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14756716 No.14756716 [Reply] [Original]

How crazy was OG Four Loko?

>> No.14756729

Can't you just put some booze in an energy drink and get the same result?

>> No.14756731

it was very based and cool if you were 16-23 in it's original era

if you were over that or overweight it felt like your chest would after drinking 3 cans of monster in a row

>> No.14756732

>drinking at 16
How do you not get carded?

>> No.14756751

probably doesn't happen as much anymore because of fines and police stings but back when I was in high school you just went to whatever arab, hispanic, or asian bodega your friends knew was unscrupulous enough to just sell you it and waited until there were no other customers

>> No.14756810

What sort of week beer is that?

>> No.14757228

>not drinking before 21
do zoomers really?

>> No.14757233

iirc some people didn't know Four Loko was an alcoholic beverage and cashiers are zombies who ignore their terminal alerts so a bunch of kids were buying them when the drinks were new on shelves

>> No.14757237

the underdeveloped brain explains why you're on 4channel

>> No.14757254
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about this crazy

>> No.14757278

yes its true. You can also go mental and just down caffeine pills with straight vodka or go straight to amphetamines. The sky is the limit.

>> No.14757366

Used to pound these with my friends back in high school. One was enough to put anyone on their ass. They tasted terrible, but they were efficient and could be purchased from any 7-11. Unfortunately, too many normalfags got alcohol poisoning from these, so a bunch of Karens petitioned to remove the energy drink from the formula. Good things never last.

>> No.14757377


I bit my stepfather's ear off while naked, slept in the woods, wound up in at a homeless shelter before walking barefoot through the city to get to work, and then I screwed my gfs best friend.

That was three cans of 4loko, I don't want to know what four looks like.

>> No.14757400

thats still pretty crazy

>> No.14757411

They would absolutely fuck you up. I was in 11th grade in 2008 and I remember getting REALLY wasted off just one. Someone I knew ended up in the ICU from it.

>> No.14757425

The answer is 4 you dingus.

>> No.14757439

Drink enough of those bitches and you're Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca

>> No.14757664


>> No.14757700

It sucked lol tasted like dollar store red bull mixed with dollar store old English. Got you fucked up though with a hell of a stomach ache.

>> No.14757710
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i prefer doing shots and whiskey with some beer and then doing cocaine.

>> No.14757744

Tried the grape flavor in 2010 when I was 18. Fuckin horrible tasting. Drank about half of it and shitcanned it.

>> No.14758184

All i know is the massive amount of brightly colored vomit i got to see spew out of the idiots that drank them was kinda cool looking.

Like a neon fountain comprised of sugar, caffeine, alcohol and bad decisions.

>> No.14758223

Well you were probably a child with suspected alcohol poisoning, seems pretty self explanatory.

Speaking of children with alcobol poisoning shout to the girl in my high school who showed up so shitfaced to homecoming dance that she got carted out on a stretcher and had legit alcohol poisoning. Last i heard she was stripping in our home town.

>> No.14758248

And you?

>> No.14758335

I never said somehow. They had a lot of alcohol in them and were mixed with a stimulant, and like you said kids get drunk faster as it is.

>> No.14758336

Meh I would add maybe another half cup of coffee but yeah seems accurate and a tiny bit of rage

>> No.14758374

My brain damage is due to my past habitual mdma abuse, my alcoholism is neither here nor there.

>> No.14758395

Youre right im an idiot, I read it as "somehow i ended up" instead of "someone i knew ended up"

>> No.14758423

Never heard of this before, but that seems really good to have as a drink before heading out. Sometimes you don't have time after work on Friday to get ready for a night out and drink a comfortable amount as well, drinking on of these on the way to the bar/party/club would set you up nicely.

>> No.14758434

>Not having a plug

>> No.14758439

one night of a few OG 4 lokes cost me a job, a gf, a place to live, and various other issues. i also was very dirty the next morning, like physical dirt. i believe i fell asleep in the woods somewhere a few hours. this was around 2010

>> No.14758468


>> No.14758607

I just came here to tell you

>> No.14758685

I forgive you, friend

>> No.14758713

this. tasted like fucking shite and was awful coming back up

>> No.14758723

Four Lokos were my jam when I was 22-24
Now I couldn't drink one without gagging, which sucks, but there are plenty of alternatives these days.

>> No.14758884


>> No.14758895

Weak beta faggot. We used to down to of those bad boys as a pregame before the bars

>> No.14758904

>have a full beard and a deep voice at age 17
>ask people older than you to buy it for you

>> No.14758952

Those things were there best because you didn't need to piss 20x a night to get fucking hammered.

>> No.14758976

I was a pretenios high school kid so I drank whiskey like Old Granddad instead of 4loco, probably saved me from a lot of disgusting nights

>> No.14759008

yeah they use non certified colors or whatever, made my shit all red or purple depending on what flavor I got

>> No.14759021

well gee, we have a real guardian angle here

>> No.14759039

We would get some and go to the park to drink and shoot hoops. They're disgusting but a lot more subtle than a 40 or a case of beer.

>> No.14760478
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Back in 2002, when I wasn't fucking old. I used to drink Sparks. I get really fucked up on vodka and then I would down five or six Sparks to stay awake all fucking night and party. Pic included.

>> No.14760486

I was a 16 year old then, anon.

>> No.14760491

so was I

>> No.14760497

>being an alcoholic at 16

I’m sure you amounted to much in life.

>> No.14760538
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I don't really drink but whats the point of putting caffeine and alcohol together? wouldn't that just fuck up the effect of the alcohol?

>> No.14760747


>> No.14760763

found the no friends loser faggot

>> No.14760832

NRG and Drunkeness = “Fun”

>> No.14760841

caffeine intensives effects of alcohol

>> No.14760864

Damn, the bodegas were dope. Being from NY we had a ton of them around. If that didn't work give a homeless guy $5 to do it for you.

>> No.14760997

We used to ask the drifters that would always hangout outside the liquor store to buy us booze

>> No.14761024

Jesus christ I was a loser in high school and even I could have gotten booze if I wanted it

>> No.14761029

I had the best and worst nights drinking those.