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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14784094 No.14784094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of chef J. Kenji López-Alt?

>> No.14784098

Is that a tranny?

>> No.14784102

Good chef, terrible politics. Personally I've stopped watching him for this reason but I'd still recommend his recipes to people

>> No.14784103

sperg, and he bites the fork when he takes a bite. and his kitchen is always gross.

>> No.14784105

Jim is annoying.

>> No.14784112

>Half german, half japanese
Superbreed for femboys

>> No.14784113

Lopez is his wife's name. Do you think he changed it for minority status? He passes as a mexican.

>> No.14784116

Isn't it weird how all the most talented, successful, and cutting edge chefs are all left wingers? It's almost like left leaning people are more intelligent. Huh

>> No.14784129

Great resource. Good chef. Probably a nice guy and a good dad. Annoying politics.

>> No.14784132

nothing, he's just some random boomer living in one of them american suburbs. he provides nothing in his cooking videos, it's all just flexing on his skills which he learnt from some shitty cooking academy.

>> No.14784142

as if alt wasn't minority enough? he probably did it because he's a passive cuck.

>> No.14784143

Guys gals and non-binary pals! :)

>> No.14784145

Its more about left wing ppl being more open. Towards other cultures and food. While more conservatives chefs keep it at what they already know. Steaks, pies(which is fine)

When it comes to top cgefs, yes left wing chef has more knowledge of food and handfull of techniques.

>> No.14784156

He's sharing his skills and knowledge with his videos. He doesn't go slow and walk through each step and go into any great detail, but he does give advice and tips as he cooks. I think if he wanted he could go full virtual classroom but obviously he doesn't, he decided that when cooks for his family he'd set up some cameras and narrate.

>> No.14784158

gay guy here
nonbinary shit isn't real and only serves to make the rest of the lgbt community look fucking stupid

>> No.14784160

alt is a german name, noodlehead

>> No.14784172

I only now just found this out, I thought it was some weird title or nickname. it seems a lot less strange now

>> No.14784189

Actual gay guy here
No it doesn't

>> No.14784193
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lmao I'm married and you aren't bud
you need dysphoria to be trans
them's the rules

>> No.14784210


>> No.14784216

You're both degenerate faggots who get the gas

>> No.14784233

liked him until he started injecting tranny politics into a fucking cooking channel, now i tell other people his cooking sucks

>> No.14784236
File: 174 KB, 1280x960, 9tTG5iCSKkhVo9Q0hk34a9sc7twAMjNW1ERL1j65ciw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can beat me in a fight, pussy
you can't even outdrink me in a whiskey fight

"I don't like my parts" is the only reason to be trans; a disconnect with your sex
it'd be like calling yourself a lesbian without being a woman who is exclusively attracted to women

>> No.14784247

More than competent, but his personality is insufferable. I avoid this faggot.

>> No.14784248

So you, a shirtless man, want to get me drunk and 'wrestle' me? I'm flattered.

>> No.14784252

I don't think you actually understand what dysphoria is.

>> No.14784268
File: 75 KB, 720x474, 1571600009814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you clearly don't either
you probably think gender euphoria is a thing too and isn't literally just the alleviation of dysphoria
you're also underage b& anyway so this argument is moot

hot but i did say "outdrink", the fight-fight was a separate offer

>> No.14784327

Dysphoria isn't just "I don't like my parts" lmao. Where do you kids come up with this shit?

>> No.14784335

no you're right we should just let whoever say they're trans because they "feel like a boy today"

>> No.14784336

fuck this thread derailed fast

>> No.14784356

Sorry you don't believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy.

>> No.14784358

White flight knows no politics, they don't relax around blacks either.

It's all just value signalling.

>> No.14784359

you mean

>guys, gals, and nobniery- noniberny- nonbinary pals!

>> No.14784362

big words for someone invading lgbt spaces
your rights end where mine begin, asshole, get the fuck out of my community
you don't exist in a vacuum and you affect others

>> No.14784392

Are people assmad cause of his fucking intro greeting?
Or has he actually talked politics in his videos?

>> No.14784403

Beyond the greeting, not much in the videos. He does police his comments section to keep it out though.

>> No.14784404

yikes mentally ill people are fighting in this thread, also everything already has been said, decent cook, decent recipies. Terrible politics, and he is a cuck

>> No.14784417

he made a community post on youtube which is basically a blog post mentioning left wing channels he likes. i didn't even notice the greeting before.

>> No.14784443

Probably writes the best cookbooks and recipes in the English speaking world. Very rarely do I try something of his that disappoints. When I first started cooking I almost exclusively used Serious Eats, mostly his content. They can get pretty complicated at times but once you know what you're doing its easy to slim them down.

Really looking forward to his new book on stirfries and wok cooking.

>> No.14784459

I think you should both kill yourselves

>> No.14784461

seethe terf

>> No.14784471

Why do people care about this shit so much?

>> No.14784479

They have no personality and have to pretend their fetishes and sexuality are a good substitute

>> No.14784504

can't be a terf when you aren't trans to begin with

>> No.14784571

He's a good chef, kinda annoying pandering but lives in California so expected.

Also faggots fucked this thread

>> No.14784588

Based. Easy to follow recipes because he shows mostly in real time and explains why he's doing what he's doing.

>> No.14784664

Good skills, bad videos(goes off on a billion tangents and bad editing) and worse personality. He deletes every negative comment because his fee fees gets hurts

>> No.14784682

I watch is FPV videos on mute sometimes, I don't care for the editorialization

>> No.14784746

ITT Seething poltard cooklets

>> No.14784766

can you fucking niggers shut the fuck up about this gay shit i just want to know whether this board cares about kenji or not
jesus fuck

>> No.14784853

Kenji is a top tier cooking channel whenever he's trying to be educational or informative but whenever he involves his personal opinion in politics or other areas it's usually annoying

>> No.14784858


>> No.14784904

rip gone from the world too soon

>> No.14784961

Turbo straight here.
Nonbinary people are making the world a better place.

>> No.14785002

Here's your old thread that got deleted for being off-topic. Go back and reread those responses you shilling faggot.

>> No.14785013


you are both cringe decadents

>> No.14785038

This is, of course, bullshit. Left wing twinks tend to want to be in showbusiness. They want to be able to spend a few hours a week in front of a camera instead of doing actual work. Meanwhile, the more conservative chefs are out there turning out great product without needing any attention or fuss.

>> No.14785049

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14785289

Looks like that ba chick cooking with babish

>> No.14785304

I mean kenji is still a real chef. But yep basically that. We dont know what happens in these video recordings. Bc they can try over or cut parts. While a chef from some random steakhouse needs to constantly deliver

If u keep learning new stuff, u eventually dont master it.

>> No.14785321

Kino content and the cherry on top is triggered polcels. Who knew all it took was one word to send them into a screeching rage

>> No.14785327
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>> No.14785334

Why is 4chan so hung up on the san fran greeting nonbinary pal. It's supposed to be endearing. You guys are massive bigots.

>> No.14785417
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>> No.14785426

Alton Brown is probably the furthest right of any TV cook.

>> No.14785445

>Brown said in a December 2014 interview in Time that he "could no longer abide the Southern Baptist Convention's indoctrination of children and its anti-gay stance" adding that he is now "searching for a new belief system."
Cope guns are not exclusively right wing only pussy ass neolibs want to give up their rights any leftist worth their salt knows we need firearms to overthrow fascism

>> No.14785505

It sucks when you're a christian and a faggot. No amount of playing with guns is gonna put that right.

>> No.14785546

Right wingers don't even know what "right wing" means most of the time. Usually they call anything they like or think is cool "our guy" when there's nothing blatantly political about anything they do or say. /pol/ thinks fucking Nietzsche is "right wing" for fuck's sake.

>> No.14785581

i honestly on't understand the 'hate' you guys have about his politics when he doesn't really even mention em at all in his videos or articles. Its honestly hard to find for me unlike Adam Fagusea who is the epitome of condescending, lefty that inserts politics everywhere ala 'FOOD WAS ALWAYS POLITICAL'

>> No.14785603

where do you see his politics?

>> No.14785626

/pol/ is a postmodernist stew that thinks everything is politics in the same way Ragusea does. They just interpret the message in a different way.

>> No.14785660

Gordon Ramsay is hard right. What was that about attention and fuss?

>> No.14787266

non binary makes more sense than trans

>> No.14787289

i thought alt meant it's his pseudonym

>> No.14787302


His videos could be good if he could form coherent thoughts while cooking and would edit them down

Also, hes a huge passive aggressive woke cuck. Just cook you fucking faggot.

>> No.14787310

It's german dumbass

>> No.14787400

Cast him

>> No.14787443

Right wing has come to mean anything the media establishment isn't immediately pushing at the moment.

>> No.14787578

Well that's not true, all it takes is pulling the trigger once.

>> No.14787616

it really doesn't
there are only two genders

>> No.14788120

He's conceited enough to think he invented reverse-searing. ie, he's a massive faggot

>> No.14788150

Right. And?

>> No.14788347

How many people do you know with that surname?
You probably didn't know it was german either until you looked it up.

>> No.14788399

And then posts a wall of text explaining why said comments hurt his feefees and why anyone criticising him is a literal nazi. The man is a fragile fucking primadonna

>> No.14788633

softcock that bad mouths MPW, every chance he gets.

>> No.14788683

fucking lol

>> No.14788706

Leftwing people are more famous, because rightwing people focus on raising families.

>> No.14788744

honestly thought he was cool until i read this thread and found out he's a (((tranny))) shill

>> No.14788748

You can thank me for giving him the idea to buy an outdoor high btu gas burner. He browses here and so does that faggot Ragusea. He didn't say shit about wok cooking until I bragged here. This faggot sucks at cooking.

>> No.14788753

pretty much every youtuber rips off his recipes

>> No.14788767

No, he rips off the internet because there is no accountability like I stated here >>14788748

>> No.14788774

pretty based desu, i like everything ive cooked from his channel so far

>> No.14788809

There is no fucking way that this guy with decades of restaurant and cooking experience was influenced by YOU commenting on 4chan, anon. think about what you're saying

>> No.14788821

imagine being such a snow flake you wont watch recipe videos you like because someone has a different opinion than you

why are the right such sensitive whiny losers?

>> No.14788827

kenji has a family though, are right wing people too retarded to do both?

>> No.14788870

>kenji has a family
No he doesn't. He has a wife. Children make a family.

>> No.14788878

and a daughter, so he has a family?

>> No.14788880

Still doesn't count.

>> No.14788883

recipes are fine, techniques are nice
videos are insufferable and so is he though

>> No.14788888
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Dont reply to him you fucking subhumans how havent you learned to discern bait posts in the year 2020

>> No.14788894


>> No.14788943

he literally has children you retard

stay seething cuck

>> No.14788950

Mods mods mods

>> No.14788970

>one daughter is a children
You continue to be wrong, and can't stop.

>> No.14788975

>you need dysphoria to be trans
So that proves the point, trannies are fucking maniacs that are frantic as fuck to chop off their dick.