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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14759476 No.14759476 [Reply] [Original]

do non-leafs enjoy poutine?

>> No.14759499

would try but can't find curds.

>> No.14759511

do I enjoy poutine?
I don't eat cheese and I don't eat fried food. I dunno what's in that gravy so I have no comment on that.

>> No.14759522

Had it a couple times in Seattle and loved it, probably better in canuckistan so yes, non leafs enjoy poutine.

>> No.14759524
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>> No.14759526

In theory I should love that stuff, but every time I've tried it, it's been bland disgusting slop.
How do you fuck up gravy, cheese, and potato?

>> No.14759532

im from the deep south united states and i fucking adore that shit

>> No.14759539

Yes, it's banging when you're drunk. 10 times better than a kebab, but that's if you can find it.
It's got nothing on a GREASY CHIP BUTTY though.

>> No.14759567

I enjoy putain

>> No.14759571

Ive had it a few times its great but really heavy. I stg for all the Amerifat jokes Canadians (and the Brits) make you guys are just as fat as us.

>> No.14759573
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Europoor here, what are cheese curds and how do I get them?

>> No.14759574

never had it but I'd love to try it

>> No.14759578

Putting it in where?

>> No.14759585

The northern states have some good curds

like Wisconsin

t. leaf who lives near the St. Alberts cheese curd factory in Quebec

>> No.14759589

true French Canadian poutine is supposed to be a mixture of chicken and beef gravy, but most places use whatever they think is best (or cheapest)

>> No.14759599
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>> No.14759608

>Soggy fries
>lumpy gravy
>cold curds
Hard pass on that abomination

>> No.14759613
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Yes, I'll enjoy it when I travel to the great white north

>> No.14759679

the sheer audacity to call this a pizza pop.. when it has exactly no component of what could be considered pizza.. it is shocking, offensive, and vulgar.

>> No.14759685

poutine is not that good it's just nice drunk food with a steamed hotdog

>> No.14759691

In Northern Britain we have gravy and cheesy chips, but I don't think it the same as cheese curds.

>> No.14759692

t. parisian. putain!

>> No.14761128

There not. They are what cheddar is before being formed into blocks and aged, they squeak when you eat them.

>> No.14761168

this is gonna make a canadian shit timbits, but go find a nice tearable mozzarella (not hard, not pre-shredded) and use that. for the best experience, use some gravy leftover from a roast beef or something (powdered really won't do it justice), and make some twice-fried french fries so they hold up longer.

>> No.14761241

I'm Canadian and I don't like it.

>> No.14761249

I had it a few times in Montreal last year. It's not something I would get super attached to like ramen but it was good. I went to Poutine Centrale in Hochelaga. A very respectable slop food. Montreal was so comfy. It was so quaint how the hobos spoke French. A very beautiful dump and I honestly miss it. Thanks, wuhan. I'm from southern california.

>> No.14761258

that's all it is just gravy, wet slimy gravy, gravy made with flour and meat juice, who the fuck eats gravy outside of putting it on mashed potatoes, where is the magical 3 ingredient symbiosis? meat flavor suace, potato,cheese...
really? I don't even have to taste it to tell it taste bland

>> No.14761259

Aussie here. Fucking love it but constantly have this problem>>14759499

>> No.14761262

Very easily.
It's simple on paper but a lot of places fuck it up.

>> No.14761285

We miss the American tourists too man. Please come back sometime if gay virus ends

>> No.14761293

>I'm Canadian

No you aren't, Pajeet.

>> No.14761353

Let me guess, ja/ck/?

>> No.14761581
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Im from CA. Had poutine like 6-7 times in Canada in various places. Never really enjoyed it that much it but im willing to keep giving a try. I feel like the ingredients should totally work together but I've always been disappointed.

>> No.14761589
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Pfft lol. Wrong pic.

>> No.14761591

Nobody does it better

>> No.14761608

Canadian here. The best poutine is made exactly this way. I've eaten it from Coast to coast and I can tell you, the further you get away from Quebec, the better the stuff gets.

The froggies love thier "Restaurants Lapierre" and their "Labelle Provence" but there are local shit iter fast food joints that think steamed hot dogs and other circus food are haute cuisine.

Best fires for poutine? This way: Peel potatoes, use Idaho russetts, big bakers. Then cut and wash fries in cool water. Get the starch off. Next bring pot of water to the boil. Dunk fries in water and cook til half cooked through. Translucent edges. Dry off, spread on cookie sheet and cool off in fridge. Next, heat oil in pan to 130C or 266F. Do small batches for about 5 min each batch. Lay fries out on cookie sheet and back into fridge til cold. Re-heat oil to 180C or about 350F and cook fries til golden.

Then do as you say with the cheese and gravy.

Best poutine ever.

>> No.14761612

You are an uneducated idiot.

>> No.14761615

Canadian here. Just use very soft mozzarella. Nobody will notice the slight difference in texture. I promise. If they do, just tell them it's the West Coast variety of poutine.

>> No.14761617

Clown food.

>> No.14761638

Nice background anon

>> No.14761942
File: 101 KB, 629x800, the_carpet_merchant_carpet_merchant_in_cairo-24470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Its The Carpet Merchant by Jean-Léon Gérôme.

>> No.14762010
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I tried it, it's ok. Good Chili Cheese Fries blow it the fuck out though.

>> No.14762038

Never had the opportunity to try it but it looks good and I definitely would.

>> No.14762072
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You mean Chips & Gravy with tasteless cheese?
Swap the Cheese for a Pukka Pie and then we'll talk.

>> No.14763021
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>hurr durr muh gravy makes the fries soggy
Let's clear something up for all the fags who don't get it. The kind of fries used to make poutine are not crispy. Ever. They come out of the oil (that hasn't been changed for weeks) brown, greasy, soft and soggy. That's how they're supposed to be, and that makes them perfect for the purpose of the dish. Nobody outside of Quebec had an actual poutine. Everyone else in Canada use crisp, golden fries for their shitty attempt at poutine, and they're fucking retarded for it. They made it their national dish, yet they don't even know how to make it properly.

>> No.14763033

Yeah, but where i'm from, we call it chili cheese fries

>> No.14763061
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I'm in South Florida. Stop making excuses. There's this amazing thing called the internet, perhaps you heard of it. On this internet, you can order shit from other places in your country and even from places around the world! It's this mind-boggling technology that's been around for a while now. I'm surprised you've never heard of it.

>> No.14763066


>> No.14763073
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and as usual americans do it better

>> No.14763088

no it's gross drunk-tier food

>> No.14763102

Ice hockey and poutine are the only two reasons we haven't nuked your shithole of a country yet.

>> No.14763113

I've ordered a bag of cheese curds from amazon before. To be fair ordering perishable food online isn't really something most people would consider because it's faster to just drive to a grocery store. Cheese curd is literally one of the very few exceptions because they're not openly stocked in American grocery stores.

>> No.14763126

Yes, but I prefer tater tots with sausage gravy to fries with brown gravy.

>> No.14763157

Why the fuck not? Do you think all perishables are manufactured in the grocery store?

>> No.14763209

Please stop posting this cringe copypasta about not changing oil in the fryer

This guy >>14761608 despite being completely objectively wrong about poutine getting the further away you get from Quebec actually googled a decent recipe for the fries.

The further you get away from Quebec for poutine, the more you get into like "mozzarella cubes with green peas" territory

Nope. If it's not cheese curds it's not poutine.

>> No.14763250

Cheese curds are literally only good when they were made in the last 24 hours. They perish fast at room temp, and lose their texture once refrigerated.

>> No.14763269

There's Chez Ashton poutine and countless, shitty, worthless imitators. Basically I gotta move back to Quebec City or I have to give up on the dream.

>> No.14763398

being completely objectively wrong about poutine getting (better) the further away you get from Quebec

Well I disagree. The worst poutines I've had, have all been in Quebec. The best, at a joint on Vancouver Island run by a Belgian Chef called "The Vine". But it's all opinion though right?

As for the recipe, I didn't google it. It's how Belgians and Dutch fry shacks make "french" fries. I'm Canadian If you really want to get authentic, render suet down for the cooking oil, or do half peanut oil and half rendered suet.

>> No.14763425

Someone answer this question already.

>> No.14763438


>> No.14763443

I mean you are objectively wrong, though. Get so drunk in Quebec that you forget you don't speak french. Eat poutine. Cure hangover w/ creton and mustard on toast. That's what it looks like to live your best life.

>> No.14763445

Why don't you if it's so important you daft cunt

>> No.14763453

Because I asked it yesterday, fren.

>> No.14763458

What kind of yuro doesn't know what cheese curd is? Y'all niggas invented it.

>> No.14763475


Cheese curds are the salted, fresh curds of curdled milk. You add heat, add renet, cut the curd, press out the way, add salt, keep pressing, slice and serve.

You've been waiting a day to read that? Motherfucker you know how to google shit, right?

>> No.14763478

Full honesty time, I had not heard of it before I discovered poutine. Everytime I google it in my native language it just comes up with recipes for making it yourself, and apparently the milk you need to make it aint that easy to "just get".

>> No.14763486

NIGGA, I've tried. The articles I've read in the ol' native language aint much help. Appreciate the answer though, thanks fren.

>> No.14763497

It's just unpasteurized milk. You get it from any cow.
If your country has any faint semblance of a dairy industry then you can find it easily.

>> No.14763519

From what I read on a housewife site, the best way to get unpasteurized milk is to get in contact with a dairy farmer. Seems like a lot of hassle for some hangover food.
I realize that that statement makes sound like the biggest retard on this board right now, so I'm just gonna admit that right away and take my leave.

>> No.14763535
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>buy a block of mozzarella
>crumble it by hand into curd sized pieces
>scatter onto fries and pour gravy on top

is that so fucking hard? there is nothing special about cheese curds, just go buy some mozzarella from the store. jesus.

>> No.14763624

>a block of mozzarella
What the everloving fuck. Mozzarella comes in loaves. Not "blocks." If the shit you think is mozzarella is crumble-able and comes in blocks, you need to reevaluate every single aspect of your life.

>> No.14763676

Well, if you are drunk... You've already destroyed your palette for the evening. I'm sure you had a fun experience and that you enjoyed yourself, but I'll stick to my opinion that I've had better poutine on the West Coast than I ever had in Montreal and that (I think we agree here) that the best fries are made in the Netherlands or Belgium.

Now if we were to start talking about Montreal Smoked Meat at Joe Beef.... Well I'm all in for that! Never had anything better!

>> No.14763683

most western countries strongly discourage the sale of raw milk for public health reasons

>> No.14763687

no, its not the right texture at all.Honestly you would be better off crumbling a young cheddar texture wise

>> No.14763689

Chez Ashton tried to open a location in Montreal. That far from Ile d'Orleans they couldn't get fresh potatoes every morning and said "we're too good for this shit." I'm giving you an example of a well-lived life--not suggesting you have to be drunk to appreciate it.

>> No.14763697

Actually that's just the USA, which does it as a form of soft protectionism against imported milk.

>> No.14763708

>as a form of soft protectionism against imported milk
Well, and as an ultra-reactionary response to Victorian adulteration of milk. Just wanna include that piece. Which is why it started, but not why it has continued.

>> No.14763726

The only times I've had genuine poutine was at hockey games. Can't get it otherwise for some reason, at least not in a straightforward manner. It's always like "Jose's TexMex Poutine - served with ancho chiles and carnitas!"

>> No.14763740

You're right about that. It's like eggs benedict. Ham. Hollandaise. Muffin. Poached egg. Nothing the fuck else. No god damned other things, you sons of bitches. No puns. No names of cities or other saints. Eggs. The. Fuck. Benedict. Brunch places around the world won't even serve the god damned things, any more. It's all kale salads w/ salmon and sriracha hollandaise and restaurateurs who should get stabbed to death.

>> No.14763774

>Chez Ashton

Yeah well they put chopped up hot dogs in their poutine. Peas too. I suppose...

Bickering aside, I'm glad you had a good experience while visiting Quebec. When the virus bullshit is over, I encourage you to come out west. The Vine is about 500 feet from my house and I'll buy you dinner, including poutine as they make it out here, simple and basic, with cheese curds only... No hot dogs. Or peas.

>> No.14763779

ye its tasty

>> No.14763782

It's at every pizza joint, although lower quality joints will use mozzarella instead of curd.
Literally just go somewhere other than Smoke's.

>> No.14763792

Excuse me they put saucisse et petite pois on their poutine. Not hotdogs and peas. You fucking philistine.

>> No.14763890

LOL... Ok.

>> No.14764103

Yeah that's what I do.
Ever since doing a ski season in BC I make Poutine at least twice a month.
I miss All Dressed chips but we have Burger Rings in Aus that taste pretty similar.
We have tomato chips down here too.

>> No.14764145

>Canadian here. Just use very soft mozzarella. Nobody will notice the slight difference in texture.

>> No.14764187

Croak away Monsieur. You froggies don't have an appellation on the word "Poutine", so you can just go and suck it.

>> No.14764208

yeah but no that doesn't change the fact that swapping cheese curds for anything else is Kay's Cooking tiers of fuckery

>> No.14764526

St.Albert is from Ontario no?

>> No.14764539

Pibky D’s tastes pretty gud desu

>> No.14764544

Yummy poutine from the coast... you're a retard

>> No.14764553

Ok pajeet

>> No.14764570

fuck yes. best thing about your country.

t. Kangaroo Jack

>> No.14764625

I travel to northern Vermont a few times a year and get it at least once. Some places are better than others. It ranges from a soggy tasteless mess to an over priced duck/brisket/truffle fancy version. They are all pretty good. Well done leafs.

>> No.14764648

Chips, cheese and gravy (or curry sauce) is a UK staple

>> No.14764681

10 ingredients > 3 ingredients. no shit

>> No.14765004

You can’t nuke us because the fallout would ruin your water and air. Also, you’re shithole country is on fire coast to coast and no one gives a shit so suck it up, fatty.

>> No.14765027

love it. my local grocer even has curds

>> No.14765078

total fucking retard

>> No.14765100

And this is exactly why you are hated around the world.

>> No.14765104

ChEz AsHtOn poutine wow soo good quebec city is like europe for like 4 fucking streets long hmm quebec city wowowowow.look at this i paid money to see a whole fucking city in 3 hours. wowowow chateau frontenac rue saint jean criss de calis tabarnak ta tu un call pour dla pinut el gro,

>> No.14765105

They have the option to put a bunch of ridiculous things in the poutine because most people, locals or tourists, don't understand restraint in food. Doesn't mean you can't order properly. Also you're comparing a belgian bistro to a fast food chain, which is ridiculous. Ultimately you just don't like the French

>> No.14765206

no it looks disgusting

>> No.14765213

>coast to coast
Actually it's only the west coast, and they deserve it anyway