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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14775013 No.14775013 [Reply] [Original]

Mamma Mia! what's your secret family recipe /ck/? They did trust you with it right?

>> No.14775032

Yes. I have my family recipes from both heritages:
Bhuna, phulka, paratha, andi, etc.
Roast potatoes, shepherd's pie, plum conserve, sloe gin, etc.
Who the hell doesn't pass family recipes down the generations?

>> No.14775043

Roast potatoes?
Even my wife's stillborn son can make those.

>> No.14775118

Gramma died before she could pass the cook book down to someone who cared and my stupid aunt tossed the thing before anyone else could get there to stop her.

So ours are all lost outside of the very few a couple of us know from helping in the kitchen growing up.

>> No.14775128

>Mom made the best cornbread I'd ever had.
>She died of cancer five years ago.
>Only person who has the recipe is the lesbian lover she left my dad for which led to him killing himself out of depression.

I mean, it was really good cornbread but I really don't want to talk to Cheryl.

>> No.14775167

Imagine if you hooked up and had raw anal with Cheryl.
I bet she can cum purely from prostate manipulation.

>> No.14775182
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My mom used to make cookies, but it was never a secret. She shared it with everyone, and when she passed I shared it with my students.
Secrets don't help anyone.

>> No.14775348
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>dad made the greatest cornbread ever
>Always with chili
>He dies
>Fast forward 10 years
>I made chili and my fiancee offers to make cornbread as a side
>Take bite
>Flashback to memories of my childhood with him
>Ask her how she made it
>Anon it's the recipe on the box
>My dad's secret recipe was fucking jiffy cornbread
>From then on I always kek'd at the sight of cornbread

>> No.14775372

Go back to school bud

>> No.14775387

>>14775348 wholesome kek

>> No.14775401

Great story

>> No.14775559

95% of all "secret" recipes are from the back of a box. Most of the time when gramma tells you a recipes is secret and won't share it she's trolling you.

anyone who has ever liked something I make, I will give them the recipe if they ask. some people still can't make it taste good because not all about a recipe being really good is the ingredients.

>> No.14775595

Everyone loves our banana bread, the "secret" ingredients are ginger, clove, nutmeg, and cinnamon. But the Technique is to wrap the banana bread in cling wrap as soon as it is just cool enough to handle and freeze it as soon as practical. If you do this you get super moist banana bread. The same with cakes.

for a layer cake, do the same thing, then pull it out and frost it. it's easy to handle and won't fall apart if you use a really thick frosting.

>> No.14775612

Jiffy cornbread is every family's secret-recipe. It's your birthright as an American. God bless.

>> No.14775615

Its not that huge, but vinaigrette. My parents make a really fucking good one, they taught me when I got engaged and apparently thats the prerequisite to learning it.

>> No.14776188

>both parents won't teach me the secret recipes

I got the ham and cabbage and chili, and moms banana bread turned out to be from some ancient magazine clipping, but dang my dad holds on to his special chicken dish like it's gonna make him rich or something

>> No.14776313

Momma Mia
Poppa Peea
Now I got
To Diarrhea

>> No.14776349

>no anon, it's a secret recipe
Enough of your riddles, lake man!

>> No.14776398
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I experimented with one of the sauces once and my mother literally called it an abomination.

I haven't cooked much since then. Now I just make chicken patties in a toaster oven.

>> No.14776401

Irish stew but I make it with [broiler] BEEF [/broiler]

Don't tell Irish Stew Anon ples

>> No.14776409

I have a real secret recipe for cornbread but I don't wanna say because its a really killer idea that I've never seen anyone but my mom ever use

>> No.14776444

does it involve corn meal

>> No.14776516

Obviously yes, retard. It's cornbread. But that isn't the secret.

>> No.14776987
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heh you'll never know the secrets cornlets

>> No.14777013

Mamma Mia, I just burst into tears remembering the tragic death of George Floyd. RIP gorilla features.

>> No.14777062
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Mamma mia, here we go again. My my, how can I detain you?

>> No.14777066

My family entrusted me with the pizza coupon book

>> No.14777272

>my stupid aunt tossed the thing before anyone else could get there to stop her
A tragedy

>> No.14777285

I remember a time when there were more guys like you here.

>> No.14777513

Nothing ): But that means my based (and somewhat redpilled) shepherds pie is going to be passed on. That or my bolognaise, but I need to goto Italy and steal someone's recipe and adapt it to my own.

>> No.14777681

A dish that has gone through the generations. Started in Italy, went through Libya then India then landed in the UK.

It's a spicy chicken pasta. It's absolutely delicious and I haven't seen anything like it anywhere.

>> No.14777698


> Sofritto: Celery, carrots, onions, garlic. Cook until soft and translucent.
> Add chicken and cook until chicken turns white all over but is still raw inside.
> Here's where it gets funky. Add 1 tbsp yogurt and a pinch of turmeric. The yogurt essentially deglazes the pan.
> Add a tomato sauce (I just blend a tin of tomatoes and add that)
> Add a tbsp of chilli, coriander and cumin powders.
> season
> Simmer until oil separates from sauce.
> Mix with boiled pasta and eat

>> No.14777717

>secret recipes
My family are decent to great cooks but they don't keep their recipes "secret" because they know making a great dish is about experience and technique and not just following a recipe.

>> No.14777719

>Family recipe

I'm white. We don't do that.

>> No.14777721

>"Grandma's Secret Recipes" are in a big bible-looking book on the counter for as long as I can remember.
>Other relatives have the same book. My Grandmother's is called "Mom's Secret Recipes"
>She got blank, leather bound, embossed books made before she died, and copied out her recipes
>Her writing was absolute garbage. Most of these recipes still went with her to the grave.

>> No.14777722

what do you mean, and are you actually white or are you just clout chasing?

>> No.14777729

water soup
its just water actually

>> No.14777733

My family's pretty dysfunctional. People meet up for funerals and still don't speak more than a few words to each other.
It was more of a joke to make me feel better about how dumb my family is.
>White... clout?
The half_ sides are all doing better than the purebreds in my family. Even being afloat, I'm doing better than my straight white-trash cousins... but the English bleach is strong, and most of the Cherokee, Ojibwe, South African, Pakistani, and Chinese genes got washed out to make a gaggle of gingers and toe-heads.

>> No.14777734 [DELETED] 

Italian GILF built for BBC

>> No.14777756
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>all but 1 family member killed during ww2
>1 surviving family member was too young to know how to cook
>never get to learn the polish jew cooking secrets
Feels bad man

>> No.14777762
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Does it involve cum?

>> No.14777795

Nah. I'll just spill the beans. But don't tell anyone, ok?

The secret is to switch out 1/3 to 1/2 of your regular cornbread recipe or box mix with yellow birthday cake mix.

Super fluffy cornbread not suitable for niggers or gays, only birthday style boys and girls of high repute.

>> No.14777843

Schmaltz seems to be the big one. When you cook poultry, skim and save the rendered fat.

I'm not sure how kosher tallow is, but beef and pork fat are fantastic for cooking in as well.

>> No.14778326

I've heard variations of this trick before. Sounds nice.

>> No.14778741

im telling everyone about this

>> No.14778760

damn Carla from bon appetit not looking too good since they got shut down

>> No.14779056
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Of course.

>> No.14779067

looks gay just like you

>> No.14779098

we got Proust up in here

>> No.14779133

Mom's borscht, no slav family makes it the same.

>> No.14779172
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I'm from one of those american WASP families without any culinary heritage of value

>> No.14779641


>> No.14779650

do new englanders really

>> No.14779832

Fried placinta with sheep's cheese.
Amazing stuff, and no recipe found online compares.
Also borsht, chicken stew and stuffed bell peppers.

>> No.14779888

I have the beans recipe and i no tell, it would literally becone one of the most popular foods in America if it was released

>> No.14779935

Thanks for the advice. I'll try that out.

>> No.14779941
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>> No.14779952
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Not going to share the recipe, but my mother's family makes incredible polenta and bacala. Chad northern Italians win every time

>> No.14779967

my grandmas cole slaw
no one has ever been able to replicate it and the recipe sadly died with her

>> No.14781212


>> No.14781225

spill the beans

>> No.14781349

grandma loved to bake, my mom and me made sure to keep her books of recipes and stuff she baked over her life. she was actually an extremely skilled baker and chef despite never going to school or anything, she made absolutely killer fucking pies

damn i miss her, during college she would drive to my dorm with a fresh rhubarb (if it was in season) or apple pie and give me a hug.

>> No.14781358

Oh Anon, I LOVE HUMMUS, what's your family secret!?

>> No.14781758

... corn?

>> No.14781764

It's actually really fucking good. Remember to add honey into the recipe too

>> No.14781828

My aunt's sugar cookies. I have yet to try my hand at making them though. I'm way to afraid of fuckinf them up

>> No.14782497

What the fuck is this, this looks like unseasoned white people food.

>> No.14782918

Do tell

>> No.14782920

Yeah but everyone has their own little secret to make what they consider the perfect roast potato

>> No.14782938

Family recipe of couscous with chicken. Passed down from generations. Its more about the spiceblend a juice for the chicken. The rest is just normal couscous stuff.

>> No.14782945


>> No.14783857

My nan gave it to my mom and she immediately changed it to make it less fatty, completely ruining the flavour. When my mom died my dad copied all her recipes onto notepad files and threw away the originals. He then proceeded to change to recipes to suit his fuckd up 40 a day smoker alcoholic palate, so all with extra salt and vinegar.

>> No.14783976

>the spiceblend
Is it worth keeping secret? Is it impossible to come by experimenting?

>> No.14783990
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Recently started keto.
Tips and tricks for dishes?

>> No.14783996

Yugoslavian apple strudel. Its wasted on me because I will never make phylo thin enough.
Im sorry stada

>> No.14785537

>Slathered in cheap barbecue sauce
>Cold potato
>Store bought rotisserie chicken
>Paper plate
>Hamburger buns

This is actually the food of a latchkey negro child whose mother is working a second shift at the 7-11. Don't worry, EBT comes at the end of the month.

>> No.14785541

Strawberry poptart liberally layered in butter with some sugar sprinkled on top,

>> No.14785998

Keto? More like kino

>> No.14786140

Since when is Manischewitz not good enough?

>> No.14786162

No I do not have my families special bread recipe and I have no desire to have it or use it because If I knew how I make it I would end up obese