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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14760175 No.14760175 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: post foods that make you shit explosively

The seeds to these things route out the evil from my plumbing.

>> No.14760198

your dad's jizz via creampie

>> No.14760230

thanks man. he's been taking it pretty hard since mom died, i'm sure he's grateful for you letting him bust in there

>> No.14760409
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I enjoy being humiliated and beaten up by homeless women. I pay em to hurt me sexually.

I want to be fucken consumed by cannibal pedophiles.

>> No.14760432


>> No.14760451

Cough Drops, Coffee and Cigarettes - my breakfast of choice.

>> No.14760474

Kimchi, which is tragic because I love it but I can’t sit on the toilet all goddamn day
Szechuan food in general but peanut pork dumplings specifically
My girlfriend’s apple bread because she uses the whole apple and the seeds have a tiny bit of cyanide in them
Corn chips, oddly enough. I think it’s because they are high in fiber and deep fried and I don’t eat much deep fried food
Anything with TVP in it. It’s the one thing I’ll actually avoid because it’s not just monumental shits but also incredibly offensive gas. You ever puked from the smell of one of your own farts?

>> No.14760483

You might have IBS. Blackberries are full of seeds and that exacerbates the condition.

>> No.14760496


>> No.14760512


>> No.14760517

Fuck I love berries

>> No.14760846

Dates. Eat a whole bag of em or two, ideally deglets or something less sugary, and the next day you'll clear it ALL out.


Cocktail of High Dose Vit C + High Dose Magnesium

>> No.14760891

Spinach. Makes my guts explode in a good way.

>> No.14761031

Coffee, LIFE cereal, figs, jalapenos, garlic clove, apples.

>> No.14761171

>>Be on a strict Keto diet for 90 days.
>>Eat a quart of premium quality ice cream.

Sit back and wait. I dare you.

>> No.14761179
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Get bagged, not jarred

>> No.14761184

thats so cute

>> No.14761214

Flax seed meal. Add it to oatmeal, yogurt, meatloaf and it’s like draino
Chia seeds are good too

>> No.14761216
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every time i dunno its like magic i have ibs and if i need to shit i just order 14 of these bad boys and eat them in 2 minutes. ill poop hard within the hour

>> No.14761225

Based. Pair a cig or something that produces smoke from your mouth. A penis causing enough friction in yo mouth could definitely cause that. See the botscouts handbook with wood on wood friction for the proof

>> No.14761256

Definetly milk

>> No.14761255

Literally anything with copious amounts of grease in it, like fried foods.
Not only explosive shits, but explosive shits within 15 minutes of eating said food.

>> No.14761340

I love blackberry season in England. You can be walking down the street and see those tasty dudes just sitting in hedgerows or hanging over fences. Instant snack.

Coffee is usually a good loosener. If I'm having gut problems things like lettuce and spinach goes straight through me.

>> No.14761397

Beer does a number on me because I drink everyday after work( line cook). I find granny Smith apples and green grapes even it out a bit. Trying to switch to white wine and soda water.

>> No.14761889

mf exlax is a hell of a drug

>> No.14761920

Dried prunes or lot of raisins.
I'm quite skinny and it is almost comical how much my stomach swells after bag of dried prunes.
Beer works for me as laxative.
Jägermeister makes me go all out from both ends, needing to puke and shit at the same time is awful feeling.

>> No.14761928

Coffee, a cigarette, and a spinach-banana-flaxseed smoothie.

>> No.14761933

IIRC, green apples and grapes contain lots of potassium, which is what you're lacking after a night of drinking, and they help keep fluids in your body.

>> No.14761941

>she uses the whole apple

>> No.14762013

Tomatoes. Especially pasta with tomato sauce (the sort of thing boomers think is a meal) But it's not the good kind of satisfying sloppashits you get from drinking too much and stuffing your face with cheeseburgers, it's like my body is rejecting it and my guts are being dissolved from the inside.
It's always completely undigested when it comes out the other end as well, and I always feel horrible for hours afterwards.

>> No.14762124

stop saying dried prunes

>> No.14762807

>My girlfriend’s apple bread because she uses the whole apple and the seeds have a tiny bit of cyanide in them
wtf I used to eat those all the time

>> No.14762842

Any chili, dry chili flakes is the worst offender.
Too much garlic.
Large amounts of milk followed by som acidic orange juice.

>> No.14763020
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Chewing tobacco and dip will make you shit like crazy. It's like Metamucil.

>> No.14763042
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Ruth Bader Ginsberg is dead. I can't believe it. I'm in tears now, I've been sobbing all day. Racism is winning. I'm going to double my soy milk intake and start bulking.

Get ready Drumpflets. This 19 years old male is trained by the BEST.

>> No.14763118
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>> No.14763123

Huh fried foods clog me up

>> No.14763129

Did you post in the correct thread anon?