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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 857 KB, 2048x1365, chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14760702 No.14760702 [Reply] [Original]

Is Chicago the most /ck/ city bros?

>> No.14760705

'go 'za

>> No.14760716

Nah, that would be DC.

>> No.14760717
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lmao wut

>> No.14760721

>Dick-strick of Columbia

>> No.14760759

DC is basically a giant liquor store with a government office complex attached to it. It's a terrible place for food.

>> No.14760764

you misspelled "Houston"

>> No.14760769

Houston has very good food but the fact that it's a shithole makes it not worth it

t. lives here too

>> No.14760770

Pretty sure we have more Michelin rated restaurants than whatever flyover shithole you call home, Cletus. But excellent cope, you made me reply.

>> No.14760784

just avoid the south side, east side, southeast side, north side, northeast side, and the southwest side and you'll be fine.

>> No.14760796

as in: full of sheltered, oblivious retards who think they are authorities on all food with no credibile restaurants or experiences to show for it?
yeah, guess it îs bro

>> No.14760889

Chicago isnt even a real city, its that gay little cousin you let tag along when you have family reunions.

>> No.14760894

>t. Jew York is amazing fellow redditors!!!

>> No.14760927

As an LA fag I was pleasantly suprised how good and cheap the food was over there.

>> No.14760932

i hope that you contemplate suicide regularly for living in that shithole

>> No.14760965

Michelin is a joke, states have to pay them an enormous sum just to get them to come to their state to review restaurants. California paid them $600,000 for the privilege. A lot of state tourist boards aren't willing or able to shell out that kind of money for some pretentious fuck to talk about some restaurant.

>> No.14761069

600k is not a lot

>> No.14761083

Chicago is literally the most reddit food city in existence. I'm not even joking. Pretty much every time you seem people making the soyjak face with some ridiculous instagram shit, 95% of the time it's in Chicago.

>> No.14761166

no, it's either LA or NYC in terms of America

I found it to be mediocre honestly

>> No.14761180

Know your role and shut your mouth roody poo

>> No.14761182

I love you

>> No.14761201

And I hope you continue to seethe and cope, dilate harder bugman soyboy cuck flyover.

>> No.14761418

Can you repeat that but this time in English.

>> No.14761423

As if a bugman could understand english anyway, fuck off.

>> No.14761439

Detroit Style Pizza > Chicago Deep Dish

>> No.14761442

>any amerifat city

>> No.14761459

Yeah, this is totally the britbong board huh? Dumbass 3rd world faggots.

>> No.14761465


>> No.14761473

>Deep dish
>Chicago style hot dogs
>Italian beef
>Italian sausage
>Polish sausage

Yeah it's fine.

>> No.14761481

I'm celiac and even my small home city in Canada has more gluten free options. Seems that Chicago is more about traditional food and beer, not trendy food like other liberal cities have

>> No.14761484
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>> No.14761490

I visited DC a lot growing up because I have family up there. I have to agree, it is dangerously based food wise. It’s one of the prettiest cities in America, too. Then again, I’m from Jackson. Just about anywhere is pretty to me. How much are you paying there, anon? Are rent and groceries manageable?

>> No.14761501


>> No.14761506

Replying to myself. To clarify when I say trendy I mean like keto/vegan/GF/paleo etc. I don't follow those trends, but because I'm celiac I like the options that those places usually have.

Like a previous poster said, Chicago has a lot of meme soijak fried garbage food like massive hot dogs, beer ice cream, bacon fries and other county fair tier trash.

>> No.14761611

Nah, I think you wanted to say Philadelphia

>> No.14761635

How much crack do you smoke on average

>> No.14761641

love italian beef sandwiches
love deep dish
love a maxwell street polish
need chicago and every resident dead

>> No.14761798

As stated before, I’m from Jackson. As in Jackson, Mississippi. DC has some beautiful architecture and fun places to go see. I’m probably just being nostalgic, but I loved going there and would like to go there again.

>> No.14761831

I love both and I think Detroit might be my favorite style overall, that's just because it's simpler and easier to recreate so I know what I'm getting if it's Buddy's or Little Caesars. Chicago deep dish maybe I want it 2-3 times a year but I know it's going to be a fucking feast.

That being said we should replace jew york pizza with detroit style pan and let tavern style thin/chicago deep dish stick to its own non-chain elements.

>> No.14762094

>600k is not a lot
It is in Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, or South Carolina.

You do not go to these places for fine dining; you go seeking barbecue at a permanently parked food truck just outside of town.

>> No.14762128

A list of top 500 /ck/ cities would not include an american city. You people are fucking tiresome.

>> No.14762193
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>> No.14762225
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> America
> /ck/

>> No.14762284

Portland, Oregon

>> No.14762288

I got a chocolate milkshake from the wieners circle :DDDD and the hot dog is pretty good too

>> No.14762296

unfortunately i've never been but if i had to say any american city was /ck it'd be New Orleans though chicago does seem like it has some good food.

>> No.14762354

Yeah probably because its all slopa

>> No.14762372

How has no one said new orleans? But after covid loosens up, who knows...

>> No.14762388
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>he fell for the covid meme

>> No.14762494
File: 69 KB, 480x324, Vienna-Beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know a restaurant is going to be good if it has the Vienna beef logo

>> No.14762501

there was this cute little cafe in Wicker Park I went to when I was living in Chicago around 2005 called Cafe Absinthe. I really liked the food, wonder if it is still there.

>> No.14762503

When I visited America and went to Chicago I was shocked. Such a nice city with such nice food and people but media always say it's crime and voilence. I like Chicago and people there.

>> No.14762515

you mean to tell me infectious diseases are more dangerous when you're in less than perfect health to begin with?!?!?!?! omg we can all go back to normal life since everyone is in perfect health especially the obese, asthmatic anti science crowd

>> No.14762565

yea lets just shut everything down and drastically change our lifestyles for something that has occurred as a natural process of life for millennia

>> No.14762576
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>drastically change our lifestyles
actually yes, humanity has tended to do that countless times in response to emerging diseases and other catastrophes. you'd know this if you hadn't replaced all textbooks with the bible

>> No.14762584

you're also an atheist, what a surprise

>> No.14762652


>drastically change

You mean like people did during the Plague, Spanish Flu and Polio Outbreak?

>> No.14762673

go eat a toast sandwich

>> No.14762679

I like how this comic was made by a buttblasted iToddler trying to justify supporting slave labour in the PRC.

>> No.14762792

I'm living in wicker now

Sign is still there but it's been perma closed for a while now. Never got the chance to eat there

>> No.14762794

all educated people under 40 are atheists

>> No.14762797

damn it was so good like multi course prix fixe and they served me booze when i was 18

>> No.14762811

im in the middle of getting my masters degree at Georgia Tech right now and im still a staunch christian...only faggy degenerates deny the name of christ so they can live out their fleshly desires without guilt

>> No.14762814

gonna need a bullet proof vest to eat anywhere near chicago these days. no, i dontwant a bullet sandwich.

>> No.14762822

>georgia tech
>closet gay

>> No.14762835

lol southerners are fucking retarded. A masters in Georgia is like a high school degree in the northeast or midwest or west coast

>> No.14762845

>middle of getting my masters degree
lol in what, critical race theory? Why would anyone get a masters in a non-STEM field?

>> No.14762848

The north side is completely gentrified and filled with yuppies. The crime is only in the ghettos across the river

>> No.14762853

literally ever midwestern city is like this. All of the crime and poor people are in a very specific area where nothing else is anyways so no normal people even have to interact with them

>> No.14762860

>GA Tech
damn you are retarded

>> No.14762863

Sorry, hard to assume any religious person is in a advanced STEM degree program, not buying it

>> No.14762892


>> No.14762899

You realize a really large percentage of americans have chronic health issues, right?

>> No.14762935

i dont care about your average american...they contribute absolutely nothing of value to the world other than just being worker drones for megacorps

>> No.14762990

>to the world other than just being worker drones for megacorps
Please tell me who in the world does contribute. If this disqualifies Americans it disqualifies everyone else in the world too

>> No.14763009

2 based

>> No.14763026

>new orleans
>los angeles
>las vegas
>new york
all shit on chicago

>> No.14763030

im right by vortex. come get ya ass beat

>> No.14763090

lol Vegas? LA? Houston?
fucking why?

>> No.14763130

Atheism is based on faith just as much as other religions. Denying the existence of something without hard facts to proof their claim is just as dumb as blindly believing it.
Technically people who have come into contact with scientific research should consider themselves agnostic, but if you believe that education fixes all idiocy in people you might as well allahu akhbar in front of a bus to get your afterlife decked out with thottery.

>> No.14763140

>Atheism is based on faith
no, its explicitly is not
>Denying the existence of something without hard facts
Atheists lack belief, they don't need to deny anything. Randomly believing some thing for which there is no evidence is objectively dumber than just lacking beleif in that thing whether it is the christian god, Zeus, ghosts, bigfoot, Allah, whatever scientologists are doing etc

>> No.14763143


>> No.14763148

most atheists are agnostics, these are not mutually exclusive things, one refers to belief the other to knowledge
>but if you believe that education fixes all idiocy
I definitely never said that, my only goal is helping, not fixing literally everything

>> No.14763150

> é
>guy savoy
>lotus siam
>le cirque
>yui edomae, kabuto-edomae, nobu, morimoto
if you have money to blow on outrageous food there's nowhere better to do it

>> No.14763154

Says someone with no situational awareness.

>> No.14763164

fancy overpriced restaurants are a fucking terrible way to rate a city's food culture
What do normal people have access to, what do they eat, how good are the every day restaurants, thats what makes a top tier food city, and thats why the upper midwest does so well at this

>> No.14763186

Look up the meaning behind atheism or even the word itself. If someone were to scientifically proof the existence of a higher being to them, wether it’s god, Gandalf or decision making dark matter, they would by definition continue to deny this fact on a basis of belief.

Fair play, if atheists just confuse the two, that’s all there is to say I guess.

>> No.14763196

>>Atheism is based on faith
>no, its explicitly is not
yet atheists constantly feel the need to try and argue with christians (always specifically them, what a "coincidence") and try to desperately disprove the existence of God. if someone were a true atheist, they would simply say "I do not believe there is a God". And that would be the end of it, they wouldn't contemplate it any furhter than that, and they wouldn't waste their time thinking about it or debating it, since they literally do not believe in the existence of a higher power. but almost every single atheist cannot just rest at this, and instead spend every opportunity they can to belittle, argue, and try to disprove christians and christianity. Your average atheist is not a true atheist

>> No.14763215

Implicit or weak atheism apparently is regarded as compatible with agnosticism. Nevertheless, stating that ‘There is no god.’ identifies one as a follower of strong atheism, making you anything but a person basing their opinion on facts.

>> No.14763225

>If someone were to scientifically proof the existence of a higher being to them, wether it’s god, Gandalf or decision making dark matter, they would by definition continue to deny this fact on a basis of belief.
lol no, they would in such a case almost certainly stop being atheists. Being an atheist does not mean you wouldn't classify yourself as something different were different evidence to become available

>> No.14763231

>yet atheists constantly feel the need to try and argue with christians
you have been on the internet too long. You probably don't even know who most of the atheists in your life are because they rarely talk about it
> and try to desperately disprove the existence of God
No one does this. They try and show you that your arbitrary beliefs are silly, not "disprove god could possibly exist"
> if someone were a true atheist, they would simply say "I do not believe there is a God"
They literally do this
>hey wouldn't contemplate it any furhter than that
This is an insane conclusion to come to! Just because you lack belief in something does not mean you can't try and analyze why people would believe in it

>> No.14763234

>‘There is no god.’ identifies one as a follower of strong atheism
nah, most people saying that really mean "there probably is no god", or "there is no evidence that there is a god", or "beleiving in super natural stuff for which there is no evidence is silly so why bother with it"

Saying "there is no god" is just a concise way of saying more complicated thoughts because it is probably true so why elaborate

>> No.14763278
File: 77 KB, 945x650, lotus of siam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people here cook because the mexican and asian markets are really nice. makes wholefoods feel like an expensive walmart.
obviously theres some amazing latin food, pupusas are amazing, there's a lot of hawaiian diners, lotus siam is the best thai food you can get in america, the asian food here is great because so many tourists come to throw dice

>> No.14763300

i don't think gamblers are the most discerning of tourists, its basically like Orlando but for people not bringing kids

>> No.14763339

you're not wrong. only time i got to casinos are for restaurants. people who live here, don't got to the dive bars but will unironically go to the strip are degenerates. but the asians that visit here instead of macau are still a cut above the average american tourist

>> No.14763549
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For me, it's the overeasy cafe across the street from Amundsen.

Any Chicago bros ever find any meat pies here? The British kind, not the jamaican patties.

>> No.14763569


>> No.14763580

Do Chicago-manlets really think they're better than New York City? Lmao.

>> No.14763605

New York city is just a tourist trap full of transients, no local culture, its like Orlando for people that don't like kids

>> No.14763607

Here are some opinions about shitcago, having lived there all of my young adult life (and getting out asap after uni).

Chicago is good from the /ck/ angle, because it has all sorts of people living there, so you're getting a lot of authentic cuisine from different parts of the world. Also, it's a huge distribution center of America that funnels in a lot of freight so you've got a huge selection of quality ingredients coming through.

You've got actual Japanese owned restaurants serving authentic Japanese dishes. You've got a lot of Polacks that have good ingredients and quality dishes that are very close to old style homecooked US meals.
You've got all sorts of middle eastern foods. Real Koreans and Chinese doing their thing. Real Italian delis with fantastic bakeries and a variety of unique imports.

>> No.14763629

forgot, got a bunch of proper Mexicans, so you have quality Mexican food, not garbage like Taco Bell.

>> No.14763645

>got a bunch of proper Mexicans, so you have quality Mexican food, not garbage like Taco Bell
oh, so you mean it is kind of like literally every other city of more than 50,000 people in America?

>> No.14763649

NYC is an overpriced tourist shithole. It's larping as a city

>> No.14763656

How insecure do you have to be to think that everyone else thinks they're better than you?

>> No.14763663

I would say the Mexicans really stick to certain cities, particularly the massive ones. I wouldn't go as far as to say they're everywhere in the US that has a pop over 50K

>> No.14763670

I live in Chicago my nigga.

>> No.14763679

>I would say the Mexicans really stick to certain cities, particularly the massive ones
I do not think this is the case at all man, I have been to many smallish cities with considerable mexican populations

>> No.14763706

there definitely are a lot of them everywhere but from what I see they avoid certain parts of the south.
I ended up in a southern city with a pop of roughly half a million and there is a noticeable lack of them compared to Chicago but maybe I have a warped view.

>> No.14763719

oh yeah, I just assume we should avoid the south no matter the subject

>> No.14763773

hehe, I would argue that enough people avoiding it is what makes it a great place to live. It's really nice and relaxed down here.

>> No.14763788

Wonderbread tier bun is not even toasted.

>> No.14763794

this is a meme. the smaller the place the more they will overrate and overhype their local cuisine. that mexican lady on netflix that makes tacos in philadelphia (i lived there 20 years) got blown the fuck out in the first week i went to the southwest to see a friend

>> No.14763823

Bolingbrook is not Chicago

>> No.14763928

fucking die already we don't have time for your stories

>> No.14764076

Y-you too

>> No.14764101

the median age of death is still in the mid 70's

>> No.14764106


lmao, I live in the DC metro area for most of my life and this is pretty accurate.

>> No.14764124


All of the good food in DC are just imports from Maryland and North Carolina.

>> No.14764136
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ive never heard anything come out of chicago other than meme'za and hotdogs

>> No.14764306

Depends what you are looking for.

>> No.14764890

This. I would assume even London to be better simply by virtue of it all not being diluted by sugary corn syrup. No, not a bong.

>> No.14765024

My degree and my crucifix say otherwise.

>> No.14766680


>> No.14766702

Singapore is best

>> No.14766705

dont forget niggers and murder

>> No.14766795

dc native here

ask how I know you are transplants living in the suburbs

dc proper has pretty decent food, I lived in chicago for a little bit and the food was pretty great too

dc has lots of parks and wide streets that are amazing for exploring by bicycle late at night/early in the morning when there is little traffic

I think a lot of people come to dc and only eat food in/near the most touristed spots and think its bad because they assume all of the food is like that (it isn't)

>> No.14766800

same in dc and chicago, the black people are not murdering random whites, it is drug/gang related violence with mostly non white x non white crime

most whites don't live in the mostly black ghettos and rarely experience them

in mixed race areas the blacks and hispanics don't target whites for crime for the most part


yes there's crime but its almost all black on black

>> No.14767021

Chicagofag here
Weiner Circle is eh
Ketchup on hot dogs is good
Chicago style hot dogs are disgusting
Fuck deep dish
Fuck malort
And most of all, fuck niggers

>> No.14767025

Forgot to mention, Portillos is GOAT, the one near my house is always packed. The drive thru line is always long as fuck

>> No.14767373

>the most /ck/ city
>a terrible place for food

>> No.14768336

My best friend is a practicing Catholic with a master's in biomechanical engineering. He straight up designs cybernetic eyeballs. I don't understand why redditors believe religious people can't also work in STEM.

>> No.14768348

Funny how atheists target christianity with such gusto, yet will bend over backwards to defend and shill for Islam, the religion that ACTUALLY does all the evil and fucked up things atheists say christians do

>> No.14768530

I'm amazed that Chicago could be so large while simultaneously lacking in anything resembling a culture.

>> No.14769072

You're so inundated in American culture that you can't see it. t. dude from Quebec that always remarks on how unique American culture is

>> No.14769085

based plain-speaking southern man