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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14762613 No.14762613 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like some Kentucky fried duck

>> No.14762614

I, too, wish to know the answer.

>> No.14762618

because ducks are an intelligent animal that are capable of flight, only a psychopath would want to eat one

>> No.14762620

theyre a bit more expensive and fast food is a race to the bottom

>> No.14762629

ducks are incredibly expensive, because they have a very special DIET and Sleep SCHEDULE

>> No.14762637

we eat duck (stuffed with apples) here every christmas
with caramelized potatoes and gravy

>> No.14762638

duck meat would be too greasy to serve as fried chicken is. Braised, in gumbo, or confit are better ways. Duck eggs are better than chicken eggs though.

>> No.14762639

Chicken are easier to raise and manage. Duck is however delicious and I should eat it more.

>> No.14762642

Because ducks are bros and chickens are idiots

>> No.14762648

Ducks looked cuter/softer than chickens, so people see them more as pets than food

>> No.14762668

That doesn't stop he chinks from torturing puppies as viscerally as they do before cooking to "make them taste better."

>> No.14762708

Ducks are delicious. There's a Chinese restaurant near me that sells whole cooked ducks and I love going there and getting one. Even though I love duck, it's already a fairly fatty meat and I'm not sure it'd work well fried.

>> No.14762718

anon we already know that chinks aren't people

>> No.14762781
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I'd give anything to be that duck. Nude, and cuddling with a very young sleeping boy.

Wak wak! Support Nambla.

>> No.14762786

the duck is dead, so now you're a reverse necrophile pedo

>> No.14762796
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It's like asking why lamb isn't as popular as beef, and the answer is: stronger flavor. Consoomers like bland things, and they run from anything that can be described as "gamey"

>> No.14762799


More difficult/expensive to raise and their meat has a gaminess to it that puts a lot of people off.

>> No.14763460 [DELETED] 

China prefers Duck

>> No.14763487

actually the duck is alive, the kid is dead

>> No.14763598
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I don't understand why it is so common to serve bothe caramelized potatoes and normal potatoes. If I was the cook I would only make one type.

>> No.14763897

If true then sad, both lamb and duck are delicious. Not that beef isn't also delicious, but damn, everytime I get a nice lamb shank....

>> No.14763996

Duck has a gamey flavour as compared to chicken. Also the meat is a dark colour.

This offends the soccer mom.

>> No.14764146

Ducks are harder, and thus more expensive, to raise. Most factory farm scenarios find ducks dying of wave after wave of disease.

>> No.14764840
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Homestead duck anon here. Actually have a duck right now in the oven.
Ducks are far more popular in non American countries. I'm not 100% sure why. It might be the fact that the Pekins (the industrial meat breed shown in OPs pic) does not cook as quickly as your typical cornish cross broiler.

I agree that duck is absolutely delicious, but it's a slow cooking kind of animal, whether thats peking duck or the duck stew that I make from my older ducks (usually ducks are slaughtered at 7-8 weeks, I waited until they were 12-16 weeks)

Ducks also don't do well in the american CAFO system. Ducklings are more water intensive, and have wet shits. Much stinkier than chickens. Ducks do best outdoors IMO.

Deep frying duck is possible but kind of a pain. you need to cook the meat before deep frying otherwise it will be too tough and rich.

Ducks are also INCREDIBLY fatty. This is great for rendering but Amerifats are (ironically) terrified of cholesterol.

Domestic ducks can't fly. Especially the one in OPs pic. Chickens fly better than Pekins. Having said that people keep mallards free range as livestock and they stick around, even though they can fly, because WE GOT THE GOOD KUSH YO.

Also my ducks are as intelligent as chickens. Maybe less due to their flock mentality.

>> No.14766079

Based duck farmer. What are you pairing the duck with?

>> No.14766128

I roast the duck on potatoes, cook the duck, render fat, and cook potatoes at the same time.

I don't drink much, but maybe some homemade watermellon wine will be nice with duck stew.

>> No.14766195

because they can fly

>> No.14766197
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Ducks are cute, chickens should be hidden from public view until they're meat on a plate

>> No.14767067

Factory farming is easier for chickens.

That being said duck is delicious. I lost my fucking mind after making french fries in duck fat. It might have been the best tasting thing I've ever had.

>> No.14767628
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>chickens should be hidden from public view until they're meat on a plate

>> No.14767633

I don't mind attractive chickens but most of them are really fucking ugly and also stupid and have bad personalities. They're trying to ban the jews from slaughtering chickens here and I say bring on the chicken pain, I hope they make it as slow as possible

>> No.14767669

chickens are true neutral, geese are chaotic evil

>> No.14767702

Ducks will pretend to friendly and then try to bite your finger.

>> No.14767792
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Sweet insight

>> No.14767794

because ducks tend to fly away and chickens dont

>> No.14767802
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What about geese? Can we eat geese? Cause they just seem like assholes that deserve to die.

>> No.14767821
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Ducks make some good aburasoba

>> No.14767839

Yeah, goose is delicious. It's what the British traditionally had for Christmas dinner before Turkeys were brought over from America.

>> No.14768518

My dog loves to bully the geese by the lake

>> No.14768650

too rich

>> No.14768694

egg production, that's the main #1 reason

>> No.14768710

Because if you want it as tender you have to cook it twice.

>> No.14768722

You can get duck at pretty much any UK supermarket, it's just chickens are cheaper to raise and usually half the price of duck. Lamb meat is pretty comparable to duck and you can buy it about the same price. Beef is twice as much as lamb. So economics basically. I do like duck though.

>> No.14768777

It's hard to fuck up chicken,
It's easy to fuck up duck.

>> No.14768790
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Different Anon homesteader here. Have you ever worked with Muscovy Ducks? Some of the best meat you can get. You can also cross breed muscovy to peking or any other water duck to make a mule duck. They are sterile hybrids that grow fast and you don't need to force feed to develop a fatty liver. One week regiment on fine corn meal, boss and raw milk and you got some of the fattiest liver you can imagine.
For doing fried duck I typically cook it in the pressure cooker first then flour and fry in rice bran oil. Do you have any other methods?

>> No.14768818

Not the guy you replied to I'm
this guy. I didn't mention how super tasty duck is, probably the finest meat, English or Chinese style it doesn't matter, any form of crispy duck is delicious! Never had fatty duck liver we only get the French Foie gras here.

>> No.14768828

Ducks do this thing where they fly away in the winter

>> No.14768838

>beef os twice as much as lamb
Not in america, 99% of lamb here is imported

>> No.14768839

I eventually want to raise ducks primarilly for egg production, that and I just love ducks in general. What are some of the best egg laying breeds?

>> No.14768857

Watermelon wine?
Can I get more of your opinion on this?

>> No.14768867

Yeah I noticed Americans don't eat lamb much? Is it expensive? I guess it's frozen and thawed which affects the texture and taste.

>> No.14768901

Lamb gets pricey here due to lack of domestic production and import costs. We do produce a shit ton of beef so it's cheap here.

>> No.14768916

Business opportunity? Lamb and Beef are like 50/50 for people's favourite meat here so I feel like Americans will like it.

The feedlot beef in America is so pale, not sure how it tastes but not convinced it's that great.

>> No.14768949

Ducks are quite possibly the most popular poultry out there. MAYBE they're runners up to chickens. Have you genuinely never heard of China?

>> No.14768953

There's the mandatory American here to make sure everyone knows what it's like in America.

>> No.14768959
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I do the same mix of peking and khaki too. Theyre less destructive than chickens to my tiny property so Im expanding my flock. They seem like theyd do fine in a chicken tractor could see them getting bigger as the none factory farmed poultry industry expands.

>> No.14768979

Americans are for the most part small minded when it comes to food. If it's not beef, chicken, or pork, many won't touch it.

>> No.14768980

Imaging throwing that kid aside and whip out your throbing cock, grab that duck by the neck and fuck the feathers off it. I think that kid would learn a valuable life lesson.

>> No.14768986

Cute ducklings

>> No.14768990


>> No.14769012

Well British are not exactly adventurous, just add some duck and lamb, well a bunch of seafood I guess because it's cheap here. Most people will try frogs legs and snails come the traveling French markets but people get grossed out by goat even though it's basically lamb if it's a meat goat.

>> No.14769014
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Theyre teenager ducks now. A little less cute. Much bigger. About 4 buckets big now.

>> No.14769022
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They're still pretty cute imo.

>> No.14769046

Waterfowl are generally harder to keep clean.

>> No.14769058

A lot of us eat deer, too (well at least out here in rural country we do).

>> No.14769066

Ducks are extremely malicious animals

>> No.14769075
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>> No.14769086
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>> No.14769092
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>> No.14769101
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>> No.14769106
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>> No.14769111

I can never see this webm and not think of Running in the 90s

>> No.14769143

I think the french primarily use geese for Foie Gras they did work with Muleards or mule ducks for a time specifically Muscovy Peking crosses, that's where I learned about it. Muscovy are a bush duck but are actually somewhere between a goose and duck a little closer to water duck than geese thus the ability to cross breed. It's more humane as they voluntarily force feed you don't have to tube them like geese. Which trust me is a pain in the ass, those fuckers can bite hard.
That's bullshit Anon, grocery store city fags just don't know shit. That's not all of America. Most lamb is not imported it's just commercially the US produces less so at the fag markets with their cuck carts it appears that way and is slightly more expensive than trash beef finished on Halloween candy. You want Lamb here buy it on the hoof. You get a way better product.
Duck eggs are amazing. Runner Ducks are good layers and are relatively common so they are easy to find, they are messy though. Muscovy are a good dual purpose you get about 80+ eggs a year, they lay seasonally and are great at hatching out their own young. You can get Campbell's from hatcheries which they say are the best I have not had good experience with them as hatcheries have shit quality birds. If you can find a good breeder I am sure they probably live up to the hype of over 300 eggs a year.

One thing about ducks, they take a little longer than chickens to mature so you're going to be investing a little more into them before you get anything. Don't skimp on the protein levels in the feed when they're young as this will slow their maturation down. The higher protein feeds are just a few dollars more and worth every penny.

Using duck eggs tonight for my lasagna makes the ricotta so creamy it's insane.

>> No.14769168

I'm new on the scene but I got mostly Khaki Campbells. They are prominent egg layers and are good meat too.

Been considering Moscovy, but first I want geese and chickens. I'm using the ducks for eggs, meat, and pasture management, so geese are needed for grazing and livestock protection and chickens for scratching and spreading manure.

Question: If my campbells and pekins cross breed will the offspring be a mule duck or since they are both dabblers they can create fertile crosses?

>> No.14769171

UKFag here again, kinda surprised about the 80 eggs a year breed? Are there good duck laying breed because I normally buy duck eggs as they are cheaper for the size?

>> No.14769182
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Our ducks have been out on rotating pasture since they were about a week and a half. Our property is incredibly lush, I think they have only improved things.

>> No.14769194

I'm pretty interested in runners since they're good at foraging insects and lizards, do they really tear up yards badly though?

>> No.14769210

Dude where did you find khakis?
What's the egg production like on the cross breeds?

>> No.14769214

There's one crazy homesteader that uses his ducks and chickens to till and provide nitrogen for minifields. He rotated them whenever the ground has been picked clean.

>> No.14769232

I call him crazy because he and his wife are homeopaths. The guy has some kind of neuropathy and claims it's "chronic lyme disease" which does not exist, and so his kids get treated with colloidal silver, essential oils, garlic soaked in honey, and raw milk instead of vaccines. antibiotics, nsaids, or antihistamines.

>> No.14769235
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Yep! Thats Justin Rhodes. I like his channel, hes better than those animal hoarders at Homesteady (I'm not saying homesteady is totally useless, but they are shit homesteaders)
He is a huge Joel Salatin fanboy, which is what inspired his system,

I also like salatin, and draw inspiration off his rotational pastured system. I have heard many people talking about their soils becoming more efficient and higher producing with pasture rotation.
This winter my paddock will be stationary and the ducks will be allowed to fuck it up, then come spring I will mulch and plant in it.

>> No.14769248

I like the texture and the richness of the muscovy eggs more than Runner Ducks or Khakis/Campbells so the trade off isn't so bad for the decreased production. I think the ones you buy at the store are from Khakis/Campbells they supposedly lay well over 300 eggs a year.
Depends on how many you have, but yes they can be pretty destructive to landscaping. Not as bad as chickens though. They do leave a lot of large watery shit all over the place. Invest in hoses.

>> No.14769338
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Got some at a local feed store and some at a tractor supply. This is my first year for duck and theyve just started laying recently. I dont have them well trained to go in a night and the plot eggs out whereever when theyre out at night. Ive picked up warm eggs in the middle of the yard at 3 am when Im on my way to work a couple of times.

>> No.14769346

Goat is better than beef IMO unless you are buying super premium beef, not grass fed bullshit but the stuff with a ridiculous amount of marbling. It's all in how you raise and finish goat though. We get marbled flesh out of ours but they are raised with dairy goats so they get better food their entire lives. Butcher between 9 months and a year. You're not getting any of my goat for less than $30/lb.

>> No.14769369

Ducks are greasy and more angry than chickens and can fly.

They haven't been bred as farm stock so they don't have enough meat to make it valuable. Also most people can't cook duck and would just heat it up like a plain chicken breast and hate it

>> No.14769379

>Is it expensive?
It is and is sold almost nowhere. I have to go to a special butcher to get some near me.

>> No.14769415

Shit. Was hoping you had a line on a breeder. The feed stores and TSC here only get shit quality stock. Half the time they say pure this or that but they turn out to be something else. One of our feed stores was selling Cornish X and telling people they were White Rocks. Much to people's surprise they got these monster birds that got so big they could barely walk. We got a bunch of them free because the people just didn't want to butcher them. Had one dress out at 13 lbs. Nothing but Katsu fried chicken with those.

>> No.14769426

Dude 4H and FFA, just buy at auction or raise your own it's not that hard.

>> No.14769438

How do you stop them from flying away?

>> No.14769457
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Well all the breeder here in maine have move to facebook groups that use code words to get around the animal sale ban or the mewe social media site. Ill get a drake from someone and start breeding my own once I get a few years of ducks under my belt. These are practice ducks so Im not gonna spend to much on them.

>> No.14769470

Did you age the duck like I mentioned in your last thread? How'd that turn out?

>> No.14769485
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Pekins are too fat to fly. Campbells can fly a little bit but both are too heavy to fly. They also are massive flock animals and plus they are getting good food, water, shelter, and fresh pasture. They don't leave for the same reason most humans don't leave their wage slave job.

Plus the electric fence doesn't hurt.

>> No.14769493
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Ahhh no! How long should I have aged it? I mean it was in the fridge in a bag for 3 days before I roasted it but I didn't properly age it.
Im thinking next time to salt brine for 2 days,

>> No.14769509
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God call ducks are so retarded.

>> No.14769514

>Pekins are too fat to fly.
Based fat bird. Thanks for the explanation

>> No.14769515

based duck anons

>> No.14769533
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Last time I butchered ducks I left them uncovered in the fridge for a couple of days. Best duck Ive ever had. I also only fed them corn and whatever they could forage.

>> No.14769534

duck is red meat. you can't just swap it to chicken

>> No.14769628
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The only way to make duck tender and juicy is to throw it alive into a boiling cauldron of water and we have animal rights here in the West

>> No.14769651

>Duck meat is 100% dark meat due to the vascular structure
Times like this I don't think people deserve nice things because they obviously reject them.

>> No.14769678

Incredibly based post. We eat roasted muscovy duck every year for Christmas

>> No.14769709

2 days in a brine then uncovered for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Low and slow then a high temp finish to crispy the skin.

>> No.14769751
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Ty for the advice, I hope you plucked that duck a bit more. I'm kind of OCD with my plucking. Literally all the feathers have to go. IDK why, I find it relaxing

>> No.14769837

With Muscovy you can also eat the breast meat rare which is how I like to do it.
>Skin down 4 min super hot cast iron then flesh side down 2-3 minutes
>Finish in the broiler until 120F usually 8-10 minutes
>Let rest 10 minutes
>Slice thin and serve

>> No.14770892
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wow, i have been trying to source goat meat but haven't been successful. what's the yield for a 9months old dairy goat? also does dairy goat taste different that goat bred for meat? i'd love to try goat

also how does it compare to lamb?

>> No.14771075

Ok so here's the thing, when we breed our dairy goats the male kids we plan on raising an eating ourself. We raise dairy goat kids on mom, we separate from 4months til 1 year to 18 months. On an off mom as a dairy goat will nurse her babies regardless of how long we separate. They eat purely alfalfa /timothy and milk from mom and his own ration of grain. The quality is unequal to a boer/ meat bred goat.

>> No.14771080

In comparison to lamb it's a matter of how long you smoke it.

>> No.14771097
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Ducks are about the same size as chickens, but eat and shit 10 times more.

>t. has taken care of ducks

>> No.14771129

>I don't mind attractive chickens

>> No.14771145

>Duck and lamb
>Cheap seafood

Sounds like you live in paradise

>> No.14771313

ducks are super-territorial and require more space than chickens

>> No.14771466

duck used to be more popular until we committed genocide.
Chickens lay more eggs.

>> No.14771476

how the fuck is cooking it that long "rare"?

>> No.14772882

IDK they are usually over an inch thick unlike OP.

>> No.14772887
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As someone from the burbs I find self-sustained homesteads idyllic. Snowy winters complicate this, but a chicken coop for eggs and a greenhouse seem possible year round. That's easy to say though. It would take a household to commit too.

>> No.14772895

This. Stupid question

>> No.14772908

this picture gives me a cozy rural appalachian vibe

>> No.14772925

based duck raising anons dropping intredasting knowledge

>> No.14773017

chicken and ducks are cute

>> No.14773022

This. Ducks are our frens.

>> No.14773037

tfw no duck bro :(((

>> No.14773106

aww thats cute

>> No.14773159

Chickens have hilarious attitudes. When Im feeding them they are like "Excuse me could you move out of the way we are trying to eat here". They are completely shameless in a fun way.
It's also kinda interesting how extremely different the sexes act. Reminder of the natural order of things.

>> No.14773206
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I fucking love duck. If I could get it at the same price as chicken I'd have it at least once a week.
Good quality duck costs a lot more than decent quality chicken, though, and shitty cheap duck sucks.
Pic related; just on the edge of being too cheap, that one.

>> No.14773334
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I don't have a year round garden. Annuals will die, I have a basement I'm remodeling to eventually give more light, as it would be pretty good for a green house. Otherwise preserving my produce through canning, pickling, drying, fermenting, etc gives you produce in the winter. The ducks can be outside with no infrastructure to about as low as 20 F. Of course our winters can get up to 40 degrees colder so we have a coop with deep bedding, the active microbes in the bedding will create heat (and compost!), and if that doesn't work we have heat lamps. The biggest challenge is fresh water. Heated waterers are crucial.

It does take a lot of work. But I would rather work my ass off for a life so beautiful its almost poetic and good well earned meal than for a few slave sheckles for some olicharch trillionaire.

>> No.14773356
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Build a hoop house. I spent 100-200$ on one. Best investment on my garden. Frost killed the rest of my none cold hardy stuff outside still a jungle in here. Im going to build a bigger one with a rocket mass heater after everything dies in here.

>> No.14773523
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We might do that. Our duck coop is actually a customized greenhouse frame that was about 100 bucks.

>> No.14773573

Stating the obvious but rocket mass heaters only make sense if you have an easy supply of wood. They're a pain to maintain as they actually get too hot for conventional materials to last. For greenhouses the large thermal mass is the best feature. If you can run some pvc under your greenhouse, you can connect a radiator/heat exchanger to any kind of furnace, even a regular wood stove like this >>14773334.

>> No.14773581

Ducks too greasy and preparing they correctly requires artisanal tier drying techniques

>> No.14773754

Throw salt on it.
Wait a little while.
Walla read to bake.

>> No.14773860

A local restaurant here serves duck wings and they're fucking delicious, I wish they were more popular.

>> No.14773869

Sleep tight ducker

>> No.14773893

The gamey meat is a problem with boomers. They were raised on cattle and chicken, and hate lamb and duck.

Gen-X mom will eat anything I give her though, even dishes with blood in them. She freaks out over balut though.

>> No.14773927


>> No.14773964

guys like
what would happen
if we implanted human intelligence into ducks?
what would their personalities be like? would they try to scheme to kill humans?

>> No.14774402

Read Nils Holgersson and your questions will be answered

>> No.14774423

They would feel terrified and incredibly resentful of their situation. Imagine having the intelligence of humans, but no way to craft or create things as you have no arms hands? An existential crisis could easily come from this. So a lot of ducks would try to commit suicide or become accepting of their situation: the situation would be incredibly scary.

Imagine if humans could shoot you, and all you could do was fly away or run. At the very least these ducks would be horrified and depressed. They're used for food, anon. It would not be a pleasant experience for them.

>> No.14774476


>> No.14774489

Ducks are nightmare creatures with springloaded corkscrew dicks longer than their entire bodies, and they rape so much that female duck vaginas evolved to corkscrew in the opposite direction as the males' dicks and have multiple dead ends to prevent fertilization through rape

>> No.14775883
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owo like dis?
The females kind of like to be fucked but I think it can get out of hand really easy because the males like to shove her head underwater.
My ducks flirt a lot but they are still young and have no clue wtf is going on.

>> No.14776100

Peking duck is delicious

>> No.14776162

I don't care for duck but a jar of duck fat will change your world. Everything taste better cooked with it.

>> No.14776174

wow another highly educated cracked.com reader

now tell me some common misconceptions xD

>> No.14776189

Ducks are more expensive to care for and don't breed as fast as chickens

>> No.14776191

They sell Utility grade ducks (ducks that are not A grade due to processing IE: leg ripped off in deplucking) for about 8 dollars in my grocery store. They're good and not too hard to cook. I roast em the first day and the second boil the organs and the bones to make duck broth I eat with rice noodles and white pepper. I'd buy the grade A ducks but they actually don't sell them here.

>> No.14776243

>posting that photo

Too soon you sick fuck, saged and reported to FBI.

>> No.14776245

ducks are assholes

>> No.14776414

if I had land I'd raise ducks instead of chickens
more messy but would be easier to feed imo

>> No.14777511
File: 39 KB, 620x348, tony-and-the-ducks-600x337[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14777914

Ducks dont have assholes.

>> No.14779009

Hi chop. How's it going >>14773206

>> No.14779466

Lower investment/return ratio.

You can cram more chicken into a shitty shed, punmp them full of shittyier food and still get a largely edible result for the drones.

>> No.14779483

Caramelized potatoes are good as a side, but you need the plain ones as a neutral vessel for the gravy.

>> No.14779550

Yes they are, the yolks are fucking amazing

>> No.14779722
File: 205 KB, 1024x684, 2125208481_893aa89dcb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up in Queens walking past these everyday, fucking delicious

>> No.14779886

oh you know just roasting a duck haha

>> No.14779895
File: 76 KB, 800x606, 1234514555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the McDuck. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McDuck sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McDuck sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McDuck sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.