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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 406 KB, 1668x1129, goldsteins delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14756391 No.14756391 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most you’d be willing to pay for pastrami sandwiches?

>> No.14756400

tree fiddy

>> No.14756404

Id pay 10$-15$ for a solid pastrami sando with some fries

>> No.14756406

Is this money laundering?

>> No.14756425

>$100 per lb

Nigga I hope you don't think of buying this

>> No.14756438

Can't you read? It also comes with a shirt!

>> No.14756445

>T-Shirt Size 3XL
Based fatty tax

>> No.14756587

>$3 fat tax on top of $200 sandwich

They really don't miss a lot of trick

>> No.14756597

It's shipping restaurant food from famous places across the country

>> No.14756608

zero point zero, but I bet a bunch of tourists would be willing to be spend top tollar like suckers to stand in line to called the suckers that they are.

>> No.14756613

Why would anyone in their right mind be willing to stand in line like a sucker tourist for some rat infested NYC bullshit?

>> No.14756616


>> No.14756618

Seriously why the fuck are you boomers chimping out and sucking your own cocks over an image you can't even see the context of. It's pathetic.

>> No.14756622

Seems like you've never lived in nyc, maybe you're just a faggot pretender.
I wont compete with a faggot like you, I just know that your're full of shit and know nothing.

>> No.14756623

Why are jews compelled to do this kinda shit

>> No.14756626

that comes out to $50 a sandwich, which really isn’t far off from normal NY prices

>> No.14756628

What do you mean by a "boomer?" does that mean someone that knows more than you, then your're right you stupid sack of shit.

>> No.14756633

Nigger, pastrami from a famous deli in NYC is about $20, not $200. And even if it was $200, pretending you're superior to people that can actually afford that shit is pathetic.

>> No.14756636

Holy fuck the levels of cope in this post. Can't wait for the heart attack that takes you off disability and puts you under the ground, fatass oldass loser

>> No.14756637

Why are so compelled to blame jews on your own problems you lame sack of shit?
You can't kill me and you know it, you're not from dodge and you know it as well, piss off faggot!

>> No.14756639

Where you get this from? We expense this ya know, get over yourself faggot.

>> No.14756642

Nobody in their right mind goes to a famous deli in nyc, they all suck. Anyone in their right mind goes to a mom & pop shop, and that's for you find out you faggot!

>> No.14756645

>asking goys how much they will pay for jewish meat
Every fucking time

>> No.14756646

>it is cheaper for me to fly to nyc and go to this shit deli than order this

>> No.14756647

Only famous faggots and hollywood types go to lame ass hollywood facebook type places.

>> No.14756649

Retard, this is literally an online service that ships food from famous restaurants across the country. Jesus fuck read the thread and then cap yourself you smug old person child cunt

>> No.14756650

Sometimes, not always it's better, you're money do what you want with it. Don't be a twat.

>> No.14756652

>Hollywood types
Oh my God, this is the oldest-person phrase I've ever heard. Are you in Minnesota? Are you typing this from 1992? Is it 1992 and Minnesota where you are right now?

>> No.14756654

That means so much to me, I have to have shit shipped across the country to me for exorpitant rates. Piss off if your such a faggot that does so, I pity you.

>> No.14756656
File: 6 KB, 148x216, 8E05F472-9CF2-4630-A81A-990CD8CF829B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14756657

This thread is fucking hilarious

>> No.14756659

No, I haven't used this service. But I also don't sit around on image boards pretending I'm somehow clever and superior to people that can afford to have a sandwich shipped across the entire country, because I'm not a delusional backwards boomer faggot.

>> No.14756660

I learned a long time ago to avoid nyc taxes yet be in ny. I truly pity you fucks dealing with bloomberg and di blasio.

>> No.14756667

How do you nyc faggots like living under oppressive taxes given to foreigners? Don't you feel like suckers?

>> No.14756674

I lived under bullshit nyc bullshit for quite some years, most of you woulnt belive it if I told you, one more shot and I break all ties to that shithole. That shithole has driven us all out, it's been happening for decades now. Only suckers buy into that place.

>> No.14756676

nyc hasn't been worthy of anything since the 1980's and early 1990's now the niggers can have it.

>> No.14756678

... anything else is riding on fumes, anyone worthy has gotten out and made money off of suckers thinking that's its worthwhile.

>> No.14756701

Clerly you do you hypocrite. You're not only a liar but also a hypocrite. I bet you've been to NYC and you're a biden faggot camala supporter. Piss the fuck off!

>> No.14756702

*** never been which is clear

>> No.14756706

Shit I have to back there in about two weeks to finish all ties, I tried that this last week but that was too much for one shot. I'll finish it next time. Good times were had by all, take that from someone brought up there very well and doesn't need shit from you.

>> No.14756708 [DELETED] 

I have no desire to have any ties to NYC anymore, the only thing I see in NYC is niggers and I want nothing to do with them.

>> No.14756712

Perhaps the next shot is to get out of New York State.

>> No.14756715

low IQ boomer has to bring politics into his non-arguments, shocker

>> No.14756721

How precisely is it non-iq you monkey twat to not want to pay taxes to niggers?

>> No.14756723

It it politics and if you don't understand that then you're the fucking chimp that want tax dollars out of people that pay it. You must be someone that's never payed a dollar in your life in income tax that's gone to foreigners, don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.14756727
File: 364 KB, 457x708, 1581775518996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if that business is really sustainable?
Like I get there are some rich people out there who might get a craving but wouldn't those people also be really disappointed when they get their sandwich and it's all soggy cause it was just in transit for 8 hours?

>> No.14756733

Who exactly is rich? You're the one with the stupid icon afterall.

>> No.14756735

I bet you don't like being called out.

>> No.14756737

You literally started going austimo because you called out for not realizing this was a food shipping service, and responded by crying about biden when none of the conservation turned into shit flinging.

>> No.14756740

I just got to this thread I have no idea what schizo posting is currently going on.

>> No.14756742

Conservation what? What does biden and camela do for that? Feel good bullshit does nothing for the USA. Do realize that you pissant weirdo, again you're a foreigner that doesn't vote and doesn't have the best insterests of the USA in mind. You can piss the fuck off!

>> No.14756745

Read the thread would be right thing to do? I don't know what to tell you.
These idiot biden camel times are trying to get over and they can't.

>> No.14756746

Do you fucks think that Trump getting out of retarded treaties that didn't advantage the USA help us? Why do you want to be suckers to China and Russia? That would be the democrat goal.

>> No.14756749

biden needs some camel milkies
That's food worthy, for demoshits.

>> No.14756752

btw. "??" The movie "Wolf in sheeps clothing"

It's really true about democrats and liberals that want to destroy the USA.

>> No.14758113

I’ve had sarges pastrami before, it was awful and I didn’t need to pay $200 for it

>> No.14758139

In the USA is pay up to 11 for a decent reuben

>> No.14758155

$10-16 bucks
I would expect to pay that much but wouldn't be happy about it.

>> No.14758161

You wouldn't pay anything since you're a retarded third-worlder faggot.

>> No.14758268

>I'm operating under the assumption that because of your due diligence, the funding for the grain pier's gonna pass the assembly. But I'm also talking about the canal. So you're gonna talk about the canal. So the muldoons who run the old lines, they're gonna talk about the canal, until somehow, some day that motherfucker gets dredged and we get some ships in here.
Frank Sobotka was the best character in The Wire and 2 was the best season.

>> No.14759106

I’m glad NYC is getting the hate it deserves, what a garbage-stenched shitholee

>> No.14759510

Whatever The Hat charges.

>> No.14759519

>kike food
No thanks

>> No.14759632

I buy a corned beef at the store then smoke the sumbitch. So no more than $2 Badabing pastrami!

>> No.14759637

Do it without the shirts.

>> No.14759642

$10-15 depending how big it is and how much coleslaw I get on the side. And it better have a fucking pickle too.