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14764331 No.14764331 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a coconut for the first time. The water was good, but what should I do with the rest of it?

>> No.14764341

Make coconut milk

>> No.14764343


You crack it open and eat the meat inside. That white stuff isnt the real meat its like the pith. Cut that open until you reach the shell, break into it and scoop out all the delicious insides.

>> No.14764351

put a lime in the coconut

>> No.14764373

Cut it in half and eat it plain if it was a white one if it was already ripened also but it open and use it in whatever dishes call for coconut.

>> No.14764435
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>> No.14764463

How can coconut go from so delicious when fresh to a horrible, dead-skin analogue when dried? No other fruit gets ruined by drying quite like coconut does.

>> No.14764473

Dried coconut is fucking great mate i don't know what you are on about. All the coconut cakes you eat use the dried stuff.

>> No.14764479

Let the coconut just be itself

>> No.14764488

Yeah I'm not a big fan of dried coconut. It's way better fresh. Quite a difference.

>> No.14764494


Enjoy it.


Theyre both used for different purposes and when used properly are excellent.

>> No.14764533

I'm pretty sure they mean that stuff. I know a lot of people who hate shredded coconut and will not eat anything with it. They complain about how it feels between their teeth because they're little whiny babies.

>> No.14764670

They make excellent fireplace log replacements. Just let them dry out for a month or so.

>> No.14764687

desiccate it i guess
then use for whatever

>> No.14764705

Coconuts are weird. At any rate try shoving it up your ass. I can't see anything going wrong with that. Practically fool proof.

>> No.14764724

Shove it up your ass hole and then eat it.

>> No.14764836

Throw it in the trash, since that's where it belongs.

>> No.14764870

Why would you purchase a coconut without already having decided intentions of what to do with it. So irresponsible....

>> No.14764872
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many people don't like it but I love coconut sponge. when a coconut germinates and start growing a tree it makes this big sponge inside to absorb the water and direct it towards the tree, the sponge kind of tastes like soap but has that crunchy-soft feel no other thing has.

>> No.14766193

Isn't that what they call macapuno?

>> No.14766382

fresh coconut is young green coconut

"dry" coconut is the older brown coconuts

>> No.14766383

Coconut tastes like fucking sun tan lotion

>> No.14766405

If you have to ask, you're probably white and therefore should eat your own food.

Racist idiot. Cultural appropriation is pure hate.

>> No.14766410

don't eat your coconut scented sun lotion dummy

>> No.14766411

it tastes good, but its not enough meat.

its not worth the effort

>> No.14766448

most folk wont catch that reference

>> No.14766462
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>> No.14766714

>white people

>> No.14766794

mash it boil it throw it in a stew

>> No.14766925

Lmao, cultural appropriation is only valid criticism for profit seeking endeavours, denying of enjoyment in the fruit of another culturs Labour is to push for neo nazism, and the you fact that you dont see that make you the biggest fucking tool wited hipsters clown, just a mere pretender among us few who know, get the fuck out you absolutely embodiment a humiliation. Legit fucking hate leftist closet nazis who virtue signal online go and suck your sister cock u tranny loving nigger

>> No.14766936

t. Harry

>> No.14766940

R u bein retart on porepus ?

>> No.14766946
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>worst part of coconut brown
>best part white
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14767282
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that shit don't look right, it should be solid, i live in the tropics and have eaten thousands of coconuts, fresh green ones and dried brown one but never once have i seen anything like that

>> No.14767287

yea but these anons are talking about dried coconut, as in shaven down and put in a air dryer

>> No.14767296

dude they're still playing that song

>> No.14767469

you never seen anyone slice the green off a fresh one and you live in the tropics? you must mean the tropic of retardation

>> No.14767472

Fresh coconut meat shines in cake.
Coconut water, coconut cream, coconut meat, get it all together into the best iced and topped coconut cake!

>> No.14768085
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i was talking about the coconut meat, it's not supposed be all mushy like that. not even unripe coconuts are like that

>> No.14768381

As a Brazilian that had coconuts straight from the tree in my backyard in my childhood you are completely wrong. You either never had fresh coconut or your had something weird going on with them.

>> No.14768409

Floridachad here, you're 100% wrong. Coconuts from my backyard were green and the jelly was soft. Dry coconuts have hard jelly.

>> No.14768931
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i lived in south Florida and had 7 or 8 trees in my and pickup truck full of haitians would come by and try to steal all the coconuts, so yes i've had plenty of fresh and dry coconut. I'm not sure how many pics of green coconuts i need to post where the meat looks nothing like the original pic

>> No.14768942
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You can notice how soft the jelly is in that pic mate. You are proving the opposite of your point.

>> No.14768971

here is a video of a guy eating 20 coconuts look at how soft they are.

>> No.14769007
File: 62 KB, 600x409, coconuts-ripe-unripe-3749802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those grocery store coconuts
two theory's,
#1. could be a different variety of coconut palm
#2. i think that's what happens when they're picked green, peeled and packaged but then sit around for months because it looks over ripe but also the husk is still fresh

>> No.14769098

Coconut shrimp or you're a punk.

>> No.14769123
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it different varieties, ours were always had dryer meat and if you drank the milk from a green one it would give you diarrhea
Chowghat Orange Dwarf Coconut.
Malayan Dwarf Coconut.
Macapuno Coconut.
Fiji Dwarf.
King Coconut. Tall Varieties.
East Coast Tall Coconut.
West Coast Tall Coconut.
Maypan Coconut.

>> No.14769413

>vegan balut.jpg

>> No.14769448

It is obviously a combination of these two you retards, why did you argue for like 10 posts before coming to the obvious solution?
>hey wait, what the fuck guys? Where I come from, my apples are always GREEN? Red apples? You must be a liar or retarded or both... xDdddd

>> No.14769452

next time make coconut jelly. shit is cash

>> No.14769601
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takes more then one to argue and other anon said he was also from my area so i made the assumption that the species were regional and given that i spent 30years around coconuts and never once seen one looking like snot i figured it was rotten.

>> No.14769620

some dude in ghana figured out how to make a special charcoal out of the husks and shit. pretty neat.

>> No.14769765
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activated carbon is made from coconut husk

>> No.14771323

Stick it up youy ass faggtard

>> No.14772658

you put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up

>> No.14773800

have you tried dried durian?

>> No.14773805

make yourself a pina collada and pour it inside.

>> No.14773810

Cry about it nigger. Not sorry

>> No.14773841
File: 132 KB, 1200x936, Gunsmoke-4LCQIAQZFNCP5GIG4J7NEHDX2Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember if you cut the coconuts in half you can use them to make clopity clop horse sounds.

>> No.14773905

nah gay cowboy, those are with ripe coconuts with the hardened husks. These edible ones haven't hardened to that extent and don't do the cloppy clops.

>> No.14773931

lol wot
are you serious?

>> No.14774146

When I was little I would play with the dried coconuts
play bowling balls and stuff like that

>> No.14774159

lol what a nigger

>> No.14774168


>> No.14774230

If you put those names under pictures of weed I wouldn't know any better.

>> No.14774706


>> No.14775000

me too anon, don't listen to the souless first worlder

>> No.14775006

Eat the flesh, pendejo

>> No.14775009

How can be you so retarded?

>> No.14775010

Durian is my favourite fruit with coconut in close 2nd place. Dried durian is horrid to me, and dried coconur is my least favourite fruit.
Drying is sinful.

>> No.14775018

Sometimes goofyness hits anyone.
Its like lightning.

>> No.14775041

Of course, who would joke around on 4chan?

>> No.14775652

like me. Does putting lime in coconut make it taste gooder or what?

>> No.14776491

imagine being this much of a pussy ass faggot. It's a young coconut you idiot

>> No.14776496

one of the true delicacies straight from the earth. It's a magical, unique experience to have fresh coconut water and meat

>> No.14776997

dried pineapple if good

>> No.14777041

More gooder, more better!

>> No.14777052

If you want to freak anons out here on this board tell them about dried pineapple slices on pizza. You'll never hear the end of it.

>> No.14777085

that might actually be good, the dried pineapple would sponge up the excess grease and become a cheesey ham infused pineapple

>> No.14777118

I've seen the guy from Survivorman eat partly sprouted coconut, I watched some of the episodes recently. I'd like to try some if I'm ever someplace tropical.

>> No.14778274

idk the smell that comes of coconut shoots is rancid

>> No.14779154
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>> No.14779633

this nigga eating dry coconuts

That's a normal looking jelly

>> No.14779635

Scrape up the pulp and use it in a curry