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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.65 MB, 3300x2580, Bagel-Plain-Alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14766875 No.14766875 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me the point of this.

Yes I know it comes from jews selling these on sticks or whatever, what I'm asking is why would you pay for a donut with a hole in it instead of a full one

>> No.14766892

you can literally just make them without a hole if you want (bialys)

it gives more surface area to expose it to the alkaline solution ur presumably boiling it in before baking though

>> No.14766908

It's already 600 calories how much more do you need, fatty?

>> No.14766912

when I eat bagels at home I eat two of them, each half coated in cream cheese and that's probably, I dunno like 1200 calories cuz the shelf-stable bagels they sell in the supermarket are kinda smol

>> No.14766917

More surface area for the crust and a more uniform shape for cooking. Try making a large bagel without the hole and the outside will be tough before the inside is cooked. Smaller ones you can get away with just a divot.

>> No.14766928

stop doing that, jesus. huge amount of carbs, fats, and calories--wasted. eat an egg with one bagel man, or at least use neufchatel cheese

>> No.14766945

bakes faster.

>> No.14766948

wrong. eat two plain bagels instead. or eat with refried beans. carbs good fat bad.

>> No.14766954

A bagel with cream cheese is one of my favorite breakfast meals. I've only ever had supermarket bagels. I want to try a fresh one someday.

Jews have pretty decent food despite everything else being wrong about them.

>> No.14766957


The average bagel is actual only about 250 calories.

And if the bagels themselves arent bad but all the cream cheese you put on them is

>> No.14766961

Is Chef Britt from allthingsbbq a jew?

>> No.14766962

gross. and fat isnt inherently bad, but a shit ton of it stemming from cream cheese sure is

>> No.14766988

cream cheese is pretty filling doe

I use maybe 6-7 oz of cream cheese for 2 bagels which is less than some delis give you

>> No.14767008

quit being a fatass american and use neufchatel

>> No.14767010

doesn't taste as good

i'd still be hungry if I used that

>> No.14767023

it tastes just fine. youre being fat

>> No.14767062

when I go to the grocery store, especially during this plandemic, there have been times when the regular cream cheese was all sold out and the low fat kind there was still plenty of

I actually think that farm-fresh cream cheese (which is less thicc and gloopy than philadelphia) is the best for bagels but that's a bit harder to get

>it taste fine

it doesn't or it wouldn't be way less popular lol

low fat diets are so 90s

>> No.14767159

it was bizarre seeing certain foods completely missing while others remained untouched

breakfast food pretty much disappeared at my kroger for what felt like months, but was probably just 5-6 weeks

i've always suspected that most people know how to cook breakfast, even if they have the bare minimum cooking experience

bacon and eggs were practically the only real meal that i got at home growing up, sad i know

we were either doing take out, dining out somewhere, having breakfast for dinner, or making bologna sandwiches

god i'm so happy to be out of there, i cook and eat good meals every chance i get

>> No.14767168

its interesting how it confirms most of my preferences, like the stuff I tend to buy the most, like the pint size of heavy cream, or lactose free store brand whole milk, or store brand unsalted butter tends to go first

I saw yeast at the grocery store for the first time in months the other day!

>bacon and eggs were practically the only real meal that i got at home growing up, sad i know

really that's not that bad, I love bacon, I keep some around for baked beans, a simply to assemble meal

>bologna sandwiches

I was raised (reform) jewish so I didn't really experience those as a kid the only time I saw them was when I experienced homelessness and lived in a shelter the lunch was always bologna and cheese sandwiches

>> No.14767180
File: 94 KB, 900x900, 1582394503548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of this? Why would you pay for bread with THREE holes in it? There's more hole than bread.

>> No.14767183

>the only time I saw them was when I experienced homelessness and lived in a shelter the lunch was always bologna and cheese sandwiches

wow that’s tough. When I was staying at a homeless shelter they at least gave us cheap TV dinners.

>> No.14767192

easier to dip it in mustard

>> No.14767196

>confirms most of my preferences
exactly my experience lol

i can't remember what it was, but i was impressed, it was something that i thought most people didn't know about because every time it snows the milk and bread are the first to go, but why not the pasta and jarred sauce which doesn't require refrigeration? and if power outages are the concern, why the milk? at a bare minimum, get peanut butter and crackers if you think you're going to be weeks without power

this time, all the pasta and sauce was missing, but the milk and bread were untouched. it really had me scratching my head. CNN or whatever the majority of people watch as news must have suggested it is my best guess

yeast was definitely a painful one, i had to find a friend who had some so that i could continue to make the foods i eat

>> No.14767302


they put all their points into ''good food'' and ''world domination''

anyway i want latkes now