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14766280 No.14766280 [Reply] [Original]

>he makes fun of gordon's grilled cheese with kimchi but hasn't tried it yet

>> No.14766325

I have eyes.

>> No.14766447

If you haven't made the recipe yourself you can fuck right off, your criticisms are irrelevant

>> No.14766451

So you've recreated this shitshow, you stupid fucking faggot?

>> No.14766459

Here's how to improve his trainwreck
>make 2 grilled cheeses at actually fucking melt
>put the stone fucking cold kimchi between them

>> No.14766477

The problem isn't the recipe or ingredients. Its that a professional chef failed at making the first thing you teach people to make as kids. Sure getting a perfectly photogenic grill cheese isn't as easy as it looks. But the cheese isn't even melted.

>> No.14766488

no one thinks it would taste bad, kimchi goes great on sandwiches. The problem is that its done poorly

>> No.14766525

how can you say a pile of shit would taste bad? have you tried it?

>> No.14766529

>didn't independently invent the kimcheese toasted sandwich yourself 5 years ago

>> No.14766610

everyone who says the cheese should have melted is a lukewarm IQ retard, asiago and romano are not melting cheeses, asiago is when sodium metabisulfate is added to it.

the only problem is the cheese choice, but he wanted to use cheese from a local dude in Australia so it's just a different take on it whatever.

modern day cooking and youtube has truly warped the perception of food products, it's kinda hilarious especially with people calling the bread burnt when only a quarter of the crust on one side got blackened. and it would taste fine anyway.

>> No.14766625

Gordon himself said the cheese was melted when he cut into the sandwich. You can still use hard cheese like those in a grilled cheese for flavor by mixing it with better melting cheese, sometimes it's even good to put it on the outside of the bread itself which would've been an interesting technique for people to learn that they could find useful at home.

>it's kinda hilarious especially with people calling the bread burnt when only a quarter of the crust on one side got blackened.
It's still burned and he knew he messed up because it was turned away from the camera for the rest of the video. The whole video was just kind of pretentious and useless, no reason to really defend it.

>> No.14766662

if this part is what people are complaining about then they're complete babies. this shit is on grilled bread and even bread out of the oven all the time. who doesn't love char on their bread, maybe if you eat store white bread you don't

yeah, those techniques are good for harder melting cheeses, and i won't defend him saying it melted but that's just how it would turn out cooked the way he did it no matter what

>> No.14766667
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meant to post this image

>> No.14766679

A little bit of char can taste good, but with how quickly it happened it's obvious the pan was way too hot.

>> No.14766723

>corner burnt
>other side under cooked
>inside looks colder than the inside of a hot pocket
gordon became a lazy cook like most older chefs but still pretends like he deserves mitchel man stars

>> No.14766726

It's a cheese sandwich that has been grilled, what's the problem? Nowhere in the name does it suggest the cheese has to be fully melted

>> No.14766732

Yeah, why not just put the bread in the toaster and then put the cheese inbetween?

>> No.14766740

At the start of the video he says he grew up with grilled cheese, "that was cheese on toast"

>> No.14766743

>i won't defend him saying it melted
He says the cheese had melted before he cut it open. It's entirely possible he didn't know at that point and was bluffing

>> No.14766787

i just said they weren't melting cheeses, it's not gonna look melted. its hot enough for consumption

go make one with those cheeses and come back

>> No.14766807

All it would have taken would be to make the bread thinner and turn the heat down so you can leave ot longer. You could also have toasted the "inside" of each slice first, then put the cheese on the hot bread and only then assemble the sandwich and toast the other side of each slice, that would have made the cheese melt much quicker.

>> No.14766810

>cheese isn't melted

>> No.14766812

>that burnt crust
oof man

>> No.14766819

only a demented retard would even try to make a grilled cheese with those cheeses

>> No.14766831

with thick blocks like that yeah, just wish people would stop being surprised and pay attention to what's even being cooked

>> No.14766949

we mock it because its expensive, made stupid, and retarded

its not meant to be high class food, its "just spent the day larping as a pirate with friends and here's a high energy snack to make up for the burnoff" food

>> No.14766973

>some bread, cheese and kimchi is "expensive"
holy shit dude you must poor as fuck kek

>> No.14766998

The cheese he used in the video was probably a bit expensive since it seemed like a local product made in smaller batches.

>> No.14767030

>the cheese has melted

>> No.14767045

keep crying poor bitch

>> No.14767066

eat a pile of shit and get back to us

>> No.14767070

gordon doesn't give a shit anymore

>> No.14767122
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you fucking retarded cocksucker, everyone is mocking him for picking the wrong cheeses for a grilled cheese, you stupid subhuman, nobody expected those faggot cheeses he picked to melt. fucking kill yourself you arrogant douchebag

>> No.14767131

I refuse to believe anybody is deluded enough to defend this shitshow so hard. Its like someone defending jack.

>> No.14767329

all he had to do was like.... slice the cheese even VAGUELY thinly?

>> No.14767466

>puts on some fancy unmeltable cheese
>burns the fuck out of the crust on his way too hot pan
>turns it away from the camera so it's ok
>gives us protips on how to make sure the cheese is melted
>talks about melted cheese throughout the video
>mmmyes, the cheese is melted beautifully
>cuts into it
>cheese doesn't even look like it's gotten soft yet
I know even though you're a michelin starred chef, you can fuck up a dish if you're making it for the first time. but the fact that he didn't do a reshoot, but rather uploaded it with the title "ultimate grilled cheese sandwich" amazes me.
I promise you if he got that shit at a restaurant he would spit it out and lambaste the chef

also, why does he always look like he just woke up? is he an alcoholic or something

>> No.14767500

i think this point is fair. Honestly, if someone made the sandwich for me i would eat it.
I think the meme comes from the fact that Gordon boasts himself to be a "master" at cooking and honestly a child in the 4-8 range could make a better looking sandwich than that. Also, Gordon himself is a braggadocios tool bag. So it feels good to point out when he fucks up.

>> No.14767506

Two days ago there was a thread about Ramsay and his Friti pie. I left a comment in that thread and later watched the video on youtube and saw that somebody had copied my comment from 4chan and pasted it under the youtube video. WTF

>> No.14767575

i'm sure you're joking, since no one can be this retarded, but if you fry anything in france, that's not a french fry

>> No.14767609

I've had similar things happen before too. Feels weird to see things taken like that but it makes me think they must be desperate for something other than what YouTube shoves down their throats.

>> No.14767617

Unmeltable cheese? plz don't give me "only kraftz" is meltable meme.

>> No.14767625
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>> No.14767626

Quit trying shill.

>> No.14767665

If there's one thing I've learned from all these new Gordon videos it's that he can't cook over an open flame/grill to save his fucking life. He literally sucks at it.

>> No.14767668

OH so you CAN melt those cheeses? go ahead and try it anon.
And if that is the case then Gordon just fucked up and could even melt meltable cheese.
Last time I'm replying to your bait.

>> No.14767686

It's still grilled cheese. It wasn't bait you just got offended easily. Can you just kiss me already?

>> No.14768180

There is no real recipe. It's your choice

>> No.14768202

This is like stoner food, “yeah man throw some kimchi on that grilled cheese huhuhu”

>> No.14768206

Asiago and Romano definitely melt lol

>> No.14768210

One side not even toasted, one side blackened...great contrast in texture...”the most beautiful colouring”

>> No.14768217

It was me lol

>> No.14768241

>95% of the sandwich is bread

>> No.14768291

I'm not against the idea, but it's not really a grilled cheese anymore. It's more of a toasted kimchi and cheese sandwich. Basically, kimchi is too strong to be anything but the frontrunner.

>> No.14768435

Brits should not be allowed in the kitchen unless they are making French or Italian food.

>> No.14768488


>Brits should not be allowed in the kitchen.


>> No.14768517

Ah yes, the recipe:
>Step 4) Burn the outside of the sandwich, leaving the inside uncooked. Enjoy!

>> No.14768545

>not making your grilled cheese sandwiches *beautifully* medium rare on a scorching hot skillet
I bet this guy doesn't even have a mitchelin star

>> No.14768571

Any time I eat grilled cheese, I always miss the meat. Let me know when he makes a good patty melt with kimchi. Maybe it could be a bulgogi patty melt.

>> No.14768589

Well, I mean then I guess it would be a bulgogi melt but still.

>> No.14769342

my point still stands, either he picked an unmeltable cheese for a grilled cheese sandwich or he failed to melt a perfectly meltable cheese

>> No.14769461
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>> No.14769527

I'm glad that people are rediscovering clone high

>> No.14769619
File: 175 KB, 770x571, hcLi6ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that helps to get the cheese nicely melted

*cheese looks more solid than when he started*

>> No.14769832

not me, because all the zoomers finding out about Clone High reminds me that I'm almost literally a 30yo boomer.

>> No.14769844

Charred bread is disgusting

>> No.14769860

>I'm almost literally a 30yo boomer
who cares I'm 35 I'm glad that a great underrated show is getting rediscovered by whoever

>> No.14769886

ok boomer

>> No.14769901

Calls it a grilled cheese when its a melt, not even made on a grill

>> No.14769985

Cheese on toast is put under the grill. I think Americans call it a broiler? The point is, the cheese on British cheese on toast is just as melted as in an American grilled cheese.
These weird Gordon defenders coming out of the woodwork are just bizarre. The kimchi is only a problem if you're some kind of purist. It sounds nice honestly, especially with those cheeses. But he burnt the bread, unevenly charring a big corner of it to black, then tried to hide that, but didn't pass that note on to the editing team who featured it prominently. If you burn the bread and have paving stone slabs of ice cold cheese in your grilled cheese you don't respect your audience if you don't reshoot it. Why defend someone who doesn't respect you?

>> No.14769995

>These weird Gordon defenders coming out of the woodwork are just bizarre.
A lot of people act like you just can't criticize someone in that kind of position, as if they're no longer a human who can make mistakes but some kind of divine being above everyone else.

>> No.14770125
File: 1.36 MB, 3024x4032, 20200920_182050-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off your high horse

not defending gordon, just making the point that everyone who says the cheese should be melted or it looks ice cold is a fucking idiot.

slabs of asiago and romano will not melt into a desirable silky form like american cheese, but it would have mostly if he shredded it. gordon is retarded for not doing that.

as for the burnt bread, i'm not even gonna tackle this shit because its personalized for everybody, and because of cultural normalization of how bread should look. i'm personally not scared of any bitterness or textural difference that could occur from darkening or charring of parts of bread. i'd be too busy eating fucking comfort food and even enjoying the charred bits to criticize a grilled cheese. it depends on the bread of course but the bread he used doesn't look like supermarket white bread so it should taste fine.

i would question why he would even make a grilled cheese if he was going to celebrate exotic cheeses from a dude around the world, that's pretty idiotic and he should have done something else.

t. my bread i baked today, if you wouldn't eat the charred ear you're a fag

>> No.14770132

>cheese isn't even melted
looks fairly melted. he chose harder cheeses, are you expecting it to be gooey like shitty american cheese?

>> No.14770206

>looks fairly melted.

are you blind or havin' a laff?

>are you expecting it to be gooey like shitty american cheese

yes. people expect the cheese to be melted on a grilled cheese sandwich. are you under the impression that only american cheese melts you silly little ass monkey?

>> No.14770211

get a fucking brain you numbskull

how many fucking times has it been said in this thread that slabs of asiago and romano DO NOT MELT WELL

>> No.14770238

then...why would they be on a grilled cheese sandwich?

>> No.14770268

i don't know, ask gordon

just because it's primarily done with gooey melting cheeses doesn't mean it has to be, even if it doesn't *look* as appetizing or the norm. it would still look melted if he shredded the cheese anyway, which he didn't do for some reason

it may look stupid to you but to me it's less retarded than say putting mac n cheese in a grilled cheese