feel absolutely retarded for trying to order off menu. Even if I knew what they meant. The fucking menu exists for a reason, order from it or go home and cook. I would give people my most confused look and slowly say how we didnt have anything like that. When they insisted they had heard it was on the secret menu, I would always tell them I wasn't sure what they meant. After all, the entire menu is posted behind me. Some of my coworkers would always say stuff like "Tell me what's in it so I can ring it in" but I wouldn't. I loved seeing the frustration and embarrassment as these fat middle aged rednecks and shithead kids had to pull out their phones, surf the web to find the item again, and then read it back to me. An even greater satisfaction when they asked for an ingredient we clearly didn't have and I got to tell them that. Or if something was discontinued, I would always say things like, "Oh, I don't think we've had that item since 2008.. "
So fuck you. Don't be a colossal retard and embarrass yourself in front of a wagie. Just ask for a fucking strawberry frappuccino with caramel and toffee nut, don't be the fucking nigger demanding a Captain Crunch frappe that you KNOW you saw on Facebook.

>> No.14790062

High effort, tl;dr.

>> No.14790067

I didn't read it but I'm assuming it's an angry burger king employee. I don't care OP I'm still going to order rodeo burgers

>> No.14790240

>Just ask for a fucking strawberry frappuccino with caramel and toffee nut, don't be the fucking nigger demanding a Captain Crunch frappe
Of course you're a Starbucks employee. Shut up and do what I tell you, wagie. If you don't like it, get a real degree.

>> No.14790242

>The only people who order this shit are...flaming homos, and the occasional self-important reddit fag

So the userbase of this website should order this stuff, got it.

>> No.14790255

ITT: newfagarinos

>> No.14790259

op is a colossal faggot blogposter but also correct on every point

>> No.14790272

didn't you understannd the point of the story? he's not going to do what you tell him

desu OP I think you're bitching to the wrong audience

>> No.14790306

OP is not a flaming faggot for once.

>> No.14790357
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>> No.14790359

Why is BK retarded?

>> No.14790368
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>can I have a mcgangbang

>> No.14790375

It's not our fault that you choose to embarrass yourself for living.

>> No.14790376

tl;dr op needs to find a career

>> No.14790380

im still gonna try to order mexican pizzas

>> No.14790390

Just regular one.

>> No.14790395

>t. NEET

>> No.14790397
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>orders secret menu item
Nothing personnel, wagie

>> No.14790402

Ok but in return when I get a standard menu item, it should be done right and done quickly.

>> No.14790701


>> No.14790716

I read the first few sentences before I realized how autistic you were. Go to in n out and order a 3 by 3 and watch them “eyeroll” and tell you to “order off the menu”. I guarantee it won’t happen.

As usual, this autist coped himself into believing secret menus weren’t real because he unironically went into McDonald’s and asked for a mcgangbang and they secretly came in his sauce

>> No.14790739

Haha look at that cat dancing

>> No.14790769
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You'll make it how I like it or else you'll make it again, wagie. Don't make me write a Yelp review

>> No.14792055


>> No.14792386

yeah yeah thats nice, just run the fucking food. its dying in the window.

>> No.14792397


>> No.14792404

Canigetuhhh... unicorn shake burger?

>> No.14792436

>secret menu
thats in-in-outs whole deal then

>> No.14792457

Buttzfeed decided that since In n Out had a secret menu, other restaurants obviously do also.

>> No.14792470

sounds pretty comfy actually except for the you complaining lik a bitch about it part.

>> No.14792533

Woah, what the fuck? No one will believe me, but I'm the one who posted this autistic rant the first time a few months ago.
Fuckin honored to see it reposted as a pasta

>> No.14792571

>other restaurants obviously do also.
not really if you order a flying Dutchman or animal fry from in n out you WILL get is but if you order a mcgangbang from macdonelds or an Enchirito from taco bell you most likely wont get it

>> No.14792620

torchy's secret menu is really good though

>> No.14793053

Absolutely based I used to get these all the time in college absolutely sloshed at the mcdicks across from campus.

>> No.14793981
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>get VIP membership at local KFC
>order fried dodo wings off the secret menu

>> No.14794025

Yeah, that's what I said.

>> No.14794032

I need to speak to your manager. You're outright refusing to take my order. Do you think this is professional? Back in my day

>> No.14794054

Sorry wagie but you have to take my order is not for you to decide what I'm going to eat or not, you should had thought better before working on some shit place, now take my order I have seen on the internet or bring me your manager I'm going to tell him how bad at work you are and how you speak to a customer

>> No.14794064

listen you little fuck if I don't get my shit right now I'll bust your face with this fucking tray

>> No.14794118

I love this copypasta. I am glad it is getting around.

>> No.14794123

Now this is an old meme. Wanna see the age of this board. Prepare for zero replies.

>> No.14794126

I assume youre just a cashier or waiter. Its not like youre the one making it.

>> No.14794213

Based. I would tell them that they shouldn't believe everything they read online too