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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14787420 No.14787420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your smokes of choice? For me it's Benson and Hedges Reserve.

>> No.14787426

Marb Reds

>> No.14787431

seriously just quit and have like an occasional smoke cuz like whatever.

>> No.14787435

Marb reds

>> No.14787447

Get this cancer stick crap off my board!

>> No.14787494
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For me, it's Turkish Royals.

>> No.14787502

DuMaurier reds. Kings are for faggots and women.

>> No.14787532


did you like infinite jest?

>> No.14787537

Canadian classic, regular.

>> No.14787721


>> No.14787737

Cigars and pipes for me, no cigarettes, they taste like total ass.

>> No.14787769

My sis smokes classics, but she's also on a first-name basis with the local debt consolidation lawyer. Her ex-boyfriend smoked export greens, though, so at least she's bouncing back.

>> No.14787786
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>smokes classics
>repaying debt
>bins lads who smoke exports
Sounds like a responsible gal. Wanna hook us up? ;)

>> No.14787811

Marlboro for the win!

>> No.14787814

She'd probably fall for anyone with a dollar to their name, but she moved back in with our mom for the time being while she pays off her debts and she's still obsessed over her ex.

>> No.14787815

Are you gonna cook up those plastic gloves and the cheap shit silver up with that shit in the pan?

>> No.14787817

When I was in sales it was Camel Crush. Once I quit I stopped smoking

>> No.14787819

>export greens
confirmed longshoreman or welder. do they even still sell those?

>> No.14787830
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You know how many merc dimes i got, kid?
You sound bitter and jealous
>cheap shit silver
Are you implying silver in any other form would be worth more $?

>> No.14787845

Silver is pretty shit and for the weight platinum and palladium are way better.

>> No.14787849

I don't have to imply anything, look up the prices on the open market yourself. Don't be a moron.

>> No.14787851

American spirit black or Dunhill black, quit a while ago though. Shits expensive.

>> No.14787852

Its usually crappy taxes making them expensive.

>> No.14787866

If one compares and contrasts the prices on even the east coast of the usa then you'll see huge differentials. Even between NYC and upstate NY, and between that Virginia and the Carolinas. The price differentials are from taxes, so called "sin taxes" and have nothing to with costs or distribution.

>> No.14787871

Its downright disgusting how huge the price differentials are for the exact same product, the government fuckers should be shot for that.

>> No.14787883

I smoke cock

>> No.14787888
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It's not so bad in this thread but it's funny how volatile a response smoking gets. You'd get fewer butt mad preachers in a wrist cutting thread.

>> No.14787896
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>crappy taxes
I genuinely don't understand how Australians smoke anything but the shittiest fucking chopchop.

>> No.14787903

>local stores are only allowed to list the average regular/premium/loose prices on the board
>everything else is hidden
>plain packaging laws killed all the shorthand
>have to play 20 questions with the new clerks who either don't smoke or weren't around before the regulations
I get that they're not fucking red anymore, but goddamn.

>> No.14787909

I think clerks are autistic on purpose
>ill take camel
>uhhh theres blue and yellow

>> No.14787915

I completely switched over to cigars like a year ago. My local store also has a lounge, which has less people because of corona, but you can still have comfy conversations.

>> No.14787920

>uhhh theres blue and yellow
Thanks, I just had a fucking aneurysm. Maybe I should cut back.

I'm all in for a good cigar, but it's not even comparable to a cigarette.

>> No.14787932

Pricewise it is at least here, cigarettes get taxed much higher and my tobacco store sells cigars 20% below online prices. Paying 8.50€ for a pack or two daily and instead putting that money into a mid tier cigar feels better for me.

>> No.14787944

For me it's the Belmont kings, what a smooth after-dinner blend to be savoured.

>> No.14787945

Cubans are dirt cheap where I am, but I mean it's just not accurate to compare smoking cigarettes with smoking cigars or even smoking pipe tobacco.

>> No.14787949

I guess it's working. I wouldn't have quit if it wasn't literally bleeding me dry during a rough patch last year.

>> No.14787959

underrated post

>> No.14787966

I want an al/ck/oholic thread with my smoke. Janitors, why isn't it possible? How come smoking is related to food and cooking?

>> No.14787972

Perhaps make more money and learn to avoid sin taxes.

>> No.14787974

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.14788002

>bun lad

Fuck off terrorist. This is an American board

>> No.14788007

This was my go to when I smoked. Complete with the party nook.

>> No.14788013

Fuck off. There's a half-dozen reasonable threads to discuss drinking in, but you're probably just a fucking teetotaler trying to pull the "whataboutism" card,

>> No.14788133
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>> No.14788162
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I switch brands every now and then. Right now I'm ruining my lungs with these

>> No.14788166

Lucky strike tobacco rizla ciel papers and swan yellow filters

>> No.14788248

They don't. Smoking rates have declined dramatically in Aus.

Anecdotally, people who actually smoke addicts just carry tobacco and roll their own. Casual smokers just get the cheapest blues (still very expensive).

>> No.14788305

Switched to those for a couple years after Djarum Blacks (not the cigar tobacco ones) got outlawed, then Marlboro Reds got too rough for my aging body. Then onto silvers, and landed on golds until i gave into the gay vape train because I couldn't stand waking up hacking up phlegm every morning.
Good choice tho.

>> No.14788343

Silver has a higher volatility, along with being super useful industrially. Best thermal and electrical conductor my man. It'll always hold that absolute value.
I bought like 60 troy ounces when it was 14 bux an ounce. Probably a waste of money because I can't be bothered to sell it unless the value goes up absurdly but if you're a min-maxy dude it's worthwhile when the price is right. It'll never be worthless unless a new conductor is made that's better and cheaper to produce.

>> No.14788374

Had a mate come back from the Philippines in 91 after Mt Pinatubo erupted and brought some flip made Marlboro Lights for me. Best smokes I ever had.

>> No.14788429

I'm with you. I'm not much of a smoker, but I greatly prefer the taste of a cigar. I can get decent house blends at my nearby shop for $2-4. Even if you're paying $8-12 for a mid-range cigar you're doing better than smoking a pack in my opinion.

>> No.14788461

This is why all the young blokes just vape with bulk nicotine juice in aus, cant believe there trying to ban that now

>> No.14788469

How is this /ck/
Begone shill

>> No.14788473
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What THE FUCK is this stubby troll finger shit? Are you a fat Asian?

>> No.14788872
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Never exhale

>> No.14788915

what cigars do you like anon? i was recently turned on to eiroa dark

>> No.14789067

this shit isn't food
fuck off, addict

>> No.14789083

Crack is cheaper than a cigarette

>> No.14789097
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my mother-in-law smoked for 35 years. 3 packs a day. she quit smoking 25 years ago.

she's now dying from COPD and emphysema.

She needs 4 litres of oxygen constantly and just walking 10 feet has her unable to catch her breath.

but that won't happen to you because you're immortal.

>> No.14789110

filtered, just like my favorite pack of cigs

>> No.14789244

Gauloises Red, without additives.

>> No.14789261

>3 packs a day
What caliber of mental illness do you need to do this

>> No.14789285

You said she smoked for 35 years and stopped for 25. 25+35=60.

When did she start smoking? Let’s assume 13. If she smoked for 35 years from that point, and stopped at 48, and went another 25 years not smoking (meaning she would be like 73 now) and she’s now dying of COPD (emphysema is basically a more archaic term for COPD) that’s right around the average lifespan for most adults in the US.

No one makes it out of here alive, but it sounds like she did pretty good, and you did a pretty shit job using your anecdote to make an argument against smoking. Now if she would’ve died violently of cancer in her mid to late 50s as many often do, that would probably be more effective

>> No.14789290

Even still, his point remains. Her quality of life is pretty awful compared to most her age. Smoking may not kill you, but it will make your last few years absolutely miserable.

>> No.14789300

Not him but you seem to have missed the point.
It's not about dying early; it's about dying slowly and painfully.
I used to work in pulmonary medicine and have watched a shitload of people die from lung cancer and COPD. It's not quick and easy and every single one of them was regretting every time they said "you gotta die of something" or "no one makes it out of here alive" because it turns out that while that is true, there are some ways to go that are worse than others.

>> No.14789490

I was thinking of getting into cigarettes. What's good to start with?

>> No.14789636

Don't start.

>> No.14789641


>> No.14789653


>> No.14789697

>pretending dying is easy for anyone
You’re either going to die of a painful physical malady or a cognitive breakdown when the nerves in your brain finally commit suicide because you still haven’t died after 60 years
The only way to die quickly and painlessly is to die in battle or to die by your own hand, any other death being called “less painful” or “peaceful” is retard cope (I know it’s cope because none of you have ever died before)

>> No.14789715

Marlboro 27s

>> No.14789729
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I only smoke kino cigarettes