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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14782361 No.14782361 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Cooking practices that will cause you to start beating someone

>> No.14782363

grilled tendies

>> No.14782367

I don't understand

>> No.14782383

There is a retarded, yet albeit longstanding, tradition in fried rice recipes not to make the fried scrambled eggs mix first and add to the finished rice at the end (like any sane person would do), but instead to make a bowl in the middle of the now quickly burning rice, crack egss directly into that spot, haphazardly attempt to scramble the eggs in this tiny area, then, when it becomes apparent that it won't ever fucking work, mix it into the now overcooked rice and make an ad hoc casserole of mushy shit tier garbage.

>> No.14782387
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What the ever living fuck. Why would you bread something then grill it?

>> No.14782394

lol yeah thats peak retardation

>> No.14782409

I feel you on this. I grew up with my white mom making fried rice like this and bless her soul but it's no good. I learned how to actually make fried rice later in life and was blown away at how much better and closer it was to restaurant fried rice with just a straightforward change.

>> No.14782425

Who cares lol

>> No.14782429


>> No.14782609

>quickly burning rice
rice won't get burnt, as their moisture content prevents it unless you blast it at 500C for half an hour
cracking eggs directly into the hole is fine if your technique and stove are up to it
else use the eggs at the start to absorb oil and act as a separator
don't be stupid

>> No.14782648

I always intentionally mixed the liquid egg and rice to make it thick and gooey

>> No.14782667

t. utter retard

>> No.14782710

This literally makes the bestest fried rice. Who would want to egg dry ass eggs lmao

>> No.14782719
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>unless you blast it at 500C
Do you not understand the process that underlies the production of fried rice? You are triggering my beating reflex yourself

>> No.14782720

Ok, then call it something else, like stovetop egg casserole retard edition

>> No.14782730

welllll SOR-RY uncle gook, how about you ENLIGHTEN us all on how to make the PERFECT FRIED RICE?

>> No.14782734

You can call it that. Me and most other people will keep calling it by its rightful name.

>> No.14782758

im a ghostly white irish mick, i just hate fucking shit fryry and this is how me ma made it

>> No.14782761

"Garbage hobo donations" doesn't really inspire the same mouth-watering anticipation

>> No.14782770

>Garbage hobo donations
Apt name for dry ass eggs lmao

>> No.14782773

I fucking HATE the "one pot pasta" trend. Although it is technically possible to cook pasta like this, the pasta won't cook properly and it will also lose all its starch into the sauce, making it look like glue and taste like shit. Not to mention that making pasta like this is incredibly rude and totally lacks elegance.

>> No.14782774

I will fucking rape you and everyone you've ever made physical contact with (hypothetically and with due process in Cooking Mama)

>> No.14782779


>> No.14782814

fair enough lad, but it's only right to have a Mum who's a bit shit at cooking. it's comfy.

>> No.14782893

Why would you want your eggs cooked into rubber? What?

>> No.14782899

Imagine being butthurt about this. Just push all the rice to the side so you have half the pan to scramble your egg.

>> No.14782902

>rice won't get burnt, as their moisture content prevents it unless you blast it at 500C for half an hour
When you make fried rice it's supposed to be done at a really high temperature and you're supposed to keep moving everything around so it evenly browns and won't burn. You could lower the heat I guess but it'd take a while for the pan to cool down. Just seems better to take the rice out of the pan and put it into a bowl if it's finished and you have to cook something else.

>> No.14782903

What happens if you don't try to traditionally scramble it, and just mix the raw egg into the rice and allow it to cook throughout? Would the egg bits end up too small?

>> No.14782904

>Just push all the rice to the side so you have half the pan to scramble your egg.
That doesn't fix the issue of the rice possibly burning and overcooking. If your rice doesn't start to burn in the time it takes to make the eggs you probably aren't using high enough heat and getting as much flavor out of everything as you could be.

>> No.14782913

i do this and never have i burnt the rice, and if i scrambled the eggs first they would be over cooked as fuck

>> No.14782959

It's fine. The starch just thickens the gravy. Most pasta al forno recipies are already somewhat like this, in that you undercook the pasta before adding it to the sauce.

>> No.14782976

What if you scrambled the eggs first and then removed them from the pan so that they did not cook any further?

>> No.14782986

You are all fucking smooth brains.
>Oil in wok, super hot
>add whisked egg mixture straight to wok
>dump cooked rice onto egg when bottom is solid and top is still runny
>flip toss flip toss
> 1 1/2 teaspoon light soy, dash of dark soy, pinch of chicken powder, tiny sprinkle of salt
>toss flip toss

t. regional chef for thai food restaurants

>> No.14783069 [DELETED] 

Anyone who is mentally challenged or physically disabled touching/ handling my food. Even if its just one of those down syndrome's putting my plate of food in front of me. I don't know where these SICK freaks have been, all the mental ones cant even control their mouth enough to stop themselves from drooling. and those with physical deformities.. well lets be honest with each other here, do you really want someone with a bung arm using his weirdly deformed fingers and hand to be touching your food? yea didnt think so. If I go out for a meal I don't expect to see these filth. Many times I've complained to the manager about some crosseyed, limp armed gimp being near my food. the managers always insist that those ''people'' are well trained and have high grooming standards despite me pointing out clear breech's of these standards. Im always informed that a mentally challenged person can not put ''ingredient D'' in my meal and make me retarded, im still yet to know if my theory is true as I refuse to eat anything handled by the conveniently parked. There have been multiple occasions where I have physically fought and bested god's little accidents in the middle of the restaurant. The most memorable event involved my meal being brought to me by an unnerving, I refused to acknowledge his existence and when the plate was put in front of me I demanded he return it and told him I was leaving. He managed to ask me why in between him blowing bubbles with his own saliva, I stood up and pointed my finger in the middle of his chest and said ''because an undesirable like you has handled my food''. well this sparked the little guy into a fit of rage, he began screaming and getting angry as if he were the hulk, eventually he tard charged me to which I threw my bowl of hot (tainted) soup in his squashed little face. His cries of agony as he crawled across the floor were incredibly satisfying, hopefully that restaurant learnt not to employ certain ''people'' after that.

>> No.14783131

No veggies?

Never ate Thai

>> No.14783137

if you can't control your heat, get out of the kitchen
or get a portable butane range

>> No.14783139

99% of western home kitchens don't have a jet turbine-tier burner like you describe, I can max out my biggest burner and the rice will not become charcoal in the 30 seconds I need to scramble those eggs

>> No.14783143

>dump cooked rice onto egg
do you mean rice that has already been cooked in the wok or just steamed rice? i like the texture of rice that gets cooked directly in the wok first for a different flavor and texture, i don't think it would work as well if you cooked it at the same time as the egg.

>> No.14783161

>making pasta like this is incredibly rude
retarded wops and greaseballs getting huffy about pasta lol

>> No.14783175
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>> No.14783193


You fucking Mussolini's are taking this meme too far.

>> No.14783287

never worked in a kitchen

just steamed rice. the wok burners are hot enough to refry the rice at the same time giving you that wok first texture.

>> No.14783474
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Why are you allowed to cook?
Do you know how a wok works?
Temperature control?
FYI that's the proper way to make fried rice

>> No.14783626
File: 22 KB, 557x605, 564535667677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook rice
>when rice is about to be done dig a hole in the middle and crack an egg inside, but don't mix it or scramble it, just cover it with rice
>let it be cooked by the steam and heat of the rice,
>most delicious egg you have ever tasted.

>> No.14783717

>Would the egg bits end up too small?
Yes, basically. You want to have fluffy bits of egg, not tiny, dry granules.

>> No.14783764

my chef moves the rice to one side of Wok, then puts other side directly on burner
then kinda splashes the eggs across the wok so they are distributed like thin layer of paper

then he scrapes up the Egg into these little tastly rolled up strings of egg then mixes with the rice

>> No.14783814
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i do this with roast beef flavored ramen noodles. i will boil the noodles, dump all the liquid out, then crack an egg in the hot pot and add the seasoning and stir it around. it's good as fuck.

>> No.14783880

I do basically the same thing but I sauté some onions and celery and throw that in too. Sometimes I add some sesame oil or oyster sauce at the end too along with some green onions. Simple but real tasty

>> No.14783887

Scrambling the egg first separately works better, but this can still work. I don't understand how you're burning the rice. Just lower your heat.

>> No.14783900

steamed vegetables that all have the same consistency and flavor, regardless of the fact that they were once different vegetables

>> No.14784219

Even actual italians have recipes that call for the pasta to be fully cooked in the sauce you retard.
Just because it doesn't fit all recipes doesn't mean it's stupid

>> No.14784289

That's golden fried rice, it's pretty good. No actual pieces of egg but it has a nice, more pronounced eggy flavor throughout

>> No.14784596

Tossing pizza dough in the air. Like why? It doesn't even make that good of a circle and the crust gets fucked. And if you made your dough right it should fucking tear if you toss. Useless bullshit that fucks the pizza. Just learn to slap your pizza you fucking retarded sperg

>> No.14784608
File: 128 KB, 783x711, apu chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds good as fuck im going to try that thanks anon

>> No.14784718

Your black dad would have straightened her out if he stayed.

>> No.14784829

people who post 11.7kb images shit me to tears.

>> No.14784911

I do the ramen dump style too, but I make it Panda style and add cabbage, celery, and spices. No gay egg for me.

>> No.14785077

You can't use a wok effectively on a shitty apartment electric range

>> No.14785091


>> No.14785667

Bros just buy the big packs of fried noodles instead of the individual ramens