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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.65 MB, 720x900, why did you eat me bro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14771650 No.14771650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>it is OK to kill and eat this but not the dog
why westerners are such hypocrites?

>> No.14771654

Because dog tastes like shit you fucking chink.

>> No.14771657

Westerners aren't hypocrites, we just live in societies that aren't so impoverished to the point of making the consumption of pet/work animals a cultural tradition, you uncivilized slanty-eyed fucks.

>> No.14771658

Because we kill them humanely and don't eat them alive or dunk them in boiling oil you fucking bug

>> No.14771661

>it is OK to kill and eat this but not the dog

>> No.14771662

watch Earthlings and Dominion and tell me we kill them humanely.

>> No.14771667

cow taste good
dog taste like bad lamb
cow require metric fuckton of grass, hard pet
dog easy to feed, worthwhile pet
cow does not work
dog work
herbivore lack soul
carnivorous prerequisite for soul

>> No.14771671

I have a problem with the Chinese who steal pets and boil them alive.

I'd have a problem with anybody that made a cow cow suffer unnecessarily too, and we used to hang cattle rustlers.

>> No.14771680

Because humans are insane fucking retards and our planet's biggest mistake.
How do you "kill them humanely" exactly? Pick one

>> No.14771682

We've spent thousands of years breeding one to be companions and the other to be livestock. It's both as simple and complex as that.

>> No.14771687

Koreans will keep a dog as a pet and have another dog that they will eat if an important person comes to dinner. That's what's so fucked about them.

Westerners generally don't keep cows as pets, they are food only.

>> No.14771699

dog = friend
cow = food
simple as

>> No.14771706

>dog tastes like shit
I watched a video of a westerner eating dog for first time and according to him it's delicious.

>> No.14771707

"and then chang made his daily attempt to convince everyone it was normal to eat dogs"

>> No.14771709

Says who? I'd kill and eat dogs.

>> No.14771710

i would rather be euthanised then get eaten to death or die of starvation etc

>> No.14771711

I watched a video of your mom eating a black man's ass, that doesn't make it fucking acceptable.

>> No.14771726
File: 1005 KB, 1280x720, white speciman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so aggressive? are you american by any chance?

>> No.14771746

It's an amerimutt/europoor thing to praise dogs and cats as pets but raise and kill/eat farm animals like pigs, cows, chicken and so forth

>> No.14771751

Post the video. From what I read, the meat is hard.

>> No.14771756

Dogs are useful tools, cows aren't good for anything but food, you and your bait thread can go get fucked.

>> No.14771757

No, it's a civilized human being thing to domesticate animals and keep them as pets. It's a fucking chink thing to eat every single creature on the planet like cat and dogs and bats.

>> No.14771768

Because the average lab or golden retriever weighs about 60lbs. The average bull weighs 2400lbs. Female cows weigh about 1600lbs.

>> No.14771772

it's okay to kill and eat dogs

in fact, moreso than cows. God I fucking hate dogs.

>> No.14771778

i dont need to because i have personally seen how they are slaughtered and raised and their life is much better than if they were free as they never experience starvation, parasites or slowly getting killed by predators and instead get a quick boltgun to the head instantly knocking em out. fuck your video of cherry picked abuse cases that claims thats the only way meat gets produced.

>> No.14771780
File: 2.82 MB, 360x640, white woman and her family.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs are useful tools
yeah well in what exact way are they useful? we are living in year 2020, don't come up with some "they guard my house" bullshit please

>> No.14771785

This guy got turned down for a date by a 3/10 whore who would rather fuck her huskies, now he hates all dogs.

>> No.14771790

>dogs can go to hunt with you
>dogs can guard your house
>dogs can protect your livestock
>dogs will make your kids happy
>dogs will laugh and cry with you

>cows will eat your pasture to make milk and meat

>> No.14771804

except the "guard my house part" is a valid usefull trait of dog.

dogs are also great at herding, sniffing shit out, and they are a loyal companion that wont betray you.

why you hate dogs so much, did a police dog find your weed stash?

>> No.14771807

This isn't reddit, faggot. No one cares about your goddamn history report.

>> No.14771814

agree with first part, disagree with second. dogs can be bros and i certanly wouldn't eat my own dog but i see no problem with eating dogs in general.

>> No.14771819

the fuck are you talking about faggot, dogs are literally used for all of the things i mentioned, do you think cows are herded by mexicans on bikes or something?

>> No.14771836
File: 17 KB, 523x363, StickToThePlan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14771845

Ohh, it's this shit again.....

Fuck off, tree hugger.

>> No.14771848

like you're even that faggot.

>> No.14771853

God that looks delicious
Weisswurst or veal

>> No.14771854

> Cow does not work
What sort of useless country do you come from where you don't milk your cows?
Are you from Iran?

>> No.14771858

Go eat some fucking sewer rats and flying rabies carriers, fucking chink.

>> No.14771861

If dogs hadn't been domesticated, we would have shot the fucking lot of them, they are a wolf and they will kill anything if they don't have anything to eat.

>> No.14771870

almost all white people have dog-toxoplasmosis

watch the dog lick it's ass and then the face of its owner as he makes cooing noises like a drooling retard

>> No.14771874

This thread is about chinks eating dogs and thinking that it's normal, not about your homosexual dog-related fantasies.

>> No.14771876

curb your racism

your ancestors in the distant past definately ate dog as well

>> No.14771878

Curb your desire to fuck dogs you furry fucking faggot.

>> No.14771879

there are plenty of useless toy dogs that are practically good for nothing

>> No.14771882

did the dog poop get to your brain?

>this fucking projecting

>> No.14771884

You sound like you're from New York, homo, eat your own fucking rats.
Get this straight, you aren't worth the electricity replying further to.

>> No.14771886

you need to seek help, you have a problem

>> No.14771887

>you aren't worth the electricity replying further to.
yea shouldn't want to waste your government mandated internet hours!

>> No.14771888

Yes, I'm from new york, you fucking retard. You sound like you're from dipshitville, Uganda.

>> No.14771889

I don't really like veal

>> No.14771895

nobody cares chinsect go die in an elevator

>> No.14771913

ofc they are hypocrites, pigs are smarter than dogs

>> No.14771919

She cute

>> No.14771922


>> No.14771932

thats just a challenge for making a dog breed that has lots of meat and also taste delicious

>> No.14771998

So what's your favorite breed, Chang?

>> No.14772031

corgi. they taste great with vegetables

>> No.14772047

bullshit. ive eaten properly prepared dog and its terrible.

>> No.14772065

Where are you getting this from? You can only eat dog in specialised restaurants in Korea visited mostly by old people. Most people think it's taboo, and they're certainly not killing dogs for food at home.

>> No.14772134
File: 12 KB, 251x244, 1229766555029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cows were litterally working animals up until the point we invented tractors.